PFSense: Connecting Network to the Internet

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have since scenario if I fly over to my PF sense box here you can see that I've got a Wan and I've got two Lan networks a 10 Network and a 50 Network now one of the interesting things about pfSense is that if we go to the firewall rules and we would take a look at the LAN is that we have some rules that happen that are in here by default uh not the fourth one that's that's one that I've made but the top three actually are in Lan by default the the first one being an anti-lockout Rule and the next two are are there for not flim flams but to allow all traffic out of the Lan Network now by default we're going to be sending everything out of this network out to the internet and it works but it's it's not not really ideal because as soon as I add another Network now all of a sudden I'm also allowing all the traffic from My Lan Network into that Network and that might not be the scenario that I'm I'm actually wanting to set up uh proper firewall rules would say that we need to set up something a little bit more specific so let's go to our opt one now when I go in here you're going to see that I have actually made some rules um but when you when you first set up a an opt one interface all the rules are actually going to be absent there's not going to be anything in here and you need you need to set these rules manually okay so the first top two are actually turned off rules they are curiously very similar to Lam have these been on and I have these been on I would have full internet connectivity right because we're loving everything from this network out but I don't want that I want the people that are inside the the 50 Network I want to be a little bit more control over what they have access to right now as far as I'm concerned these users can only access the internet and that's it so we gotta make we have to make some specific rules for that let's go down to our our rule here let's take a look at how we built it the action is going to be pass I'm choosing the interface opt because that's the the network of the 50 network is on ipv4 family the protocol I want is TCP UDP we have other protocols that we can choose but I want to be very specific on the kind of traffic that's coming out from this network so I want it to be TCP UDP The Source I want everybody that's connected into the opt1 network to have internet access so the source I set as opt1 net there are option other options but as you can see the only one that makes sense for us is up one you could do any and that would work but I prefer to be more specific about where my traffic is coming from pfSense has a really nice feature when it comes to destination and so when we're going the internet I don't really care where it is right now I'll put up and I'll put up other things to block that kind of traffic but if I want to get to the internet I do have some certain doorways I need to get through and one of those doorways being Port 80 http so the drop down over here port 80. uh give it a good description and then you're gonna save it now we could go into the other other two rules and open those open those things up but if we take a look at what the only thing that's really different for these the next two rules is that we're changing the ports so do all of the same steps coming down all of these same steps and we get to the destination Port change it go to 443 go down save it create a new rule do everything exactly the same come down add DNS and this is going to allow us to resolve out to the internet save it go back to our rules and that is that is basic internet connectivity if we if we jump over to our Windows machine there here we're on our Windows machine as long as that machine is connected to the internet there's no reason why this we're connected to the the correct Network there's no reason why this machine shouldn't get out to the internet let's do a test foreign let's go and do a flyby on my my blog so there you go so we are we are inside we've contacted the internet we've got all kinds of access that we need uh and now it's available to we can do other things in pf sense to block specific social networks monitor with snore and all kinds of cool things we can do in PSNS all right thanks for watching
Channel: RedBlue Labs
Views: 17,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dCNyiAO7co8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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