How to ACTUALLY Land the Developer Job in 2023

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what's up everybody it's Travis here from today we're going to talk about how to actually land that developer job in 2023 so most of my videos here on the channel are more focused on learning the learning side of things like what courses to take how to learn to code and tips in that regard but a lot of people ask me to do videos on what happens after that so they've learned the material how do they land that job and I haven't really done many videos on that so I decided to put one together for you today and I think I have some good tips for you now before we get started I know you're probably wondering hey Travis there are tens of thousands of developers that have been laid off this year that are out there now looking for jobs that have way more experience than me how am I going to compete against those people like if I'm going to learn to code this year I have no background no degree those people have years and years of experience how do I compete like now is the worst time to get into Tech that may be what you're thinking now my first response to that is that being a self-taught developer in landing a job making a career change isn't easy anyway so whether there are are thousands of people open for work or the economy is booming it's still not easy you still need to put in the work you still need to have solid goals and you still need to kind of get out of your comfort zone to get there that's the first thing I want to say the second thing I want to say there's a lot of people that are like has this Tech Bubble Burst has this surge in Tech demand now started to die down and the answer is no it hasn't the problem is the reason for the layoffs is that we're in an economy that's really bad right now we're in a bad economy and when you're a company in a bad economy your customer either passes on your product more often than usual or they pick the Lesser package they purchase less things and so you have less money coming in and you can't sustain that many employees or that many workers and you have to let some people go you have less money coming in that's what I'm getting at the issue is an economic issue not a tech issue if you look at the tech space now we're growing faster than ever like you can't stop this Tech growth and there will always be be demand for developers and software engineers in math nerds and all of those people that's not the problem and the second thing that's going on is a lot of these big tech companies just had this lavish budget anyway they had free food for all their employees they have slides and adult gyms in all of these special rooms and all of these perks just blowing money because the economy has been great now that the economy is bad it's catching up with them but here's my take on what to do so think about it the economy can't stay bad forever it's going to get better so Google just laid off 12 000 people let's take that as an example they laid off 12 000 people when the economy gets better things start picking up people start purchasing more product and the upside happens again they're going to need those 12 000 people back they're probably going to need 20 000 people and all of these other jobs are going to need thousands of people back so this could be a good moment of opportunity for you to learn to code maybe companies aren't hiring as much though I still see lots of listings on LinkedIn and I know lots of companies still hiring they're just not Fang companies and who wants to work at a Fan Company anyway but what I'm getting at is you could take this downturn in the economy as a time to get really good at your craft so when things do pick back up you can be the first to nail that coding exam and land the job you can get the job before that I'm just saying this may be a good opportunity for that all right so I've totally gone down this Rabbit Trail I didn't mean to go down let's get back to what we were talking about so how can you actually land the job the developer job in 2023 well the concepts the steps are the same they're always the same and we're going to go ahead and start with number one which is learn the content and you're probably like duh Travis I know that but let me talk about that for a minute so I recently published a video it's actually the last video that I did it's a list of udemy courses that I think all developers should own and I got a lot of comments of people saying I can't believe you would pay for this there's all of this free stuff on the web this guy teaches all of this stuff for free why would you pay for a udemy course nobody should pay for a udemy course and I feel like when people say that they miss the point because here's the truth if you take a free course you go on free code camp and you learn JavaScript or if you go to udemy you spend 15 bucks and you learn JavaScript or if you enroll in a boot camp you pay 15 000 and you learn JavaScript all three paths are going to lead to the same bucket you're all gonna land in this bucket and you're all going to know the same JavaScript you want to take free courses take the free courses don't spend the money if you want to spend the money spend the money both of you are going to learn JavaScript there's only one syntax so I don't care which one you take just learn the material and that's the differentiating factor in this whole thing is it's not the course it's not the material it's you are you going to put in the work to learn the content whatever happens you'll never land the job if you don't learn the content so go ahead use free code cap use udemy use zero to Mastery by the way a lot of comments in the last video were like hey check out zero to Mastery I did check it out I like it a lot and I'll probably do a video on it soon or if you want to do a boot camp go ahead and do that whatever it takes doesn't matter some people have to pay for stuff some people can do it for free if I get something for free I'm probably not going to Value it as much it's just the way I am give me something free I might set it to the side if I pay for it especially if I'm doing a monthly subscription payment I'm gonna do the work because I don't want to have to keep paying that month after month the sooner I can nail it down the sooner I could cancel that monthly subscription so whatever it takes my point is here learn the content number two you have to have a portfolio again you're like duh Travis but there's something you've got to know here while you're learning to code you're going to build these little small projects that's fine but at some point you got to come up with a more intermediate substantial project that you've built from scratch so you need to come up with some concept like hey I'm going to build this kind of app and then you're going to go out and build it without following any tutorial and wrestling with it and looking up the documentation and learning all these things about a language or framework that you really didn't have to learn before and in wrestling with that you become really good at that language and you end up with a project that is all yours for example and I did a video on this a few videos back and I'm not going to tell the whole story here you can go watch that I'll link it above but I built this notetaker app in react I wanted to learn reacts better so I thought of what can I what can I build and I came up with this note taker app I think I found a design online somewhere and so I took that design and I just started building I built this note taker app you can add notes you can filter notes you can do all of this stuff it was a way bigger app than I imagined I thought it was just a few moving Parts there were lots of moving parts and I got stuck a lot you know I had to dig into Redux and I had all of these little bugs that came up and I had to go into the documentation the react documentation and I found all the stuff out that I just didn't know and by the time I came out of it I felt really confident in react because I wrestled with it and I put in the time and that would be a project that I would want to share with an employer not a project that I learned by watching some other tutorial but one that I took independently from that and built myself so your portfolio should have one or two of those projects at least and the other give me here is that that project is up on GitHub remember you don't have a job history of programming when somebody looks at your LinkedIn profile or your resume they're not going to see that this guy worked as a programmer what are they going to see they're going to see your GitHub repo that's about it until they talk to you they're gonna see that they're going to see that you've been active that you've been building things and then they may like that and then want to talk to you so again have a portfolio but make sure you have one or two substantial projects that you built from scratch on your own that you're able to explain now number three there is going to be a coding interview slash exam and you will have to know algorithms you can't get by this I'm not good at it I hate coding exams when I have to sit there in front of somebody in code and the only way you can really do good is if you prep for it so get some kind of algorithm course get some kind of course that teaches you how to pass the coding interview how to do well at the coding interview if you're going in like C sharp make sure you know C sharp good make sure you've done a lot of algorithms in c-sharp almost all companies will ask you to do a coding exam in front of someone whether it be the lead developer or the CTO or the manager or whatever you're gonna have to do that and that's scary a lot of people Landing the job they think ahead to this and they say I can never do that I'm not even going to go down this path you'll be fine once you learn the content and you want that job bad enough if you prep for it you do some coding interview courses you do your homework you practice you'll be ready for it you'll still be nervous you'll never get over that but you'll be better at it if you prepare so you've learned the content you got a good portfolio and you're ready for that coding interview and exam number four and the final thing I want to talk about is the job search itself now the job search it's a numbers game it's how many resumes you can send out in hopes that somebody is going to call you in for an interview that's the whole goal the goal is to have someone say hey let's talk to him you're going to have lots and lots of people that won't even give you the time of day because you don't have that background and if you do have a computer science degree you're like right out of college you'll probably have an easier time but if you're self-taught you don't have that background to prove so it's going to be again a numbers game so here's what you want to do you want to go to LinkedIn and I know a lot of people like don't like LinkedIn LinkedIn is the best it's the best it's basically your resume out there in the public being crawled over by tons of recruiters it's really an amazing place so create a good profile have a professional picture have all of your skills listed in your description you got your past jobs you might have some certifications you might have some assessments that you've passed on LinkedIn to show and you may have people that endorse your skills also but have a good solid LinkedIn profile and most importantly make sure you're open to recruiters like you I forgot what setting it is I'll put it on the screen here but you can open yourself up to recruiters like hey I'm looking for work and I'm looking in these categories these languages of Technologies and when you do that recruiters can find you now there's a lot of people that hate recruiters we have a love-hate relationship with the recruiters I don't see the big problem there are people looking for you they want to connect you to an employer so that if you get the job they get a big bonus like they have a big incentive to get you in that interview seat your main goal is to get in the interview seat so I don't see the big problem I love Recruiters in if you set yourself open to work recruiters can search by location they can search by skill level they can search by school you went to and they're just as desperate as you to find people they're desperate to find you that's the truth because they get big bonuses when you get the job so you've learned the content you've prepped for this interview you're ready they're going to get you in the interview seat you too should be best buddies so again the main goal here is to get the interview it's a big numbers game you just need to get in that interview seat and prove your skills also in this stage you're going to have to have thick skin a lot of people are going to reject you sometimes you're going to get to like to the last round people are going to reject you and you just gotta shrug it off and keep sending out resumes now one quick tip that I can give to those thinking about going to freelance route or those just looking for work in the meantime to get their feet wet or to add to their resume is to reach out to Local web agencies in your area this is what I did when I first started coding and I was looking for work I reached out to some web agencies in my area and this one web agency contacted me back now the thing with web agencies is they often have too much work to handle so they have lots of work coming in and they have to turn work away and the work they turn away is often work that doesn't pay over a certain threshold so this company that contacted me they didn't do any work for clients under ten thousand dollars they didn't have capacity to do it so I sent an email and said hey my name is Travis I'm a web developer in the area was just wondering if you guys had overflow work like is there too much work coming in and that you're not able to do if so maybe you can send me some of it and of course you can take your cut from it so if you if I charge 50 an hour and you charge them 75 an hour you're going to make money and they said hey let's do it they sent me a couple clients they sent me a couple jobs to do and we had this steady relationship for months that could be an option as well find web agencies that can benefit from you taking their overflow work and that's the job search that's really the four steps today number one learn the content number two have a solid portfolio with some original items in it number three prep for that coding interview practice your algorithms and then number four the job search it's a numbers game apply to lots of jobs with the goal being to get into that interview seat because you're ready technically to do it and that's all I have today if you have any questions leave it down in the comments if you found this helpful in any way thumbs up consider subscribing to the channel and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Travis Media
Views: 34,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: web developer career, web developer job, coding interview, landing a developer job, how to get a developer job, developer jobs on linkedin, coding portfolio examples, developer portfolio projects, developer jobs, learn to code, resources for programming, free code camp, udemy, zero to mastery web development, coding algorithm, coding algorithms interview questions, pass coding interview, transition to developer, land the coding job
Id: h77UNPHgkwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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