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Reinventing yourself actually doesn't need to be complex in my life I have reinvented myself quite a few times at different ages and created a simple yet effective three-step formula being a big fan of Simplicity and lifelong learning this formula has been my secret weapon ever since and it could probably be yours as well bringing in a whole lot of personal fulfillment to your life today begin your journey of Reinventing yourself start with introspection and self assess various aspects of your life helpful questions that I always ask myself are where do I want to grow and develop what do I want to change and why can I find recurring patterns or beliefs that I can let go of in my life that work against me rather than for me what am I curious about or what do I want to experience or learn what values do I hold what's important to me I love using notion and clickup as these tools are my second brain but I also use physical notebooks once in a while it is irrelevant which tools you use or if you do it physically or digitally what ultimately counts is that you do the exercise and that you do it in a way that works best for you personally to give you some inspiration here are some areas of your life you might want to consider health and wellness physical fitness nutrition and diet sleep habits decluttering your apartment or personal development learning new skills reading education and so on by the way I have linked my notion template that I always use in the description box below it is really a super simple template as I made the experience that too many visuals and lists to maintain just distract me from the important things of taking action but it has worked wonders for me so I thought I'm just going to share it with you maybe it will be helpful for you as well that way you have some ideas or inspiration of areas of your life that you could take a closer look at and it's easier for you to do the exercise so write it all down all your values aspirations and areas of life where you seek personal development and growth your why of reaching certain goals will play a crucial role in your success and will be your inner motivator Define your own values you want to live by to be authentic and to avoid living someone else's life by making conscious and deliberate choices about the values you want to uphold and living your life intentionally you cultivate the shift of your identity during the process of Reinventing yourself I experienced it myself multiple times in my life this little fearful voice in inside you asking questions like what will my friends think when I change what will my team at work think what will my family think when I change and so on and so forth don't be afraid of who you truly are or want to be what's important is that you get started and that fear is not holding you back from your personal growth and taking action and as cheesy as it might sound people who truly love you will have your best interest interest at heart and will support you in your change process no matter what and honestly often times people won't even think anything as they are more concerned with their own actions behaviors and thoughts we humans somehow have the tendency to overestimate how much others think about us or judge us imagine you're on stage performing in a play despite the bright lights shining on you you might feel like everyone in the audience is screwed izing your every move even though they are likely immersed in the overall performance and not paying close attention to individual actors in Psychology this concept is even called the spotlight effect realizing the fact that humans are naturally self-centered to certain extent focusing primarily on their own experiences worries and aspirations has helped me immensely and still helps me to this day to overcome self-conscious thoughts or anxiety about things I want to pursue and obviously I value feedback from my circle of trusted people it is not about fully disregarding people's feedback and advice however make sure to Choose Wisely whom you're going to take feedback or advice from when you want to start your journey of reinvention once you have completed the introspection part proceed by choosing three items of your list that you would like to focus on when doing so be very honest with yourself and ask which items on my list will have the biggest impact on my life right now and will make me feel my best self you might ask why only three I want to change everything right now it's crucial for your success that you don't overload yourself with things that you would like to achieve as Tony Robbins an American motivational speaker said where focus goes energy flows I firmly believe in this concept and it works until this very day shaping my reality and consequence L my life the key to maximizing your focus is to avoid too many distractions cancel out noise and prevent scattering your attention keep the rest of the things you want to achieve stored somewhere for example your notion page and reassure your inner voice that you will take care of it in the next cycle of reinvention it will suggest your subconscious or your inner voice that you will do it and therefore give you peace of mind and Clarity even if you end up not doing it after all for example when I started my journey of Reinventing myself 10 years ago I started with relationships finances and career and professional growth later on when I had achieved my first three goals I focused on Wellness overall mental and physical health as well as picking up Hobbies one day at a time don't rush it if you play your card right which I do think you do because you're watching this video you have a long and healthy life ahead of you with plenty of time to explore and try new things once you have established your three goals it's time to create an action plan consisting of tasks that will lead you to success the action plan should include small breakdowns of the steps you can take to reach your goal along the way make sure to watch out for certain cues in your life and really your goals and actions every 6 months this way you can check if they're still relevant and if you have made progress or if you might need to change course where needed some things we can only learn through trial and error and draw wisdom from our failures to be absolutely blun here and offer my unpopular opinion life is not always peachy and full of rainbows and unicorns failure or hardship are inherent parts of growth and they will also be part of your journey probably I'm not saying this to discourage you to embark on this journey quite the opposite because I know when you come out on the other end you will find a wonderful and authentic new version of yourself just because it's a normal part of the process every time you go through a cycle of reinvention and change you will experience some form of hardship or failure it's not possible to just skip a few steps and take a shortcut this is not how life Works after all I mean look at babies and how they learn to walk at first they don't do anything except looking insanely cute or crying annoyingly then they start crawling and then they slowly start wobbling up their way only to fall back on their dier bones as courageous and fearless are super babies are they wubble up again and try again and again and again and again and again until they can finally walk reinvention is a similar process and failure comes along with it stay tuned until the very end where I will share my personal example and now comes the easy yet paradoxically the hardest part consistency if you consistently stick to the action plan created above and letting go of attachment to the outcome you will eventually see results but why do we struggle with it because initially we don't see any progress which in turn demotivates us therefore to actually see results consistency is key to demonstrate how consistency Works imagine a class of marbles one marble alone won't seem like a lot however if you keep on adding one marble per day you will see progress to maintain consistency it is essential to patiently add marbles daily over time the one seemingly insignificant collection will grow substantially each marble represents a small effort or action towards a larger goal this gradual but persistent approach illustrates the power of consistency through consistent effort progress is inevitable even if it may appear slower at first the key lies in the Daily Commitment to add one marble no matter how small to the class and yes life works in mysterious ways and we don't always have control over things however we have control over what we think how we react and how we behave Technically when you zoom out reinvention is a simple process on paper implementing it and sticking with new habits daily is a different story though especially in a world where patience is almost a concept of the past the more important it becomes you're bored just grab your phone and surf the Internet hungry just open a food delivery app and get your food delivery within 30 minutes forgot to do your grocery shopping no worries the internet has got you covered with a next day delivery as you can see from these examples instant gratification is the norm however Reinventing yourself and therefore personal growth doesn't happen overnight if you make minimal changes every day and keep a positive mindset these changes will accumulate and result in your desired goal eventually what I personally I found to be helpful is being patient with myself patience paired with making the process as enjoyable as possible will lead you to success and fulfillment meanwhile the trick is to not let negative thinking external opinions and fear hold us back in the process of Shifting our identity submerge fully in the process and I know it may sound like an empty phrase that you have heard multiple times in your life but what else will give you more contentment and fulfillment in your life than enjoying the process process you might say reaching my goal sure reaching your goal will be an absolute Joy gratification and a nice shot of dopamine but what happens after let's play it through imagine life were like that and you could have everything in a blink of an eye you can have the dream car you want the Dreamhouse you want all the designer bags and clothes in the world you aspire to have the wonderful dream partner by your side you can travel to any destination in the world and all without doing anything isn't that a dream come true let's reflect and let it sink in would it not really right something would be missing exactly it wouldn't give you as much meaning as you think because the joy is shortlived you become almost addicted to getting one thing after another only to return to your Baseline level of Happiness after 2 weeks adapting to changes in circumstances will lead to Temporary boosts of Happiness however it will eventually fade in Psychology this phenomenon is called the honic Trap Mo yes the feeling of accomplishment is necessary in life however it's only one part of the puzzle instead of only focusing on the end goal try to enjoy the ride submerge fully into the process enjoy the small winds and zoom in on things that you can do to sweeten up your journey to keep on going for example when I was pursuing my goal of building a daily workout routine I always prepared a delicious protein Rich drink that I would look forward to it might sound simple but this little sprinkle of Joy supported me immensely in actually doing my workout after all I was also reading listening watching and breathing everything around the topic of exercising and how to get a strong and healthy body for me it was never about reaching a shortterm goal of having a supposedly dream body but more about having a healthy and strong body that will get me up a mountain in Norway to experience one of the most astonishing views even at the age of 70 working out became part of my lifestyle and therefore part of my identity to give a personal example of one of my reinvention Cycles I remember vividly when I was in school I really struggled especially in the subject of English I wasn't really good although I always had an inexplicably affection for the language personally fluency in English meant opening so many more doors for me to connect with people all over the world and help me further my great passion for internationalism in any context from work to education to relationships whether with friends or a partner my teacher constantly pointed out my mistakes in class and my grades were the worst every time I handed in a paper my grades seemed to get worse and worse and worse with mistakes here and errors there ultimately my teacher had already given up on me and I had given up on myself as well I mean if my teacher constantly tells me I'm not good enough I can rely on that judgment so what's it worth to keep on going right but wait no I hadn't given up I actually did the opposite and didn't give up on my goal goal on becoming fluent in English I focused fully on the goal that I had set with consistent effort I kept walking my own path no matter what other people told me I was capable of I wanted to be fluent in English so I began cultivating positive thoughts about my proficiency in English my inner mantra for every negative thought that crossed my mind was I speak English fluently I shifted my mindset to with a new identity of being an English speaker however this is obviously not enough and it will only get you so far to see real change happening I had to put in the work and complete my action items that I had created to achieve my goal and leave my comfort zone for me that meant religiously reading English books and watching TV only in English on top of that I traveled as much as I Poss possibly could to get into the habit of speaking English frequently and you know where it let me studying an entire semester in the US moving to the Netherlands to start my first english- speaking job and working my way up to lead an international team in Tech partner sales in guess which language English so it all goes to show you are not in control of what a teacher a parent or any other person around says or thinks about you but you are in control of your own thoughts and actions to shift your identity to achieve the things that truly matter to you to me personally Reinventing yourself is not a been there done that experience after all Reinventing yourself happens in Cycles over multiple years and it will probably never stop if you keep on being curious about self-discovery it's about a growth mindset and and intentionally putting yourself out there to make experiences and live life to the fullest I will be making more videos about how to become your authentic self live intentionally and experience true wealth so if you like this video it would mean the world to me if you would give it a thumbs up hit the subscription Button as well as the notification Bell and join the community as it grows so see you next time bye
Channel: Taje Bonrath
Views: 744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to reinvent yourself, how to change your life, reinvent yourself at 40, reinvent yourself at 30, reinvent yourself at work, be your best self, keep it simple, how to shift your identity, reinvent yourself motivation, self development, how to rebrand yourself, reinvent yourself after 50, how to become your ideal self, become successful, create a new version of yourself, self growth, reinvent yourself, actually reinvent yourself, level up, change your life
Id: GL-wjvhJQHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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