The Fastest Path Into Software Engineering - Career Change 2022

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what's up everybody it's travis here from in this video i want to share with you how you in whatever career or field you're in can shift into software engineering in 2022 and more specifically what i think is the fastest path to get you there [Music] alright so before we get started if this is the first video you've seen of mine my name is travis i'm a self-taught software developer of about five years and basically this channel exists to document my journey and all that i'm learning along the way if that interests you at all consider hitting that subscribe button below lots of great videos planned for 2021. now there's one more thing i want to mention in this intro i have people every now and then asking me hey can you do this more technical topic or do this coding tutorial or kubernetes tutorial or let's build a react app or let's build a lambda function something like that i wanted to let you know if you didn't know that i have a pretty active blog at i'll put a link below or right here but anyway i do more of my technical coding tutorials there and i put more of my career advice and opinions and high-level overviews here on youtube so if you're looking for more technical tutorials make sure you visit the blog sign up for the newsletter and get a weekly summary of all of my new postings so just wanted to mention that in case you didn't know all right so i'm using the term software engineering because it's pretty broad when i first started learning the code i just wanted to get my foot in the door i liked coding and the path that i ended on up front was like wordpress agency work that's what got me from my job that i hated into the software engineering world so i'm using that term because i don't want to get too specific here i want to give you the tools you need to shift careers in 2022. it's now september so if we take it six months october november december january february march by march you should have the skills needed and the portfolio and the github repo to prove that you're a competent developer i've always said in the past it takes about six months to do that and you got to put in the work to do it in that time but if you think about it imagine you're like 28 now you just turned 28 by that time next year you'll still be 28 it's a small sacrifice to make to switch careers if that's what you want to do so what i want to share with you today is really two paths you can take there's the traditional path the one i took and then there's a new path that i would take if i was doing it over again because i think it's much faster and much more relevant in the future so let's look at these two paths path number one this is the path i took still a really valid path to take and that is traditional web development web developers are still in demand they'll be in demand web apps websites all of that is a great way to go and this path consists of html css javascript and then some kind of specialty from there i always say since you're learning javascript anyway why not go from the dom to the virtual dom from javascript vanilla to something like react a library now html you can learn in a week or two you don't have to get too deep with that you just need to know the basic structure of a website css this should take maybe three to four weeks and be sure you don't get bogged down with stuff like css animations you just need to know how to make your html look pretty and finally javascript's going to take a couple months because you want to get good at that javascript is now a front end and a back-end language and it's really popular really in demand good to know and from that point you need to specialize again if you're already in javascript why not just go to react but you can do something like php or you can get into wordpress development things like that it's many paths you can take but that's pretty much the traditional web development path and if you go that route you build up the portfolio items and you'll have something to show at the end of six months now i have a learn to code blueprint that you can follow if you want to go this route i'll put some links below to it but it basically lines up how long it takes for each one what courses you need to take what projects you should build all the way through to your interviews and trying to land that job so i'll be sure to put some links below but this is still a valid path now the reason why i wouldn't take this path if i was doing it over again is because a lot of people have taken it like when i started coding boot camps were the big thing and all boot camps were teaching web development and since then so many thousands and thousands and thousands of people out there have learned to code and shifted careers and they did so in the web development route so it's kind of a saturated industry again you can still get in but for me i like to look a little bit ahead of that like what's the next trend that will get me into software engineering so i've been thinking about it and there's really only two technologies needed for this path and this is the path i think is the fastest route in and there's two technologies get aws certified and become really good at python that's what i would do if i could do it over so let's start with the aws certification cloud computing is like the norm now everybody's in the cloud everybody's looking for cloud administrators and developers in architect it's a huge industry and also aws gives you valid certifications like if you want to become a react developer that's great but there's really no certification you got to have all these projects to prove that you can develop you got to pass the coding exam all of that you still got to prove your worth with aws but that certification means a lot aws doesn't make it easy for you to get certified so if you were to go this route the first thing i would do in just a side note i did get aws certified early this year i passed the solutions architect associate certification and i did a video on the exact steps i took the exact courses and practice tests that prepared me to pass it on my first go so i'm going to put that also below or put a link up here if you want to check that out so essentially you need to get two aws certifications you need to get one the solutions architect associate certification and then to the developer associate now the reason for the aws developer associate is to give you that developer edge it also gives you a little bit of a devops edge and that's what i meant by what's in the future devops is the new big thing it is very very much in demand devops and site reliability engineers are in high demand and they're being paid really well and they will stay in demand in the coming years so being able to navigate aws as an administrator and then getting that developers opens up the whole pipelines infrastructures code all of that part of aws so that's number one get those two certifications now while you're learning aws so you'll need to open an account you'll need to take the udemy courses while you're learning that stuff simultaneously be learning python now the tricky part about the traditional path is you've got a lot to learn you got html css javascript maybe you learn php and then you get excited and you start jumping to other languages and people start saying hey check this language out ooh this language is good and you get way off course with all of that candy well this path you just have python so while you're learning aws and you're working through your certifications you're also learning python not django not flask we're not doing python web development you're going to learn core python first then you're going to start scripting you're going to start interacting with apis and working with files and file systems then you want to start writing lambda functions creating ec2 instances and i am roles with boto3 which is aws's sdk so you're learning aws you're getting certified you're learning python really well and how it works with aws and you're building up this resume of this cloud engineer cloud developer cloud administrator that can script with python and can do all things aws now why python why not golang which i love or javascript or something like that well python is number one in the cloud so many companies are using it because it's easy and it has solutions for like everything you can imagine i personally work in aws every day and with python in automating all the things it's been over a year since i've done any html any css javascript i still do every now and then but this path right now is huge there's lots of opportunity and i don't see it going anywhere anytime soon and that's the path i would take today that's the fastest route python aws that's all you need certifications to say hey i know aws and python skills to back up all of the development within it now you might be like man that sounds kind of boring i'm going to build apps that's fine you can go the traditional web development route or you can go this route and then after you get in you can start to work your way toward becoming a web developer you can do it any way you want both of those routes are fine i just think the second route is faster and in my opinion it's more enjoyable i've done them both i love devops in cloud computing and that kind of thing now if you need some recommendations in learning python and becoming a ninja in scripting and all of this cool stuff i'm gonna put a link below to what i think is the number one my most favorite udemy course of 2021 and it's in python i'll put a link to that below you could work through that while you're getting aws certified and i think it would be sufficient six months later you start applying for jobs hey here's my certifications here's some things i built here's some cloud formation templates some lambda functions some sam templates all all of these things you would pick up in this six months going the second route so the last thing i want to say here is basically just a word of encouragement if you want to shift careers from whatever you're doing into software engineering it's completely doable in 2022. took me about six months i've seen countless people do it in six months you just have to lay out a path and be persistent and focused from start to finish and be confident in your skills and the things that you're learning and that people are looking to hire you because people are looking right and left for developers these days so let's discuss below are you looking to change careers in 2022 let me know below let me know your plans if i can answer any questions for you i'll be happy to if you like this video consider hitting that thumbs up and as always i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: Travis Media
Views: 196,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: change careers to software engineer, become a software engineer, change careers to software developer, change careers to software engineer 2022, learn to code in 2022, learn to code, change careers to it, become a developer in 2022, become a developer in 6 months, learn to code in, learn to code in 3 months, learn python programming for beginners, aws certified cloud practitioner 2021, pass aws solution architect associate, travis media, become a cloud engineer
Id: hOqOj85jvn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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