How To Add Bezels / Borders - RetroPie Tutorial

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hey what's going on guys zta prime back here again today i'm going to show you how to add bezels to your retropie setup i'm also going to link you to a nice set of bezels that is compatible with retropie they were modified by another youtuber by the name of mr harrier i'm not exactly sure if that's how you pronounce your name if not completely sorry about that either way a link to his channel will be in the description and the video where he gives out the link to download the bezels now there's a couple ways you can go about adding these you can download motion blue version 6 and it's already got bezel set up for you all you have to do is enable them i'll leave a link to that down below it's an unloaded image it doesn't come with any roms it's kind of a base set for retro pie i really enjoy using it but if you already have something set up and you want to add bezels to your own retropie build you can follow along with this video in order for this to work correctly we have to transfer the bezels from our pc to our raspberry pi we can't just plug the sd card in and do this we have to connect over network using an application called winscp i'm sure there's other applications out there for mac and linux if you do a quick search you can probably find something but i'm using a windows 10 pc first things first we need to enable ssh on our raspberry pi we're going to go into the retropie menu scroll down to razpi config from here we'll go to interfacing options ssh would you like the ssh server to be enabled yes i would i'm going to click yes okay and i'll go to finish you will have to have your raspberry pi and the pc you're going to transfer the bezels from on the same exact network i'm on wi-fi with both of them but you can use one on ethernet one on wi-fi just has to be the same network i'm going to find my raspberry pi's ip address by scrolling down to show ip this is the easiest way to connect with winscp from a windows machine at the very top here my ip is 192-168-1-20 yours might be different go ahead and write it down if you don't have an extra screen just remember that number we'll need it to connect so now we have ssh enabled on our raspberry pi we also have our ip address it's time to move over to our pc get these bezels transferred over all right so first thing we want to do is head over to the video link in the description and we're going to download these bezels download them right here scroll down to bezels and download them it's like 128 megabytes just go to save i already have them downloaded 128 megabytes next thing we want to do is download winscp this application will allow us to connect to our raspberry pi remotely and browse our file system we can add and remove files this way go to download download it install it it's really easy to set up now i have my bezels on my desktop i've already extracted them just right-click extract with winrar or 7-zip inside of here we'll have a borders folder and there's a ton of bezels that we can use so this is the configuration file for amstrad cpc and this is the bezel that it will add to the system there's a ton in here you don't have to add every single one if you don't want to i think a lot of these look really good though i'm going to snap this over to the right hand side and i'm going to open up winscp from here host name we're going to type in our ip address that we grabbed from show ip in the retropie menu user name is pi pi password is raspberry log in i'm going to snap this over here so what we want to do is click on this top folder until we get to the end of this directory we should see opt retropie emulators retro arch overlays this is where we're going to place these overlays i'm just going to drag every single one of these over i'll just highlight one press control a and i'll drag them over i have a few installed so it might ask me to override a couple of them give it a little time to finish up all of my bezels are done transferring they are in my opt retropie emulators retro arch overlays folder that's where you need to place them got them all installed here we're now ready to move back to the raspberry pi and enable the bezels inside of our emulators all right so i'm now back at the raspberry pi i'm just going to start up an emulator that i want to add bezels to and that will be neogeo we'll go right in here and i'll just start one of my favorite games blazing star now as soon as we start up the game here we need to press our hotkey and y so whatever you set your hotkey up as and why it'll bring us into the retro arch menu i'm going to press b to go back one go to settings on screen display on screen overlay overlay preset and i can choose which border i'd want or which bezel i want i'm gonna go with snk neo geo because that's what i'm playing right now there's a couple here if you got a vertical games there's pocket and horizontal i'm playing a horizontal neo geo game i'm gonna use this config overlay scale make sure this is set to one so we want to go down to 1.00 we're going to back up go to quick menu and now at the very bottom we can save core override and every single neo geo game we play will have this bezel or we can save game override so only this certain game will have this bezel i'm going to go with save core override press a give it a second scroll up to resume and we now have a neo geo bezel and you're going to do this with all of your systems now you can also add shaders like i showed you in the very beginning we're gonna hold our hot key and press y scroll down to shaders load shader preset and you can choose whichever one you like there's a bunch in here you can also find some online and add them i'm gonna go with that crt pie curvature takes a second to load up i'll back up and i'll resume i'm not going to save this because i don't usually play with these shaders on you can save it if you'd like resume now i have a little curvature some scan lines and we're ready to play it's really simple to do i'll show you one more system here but i'll just want to show you how it looks playing a game i also have my fps listed you don't have to have that up if you don't want to i'll back out of this emulator we'll add bezels for another emulator now this only works with retroarch cores which is probably 98 of the emulators you're gonna be running on the raspberry pi we'll set up the nintendo one i'll start adventure island adventure island one all right so now we're just gonna hold our hotkey press y back up go to settings on screen display on screen overlay overlay preset and we're going to choose whichever overlay we want there are two nes overlays in this pack i'm going to go with the nintendo alt we also want to make sure our overlay scale is set to 1. back up back up quick menu save core or save game overrides it's really up to you i'm going to save core overrides quick menu resume we now have a nintendo bezel i'll swap it out one more time hold my hotkey press y back up settings on-screen display on-screen overlay preset and i'll find the regular nintendo that was the alt version i just showed you comes in that pack and where is it there we go the nintendo.cfg not the alt version so back up back up quick menu save core override save game override you don't even have to do this if you don't want these bezels showing up every time but i'm going to save core override resume we have another bezel here so you have to go through and do this all manually unless you download motion blue 6 by david marty i'll leave a link in the description it's a base image it's one of the best it works on the new raspberry pi 3b plus and it's definitely worth trying out he has a bunch of packs set up you just have to enable them and every single emulator should have a nice bezel around it they're not the same as these here but there's some pretty nice bezels in there so that's it for this video guys really appreciate you watching links to the bezel packs links to david marty's image are down in the description if you have any questions at all let me know in the comments below and like always thanks for watching real quick i just wanted to remind you guys that i do have a patreon and if you're interested in helping out the channel be really awesome i appreciate everybody's donation and it really does help out because i put every single penny back in i also do a patreon exclusive giveaway every month this is may's giveaway prizes here we have a mini pc the azual by 3 an nes classic edition and a nintendo switch if you guys are interested in helping out the channel links in the description and i really appreciate it
Channel: ETA PRIME
Views: 59,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retropie bezels, retropie bezel pack, retropie bezels download, retroarch bezels download, retroarch bezels, eta prime, etaprime, how to retropie, how to raspberry pi, retropie borders, retroarch borders, retroarch border shaders, retroarch borders snes classic, retropie shaders, retropie shared folder, retroarch shaders, retroarch shaders tutorial, retroarch shader settings, raspberry pi 3, raspberry pi 3 b plus, raspberry pi 3 b+ vs b, raspberry pi 3 b+, retropie
Id: jHf6WMl-T_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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