How To ACTUALLY Get Perfect Renders

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bad 3D renders it's something a lot of beginner artists make when just starting out in 3D nobody likes them and nobody wants to make them but oftentimes you'll have slaved away on a 3D piece putting Blood Sweat and Tears into what you think is a masterpiece and it turns out like this that's why in this video I'm going to Showcase three ways to instantly level up your remix [Music] now when we're talking about modeling it's a pretty broad subject but there's one aspect of it that immediately grounds your model in reality let's look at this side by side for example this model is essentially just a cube but tell me which of these models feels real you're most likely signing with option b and you'd be right the reason why this feels real is because we've given the shape a simple bevel and smoothed the unnatural sharp edges between the two faces this can be done manually through the modeling tools or simply by adding a bevel modifier using this principle is foundational in creating a believable model because almost all objects in the real world have a natural transition between their two edges so now the modeling looks great let's move on to the second method imperfections are a vital step to bringing your 3D models to a believable standpoint so let's Spruce this up by creating a simple node setup I'll grab a Musgrave texture and noise texture and a mix RGB plug the noise into the mix color one and the Musgrave height into the mix color too from here we can grab a color ramp plug the mix RGB into its factor and finally plug the color ramp into the roughness socket essentially we now have two procedural textures driving a random value as a mask into the object's roughness so instead of One Singular value telling blender what is rough and what isn't we've created a dynamic mask where anything that's black is completely shiny and anything that's white is completely rough a great trick I use to push this even further is to utilize the map range node essentially we can tell blender to stop the color values at a certain point using these Sliders in doing so this stops the material from having absolute black and white areas on the mask that we created which in the case of this shapes box makes total sense because it's basically cardboard this is the power of procedural texturing and you can push this to an extensive level to get endless results guys look at all this money my girlfriend made just from selling things positing is one of those things that a lot of artists myself included tend to avoid when just starting out you can push your final render to a whole nother level with just a few simple notes so let's cover some of the main ones that I use to level up my horrendous in the compositing tab we have our render layer and our composite node generally this screen will be blank so click this use notes button and Ctrl shift-click the render layer node to see your composite in real time now I'm going to add in the glare node and this comes with a bunch of options but I find you can kind of just go crazy with this one and it helps you render so much I usually set it to streaks rank the mode from medium to high and for the streak amount go crazy so this looks pretty good but it can get even better when we separate the glare node and composite it back onto the original image to do that we can take the mix ladder and push this to one then grab a mix node plug the glare into image 1 and the render layer into image 2. now since we're compositing lights onto our image we need to set the mix method to add push the factor to 1 and you should have some sweet layer the last node I use is lens Distortion what this does is it allows for your render to have some chromatic aberration and a lens Distortion around the bounds of your render the key to this node is to be subtle if you crank this too far your rent is going to look like a scene from 2001 A Space Odyssey and it's just a bad time don't go crazy on this one please now all you need to do is make sure the fit checkbox is enabled and that everything is hooked into the composite node these are the settings that I used so now we know these three methods to improve our renders but there's still one massive problem I see a lot of people make when they're finalizing their lighting setup and to fix this you'll want to watch this video right here [Music]
Channel: Smeaf
Views: 92,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender 3d, b3d, render, blender, blender tutorial, blender 3d 3 ways to improve your render, how to improve your render, improve your renders blender 3d
Id: HOUGo8eiZyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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