Crazy easy Intune App Deployment with Pckgr

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in this episode we're going to take a look at packager the InTune software packaging tool for Microsoft 365 and I got to tell you it is so insanely easy to use check it out [Music] hello everyone Andy Malone Microsoft MBP so nice to see you again and welcome to my channel especially hey if this is your first visit you know I occasionally get asked to take a look at software that integrates with Microsoft 365 and I'll go yeah okay um it's okay or yeah it's interesting but just occasionally something comes along that really excites me and this particular software is called packager and if you're responsible for deploying software in InTune for example InTune can be quite a complex tool especially packaging applications such as Windows 32-bit based applications it can be a little bit tricky so packager makes things so much simpler and in this video I'm going to walk you through a step-by-step guide on how it works now we're going to take you through a step-by-step guide and ultimately if you've got any questions or comments then please of course get those down below and if you'd like to know more about packager again I'm going to put some cards up there so definitely go ahead and have a look at that and also in the links below and if you haven't subscribed to the channel then go ahead click that subscribe button ring that Bell and you'll be notified of any postings and new videos and as I said questions and comments get those down below so I think without any further Ado let's jump in and let's have a look at packaging so just before we start a quick background for you here we are in my the Microsoft InTune admin Center and what I've got is I've got a number of Windows devices here again it could be Windows typically Windows devices of course you can deploy a number of different types of applications so here in the apps stores of course we've got Windows iPad iOS Mac OS and of course Android so once you deploy an app you can use app protection policies to protect or secure your environment you can also configure the applications and there's also scripts you can create policy sets and so on now if I go into my Windows apps here traditionally you would go in and you would click on ADD and you would then choose the kind of app that you want so is it a Microsoft app is it a store app and there's been a over the last few months actually or a year or so there's been a lot of confusion about the Microsoft store apps are they shutting them down are they not shutting them down and also on top of that of course you've got a 32-bit based apps as well a line of business applications that might not be supported and typically the Windows apps the 32-bit line of business-based applications you would typically have to package them into an into win file and it can be quite complicated so what I'm going to do is let's take a look at this tool packager which I think is incredibly simple to use and absolutely fantastic imbal says save you guys so much much time let's take it quickly okay then so to get started I've come into packager I've just signed in with a a demo Microsoft account here and you can see it gives me a little welcome note there so and it says okay one of the first things that we're gonna need to do is we're going to need to add a company so um when you add a company you can do this in a number of ways you can either use your tenant ID so in this case um that's exactly what I'm going to do or you can add a company name now generally the company name here in this example here what I'm going to do is I'm just using my tenant name just to keep this simple so I'm just taking my tenant ID and I'm just you know going to use that as my company name just to get things started all right so I'm just going to add that in just to mention by the way this is a multi-tenant solution so you can add in other companies um you know for example if you're a contractor or if you you're a support company and so on you can put in a email address here so there we go and again you can add and remove the company anytime now when we add the company in the first instance in this case it's just going to bring up an oauth token and it's just going to give me a little list of the permissions that it's going to need all right so assuming that you're okay with that um we just go ahead and accept that on behalf of your organization okay so having accepted that this now brings me into the main welcome portal here and you can see that we have a number of features we've got the application Library we've got my companies that you might be working with your teams any log files billing information of course and you can also request an application there as well you can report a bug and of course you can also add in private applications now I'm just going to flip up to the top and let's have a look then at the documentation so there you have done a great job by the way at doing step-by-step guides there's introductory walkthrough videos here that you can take a look at so definitely check those out it's really really useful so continuing on with the tour and we can see up here you have got your profile you've got your dashboard menu here it's incredibly easy to find your way around and you can either go into the apps menu at the top here or you can go in through the apps option here in the main portal so the first thing that we want to do of course is add a new app for my company so again I've only got one company at the moment so I'm going to click on add new app and we have really quite a catalog of apps and you can see I can filter the apps between all apps and apps that have not been deployed in addition you can also search apps as well now just to mention that there are literally hundreds of apps here that you can deploy and that are available for you but of course if you don't see the app that you want to deploy you can simply come back to the dashboard here and if you scroll down you can actually request an application here so really really simple to use so I'm just going to go back in here now I'm going to go and click on add a new app here and as I said there's literally hundreds of apps that you can choose from again I can scroll through here you can see I've got Google Chrome I've got ipassword Firefox notepad plus plus there's a whole bunch of different kind of apps that I think you're you're really going to use now in terms of packaging these up I'm just going to choose one here here's seven zip here so you can see we've got the particular version here it's a winget based application I'm simply going to add this in and then I'm going to click on well I suppose we could add a couple of others in I'll bring in Mozilla Firefox I suppose we can and bring in Zoom as well and I'm going to click on close so here are my apps and you can see at the moment they're ready for deployment so I'm going to come down to 7-Zip here and I'm going to say am I ready to deploy this particular app we have a few options again it depends on the app itself but you can see it's telling me that that app is available and that it's healthy do you want to do a custom install or do you want to add a custom install string to it so again you do have that option you can also do updates currently in beta and we also have an auto update feature on here as well so I get questions about this all the time Andy what if new updates and new features come out can I just automatically push that out so again absolutely you can do an auto update yes or no again and it's entirely up to you I suppose if you choose no you might want to kind of test the update first as well but anyway there we go and I now want to go ahead and with a single click I now want to deploy that into InTune so what that will do is that we'll add it to the queue in InTune and this can take a few moments and then it will publish so as you can see we've got 7-Zip and it's been successfully published here along with the winget pre-installed package as well now I can come down here and it says okay what would you like to do so now you'll notice that we've got a little ellipse here um you can redeploy it so if you make any changes to the app or do a manual update you want to re-push this out you can do that you can deploy the app you can delete the app if you want to remove it and you can also view the app now in Microsoft InTune and what this does it makes that connection to InTune and it will push that app out so what we're going to do is I'm going to flip over to my InTune portal and as you can see it takes me to the apps node alrighty so you can see here that a 7-Zip version 2301 has come in and you can see it now allows me to assign this app again I can go into the properties of the app here and you can see everything's come through again I can scroll down and I can add in things like dependencies and you can see that that pre-install a winget app has come in as well there so that's really nice and as with all applications we can go in and we can view the install status so if it's been pushed out to users machines and also the users install status as well as always that's really useful because if the users run into a problem or something like that it can be really good so I'm now simply going to scroll down here right down and I'm going to now assign this to a particular machine so what I'm going to do is you of course we can either assign it as required you can push it out as available to enroll devices but of course ultimately you could uninstall that app as well so I'm going to add this available for enrolled devices so I'm simply going to come in here and as I'm currently in Oslo at the moment I'm going to push this out to my Oslo devices and I'm going to review and save and there you go so the next time those users log in with their machines you can see that this particular app has now been successfully deployed so if I pop back back in here you again you can see it's been success and that's it it is that simple how easy is that now interestingly enough if I come back into the portal here if I go back into my apps and again I can choose all my apps here and you can see I've got a couple of other things here but I've got my 7-Zip and I've got my also pre-install um just one thing here if you try and delete something you will probably get uh are you sure yes I want to do this you'll get an error message and the reason being is of course these two are connected to each other and what I really like is the fact that if I click into this you can click onto that let's say the app I can come in here um I can say Okay are there any dependencies so you've got this dependency viewer here so you can see that 7-Zip very much relies on this pre-installed package now again you can't delete one or the other um through here but what you can do again super simple here I can simply come into the winget or the 7-Zip application and I again I can either redeploy it or I just want to remove it and you've got the choice so do I want to remove it from the InTune and the InTune packager or just the InTune packager so I want to do a complete removal so absolutely I just click on to remove and you can see it says that the app has been deleted now what happens again it will force a sync with InTune and it will ultimately remove that application so you can see that it's gone and again I will just refresh my screen here and again I'll just pop back into the InTune portal and just go back into Apps refresh the page it can take a few minutes to go through but ultimately you'll see yep that that app has now been completely removed how cool is that okay so now that we've done that what I'm going to do is I'm going to come back up here I'm going to come back into the main dashboard here and first of all let's have a look at some of the other features here so as I mentioned in the my companies area you can add in a number of companies and this is awesome if you're working in a multi-tenant solution so packager is a multi-tenant software deployment solution which is awesome um in addition you can add just simply go in and add another company now in the version I'm currently working in this is just a demo version and it only gives me access to one company but with a paid subscription of course you get access to the full thing in addition all the apps that you deploy of course everything generates logs here so we have a whole series of logs I can go in I can have a look to the latest version when it was deployed whether it was a success or whether it was a failure and again you can if you've got multiple companies you can select the logs for that company as well um other things that we've got as well as the logs you can also create teams so if you've got teams and so users within your team then you can create different team members again really useful this is a again a a premium version in terms of billing of course again you can see how many devices that you've got so again this is just a free subscription you can have up to five thousand but again beyond that of course you can request an increase on that and as I say you can check out and you can manage your subscription here now one of the really nice things about these guys is that you can for example if you don't find the application that you're looking for then you can request it so simply go in here and there's a request procedure and there will add it to the packager program if you find any bugs of course that's really nice so they want to engage with you regarding any bugs and likewise if you've got any private applications so if you're a council a government body a communer something like that and you want want to bring in a private application of your own then again you've got that capability here as well now for the latest updates on packager they have a very nice blog here so again I can go into the blog and and again it keeps you fully up to date with what's happening and how it's being updated so definitely check out that in addition as I mentioned there's also a complete doc docs Library here so for more information on packager you can jump over here to in terms of subscriptions you can either watch a demo you can get started and again you can see you get that little demo here in terms of subscriptions you can come in and there are details here about all the different subscriptions so at the moment maximum 5000 devices but of course if you've got more than that then I'm sure the guys will be quite happy to offer you a custom deal all right so out of the box you can try it for free but then up to a hundred devices which let's face it come on this is potentially a small business that's really great value 19 per month um I really love this application and how it fully integrates into my Microsoft 365. so check it out today that's packages hey there you go packager for in tune what a cool tool isn't it Hey listen for more information check the links out below and go ahead and try it out for yourself it's awesome by the way um if you enjoyed the session of course bump the Subscribe button up there ring that Bell and you'll be notified of any new videos and postings and if you've got questions and comments I love those as always get those down below that's it for this time I'll see you next time around you take care hey thanks so much for dropping by today here's a couple of videos that you may enjoy and while you're here go ahead click on the Subscribe button and you won't miss out foreign foreign
Channel: Andy Malone MVP
Views: 25,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pkgr, Microsoft Intune, Microsoft 365, Andy Malone MVP
Id: rtLca4Eo4x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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