How to Acquire Your loadestar fishing rod

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hello everyone Zan here welcome to another Final Fantasy 14 video today I'm going to show you guys how to upgrade your brilliant fishing rod to the load Star fishing rod this is the finale for The Relic Tools in end Walker so first thing talk to geralt's doubleganger over here first to unlock the new items now for Fisher they're doing things a little bit different instead of a real and Rod component you're going to be getting these components here so both of these fish will give you the same one deep Shadow will give you the minimum ones while the ronen bullion will give you the maximum but in order to get the ronen ones you're going to be catching another fish and then using that as a mooch to get this one but also the Deep wood Shadow can also Spawn from that mooch as well this one is going to be caught within 10 seconds alone or with the mooch and this one is usually around 5 seconds with the mooch so we're going to be going to the ratika great wood to get this one now also remember that you're going to be needing select bait balls so try to get a crap ton of these while you can you'll get these here at the white Gathering script exchange and there will be five scripts uh per bait and that's going to be the White Version okay so I'll see you guys in Roa Greatwood all right so here we are in the r Greatwood basically the southeast part of the map right about here you do not need the folkore book for this so you just need to get the bait so the macro like I said is going to be 10 seconds now the 5sec fish is going to bite really quickly which is used for the mooch of the ronen Buon and the other one is going to be before 10 seconds if it is 10 seconds and nothing bites but draw Your Rod if the 10 seconds is up and you get a small bite you're going to lose your bait so you're going to be using patience too going to send it out and if you do get your high quality fish you should be able to regenerate your GP with Alex favor at Three Stacks so that's too close to the 10sec mark so you're going to let it go so ultimately you can basically save your cordr for the step two if you're lucky nothing things we'll try again there it is the Quick Bite which is 5 seconds so we are going to be mooching the Golding so if it's a fast bite it's going to be the bullon if it's a longer bite it's going to be the Deep Shadow so I think this is going to be the Bon yep that's what it was so that one's going to give you the most components when you when you ethereal reduct them so shoot out again all right so this should be the Deep Shadow and there you go so the stats for my Fisher is basically the same for my bot my bot minor and so all the MS are going to be the same and the gig just gives you GP and the fishing rod it's going to be best in slot when you actually finish it because most of the time you don't really need to overmeld the indicator or any other the crafted tools for Fisher so it will be best in slot when you're done all right so we're going to ethereal reduct because you get more by doing so so we get two and if you get like the normal SI size fish you only able get one and you also can get a bonus as well so there's four and there's four again so what you're going to need is 170 of the inspirational Fisher components now that we got that we're going to go back to the cherium and we're going to turn this in to upgrade our tool and then we'll be going to the Second Step all right so see you guys in the cherium all right so now that we're here you're going to unequip the rod and then you're going to pass in the 170 with the [Music] rod so skip the cut scene and now we have a vertic Visionaries fishing rod so that is going to be for that now we're going to re-equip it and now we are going to come to ilm because you're going to be getting the next fish which is going to be up here so you're going to need flying in order to get to the Saints Temple all right so see you guys when we get there all right so here we are in the Saints Temple right about here so this one is going to be 8sec timer so we're going to be doing patience 2 and sending the out if it's after 8 seconds we draw your rod and try again and it's going to be a weak bite so Precision so we need to catch three little bounties to get the Fishers intuition which then we able to catch the other fish that we're looking for so there it is right there little Bounty so we need two more there's number two and now we need one more there it is number three and our patience is about to fall off so we have to reapply it all right there's the intuition so pop D's favor patience to and now we are looking for a strong bite there it is and that's what you're looking for and that falls off so I can do that and favor all right so now we can go ahead and theal reduct so this gives you two if you catch the uh unlar ones they'll give you one oh this is a bonus so we got four and you also get water crystals all right so that was the little Bounty and now for the other ones so we need 170 just like before so this gives you four with eight for the bonus all right and that is how you guys catch both of these fish for step five and step six so once you get 170 you're going to go back unequip your Rod talk to Kora and then you're going to pass in for the upgraded version uh so if we go ahead and compare you're getting 180 Vitality 1299 Gathering 742 perception and 9 GP and this is what it's going to look like when it's done just the real part is going to Glow not the whole Rod itself but yeah this is what it's going to look like when it's done all right so guys this is going to be your best in slot fishing rod and it's definitely one of the easiest steps from its predecessors because you only getting one component instead of two so it's hell of a lot easier than it was before all right guys so that's pretty much going to be it for this video thank you so much for watching leave like comment and subscribe to my channel if you're new for more Final Fantasy 14 content en jooin the first brood if you guys want to join my Discord server link is in the description down below and if you guys want to support my channel further I do have YouTube memberships available and the link to my patreon also in the description down below so till next time if for walking the Glorious light of Lord bahamat and always remember the key forging Mye happy fishing I
Channel: Zane Lionhart
Views: 2,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ffxiv, #fishingrelic, #loadestarrod
Id: o2uu4kIHztE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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