How to Add an EXE App to Intune and Deploy to Windows

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in this video we add an executable based application to InTune and deploy to Windows client [Music] hello everyone I'm Travis and this is ceraldos in this video we convert an exe application install file to a format InTune can use and deploy the application to a Windows client before that please like subscribe and click the Bell icon for new content that helps others discover this channel check out my courses on Azure virtual Desktop Windows 365 with InTune management and hybrid identities with Windows ad and Azure 80 now enter ID links are below sign up for my newsletter while you're at it and thank you channel members your support is appreciated in my previous video we uploaded an MSI package to InTune and deployed it to a client that was a fairly straightforward process we're going to do the same in this video only this time with an executable application installer an executable application is not directly supported with InTune before we upload the application we have to convert it to an InTune package the InTune package has a DOT InTune win extension Microsoft provides a tool that will convert an executable package to a DOT InTune window format link to that tool is below the tool compresses the files and subfolders from a directory into a single package some applications may include multiple files required for the install when we run the tool we specify a source directory the directory that contains the installer and all the supporting files then we specify the installer executable we also provide an output directory it's important that the source directory only contains the installation files we only want to add the files needed to install the application there's a limit of 8 gigabytes for the final package size once we convert the file we can upload it to InTune we need more information for this process than we did with the MSI package we start by giving it the name description privacy and information URL and other app information then we Supply the program information this is the command InTune runs to install the application it includes any switches we want to add for the installation the silent install switch for example it also includes the uninstall command the uninstall command is required to upload the package I find it helpful to verify the install and uninstall commands on a standalone Windows client that way we can verify the commands before we add the packaged in tune next we provide system requirements this includes minimum OS version available disk space memory number and speed of CPU and other requirements after that we add detection rules this is how Intuit determines if the application is installed we can use file folder registry paths for the detection rule then we have the option to set app dependencies these are the applications that must be installed before the application we're adding is installed after that we have the supersede option we can supersede an existing application finally we can assign the application as required available or uninstall the example coming up uses the 7-zip.exe installer package link to that is also below let's log into the portal and get started coming up we'll add an application that installs with an executable to InTune 7-Zip for this Apple but an exe is not listed as a supported installer type we need to First convert the package into a DOT InTune win file we'll use the win32 connect prep tool available from Microsoft to convert the package from a DOT exe to a DOT InTune win file I'll leave a link to the tool below let's start by looking at the folder structure for this example we have a 7-Zip folder and inside that there's the 7-Zip executable that's the source file we have the content prep tool downloaded and extracted to a Microsoft win32 content prep tool folder there's also an empty folder called 7-Zip InTune this is the destination for the InTune installer we don't want to combine folders we might end up with more content in the final InTune package than what's intended let's go to the command prompt next to create the package from the command prompt navigate to the content prep tool directory next we need to run the command to convert the dot exe installer the command runs the InTune Win app utility passing in the directory of the installer and then we specify the installer application the 7-Zip executable for this example and then we specify an output directory this command will include all files and folders in the source directory in the final InTune win package we'll run the command it looks like it completed successfully if we go back to the output directory there's our InTune installer file let's add that to InTune next here we are in the InTune portal let's add an application we go to apps all apps and add set the type to Windows win32 app under other we'll select that option we'll select the app package and browse to the InTune win package we just created there it is and okay now we have to add some information we have to add a publisher we'll use 7-Zip for this application update the rest as needed and go to next here we have some install options we need an install command and an uninstall command this information may be available from the application documentation or you may need to find it with some testing for this version of 7-Zip we'll use the silent install command the name of the executable followed by the forward slash S if you're not sure about the commands run the commands on a test desktop first to verify they work it's easier to troubleshoot these steps interactively than troubleshooting a failed into an install next we need the uninstall command again this will be in the documentation we'll use the uninstall utility that comes with the a 7-Zip application we'll leave the settings to allow uninstall and install the application on the system not just the user let's leave the rest and go to next here we can specify requirements for the operating architecture we'll set it as 64-bit let's set the minimum version of Windows to Windows 10 20 H2 and this is kind of arbitrary you can use whatever's right for your environment we can set other Hardware environment options as well and there's an option to add scripts and registry settings if needed we'll go to next we need to provide InTune with a way to detect if the application has already been installed for this example set it to manually configured detection rules we'll add a rule set the type to file we'll check to see if the 7-Zip application file exists on the computer here again it's helpful to have a test computer to verify the location of these files we'll select file the default 7-Zip install location is C program file 7-Zip in the application we're looking for is 7zfm.exe we have several options to detect the file we'll select if it exists but we could choose date created modified or size we don't need to associate this with 32-bit apps we'll leave that set to no click ok go next to dependencies we don't have any dependencies for this example but we could specify dependency application if required go next to supersedance here we could specify an application that this one will replace let's go to assignments we can make this application required available for enrolled devices or uninstall let's make it available for our MDM users with enrolled devices so we'll add a group we'll add the MDM users select next to review and create and create it'll take a minute to upload that finished now that we uploaded the file let's log into a client and install the application here we are in the client let's open the company portal it shows 7-Zip under recently published apps if you don't see that go to settings and sync to make sure that the InTune client is up to date now if we go to apps there's 7-Zip let's click on that and install and remember we made this app available not required and we get a message that it's installing and it's installed now if we go into the start menu we have 7-Zip and that's working let's go back to the InTune portal next here we are back at the portal let's go to apps and we'll go to 7-Zip here it shows the application as one install and you should know that this did take a couple minutes to show up I also did a manual sync from the company portal on the client changes in InTune aren't always immediate that is how we convert an executable installer to InTune format add the application to InTune and make it available to the client that is how to add an exe application to InTune and make it available to users please don't forget to like And subscribe and thanks for watching
Channel: Travis Roberts
Views: 9,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: App, Application, exe, executable, Win32, deployment, assignment type, Windows 10, Windows 11, Win, Intune Enrollment, AD DS, Azure AD, Intune, Microsoft, Mobile Device Management, MDM, Mobile Application Management, MAM, Intune Portal, free, tutorial, Intune learning, walkthrough, azure, azure training, azure free, mobile endpoint management
Id: pzlZgXlyZ5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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