How to add a second LAN to pfSense

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hi and welcome back to uh my  channel and so last time out we um   we did a quick setup and configuration of pfsense  now bearing in mind that that was running on   a vm will will carry on in the same vein so  we'll use the same vm that we used last time   and this time we'll just run through adding a  new network for instance in my house we have   our son our 21 year old son living with  us um yeah i know should have gone by now   um but uh yeah so he's got his own room  he's got his own land i've configured that   which is good because it means i can i can  limit his bandwidth so it doesn't kill the   rest of my network um i can add filtering if i  need to although at 21 i don't generally it's   up to him what he goes on um anyway so let's  jump right into it and um and we can see that   um exactly how i've set this up so if we jump into  psns so here we go we we've got our two lands here   um so we'll jump into assignments here um  this is where you'll see all the network cards   uh that's that's in this um this ps sense instance  if you're on dedicated hardware um you'll see that   a different interface name i would assume these  are hyper-v network cards uh anyway so here we   go we've got our port three so we'll add that  we'll click on this here and we'll change this to whatever you want to call it   and we'll enable it we'll change it to a static  ip address and we'll go one nine two one six eight forty five you can you can use  whatever numbers you want here   uh one that'll be the ip address  of the uh lan interface um you   you can choose like i said you can choose whatever  you want you can even choose how many ip addresses   you've got for this i'm going to choose 24 which  will give us all of the dot 45 up to dot 45.254 and we could block all incoming traffic  if you want but for this we won't do that   um we'll click on apply let it just do that there we go and now we have  our three lands so what you'll need to do now   is go into services dhcp server other lan  enable dhcp server on other lan interface   and then uh create a range  so for this we'll go 102.168. 45 45 might start from 50 it gives me a load  of static ip addresses to use if i want to 992 168 45 200 and everything over 200 i  can use for other stuff as well we can even assign dns servers if we want to  why not there we go loads of them and this is   the bit that i really like being able to assign  uh ntp servers so that's network time protocol   and assuming that the the computer or  iot device or phone or whatever supports   uh ntp over dhcp it'll pick this up and that's  brilliant because it means that all of your   devices on your network or in this case our sun's  network they'll all get at the same time and   you you cannot underestimate how helpful that is okay so once we've done that we'll click save boom done you go back to our pfcent  status there it is there's us our last uh   there it is there's our new lan you  can achieve this obviously with vlans   assuming that you've got switches that support  vlans most people in their houses don't have that   hence why i've done it like this so in in my in  my house i have actually got switches that support   vlans they're not great i'm still working out how  to configure those correctly um and once i've done   that i'll i'll go through that in a in a video  um my psense appliance that i've got actually has   four lan ports one ports network ports  one for wan and then three for uh lan   other lan and also i've got a dmz setup which is  a demilitarized zone where you can add things that   don't access anything else and everything coming  in is just full access so i've got that set up and   it's not in use at the moment because i've got  no servers here my servers are all off site   i do plan to sort that out at some point  but at the moment i haven't got that   so yeah there we go so at the moment you've  now got your wan interface your lan interface   and your other lan interface um and there we go  so that is uh how you set up an extra network   in pf sense hope you enjoyed this video give it  a thumbs up if you did and the other button you   can use that if you want to and we'll see you  in the next one i've been gary catch you later you
Channel: GaryH Tech
Views: 19,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FreeBSD, Unix-Like, IT, OSS, FOSS, pfSense, OpenSource
Id: iCKuo45kdi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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