How this Robot changed my life. 🤖

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this robot right here has changed my entire way of living this is the robo rock s7 plus and this is a sponsored video but i think i've had like a hundred different sponsored offers for robot cleaners over the years this is the only one that i've ever agreed to because there are 10 things this thing does that have genuinely well and truly shocked me spoiler alert it's not just a vacuum as you'll soon realize because number 10 is its lasers so fun fact i've actually been using my old robo rock cleaner for like four years now and it cleans fine but the way it goes about it and the way most old school robots would go about it is to just kind of go in a random direction till they hit an obstacle and then they kind of back up a little bit try a different direction and just carry on a bit like my videos the s7 though doesn't bump into things you'll watch it go closer and closer and closer to a wall or a big object and then just stop the hare's breath away and turns out that's because it's actually using pulsating lasers to figure out the dimensions of what's around it and if you use an infrared camera you can actually see them in action it literally looks like a mission impossible movie [Music] but it gets better no literally it gets better the first time i let it loose in the studio i could see in real time how it was using its sensors to map out the area cleaning but also just scouting it was trying to understand the lay of the land figuring out the most efficient ways to get around the space that it's on however because you can save that info internally the second time that i let it loose in the same area it already had a complete understanding of the entire floor plan and so the first thing it did was skirt all the way around the edges went straight to one corner of the floor and then worked its way across methodically i thought that was mad milo was less impressed and then actually there's a spin-off of this it's not just that it can understand one room or one floor it can remember four separate floors in its internal memory i guess that in itself is not entirely surprising we've we've heard of storage before but what did catch me off guard is that it'll know which one it's on you pick it up and take it anywhere and providing it's been to that floor before it'll use lidar to recognize which one it is and just start cleaning accordingly okay so one issue that i have had to deal with with my last robot is that every now and again it gets stuck on things you know sometimes you don't have completely even flooring sometimes you do have a a rogue cat toy in the middle of your carpet so you know once in a while i would have to perform a little bit of a rescue mission and that's kind of baked into my brain so every time i see this new one get stuck on something i almost instinctively lunge forward like a protective mother ready to pick it up and move it away but then it just fixes itself it seems like the combination of sensors with these deeply ridged wheels almost allow it to know when it's stuck and then go into a how do i climb my way out of this one mode now you might have been wondering is there a reason that i'm calling this a cleaning robot as opposed to a robot vacuum cleaner like a normal person well there is it's also a mop and it's not the only cleaner to have this feature i've seen on plenty but i've never seen it like this the way that most robots mop floors is basically by dragging a damp cloth over them but the s7 has a built-in water tank which is enough to mop apparently over 2 000 square foot in one go and it scrubs it can go back and forth back and forth back and forth in really small motions like three thousand times per minute so just to test it this is what milo does after a hard day of well nothing very much you idle youth out wait ah he's just being salty so i left all this dirt to properly dry and get right in there then i let the robo rock loose on it and let's just say in the game of robot versus cat one nil to robot all right well don't go oh he's just being bitter but number five this blew my mind the s7 doesn't just go around scrubbing everything it understands surfaces it has a little ultrasound sensor right here that fires out sound waves it then listens to the echo when that sound bounces back to figure out what kind of surface is in front of it whether it's raised whether it's hard soft carpeted flat and then it changes what it's doing based on that response like if i set it to go mop my floors it will realize that this bit in the middle is a rug it will automatically lift up its mop change modes and just vacuum that part instead and likewise if it's just on vacuum mode if it detects that it's on a deep carpet it will increase the suction power so that it can pull out more of the dirt that's trapped inside and hey if you enjoy sucky videos like this one that is up to the channel would rock robo rock oh did you watch my best smartphones of the year video if you did you would have seen these pristine winning shots yeah they weren't so pristine behind the scenes but i literally just left this robot there and because of the sheer suction power by the time i came back it was finished okay even with all of this though you might still have a situation where there is somewhere you don't want it to go like i have this bunch of gear right at the back of my room and to be honest i barely trust myself to clean in there so because this robot has mapped out the entire floor plan and understands what is where you can draw invisible walls onto that plan it feels like building something in a game but sure enough once you put one of these walls down the robot will go right up to it and never cross further and more importantly it's not just walls but also falls it can save itself from they call this feature cliff detection i have no idea who's using these around a cliff but i have seen a couple of times going right up to the edge of one floor looking deaf right in the face realizing it still has work to do and then turning around and carrying on and just on the note of cleaning actually because i haven't even talked about that yet this one has a pretty unusual way of doing it the way that most cleaners work is bristles like this is what my old ones brush look like however the s7 uses rubber blades and i did think it sounded a bit odd when i heard about it but it cleans spotlessly i think whether or not it's a deeper clean than bristles depends on the surface but it is universally better in terms of how it looks after itself for anyone who has vacuum cleaned before you will have experienced the admin that comes from bristles the fact that they trap lots of smaller particles within them and how long hairs can interweave themselves to the point of stopping them working the theory is that rubber makes this less of an issue and at least from my experience i've used this almost every day for a month now i haven't had a single tangle all right number two now this is where it gets beautiful this is where the s7 moves from fun novelty gadget to genuinely taking a weight off my shoulders scheduling you can set it to go once per day you can do just tuesdays at 3 p.m you could do once per hour if you're fun like that you can tell it what intensity to clean the area with you can tell it what times to do what rooms etc and once you've set this up once that's it do you wonder what takes us to the next level though is this giant double-barreled shotgun looking accessory no it doesn't double as a security guard when it's off duty million dollar idea though this thing is actually the auto empty dock when the robot finishes its rounds it will locate the stock automatically travel to it automatically stick itself on charge and empty its internal dust bin inside of it automatically so when you combine that with the inbuilt understanding of when to mop and when to vacuum and the scheduling side of things all of a sudden you can go full eight weeks without even having to think about needing to clean you'll just come down in the mornings and it is done oh yeah and this bin bag that you can put inside the auto empty dock is self-sealing and antibacterial so even when it comes to the let's face it grimy job of emptying bins you never actually need to touch anything you don't want to so there you have it the most jacked house robot you've ever seen links in the description to find out more to check out 15 other insane gadgets like this click here or to find out why facebook's metaverse is a little worrying to say the least but here my name is aaron this is msu's boss i'll catch you in the next one [Music] the way that most robots
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 1,974,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech, robot, smartphone, roborock, s7, roborock s7 plus, xiaomi, apple, iphone, gadgets, gadget, cool gadget
Id: X3NYdlc8XgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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