How To Actually Stop Procastinating (no bs)

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so in today's video we're going to be discussing on why it's so difficult for you to stay consistent and how to stop procrastinating and how to start being consistent in whatever you are trying to stay consistent in so my whole life I've struggled with procrastination like whenever there was the upcoming exam I would keep on procrastinating on when I should study and usually I would study like the day before the exam and uh and I did and I I didn't fail but like I didn't got good grades at the same time and like it the same goes for working out sometimes I just keep on procrastinating and procrastinating and I don't work out that day or sometimes I get procrastinating and procrastinating and I decide to work out like very late in the night but then the the workout wasn't even that good or let's say I have a homework dude I wouldn't do that homework until the day that we were supposed to give it just because I procrastinated so much before I decided to do the homework and if your problems on anything like me where I struggled with procrastination and I just couldn't do work well this video is for you so I'm going to be explaining exactly why it's so difficult for you to say consistent and be productive the reason is because of this hormone called dopamine in short term dopamine is a feel good and motivation hormone more dopamine you have the more motivation that you have to do something the less motiv the less dline you have will will be the less motivation that you have to do something and firstly let me explain to you why it's so hard for you to stay consistent and why you procrastinate so much it's because your dopamine receptors are fried and the reason and what I mean by fried is that it's so so your damine levels are so so low because of all of the bad habits that you're doing so let me explain dline in a very very quick term let's say you have a baseline of 100 dopamine every time you decide to do a bad bad habit like eat junk food let's say this is your Baseline dopamine and you decide to eat junk food first it's going to feel really really good and then you're going to regret and say oh why did I eat that I should have just ate healthy and then your Baseline dopamine is going to go down and this is your new Baseline your new Baseline dopamine is 80 and then you do another bad habit habit let's say um you played video games for um 8 hours today because you were lazy as so then oh playing video games feel really really good but but then afterwards it's going to go down again meaning you have a new Baseline which is let's say 60 dopamine and you get it basically every time you do a bad habit your dopamine is going to go up and then go down to a new Baseline and the new Baseline that it goes down to is slower than the original Baseline and it just keeps going down and down and down and down and down to the point where your dopamine levels are so low that you don't even have the motivation to get out of bed and so basically this the most easiest and simplest way to start to start like improving your damine levels is by quit those bad habits that ruin your dopamine and of course like quitting is very very difficult like it took me it took me like about um it took me about like 8 months to fully quit video games and so I'll understand you if you can't let's quit if you can't just quit the bad habits today so what I did is I did something that's called Progressive D Lo basically every day I just less every month I just less the amount of days that I played video games let's say the first month I played video games every single day the next month I played video games for 28 days the next month I played video games for 25 days the next month I played video games for 22 days the next month I played video games for 20 days you get the point basically every month you decide what habit that you want to quit and you slow and you slowly and you slowly do less and less and less of it until to the point where where you play video games like once a month now which is which is completely fine so basically you get a point every month just try to do that bad habit less you know what I find that you know something that I found that is um really really bad for your mental health is trying to quit a habit fully and then counting the days that you haven't do your habit like you know how alcoholics you know how you know how alcoholics try to quit drinking alcohol they they try to quit it from the very first day and they take all and they write down all the days that they didn't um drink alcohol let's say they didn't drink alcohol for 60 days and they're like oh I feel so much healthier already and then one day they accidentally drank alcohol because they were stressed out and then they're like oh no all of my progress restarted guys and I I I basically did that whole thing for nothing that's so so so bad for your mental health let me explain to you why that is let's say there's a fat guy that wants to go to the gym and his gym coach says oh yeah you need to work out every single day and if you miss one single day all of your all of the progress that you made will go all of the progress that you made will disappear and you're going to have to restart if you miss one day everything that you've worked hard for you're just throwing out of the wind you're just throwing it out of the window imagine how much that would with his mental health that's basically what most people's advice are for take the amount of day like you know all of these uh like like like that's the advice that most people give to alcoholics to people who smoke to even people who have a port addiction they make them write down the amount of days that they did not do that bad habit but that's so bad for them because it makes them think that if they miss one single day it's going to their progress restarts instead of making it a streak like um how many days I didn't do this bad habit in a row instead do instead make it more healthier like how many time times did I do that bad habit this month oh I did it 30 times this month next month I'm just going to do it 2 days less and then you progressively de load and de load to the point where you don't even do that habit anymore and another thing that I want to tell you guys is the less you do that habit the less craving that you're going to have for it it's kind of like sugar if you eat sugar every single day you're going to Crave it every single day but if you just quit sugar for 2 weeks all of the craving is going to stop and and I can actually agree with this because for a while like for a while like um a few months ago I I tried to eat really really healthy and I did not add any processed sugars into my food and then I was like oh what I didn't even have any um I didn't even have any cravings for sugar after like around 2 to 3 weeks of not eating sugar and it works the same with um all of the bad habits that you're trying to quit just do it less and less and you're going to have less craving for it that's the first way to have better dopamine so you have better motivation to do your work it's stop doing the things that ruin your dopamine levels now the next thing is now the next thing I'm going to explain is how to to improve your Duplin levels how how can you make your Duplin levels go higher so you can have more motivation to do the work that you want to do and it's and it's and you basically do the opposite of bad habits you do good habits and there's a bunch of good habits that you guys already know like stretching working out meditating taking cold showers hitting the sauna um go doing cardio reading journaling all of those things are good habits and each time you do a good habit each time you do a good each time you do a good habit your doing levels goes up now let me show you another now let me show you how it does let's say you have a baseline of 100 damine every time you do a bad habit let's say you do workout let's say you work out for an hour when you're working out it's not going to feel so good so your dupy level is going to go down but after the workout you're going to feel good and you're going to feel proud of yourself so it's going to go up and you have a new Baseline of dopamine which is 120 and every time you work out it's going to go down a bit because it feels hard and then it's going to go up and up and up and up and up and so that's exactly how you build better dopamine and the tree and I and I suggest you to just pick three habits to start with because if you pick too many habits to start with you're eventually going to quit because it's just too difficult I suggest working out doing cardio and meditating those are the three habits that I suggest you to do if you want to hire your damine now of course you can pick other Habits Like if you're a person who likes to journal Journal more if you're a person who likes to read read more if you're a person who likes to um meditate meditate basically pick tree habits to try to say consistent on and you're going to do the opposite of progressively de load you're going to do Progressive overload and what you're basically going to do is every month you're going to try to do that habit more let's say for exercising this month you didn't exercise at all for next month try to exercise for two times that month it seems so less but just give it a try then the next month try to exercise for 5 days the next month try to exercise for 7 days the next month try to exercise for 10 days and you get the point try to do it more and more and more and more and more instead of try to making it instead of trying to make it a streak like if you tell a fat overweight guy you need to work out every single day otherwise it doesn't count he's eventually going to give up because it's too difficult but if you tell a fat guy yo bro just run for a mile every single week bro yo bro just exercise for 30 minutes every single week exercise for 30 minutes once a week he's probably going to be able to do that because it's so simple and every end after he gets used to working out for 30 minutes per week he can increase a time like 40 minutes per week and if he gets even better at that he can exercise for twice t a week three times a week you get the point do the opposite for good habits do the opposite or prog progressively deload and progressively overload that habit that you are trying to do and if you listen to everything in this video your fried dopeline receptors are going to become healthy dopamine receptors and you're not going to struggle with procrastination anymore because you improved your dopamine by so much like here's an example this is my current habit tracker okay I'm just here's my current habit tracker you can see that I do have a few crosses meaning there's some days that I couldn't do my good habits but most of the days most of the days I have most of the days I take most of the days are ticked and at the end of the month I'm going to count how many ticks I have and how many crosses I have meaning let's say this month I have 20 click 20 ticks and and 10 crosses for my habits for the next month I'm just going to try to get 32 for the next month I'm just going to try to get 22 Clicks and 18 crosses meaning I'm going to try to improve myself every month by a little bit and sooner or later I'm going to be the best version of myself why um basically uh why it's because of something called The Compound Effect now if you guys have ever heard of something now I'm sure you guys have heard of The Compound Effect but just for the guys who haven't is basically this let's picture two guys they're both the same height they're both overweight and they're both addicted to eating junk food guy a but guy a he tries to he exercises every single day guy B he doesn't care he just continues eating his junk food every single day within 6 months you're not going to see that much within a year you're going to see a bit difference from them but within 3 to 4 years this guy is probably going to look like some jacked bodybuilder while this guy probably is going to end up staying overweight and having heart problems so you get it so you get the [Music] point if you improve yourself every single day for a year you're going to be how many days are there in a year isent 365 so so just try to make yourself one 1% better every single day and it might seem very less like oh 1% better no one's going to notice that no actually if you improve yourself every single day for a year you're going to be 365 better imagine how much imagine how different you would be anyways that's the end of the video I hope you guys enjoyed it and found it valuable start working hard and get to it bro
Channel: Gabriel Mindset
Views: 57
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _7w1IEinR9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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