Did ToshDeluxe Hack Devil Vortex?

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on April 21st 2017 Tosh Deluxe would claim to verify the legendary extreme demon devil vortex this was big news in the community for those of you who don't understand how significant this actually is I have the April 21st 2017 the demon list pulled up now this demon list is obviously outdated we now know that sonic wave is way above yadagarasu if we applied the current standards we have today it would go Erebus then Miata then sonic wave but that's besides the point all you need to know is that yadagarasu sonic wave Erebus are on the list artificial is not it's fallen off so if we go off of this and the fact that devil Vortex is still on the list devil Vortex would go between artificial ascent and Erebus meaning Tosh Deluxe was claiming to verify a new top four there were of course people who were speculative about it just mainly because Tosh Deluxe already wasn't a very trustworthy figure in the community but that's when people started to really think about it and they noticed something peculiar see if you ever decided to play double vortex in the editor or just go into the editor of the level for whatever reason which you could easily do because the level was copyable if you scrolled up at 75 percent right here you would see a mysterious arrangement of saw blades these saw blades count up to exactly 54 objects which will be important later these saw blades seemingly serve no purpose a side of just being samples of the saws used to decorate the level no one knows why these are here to this day but it would spark one of the biggest Geometry Dash hacking controversies we have ever seen eventually napesta released an exposing video on Tosh Deluxe I can't seem to find the video I don't know if it's privated but I can tell you what's in it based off memory basically what napesta accused Tosh Deluxe of doing is making certain difficult parts of the level invisible Auto and other parts Not Invisible Auto for those of you who don't know what an invisible Auto is an invisible Auto is essentially where you place jump pads and gravity changes in the level in such a way where the level placed itself you then go ahead and make all of the pads and jump rings and gravity changes invisible and then you turn on low detail mode it creates the illusion that a human being or a bot is playing the level when in reality it's just an auto in the pest is exposing video napesta would proceed to explain with admittedly flawed math that it would take exactly 54 jump pads to make the level Auto in the most difficult parts and now I need to make something very clear as it's an important distinction to make for later he is not saying that the entirety of the second half of the level was invisible Auto he's saying that very specific difficult Parts like like one wave part or one ballpark would have been invisible Auto sure enough if you go back to Tosh deluxe's verification video for devil Vortex it shows him typing in the past for the level it shows him doing everything the one thing the video does not show is him clicking share and him actually uploading the level to the servers Tosh Deluxe would make a response video to this accusation video and the response to say the least just was not good to explain against the actual accusation he split it into two parts the first part was explaining that napesta's math was all filled with assumptions which granted it was I agree but the second part is where the flaw comes in he proceeds to explain that the reason the saw blades were placed on the top of the level like this is specifically so that he could copy and use those objects to buff the level and there are many problems with this statement so let's say you're making a level and you need to make a custom saw blade in this case let's do it exactly how devil Vortex does it just not with the same colors what we're gonna do is we're going to place these saw blades down and in these saw blades we're going to take hollowed out blocks we're going to place these and we're going to place them a layer above the saw and then for the small saw we have to make it smaller there we go we have our devil Vortex sauce so this is where things get interesting the idea is now that we have these saws above the level we can highlight them and we could copy them and paste them as needed and that is the idea of these custom things there is however a much easier method and that method is simply selecting the object and saving it as a custom object this is very odd because this method is very primitive and old and no one does this this method with saving the object in here is much more common and easy to do as it ends up just being one object that you place in theory so you might be wondering what does this actually prove okay so Tosh Deluxe used an outdated method for keeping the saws stored somewhere what does that matter well it matters way more than you'd think see what makes it so strange is Tosh didn't just simply Place three objects like this Tosh created this mess of a saw blade pattern this sawbling pattern is very bizarre because it is ridiculously difficult to just grab one of these saw blades you have to put a lot of effort into doing this because there are saw blades stacked on top of each other and it's just overall a big mess there is something strange I noticed that I've never seen anyone talk about though at the top of this big mess of saw blades are three saw blades perfectly aligned and easy to copy which makes this all the more confusing because all Tosh had to do is have these saw blades and no other ones and this would actually probably have made sense but why are these here why are there 48 other saw blades that are really really hard to copy because if it was just this Tosh's explanation would make sense but these are completely unnecessary some of these saw blades aren't even filled in another thing Tosh used to defend himself is that there were unfinished saw blades like this in the level which is true there are however this becomes even more baffling when he continues to speak because the rest of his explanation is just quote he didn't finish filling them in which again becomes all the more confusing when you go back to the mess at 75 because yeah these also aren't filled in but the blocks you need to fill them in are right here specifically here and in here this would have been the easiest fix ever in fact I just did it for Tosh if Tosh really did save these objects up here literally just so that he could copy them and use them to buff the level he has all of these saw blades to choose from why would he specifically choose this one he could have easily grabbed one of these it just doesn't make sense I don't really know what else I would expect from this defense video though it's very very funny that Tosh constantly criticizes nepesta and everyone else involved in the video for not showing enough evidence or using circumstantial evidence yet half the time Tosh doesn't show evidence for any of the things he was saying the majority of all of you have been annoying on Twitter even harassing me you guys even made a Discord server to mock me blocking the majority of you and if I include any screenshots from a Discord chat people would see what kind of you guys are in first place so then show the screenshots Tosh because if you show the screenshots and it proves that there are then wouldn't you want to prove that they're that strengthens your point why would you not show the evidence you just blatantly stated you have that makes no sense the thing is though people get really hung up on this saw blade detail and they never look into the rest of the situation later on a full year later Tosh Delux would go and verify the old version of Devil Vortex and in it is something that is really damning this wave spam right here is botted the reason you know it's bonded is because if you draw a perfect line under and above the tip of the wave movements here they align to the pixel proving that this completion of devil Vortex was using a macro the best part is that Tosh never properly addressed this accusation they just provide this info dump in their final response video and that's it but this info dump in and of itself is even filled with missing information a lot of it is literally just Tosh you botted the level because you can't have perfect wave movements and then Tosh responds yes I can that's entirely possible however whenever Tosh isn't doing that they're posting misinformation like this line here actually trying to do more accurate similar wave movements on Lower Hertz is harder the more hurts you have the easier you can pull it off on less hurts you have less frames but being consistent on Lower FPS and GD isn't as easy as everyone knows like and prove without a shadow of a doubt that this is not true what I have here is an MD Geometry Dash level with the wave game mode at normal speed I am playing on 240 hertz and this is the best I can do for consistent spam some parts might line up a little bit but you will never get a perfect measurement out of that however this is what the same level looks like on 15 FPS when I spam you know I am not using mods well I mean I am but I'm not using any cheating mods I did that perfectly legit that is because 15 FPS creates a lot more consistency the lower your FPS the easier it is to do that the reason this matters is because Tosh is basically stating the opposite of reality at this point they are stating that the higher the frame rate the more consistent your spam it is not that way it is the other way around and the reason that matters here is because that was Tasha's big defense against this macro accusation this means that without a shadow of a doubt this has to be bought it Tosh Deluxe did hack devil Vortex this whole situation is bizarre to me it always will be because this is still considered an unsolved case in the GD community and the demons list still has Tosh deluxe's video as the verification video for devil vortex and that never will sit right with me because here's the kicker the macro thing didn't happen in the original devil Vortex verification it happened a year later when he verified Old Devil vortex Old Devil Vortex is easier than the version he claimed to verify a year prior what this means is that a year after verifying devil Vortex he still was not good enough to beat even the easier version of Devil vortex let that sink in so being able to look back with all of this knowledge did Tosh Deluxe hack devil vortex a hundred percent I am sure Tosh Deluxe did hack devil vortex does it matter though not really ever since Tosh deluxe's hacked verification of devil Vortex a ton of people have come back and beaten it legitimately and so even if Tosh hack devil Vortex you could just argue that whoever beat devil Vortex first after Tosh uploaded it was the true verifier which is a really interesting way of looking at it so with that being said Tosh Deluxe hacked devil vortex I hope you all enjoyed this video and if you did please go ahead and subscribe and leave a comment it's greatly appreciated I will respond to any questions I see in the comments section I try to get to as many as I can I really appreciate all of the support on my videos recently and thank you so much for watching
Channel: NothingIsScary
Views: 193,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6Tn7nKsFaaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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