FREE Exhibit Stamps for PDF | Dynamic Exhibit Stickers | How to Add Exhibit Stamps to Acrobat DC

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these Dynamic stamps they will work on the acrobat DC the free version uh you do not uh require a subscription so it should be no issue using them it's just a matter of finding the right folder to put it in we'll go through those steps and then just typing in your information the date uh there's a few items like the date that will automatically populate for you so okay so now before we get started on your desktop what we're going to need is both stamps or any of the stamps that you have downloaded just ready to go on the left hand side of the screen and maybe preferably in just any kind of deposition you may have saved on your computer now the trickiest part of this is actually placing the stamps in the right folder after you have downloaded them and then but once we go through it I'll be able to show you how to create a shortcut so you won't have to go through the whole process again but follow along and uh I'll try to keep it nice and organized now you're going to want to open up a file explorer and find this PC it might look a little different on the topper portion and the amount of drives might be different but all you have to do is Select local disk everybody should have it and double click it then what you're going to want to do is find the users folder uh all the way at the bottom it's going to be alphabetized there might be a bunch of folders there might be little but everybody should have a users folder so you're going to want to go ahead and double click that now I don't have many users on my computer it depends on everybody's computer but everybody's going to have the account that's logged in at the moment so whatever account you're logged in usually your name find it and double click it and then we're going to want to find a folder called app data uh this may be a full folder maybe a light folder but everybody's going to have an app data folder so you're going to want to find that and double click it next up we'll be finding the roaming folder uh I believe everybody should only have three in here uh and double click on the roaming and then I think we only have like a few more to go now because we are working with Adobe we want to find the main Adobe file which should be right at the top foreign and then select acrobat now be careful there will be another Adobe there might not be but we are working with Adobe Acrobat DC so if you look at the top you can follow along we have local local DC users the name of your computer app data roaming Adobe you could even stretch it out and it'll open it all up at the top and you can follow them make sure you're in the right portion the only one that should be different is yeah yeah Jones so the name of your computer so then we're going to select acrobat and then select DC and now we're finally at the folder that we need to be at your computer name app data roaming Adobe Acrobat and DC now you may or may not have a stamps folder if you do not just right click new folder and just name it capital s capital S T A m-p-s it has to be just like that now because I already have one I'm not going to do that I'm not going to make a new one uh go ahead and press enter I'm going to change to this one and go ahead and delete this for me just for me now you're going to want to double click on your stamps folder that you just made or already had and go back to your two uh stamps that you had placed on the desktop and you're just going to want to drag them in one at a time now instead of having to go to all those folders like we just did a really easy trick is to create a shortcut so we're going to want to go back to the page where we made the stamps folder or where the stamps folder was at and then we're going to want to right click on the stamps folder and select create shortcut and it should place it right in that same folder and all you're going to want to do is drag that shortcut and place it on the desktop close that out and then we'll show you how this just worked go away so go ahead and check out your new shortcut double click it and boom you just bypass all those folders that you had to select one at a time and you're straight on here if you ever need to change your stamps so now we're going to go ahead and open up one of our PDFs so you're going to want to go ahead and find the comment toolbar uh if you don't have these icons on the right hand side you can go to view tools comment and open the main goal whichever way you open it is going to want to show your toolbar which is going to be at the top it'll show you which one's open currently comment so again you can go to your icons on the right hand side comment or you can go to view tools and select from there ideally we want this toolbar so one more time comment or go to view tools comment open and now we have a toolbar so we want to go for stamps and once we open steps we'll add the default stamps and we'll see also yours should have the smart stamp for each one now here's the cool part so we'll start with this one now notice the date's already pre-filled now we'll just click and then we have a window now when you go to add it if this is the first time you've used the Adobe Acrobat DC program it may ask you for a few information items such as identity name title company if you see this window all you need to do at the very bottom of that window it says do not show again just press ok cool mine won't show up because I've already used this before and I've pressed do not show again I'm not sure how to show the window again uh so but I'm pretty sure it will pop up and just press the not show again it's not of importance to the exhibit stickers themselves enter your exhibit number all right now we're going to enter our witness name and then we will enter the reporter name let's use real name okay and there you have it now you have a nice crisp exhibit sticker you can't edit it if you need to redo it you just have to redo the whole thing just delete it and then resize and place it now it just gives you an option uh which regardless of what it is how big or small you zoom in it'll be crisp easy to read and clear and now same process uh flatten it and just you know print it to PDF now if yours doesn't show color just select uh remove the check mark for print and grayscale and then everything else should be by default save it oh I'm bad with my caps caps locked today not good okay and now we're going to go ahead and open up that PDF that we just had and there's our flat and final PDF uh the exhibit sticker is firm can be changed and then we'll go ahead and show the defendant sticker same thing back to the comment tab and we'll go to the defendant sticker and then what we are going to do is try some very long words and show you how to adjust okay witness name let's see we've used that let's do okay that works let's do a longer one and reporter name and we're done there you go it's been adjusted still clear uh kind of reformats it to where it's not uh overly small and then we can resize and place it wherever we'd like to place it and then we can just re-flat now and if we wanted I know normally you wouldn't have two on there but this was just for uh example say so and this should cut down on the time it takes to place these stickers uh like I said if you mess up on entering any of the information you just have to redo the stamp uh just to leave the stamp and try it again
Channel: Catching LIFE
Views: 860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Exhibit Stamps, Legal Tools, Not Legal Advice, Lawyer Videos, Lawyer Tips, Court Reporting, CCR, Depositions, Trials, Hearings, Pleadings
Id: VTthsrPmrkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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