How to REBRAND & REINVENT YOURSELF for 2024 | glo up for the new year

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as many as 80% of people fail to keep their New Year's resolutions by February and only 8% of people stick with them the entire year well we are going to be part of that 8% sweetheart because today I'm going to give you a stepbystep guide to Rebrand your life and glow up for the new year numerous Studies have identified the reasons why people fail their New Year's resolutions and we'll get to those reasons a little bit later but personally all of those reasons really resonated with me because I have made every single one of those mistakes in the past in this video I'm going to show you my process for preparing for the new year while avoiding these mistakes so you too can become the it girl of your dreams before we start planning let's first take a moment of reflection and introspection we need to identify what made this year great but also what made this year not so great we need to acknowledge the moments that brought us joy growth and success while also recognizing those that brought us challenges and setbacks by identifying and understanding the highs and lows we get insights learn valuable lessons and pave the way for a more fulfilling future now however you want to do this reflection is totally up to you you can use a pen and paper you can use the notes app on your phone personally I use notion I love notion been using it for years and I've actually created a template specifically for this it's free and I will link it in the description box down below if you would like to use it but basically I have my yearly debrief or review separated into sections so let's just go go through them one by one and if you see me looking off camera it's because I'm looking at my laptop first section the good list down all of the good things that happened last year no matter how big or small write them down write down every single win now if this is too overwhelming because there's a lot of wins that one can have in a year um you can do it by category so you can do it by work by Fitness by Mental Health Etc or you can even do it by month if that's something that's easier cuz I know personally for me I write everything down in my calendar so sometimes it's easier to just go through month by month and be like Oh yeah this happened this happened this H happened so you can do it by month if that's helpful but however you want to categorize these do it but write down anything that has ever brought you Joy this year write down all your wins write down moments of success write down all of the good and this is just really great to remind yourself that even if you get to the end of the year and you feel like you had a bad year this category will make you realize like actually maybe this year wasn't all that bad I love doing this exercise cuz it really keeps you grounded now the next section the bad this is not my favorite section but it is very necessary in this section you want to write down all of the challenges and obstacles that you encountered throughout the year write down all of the issues or problems that you've faced for me it's that for some reason I kept falling asleep on my couch without doing my skin care and then I would wake up at like 2:00 in the morning with a sore neck and makeup all over my couch cushions do not ask me why this was such a common reoccurrence this year take a moment to reflect on those moments that uh may not have gone as planned instances where you stumbled or faced some sort of difficulty by putting these experiences into words and writing them down we create an opportunity for personal growth and learning which brings us to our next section learnings or lessons whatever you want to call this section now that we've acknowledged what went wrong in our lives it's time to extract the valuable lessons that those experiences have taught us this section is so helpful because it kind of serves as like a road map for growth and development by documenting the lessons we learn from those challenges and setbacks we create a tangible reminder of our resilience and capacity for growth because the truth is folks there is no such thing as a life without failure every single person on this this planet is going to fail at something at some point in their lives at some point in today even I know I had a lot of failures today just to try to film this video but when you only focus on the negative impact of failure you don't learn a lesson you Cloud your perspective and prevent yourself from seeking the valuable lessons that lie within that experience being fixated on the downside only leads to feelings of discouragement and low self-esteem and that is not what an IT girl does by turning that failure into a learning opportunity you are empowering yourself remember girls every failure is just a chance for you to grow stronger and wiser so while that last section wasn't my favorite this is actually my favorite section because I learned so much about myself in this section so here's an example of how to use this section so let's take the example of me falling asleep on the couch what lesson did I learn from that well I learned that I need to follow an evening routine because if I did follow an evening routine there would be no makeup on my couch cushions my neck would not be hurting as I'm filming this video and I would have woken up in my own bed after 8 full hours of beauty sleep so what lessons have you learned from your mistakes failures write them down now let's talk about habits these are so important for achieving your goals ask yourself these two questions number one what good habits if any did you build this year and number two what habits have kept you stuck after you write these down you can go ahead and write down any lessons you've learned from answering these two questions this kind of ties in with the previous section but another question to ask yourself is what untrue beliefs did I hold about myself this year and I promise you there are probably a lot you might think that these beliefs that you have about yourself are true but they're probably not for example an untrue belief that I held about myself this year is I'm lazy that is not actually true I'm not lazy I just have committed myself to Lazy habits maybe you're telling yourself I'm bad with money you're not bad with money you just have bad spending or saving habits the good news is that bad habits are not a personality trait they don't Define who you are they're simply patterns of behavior that you've developed over time your bad habits are separate from your identity and not permanent features of your character you are not inherently a bad person you just have bad habits the good news is that Habits by their very nature can be altered which means that you have the agency to change them understanding that you're not a victim for having these habits is liberating and empowering or it should be anyway you have the ability to reshape your entire life by replacing unhelpful habits with positive ones and last but not least ask yourself this question what is your biggest lesson or takeaway from 2023 personally my biggest takeaway from this year is definitely that I need to build discipline and in order for me to build discipline I need to implement systems and consistency into my life so what are the most common reasons why New Year's resolutions fail and how can we avoid making these mistakes based on some quick research that I've done the most common reason why New Year's resolutions fail is setting goals that are too big and to clarify I don't mean dreaming too big or having audacious aspirations what I mean is that our goals are too big they're too vague it is essential to break down your goals into smaller steps to make them a little bit more manageable and well defined smaller and more targeted goals pave the way for more tangible progress it is really easy to say I want to be healthier this year what does that even mean this is such a vague goal how would you even begin to tackle this in my personal experience being specific and setting concrete actionable goals greatly enhances my chance for success rather than saying something like I want to be healthier this year you can establish a more tangible objective with something like I want to work out three times a week by giving yourself a clear task to accomplish you transform your goal from a vague notion into something actionable and measurable because every single week if you make a weekly checklist you can check off whether you went to the gym three times a week or not but you can't really check off I want to be healthier this year you know what I'm saying by specifying the action you need to take you create a sense of direction and purpose another common reason why resolutions fail is because we're not asking ourselves why we need to dig into the underlying motivations to establish a deeper purpose purpose and intention are everything I want to work out three times a week well why why do you want to work out three times a week 10 different people can have have this exact goal for 10 completely different reasons person a might want to work out three times per week to gain 10 lb in muscle mass person B might want to work out three times a week to lose 20 lbs person C might want to work out three times a week solely to benefit their mental health when you explore the why Behind These aspirations you strengthen your resolutions and make them more meaningful and impactful for you so instead of saying I want to read more books maybe you say I want to read one book per month to broaden my knowledge and enhance my personal development number one get specific number two identify your why number three set a concrete and actionable [Music] goal oh this is my favorite part of the year I love making vision boards I I love making mood boards I love giving visual representation to my goals my dreams and ideas I am a very visual person so vision boards and mood boards serve as a very powerful source of inspiration for me it's 2023 and I feel like at this point we all know what a vision board is like you all know what that entails so I'm not going to spend a lot of time talking about this but creating a vision board can be such an invaluable tool because it provides a tangible representation of your aspirations it serves as a constant reminder of your goals it helps Foster Clarity motivation and it helps you cultivate a focused mindset towards manifesting your dreams into reality I like making my vision boards in Photoshop but you can also use canva which is a free tool they have a web browser version you can also download a desktop version and they also have it for the iPhone Ione I'm not sure if they have it for Android but I know for sure they have it for the iPhone and I like using my biggest takeaway from this year and making it into a keyword for next year so like I said before one of my biggest takeaways from 2023 is that I need to build discipline and Implement systems and consistency in my life so I will literally type out the words discipline and consistency and routine and I will make the font very very big big and put it on my vision board to remind myself of my intentions for the new year I like to declutter after I've created my vision board because this way my vision of my dream life kind of serves as like a guideline for what to keep and what I need to let go of aligning your physical environment with the vision of your ideal life or your ideal self allows for a more focused pursuit of your goals as you let go of items that no longer serve you or no longer align with your aspirations you create space for New Opportunities and new experiences to come into your life decluttering is such a powerful tool because it provides a sense of clarity it reduces distractions and anxiety especially for me and it enhances the alignment between your external surroundings and the life that you're trying to create like your dream self does not surround herself with clutter she doesn't need like it girls just don't do that like Maria condo says in her book The life-changing magic of tidying up the place we live should be for the person we are becoming now not for the person we have been in the past I read this book when I was 19 years old and it completely changed my life like the title of that book is not a joke but even if you haven't read it one of the biggest takeaways from this book is as you are decluttering items from your home you pick up every single item and you ask yourself does this spark Joy if it does you keep it and if it doesn't you thank this item for serving you and then you let it go and if I remember correctly the conari method has its own system for decluttering so you're supposed to declutter by category as opposed to to buy room so instead of decluttering the office and then decluttering your bedroom and then decluttering the living room first you would start with decluttering papers so you would gather all of these documents all of this mail that are in different parts of your house and then you would just put it in a big pile and you would declutter it that way instead of decluttering each room by itself so personally this makes decluttering a much easier experience for me because when you have all of these items that are in a single category right in front of you you can immediately make a decision when you declutter by room sometimes you forget what you've already gotten rid of and what you've already kept so if you have all of these items in the same category right in front of your face and you just like go through it all at once it just makes decluttering very easy in my experience once you declutter your physical space you might find that you have reduced mental clutter as well everything is connected folks and then you can go ahead and do a digital clutter now as a content creator this is really tough for me but there's just something so satisfying about your laptop running faster because you've deleted 3 million screenshots and then emptied your recycling bin you know what I mean [Music] systems and routines lay the foundation for consistency which is essential for fostering good habits over time these good habits contribute to the development of self-discipline you cannot rely on motivation to complete a task it's just not going to happen you are not going to wake up every single morning and just be ready to go we need to be realistic here folks the reality is that motivation is an emotional state and we cannot always command it it is a spontaneous and temporary spark this is what makes systems and routines so indispensable and so helpful because they are tools that we can design and regulate now different routines work for different individuals not everyone is probably going to need a morning and evening routine Maybe you just need a morning routine or maybe you just need an evening routine personally I need both where all my neurode Divergent girlies at hey I also have a Sunday reset routine which helps me prepare for the week ahead and then I've also mapped out like a specific weekly work schedule and what this entails is that I have identified certain days of my week dedicated to creating a certain type of content so for example on Mondays I will write scripts for videos on Tuesdays I will film I will batch film videos like I'll film two to three videos a day and then on Wednesdays I'll edit all of my videos and this really helps me to um efficiently like batch content and also maintain a consistent output batching content is something that I've always wanted to do but I relied too heavily on motivation to get it done so some weeks I would batch content because I'm feeling super motivated but then I lose that motivation and then I won't do it again for like 2 months so next year I really want to commit to building consistency and routine and discipline so that I can regularly put out content for you guys like I used to in the book Atomic Habits by James Clear he speaks greatly about something called habit stack one of the best ways to build a new habit is to identify a current habit you already do each day and then stack your new behavior on top habit stacking is a special form of an implementation intention rather than pairing your new habit with a particular time and location you pair it with a current habit so if you already wake up in the morning and brush your teeth you can build on that current habit by then changing into your workout clothes the formula for habit stacking is after or before current habit I will new habit so for this example after I brush my teeth I will immediately change into my workout clothes and you can build your entire routine using this formula so your morning can look like this after I get out of bed I will meditate for 5 minutes after I meditate for 5 minutes I will brush my teeth after I brush my teeth I will change into my workout clothes after I change into my workout clothes I will get in my car to go to the gym I really like the system because you've already created a plan for yourself you just need to follow it there is no motivation required you literally just need to follow the plan that you've created for yourself and if you've written it down somewhere like I personally have a habit tracker that I check off every single day and it will hold you accountable every single time that you look at it cuz sometimes when I like don't go to the gym for example uh the next day when I look at my habit tracker I'm like damn I did not go to the gym today and it like you know it holds you accountable you know what I'm saying when you can see what you've done and what you haven't so my routines obviously are going to look very different from yours because our goals are probably going to be very different but since you've already identified actionable goals for the New Year all you need to do is Implement them into a routine once I start building discipline it is over for you like procrastination who I won't know her I feel like now that I've identified my actionable goals and I've come to the conclusion that motivation isn't reliable I feel more empowered because now I feel like I can actually control what I do and that's a great feeling and I feel really good about next year and I hope that this video makes you feel the same way thank you guys so much for watching this video If you like this video go ahead and give it a thumbs up subscribe if you like this video leave a comment you know show your girl some love if you like this video and I will catch you guys next time peace [Music] oh
Channel: Asia Jackson
Views: 76,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asia jackson, aasian, 2024 rebrand, 2024 glo up, how to glo up for the new year, how to glo up for 2024, how to rebrand yourself, how to reinvent yourself, new year glo up, how to set goals, how to set goals that actually work, vision board, how to make a vision board
Id: CYyln3Jr1gQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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