We Need To Address A Few Things......

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we just need to address a few things I can only get done what I can get done so they say when I'm involved and I sit down with you it means serious business serious stuff yeah let's get to it it's late at night and um we're ready to go to bed right now but we thought we would address a couple of things that have been in the comment section lately first of all we want to tell you guys how much we appreciate every single one of you guys for watching our Channel I don't think you guys realize how thankful that we are that you guys watch us three times a week we're pretty grateful to be doing what we're doing awesome you guys are like some of the most loyal fans 99.9% of you guys are amazing you're hard workers you're raising a family or you've raised a family and you're just good good people and we are so grateful for you that 0.1 % of you guys I'm telling you they comment all the time and it helps our videos yeah we like comments but dang but I feel like we we just need to address a few things with a few of the comments we've been getting lately of Paul why do you never finish anything Paul why are you not working on Michelle's Jeepster Paul how dare you basically what we've got going on is I'm one person in the shop I have Shawn 4 days a week and I have Hunter helping and cameraman and and we can only get done what we can get done we got a bunch of projects going on I can't do them all when on your the select few of you's time schedule I'm going to get to those projects they're going to get done but I can only get done what I can get done so how long we've been doing this now three and a half years so we've been doing this since March of 2020 right when Co hit so four years yeah we got four years under our belt let's see we've got my Tacoma that was finished Scott Tacoma that was finished Darwin's jeep that was finished we built the giveaway cornet finished delivered gone we built the FJ we built the Golden Nugget we built the tow truck you guys say I never finish anything but I finished quite a lot in four years I don't know what you guys are getting accomplished in four years but I'm feeling pretty good about what I've got done that 0.1% of you is who he's talking to I think a lot of the 0.1% of you guys think that a finished product is a paint job and and if that's the case well I'm probably never going to finish anything except for my Jeepster except for her Jeepster it'll that is getting painted for and my 55 it's going to get painted and my 65 but other than that I use this other stuff and I am not wasting money putting paint on something that I have fullon intention of scratching and Stuff Plus patina I like the way patina looks on certain it's my favorite thing trust me I can slap a whole pile of Bondo on something and you guys would think it's finished but it's not it's a turd it's true there's a lot of vehicles out there in the YouTube world that are painted really nice but they're not put together very nice exactly and on to the roll back there's been quite a controversy I'm lazy I didn't I skipped out I could have made the roll back bed work you're right I could have made it work it wouldn't have worked like I wanted it to so I scrap that idea and I'm on to a different idea it's my truck it's going to work for what I want to do with it later on if I don't like it I'll make it a roll back bit so and like he was saying he's one person we don't have a huge production team we have a small little group of people that help us do what we need to do and we're so grateful for them so this whole YouTube thing is such a blessing but it's an animal it's an animal getting videos out three times a week is is pretty hard it's a lot so we're doing the best that we can and a lot of you guys are like well why don't you just work on the roll back every single video every single video if we did that then you guys would complain why do you just work on the same thing all the time why don't you do something different whatever is going to make us happy is what we're going to do and us doing recoveries and building stuff and building different things all at one time makes us happy it sure does instead of just doing one thing that gets pretty monotonous and pretty boring so that is why we post different videos 3 days a week so when I started this I decided I was just going to film what I've always done I've never just worked on one project constant because a didn't have the money to finish them and B didn't know how to finish them things have not changed I'm waiting on parts constantly or waiting to be able to buy parts or I just flat out don't know how I'm going to build something so I wait until I come up with it and then I build it so that's how things work he has to get in inspiration and just so you guys all know I'm totally fine with the Jeeps are taking its time I really truly am so if you guys think I'm mad about it I'm not I'm fine with it I know it's going to be amazing once it gets done we could jump on it scab it together throw a paint job on it and call it good none of you guys would ever know that yeah You' think oh you finished it and it'd be a piece of crap it's painted that's all but I'm not going to build that I'm going to build something that's nice that drives good that I don't have to work on again which I want where building everything on it so it's good so and I'm super stoked about it it's going to be awesome and you guys are going to love it be and we're going to work on it again yeah and then we're going to stop working on it work on other stuff just like we always do so don't get mad at us it's just how it is and it's fine we can handle the comments we just wanted to give you our perspective on how we do things and why we do things once again we just want to thank you guys so much for supporting us for the last 4 years we are so grateful for you guys on to the video it's morning in the shop Monday morning actually we're getting going here but before we get anything done we got to take care of grandma so her car needed service so I sick Hunter on it he's going to service this thing see if he cannot mangle the oil filter on this one had a few practice on a few this one's pretty easy if you mangle it you've ruined the oil pan cuz you have to pull it's like in the oil pan nice we'll uh we'll give Grandma's car the once over and then on to Hunter's Jeep she probably didn't sleep all weekend no it's 300 it's 300 miles over is that inch and 38 should be I think that's quarter should be inch and 38 I can still read to tap mejor definitely was time wasn't it do I need the impact how tight is this thing I don't know big ratchets fell over look like a clown she's going to drip for a minute good thing it's not hot here I'm pretty sure that this is the filter for it I just took it outside I was going to put in that but o-ring on that thing and you're whipped little one that's up in there still yeah yeah that one goes on that side and good luck okay we got it oine stuffed up in there so we're going to put the cartridge back in how tight do these go snug it's o-ring fit so just put a wrench on it that's bottomed out so if it'll snug a little and we're good I'd say that's tight that's why that got left on there stays on there yeah can't believe you drove it that far without changing in my head I tried to myself but you know I couldn't fit under the car there's jacks up there Jack this thing up and get after it grandma is your life insurance good no how much money you got you're my life your car looks fine yeah the tires RS are good everything's fine yeah I thought they look put another 100,000 on it it'll drive me till I can't drive no more next week shouldn't drip if it drips Paul did it someone else did it it drips I want to be kicking your butt boy shouldn't all right I blue silicone 28 he want 28 now this is the one that we had to air up last time well that's what I thought and I told Paul that something was wrong with it but he don't believe me but that was a few months ago that was yeah that was a couple of months ago sorry I'm stiff oh no those are good aren't they I'm just making sure oh okay I'm get them all the same I'll just keep and and then in two months we'll make them the same again it's not like I drive it very far what is it a tenth of a mile from my house to his house maybe twice a day and every time I see you driv and you never wave you do not wave see that's scary we'll stay out of my road go ahead drop it break it the only way I'm going to get another one is if this one just dies just used this one he asked me if I was positive that's where the oil went I think it might go right here no it does not I remember last time that's the was fluid I was checking your coolant you're like oil doesn't go in there I thought you was beor putting o I was like Good Boy Does it hold six um I think it does but I'm not 100% I believe it does it's the lunches right Hunter what it's the lunches we're paying for yeah yeah this is true chicken burrito thingies whatever those are I ate like six that one time they were good probably start it now and then check it I think so definitely need a cord okay so it does take six then I wonder how that filter looks we'll check it I haven't changed it but it's all right does he have any um fluid over there any washer fluid we have to unplug that I bet we do the side that should be clean oh it's clean is that like new yeah it's good good I'm going to take all of this she didn't even spill a drop man all right it doesn't get run hot I perfect cool all right it like six quarts good to go thanks boys you're welcome thanks for taking care of us well that's what we do no I'm not burning out I got to drive this car another 45 years you killed it oh hey pop your hood again mass airflow sensor just for a second just just for thought you forgot something no I didn't I just didn't do it yet oh yeah what' you do nothing you did something you did something wrong what' you do the check engine light came on it fixed it oh believe that I see if it didn't go away we'll plug the scanner and clear it perfect way it's just now now she's going to be all worried about I will I'll shut it off back okay I'll come shut it off the rest of her family is the same way crack don't listen to him think the camera pick that up I don't think so she just flipped me off she double birded you she did don't miss Friday's video we got called out from Rory's editor Justin to have a challenge with our hunter we take Hunter to to Moab and will his Jeep against Rory's guys he does pretty dang good and uh he breaks stuff you'll want to watch it it's pretty epic people almost get run over you're going to want to watch okay we figured since we're servicing stuff the free trucks on the list Hunter and I have put some miles on this old girl it's got something loose in the front end now and we need to figure that out but we're going to change oil in it and see if we can make this thing happy again and I to look at the fluid there's some concerning stuff on the stick right there I don't know I'm sure it's fine look at the oil she's uh she's not completely black but it's time so we're going to go ahead and lift it up change oil and see if we can figure out what's loose in the front end on it and we'll figure out how much we're into this truck real quick and uh see if we broke even if we're in the hole what we are on the truck what did we do to that truck let's put a list here the trip down there right trip down we've got tires fuel tank SL pump got SE in the rear man we f a lot to this truck um brakes axles how spell steering s t e a r steering box uh have I missed anything what about the like the door stuff did we buy anything for that to get the door window switch Windows switch I mean I put a seat in it but I traded it from Allen so that didn't really cost me anything we'll put seat oh yeah exhaust oh yeah that's not looking very free it's not looking real free is it oh yeah tail lights it needs a front window currently it leaks and it's cracked we'll just go ahead and put window do we do anything else tune up we did plugs wires cap anything else that we did to that truck oh fourwh Drive actuator that's not how you spell actuator but that's fine that's close I think it's good enough Siri would have fixed it for me okay that gives us a start we'll have to figure out the price is on all that and then we'll get back with you all right so after doing some math the free truck is no longer free we could have definitely bought one that run and drove for way cheaper than this we're $492 in Parts alone not including labor so labor is usually 50% so this is basically a $10,000 truck [Music] now I'd say this one's dirtier than Grandma's was it was ready this one was due pit arms junk or idler arm Pitman junk too that doesn't seem to be junk oh yeah it's toast that is the problem add some more money to this thing we just put a new one on it that's a brand new one 6,000 Mi ago and it's junk we'll put another new one on it all right cool that filter's tied yep filter's tied if you get plug tight perfect I think we're [Music] good that build more than L we did going have to take some lessons that looks better on there it's not black anymore good to go all right we'll pull this one out and pull the tow truck in and service it we've got like 1,500 mil on it so we're going to change it and then we're good for 3,000 after that up we [Music] go okay basically we're going to change oil in this and we've been running these old still speed locks on here we uh we may have got some new rims come check these out so we're going to throw a set of dirty life wheels on here that should vastly improve like how tough they are and the look of this thing so so we got these wheels the same place we got the FJ Wheels beadlock Marketplace so they got every brand the wheel you want I'm pretty uh biased towards a dirty life I like them I've had no trouble with them ever so but if you're looking for wheels go check that out beadlock Marketplace we're going to swap out wheels leaving the same tires just swapping Wheels out changing the oil servicing it and I might do something with the exhaust I'm tired of it coming out the back when you're towing stuff it's terribly annoying and loud I may see if I can come out right here is the thinking so I don't know we're going to do some stuff water in the rim Drome stabbing holes in me those are heavy still Cas you were wondering [Music] we got this all put on we're going to set on the truck and see how it looks these are two people tires I'm to get out of the way right there one very nice way good very nice we doing different nuts that one that you ate smells good L A lot of people we've already introduced this little puppy but this is our puppy this is Gracie's puppy and I just tend it during the day her name name is Ka so here it is it's a little Yorkie she's cute that we did not need we did not but here we are matches your hair though does it it does well won't fall off now what tire what's like way do these things rotate put this on backwards good job Landon yeah rotate Landon just saved us right here I was looking at it quality control going this way put that on the other side we knew what we were doing the whole time Landon we're just mocking up test little that's right we're just seeing it looks pretty good we'll just go ahead and pack to the other side now Sean was right he was headed over there to begin with well I was mostly just going I didn't look for red how did those get so heavy right that looks better do you know who sings that song Hunter what Walk This Way arol SM look at that he Landing I've cultured my kid you you are definitely not my kid Hunter you you force them to listen to it no he knows what good music is cuz John L butt Rock butt Rock butt Rock do you know why they call it butt Rock it's horri do you know why they call it butt Rock no I don't the radio DJs used to say something nothing butt Rock and it just turned into butt Rock butt Rock can you hang out with us long enough you'll be listening to it no I'm good oh yeah no because the old the old uh radio DJs and stuff everybody they get on the radio and be like nothing but Rock oh I see so it just like got it name is butt Rock I kind of like how those look on here I'm not going to lie I'll bet not having that bent wheel on here makes this drive smoother down the road and true bead locks so the the the wheel's centered or the other one you're just guessing and bolting it on now it's centered so so the solar eclipse is going on outside right now it's kind of dark Hunter's going to go out and show you what we can see it's kind of cloudy outside but he'll show you what what we can see of it maybe I don't know if you can see that or not just like so one more all right last wheel going [Applause] on I don't know if we're doing exhaust on it today or not for sure we got some other stuff to get handled but uh we got this handled at least and it looks good I bet it drives a lot better than it used [Music] to yep I'm a fan that looks better that looks good did you put oil in this no all right she needs oil should be just over full right here camera guy's got all his camera equipment right where you in my way doing my job don't forget I'm here yep all right she's full go take us for a ride and see how it rides [Music] all right let's uh see how this thing drives I can already tell it's way better it's not hopping that's way smoother it is way smoother yeah when the wheels centered on there it makes a big difference it'll feel a constant vibration on your back anymore no that's good [Music] on the 4th of May there is a car show coming up in paig Arizona you guys aren't going to want to miss it we've never been to it before we're planning on bringing a bunch of cars we'll see FJ the tow truck I'm hoping sneak peek that is running driving and Hauling one of those over there so paig Arizona May 4 yep don't miss it
Channel: Fab Rats
Views: 423,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: offroad, fabrication, welding, hotrods, ratrods, diy, fabrats, metalworking, engines, building, horsepower, burnouts, offroading, recovery, rescue, fab rats, vicegripgarage
Id: 9o2LxqFSO8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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