How to Stop Procrastinating and REALLY get Motivated

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hi and welcome in today's video i'm going to share with you some really easy ways that you can stop procrastinating and start feeling really motivated to tackle all the things that you want to do even if you're like me and you're not a naturally motivated person some of these involve costumes so that's fun let's get started [Music] at first i wanted to call this video rage clean with me because i didn't want to do it i didn't want to take down the christmas decor i spent two days after christmas in bed in my robe and then i was like i don't want to shower i don't want to do anything but i reminded myself of my mantra for 2021 which is five minutes matters i can do anything for five minutes even the things i really don't want to do and the one thing i hate the most is taking down the christmas decor it's not nearly as fun as putting it up it gets pine needles all over it makes a huge mess i just really resent doing this and i procrastinate it but i told myself five minutes matters i'd been wearing this bathrobe for three days not showered but i could at least take the ornaments off the tree and what always happens with the five-minute matters mantra is i'm at least starting sometimes i stop after five minutes but most of the time the momentum keeps me going and i'm actually doing the things that i want to do but if you do stop after five minutes that's okay too because it's better than it was five minutes earlier so i wasn't feeling it i wasn't experiencing joy as i undecorated the tree and put the ornaments away and then i'm like taking down the christmas tree and i'm wrestling with it i'm trying to shove it into a garbage bag and i don't have these pretty zip up organizing bags and i didn't care you know to put the tree in the tree box had like just been destroyed years ago i just shove it in a garbage bag i'm trying to cram it in there it like literally the the pole boxed me in my in my girly bits so i'm raging at this point i'm not feeling it and that's something i want you to remind you of you're not always going to like what you're doing you're not going to always enjoy the process of doing the thing that you want to do and that's why five minutes matters it doesn't have to be a day it doesn't have to turn into a project you just have to get started because you're gonna feel so much better about yourself even even if your christmas tree attacked you i'm still glad i took it down that was a total win for me my second tip to feeling motivated to stop procrastinating is to borrow motivation from other people so as i'm taking everything down i just wasn't feeling it and i was about to quit but i decided instead to borrow some motivation so i turned on a podcast and i put in my earphones and i was listening to motivated people talk about how they're motivated they were motivated so i was feeling motivated and that's something i always recommend doing is borrowing motivation from someone else whether it is a great podcast a self-help book calling a friend on the phone while you're cleaning or taking down your decor doing something that's going to distract you from how much you don't like the task that you're doing and instead energize you because that's what motivation really is it's that energy that we have inside that keeps us excited about what we're doing or at least excited about finishing what we're doing as soon as i felt my motivation waning again after the christmas decor was taken down i remembered a tip that i learned from kimmy from season or apron and this is my favorite one this involves costumes so i put on an apron instead of my pajamas when i feel like cleaning and in this case i went even a little bit further and i put on a 1950s house dress and pearls and lipstick i just went full out costume i saw a video about someone who had done this while cleaning their house i'm gonna put a link to that video down below and to kimmy's channel but if you are cleaning or doing anything that you don't want to do when you're wearing your pajamas you are signaling to your body it's resting time it's time to go back to bed or it's time to like relax it's not time to work so just changing what you're wearing even if it is just getting dressed or an apron or you can order a 1950s you know dress from amazon i'm going to put a link to this dress that i'm wearing down below it's only 30 i only wear it to clean toilets and to scrub things and it's fine if it gets dirty and ruined because it is fun it is changing my mindset that like i'm wearing a uniform now and it's time to get to business so i was like i went from i hate this i only have to do five minutes to like i'm gonna distract myself and borrow motivation to like this i'm excited to do this i'm owning this this is actually fun and that came from wearing a costume so i did it i took down all the decor i cleaned the whole house i instantly felt so much better about myself because i no longer had this dreaded task and this dreaded task was luring over me so i felt like i couldn't do anything else until i did that so therefore i was doing nothing and so this leads me to my final tip which is eat that frog if there is something that you're dreading doing you know you're should but you're dreading doing it what usually happens is because you know you should be doing this you're not doing the fun stuff you're not allowing yourself to do other things because you feel like you should be doing that thing so you're procrastinating doing that thing by doing nothing so eat that frog means doing that one ugly horrible task you've been putting it off and just getting it done or at least doing five minutes towards that task so that you stop beating yourself up so you stop procrastinating you stop not enjoying all the other things you could be enjoying because you're focusing so much on that frog and this came from i think it was mark twain who said if every morning you eat a disgusting ugly gross frog the rest of your day is gonna seem really amazing in comparison and everything else is gonna seem really easy so that's the concept of overcoming that procrastination is really just doing a little bit working towards that one nasty gnarly thing that you've been putting off because it's that thing that's probably stopping you from doing anything else so thanks so much for watching if you haven't already hit that subscribe button because later in this month i'm going to be sharing a ton of videos showing you how to organize any space in your home we're going to be talking about paper i'm going to share with you my favorite organizing technique that you can use for any space in your home it's guaranteed to work really easy so that's coming up so make sure you subscribe and i'll see you then hey guys thanks so much for those of you who have stayed to the end so after the videos i usually love to share a funny story i don't know if i've already shared this story but because we're talking about costumes i feel like i had to share this with you i probably already have but this is one of my most embarrassing moments i um got asked on a date by a guy we were just friends we worked together and he said hey do you want to go to a fantasia party with me and i was a naive and two didn't really have a lot of friends i didn't get out a whole lot i was definitely an introvert so i had never heard of this before but i was just excited to be asked to go somewhere on this date so he gave me the address of the party and i was so excited to go to a fantasia party because i love that movie you know what i mean disney and it's like whoa and there's all the music and everything and i was like this is cool like it's a costume party obviously right uh this fantastic party so i said to him can i wear like a dress like what are you wearing and he was like you can wear anything you want and so um i went to the thrift store and i got like a huge ball gown and i made a big uh crown hat so i could be a fairy princess and because i didn't like i was like do i go as minnie mouse no no i just go as like a fantasy you know fairy princess so i wear this huge ballgame i added extra tool to it i put sparkles all over my face and like i had a fairy wand that i made and everything so i drive to this party and um no one's in costume a fantasia party is an adult toy party where you go as couples to buy adult toys first of all why would you invite someone there on a first date that's inappropriate and super awkward second of all why wouldn't i have asked what a fantasia party is instead of just assuming it was a super cool dress-up party because i'm a giant nerd who loves cosplay i love cosplay i'll wear a costume for any reason any reason not even halloween i love to dress up and so i show up at this party and i'm dressed like a fairy princess his face his face when he saw me my face when i found out what a fantasia party really was obviously i did not stay for said party and obviously we did not go on a second date because i don't that's really a bold thing to do but that is probably one of my many most embarrassing moments i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Clutterbug
Views: 167,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to organize, clutterbug, organizing tips, ideas, tricks, home organization, organize, how to get motivated, motivation, motivation 2021, how to stop procrastinating, how to stop procrastinating motivation, how to get more done, how to be productive, procrastination, motivated, motivating videos 2021, stop procrastinating, best motivational video, overcome procrastination, stop procrastination, productivity tips
Id: x3EYb6OEqB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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