How Things Work | Bishop Keith Butler | May 30, 2021

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i'm starting a series today and i'm going to be ministering for several weeks on this subject of how things work how things work amen praise god you know it's one thing to be able to do something is another thing to understand what makes it do what it does amen particularly if you may know how to drive a car but if it breaks down in the wrong place and you don't know how to fix it i mean you know you got a problem good amen so understanding how things work uh is important praise the lord and i cannot in one session teach on this subject so it's going to take a number of uh of subjects or number of sessions rather in order to minister on this particular subject praise god for us to get it all right now i want to tell you that a minister does a disservice to their listeners if the minister leads you to blame god for problems or situations that happen or that you found yourself in and a minister does you a disservice if he ministers to you or she ministers you in such a way to make you think that the good promises of god requires nothing for you to do amen and you have that you have you have those who teach well everything that happened well god was supposed to prevent it was just supposed to happen and such and such and god's the problem and there are millions of people all around the world who are mad at god today you know people who are mad at god today you know people who will not go to church anymore because they're mad at god because they got the wrong idea they don't understand are you listening to me praise god then you got those on the other on the other side that well i don't have to do anything to just kind of pie in the sky to kind of just kind of fall out of the sky and everything just kind of well and you know accept acceptance i don't have anything to do with this at least at a minimum you got to believe and so praise god amen a minister does you a disservice when they teach this one side or the other side amen there are good promises of god but there's also a part that you play in everything praise the lord and so what we're talking about is laws of god and laws praise god laws work again as i've told you before why did they call something the law because it works every time amen oftentimes you talk about the law of gravity the law of gravity is called the law of gravity because the law of gravity works every time whether you know it whether you believe it whether you understand it praise god doesn't matter it works every time i don't care what you believe i don't care if you think it's fair unfair it doesn't matter if you get up on the roof of this building and you jump off and you flap your arms talk but i don't believe in the law of gravity you're going to meet the law of gravity because it works every time but also understand that law one law can be superseded when the law is higher than that i've talked about some of this before and i'm going to go back to some of it but i'm gonna add some things to it amen that's called the law of lift that's what allows an aircraft to fly i mean when you have wing design praise god you have propulsion it allows you to fly amen but the issue though is that if you're up there at 41 000 feet and your operating propulsion and wing design and all the other things that allow allow that aircraft to fly if you take away one of those things amen if you take away propulsion something something happens to to the wings you will find that the law of gravity never left it was still working all along just that there was a higher law that superseded uh amen now the new testament translated from the greek in the greek word for laws no mos and that word almost means that something is a principle or that is a regulation now what kind of laws are we talking about there are several laws that's the kind of stuff we deal with every day we came here following civil law pretty much amen praise god traffic laws other things there's natural law the constitution of the united states is in particular talking about that there are rights given you by god which are natural laws and then it's what's called spiritual law amen spiritual laws and laws from god and the spiritual laws are the highest kind of laws spiritual laws can can supersede natural law spiritual law certainly supersedes civil law hallelujah in fact all civil law if it doesn't come from spiritual laws probably then not good now when i start talking about laws today and this next coming weeks i am not talking just about ten commandments i'm not talking about just the pentateuch in fact we call those things the law of moses that's how i will distinguish that okay uh amen those things that god gave moses for the children of israel but there are people who are very confused about the old testament and new testament so you know that they try and take some things over here and bring it over there and they fight over it you know and all of that people are real confused about it because they don't understand one thing i can tell you right the top the reason why you have to have a new testament because the old testament didn't get the job done okay so the new testament has to complete whatever the old testament was attempting to do so turn with me if you would first corinthians chapter 10 let's get into this can i get three hallelujahs today hallelujah praise god let me give you some examples of what i'm talking about praise god first corinthians chapter 10 verse 11 says this now all these things happened unto them and if you had the time you would go back and you would read and see who the dims are and i can tell you who they are he's talking about the children of israel you're talking about one you know in the promised land wilderness all that it says now all these things happen or things happen unto them for an example and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world to come the word admonition means warnings and so the old testament was given for an example and warning so in other words we're supposed to be able to look at the old testament and see oh so-and-so did this and this is what happened and so and so did that and this is what happened and learn from that amen it's also about warnings we'll be able to see all now be warned if you do these kinds of things will go in this direction here's the result so that's what it's for okay amen but there are things in there praise the lord that for example sabbath days you know i had somebody come up to me recently not too long ago said well the bible says remember the sabbath day and keep it holy well i said that in exodus okay amen in the old testament and i'm also going to add old testament people were different than new testament people how new testament people are saying corinthians 5 17. therefore of any man being christ he say what new creature the old things that passed away behold what all things that become new none of that was true in the old testament they were not new creations they did not have the spirit of god on the inside of them the only access they had to the spirit at all was that on the prophet priest and king they could not just come boldly to the throne of grace and receive the things that we received so god dealt with them from the outside in you and i today now that we are born again he deals with us from the inside out can i get amen somebody and so praise the lord so that exodus 28 which says remember the sabbath day and keep it holy what does it say in the new testament turn to colossians chapter 2. amen the differential i must say is several different ways today but the differential between what you should be doing in 2021 as opposed to back in the days of the laws of moses is that anything that is still legitimate for us to operate today you will find it in the new yeah so if you don't find it in the news not for us today here in colossians chapter 2 let's read 15. and having spoiled principalities first of all who would that be that's jesus he spoiled principalities powers those are demon spirits in other words he took them down amen and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly or or display triumphing over them in it let no man therefore so what we're about to read is jesus defeated satan and now since satan is defeated let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of any holy day or of the new moon or of the sabbath days which are a shadow of things to come but the bodies of christ amen so he just told you here praise the lord since jesus came no man judges or places one day above another and a decision was made praise god obviously most of us follow is that the first day of the week is when we know amen and so even though there is the commandment in that old text is not for us now titan is another one we all know malachi chapter three verse eight right old testament goes on to say will a man rob god wherein have you robbed the entires and offers you curse of the curse for you robbed me even this whole nation bring you all the tithe into the storehouse everybody maybe meet my house put me to the test of the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven pour you out a blessing there's not enough room to receive amen well the only way you gonna know that that's good for the day is that can we find anything new well i'll turn to hebrews chapter seven praise god i understand that i'm not just talking to people here i'm also talking to the internet audience with the thousands of people praise god in many nations watching me right now but in hebrews chapter 7 praise the lord it says in verse 8 and here men that die receive tithes but there he receiveth him of whom or this person is is the one that we witness that he is alive he liveth who is it that we are saying we still witness and he's not dead he's alive jesus so we see something that was in the old stealing new which is what makes it legitimate praise god hallelujah amen then there's something else you you'll find out what happens when you make god first in your finances well praise the lord you whether old or new the blessing came along with it now amen now here's something else you also see in the old testament remember was four-hour example and for our learning in the old testament you see what happens when israel became woke a woke society what's a walk society a walk society is a society that has awakened two methodologies different than god's i'm not woke up and i'm glad i ain't woke up amen because i learned god's way is the best way amen praise god well israel did that israel be israel became woke in the days following after varying different groups and people other than god and when you read the old chapter what happened to them bam they are slammed they wound up with poverty sickness and death wound up getting dispersed all over the world until 1948. amen well once again so we're able to go back and look at an example and as a warning and see what happens okay amen god's laws are there and those laws work whether you believe them or not amen now turn to romans chapter 3. thank you jesus so again let me answer the questions because i'm looking at some just very basic stuff right now amen but i'm going to take weeks to get into this but in romans chapter 3 and i'm just opening this up but romans chapter 3 verse 20 tells us what the most why the laws of moses happen it says in verse 20 therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified or made righteous in the sight of god for by the laws of knowledge of sin in other words god gave them the law so that they could not say i don't know well i didn't know this was wrong because now look i'll put it here writing for you here it is this is what's right this is what's wrong so you'll never be able to say it right then in galatians chapter 3 turn over there praise god thank you jesus thank you all for helping me to preach today but this is important because all you know lots of confused people amen confused angry at god all sorts of stuff because they don't know now the book of jeremiah i didn't even read it did i praise god well let me go back keep that galatians go to jeremiah again chapter 3 i didn't even read it i just jumped right on in didn't it amen let me get over there jeremiah jeremiah chapter three let me read it because this will tell you why i'm preaching what i'm preaching amen jeremiah chapter three let's see now verse 15 and i will give you pastors i'm one of those god said according to mine heart which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding now i talked about the wisdom of god the other week amen but a pastor after god's heart will give you in formation understanding is comprehension so not only not only should he teach you well this is what xyz says knowledge but then this is why it works amen like i said it says one thing one thing to know you can put a key in the nation or punch to whatever it is nowadays drive off and drive and drive whatever it's another thing to know how it works because when you really need to know how it works is when you're in a situation whereby the only help you got is that information amen when i took pirates lessons they wanted us to learn everything about the aircraft see i just wanted to get in and just learn how to fly do the control they want you to learn about alien runs they want you to learn about wing design they want you to learn about all kind of in other words they wanted us to learn what made the aircraft fly why the aircraft flies amen so that if you got in trouble at 3 500 feet you would then be able to work the problem because you have understanding you can work the problem amen not just the knowledge of just being able to do this maybe but maybe this thing don't do exactly what's supposed to but because you have this understanding you know what there's another way i can do this amen so that's what i'm doing today so i'm giving some first of all some knowledge and i will follow what i understand are you listening to me all right so now we're talking about that law again so in galatians chapter 3 notice it says why the law of moses was given wherefore then servant of the law it was added because of violations or transgressions till the seed should come the word teal is really important because it just told you the time frame it said the law was added until this point so the law was added till these seeds should come to whom the promise was made and handled in the hands of the mediator amen what promise is he talking about well keep a finger there i'm coming right back to galatians and go to genesis 22. now remember in the 22nd chapter of genesis what happened god comes to abraham and he says to him i want you to take your son isaac your only son i want you to put him up on the altar and take his life and offer him as a burnt offering unto me abraham did it he went to do just that and the angel stopped him praise god and then god said in verse 16 by myself have i sworn said the lord because you did this thing you have not withheld your son your only son from me that in blessing i will bless you and in multiplying i will multiply thy seed notice is seed not seeds i will multiply thy seed almost like it's uh doesn't seem to be proper english wise right see instead of multiplying our seeds so i will multiply thy seed singular as the stars of the heaven as the sandwich upon the seashore and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies that hebrew word large for possessed means that he will occupy his place drive out the current tenant amen that was satan in second corinthians 5 4 for sacramento 4 4 and whom the god of this world satan blinded the minds of them that believe not but the seed gonna drive him out of his position and then i see shall all nations of the earth be blessed because you obeyed my voice well when you go back to galatians chapter 3 we said praise god that that transgressions or that law of moses was added till the seed should come verse 16 in galatians 3 16 makes a real play real plain 3 16 says now to abraham and his seed were the promises made notice said seed again singer he saith not and deceits as of many but as a one and to thy seed which is the anointed one his anointing so jesus is the seed so he just told you the time frame of the old testament he said the old testament was from when god gave it to moses up till jesus came so accept those things in the old testament that you also find in the new is only to give you an example or warning and you're not bound by that so that's why we don't have to worship on the sabbath per se and that's why we don't have to do a whole bunch of other stuff that they were commanded to do rightly so because god had to deal with them from the outside in but since jesus came we got born again so god deals with us from the how are you still with me praise god so where should i spend most of my time in the bible most of your time should be spent in the new why that's what that's what is applied today to you and where in the new testament should i spend the most of my time the pauline letters those verses that says in christ in him and in whom because those tells you what your rights are in the new testament in the earth today dealing with your situation today that's where you need to spend the most of your time studying hallelujah hallelujah praise god amen so the old testament didn't put you in a position of righteousness it didn't do it for you it didn't complete the job amen the new testament puts you in a position of righteousness the death burial and resurrection of jesus christ is the line of demarcation between old and dew amen now today i want to start out talking to you about six laws somebody tells me what what makes a law of law works every time right every time amen now when you see in the scripture we're going to look at something where it says the term law a number of these amen but commands are also laws everything that god says is law now turn to galatians chapter six and let me kind of explain to you and and the internet and television audience let me explain to you how things work because people don't know and i'll give you an example here in galatians chapter 6 verse 7 be not deceived god is not mine for whatsoever a man soweth or plants or does that shall he also reap he that plants or or sows or follows his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption or ruin he that does that to the spirit of follows the spirit shall let the spirit reap life everlasting let us not be weary and well doing for in the proper season you shall harvest if we don't faint so amen now the the natural world understands this law this is law here actually and they they understand this law they call it the law of action and reaction you know for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction that's what they call it amen on the street we call it you know what goes around comes around okay that's the verbiage we use for it et cetera and but everybody knows that because it is really true so it says whatever seed you plant now depends on what kind of seed it is you can do something and there'll be no result that happens that you see for 30 years well what the law said was it is going to happen then there's some things you can do and it'll happen in nine months see but it law works i'll give you a law how about a law of pregnancy you take a male seed and you put it with the female egg and what are you going to get baby right now it's not that god went i'm looking at you as an individual and i'm gonna give you a baby and i'm not gonna give you a baby now how it works what happens is god designed the body male or female hello somebody and god's god's the one who said this about the seed of the woman and see the man and the woman and that it will produce a harvest of a child and so any man sow seed into any woman at the proper ages and productivity you understand what i'm saying and any woman praise god give it the proper amount of time there will be a child there are a few instances in the scripture where god supernaturally came in and answered prayer but the overwhelming majority of time praise god and those and those those supernatural situations happen because of prayer hallelujah amen but that's a law period now you may not believe it you may not feel it you may not like it but unless you separate unless you can separate and don't allow that seed to get that egg this is what you're going to get now again it's not god sitting up there saying i'm i'm going to give you i'm not going to give you something not like that see when the bible talks about and god did something at the beginning genesis chapter 1 god established laws in the earth and those laws work rain or shine whether you know them whether you believe them whether what if they work they have been working as long as man's been here and they were working before you were born and they're going to be working after you are gone and it will not be the bible uses the term you know god did such and such but how god did it when the bible says it is that when he established the laws how do you understand what i'm talking about just like he said praise god in genesis chapter one he made him male and female law is real clear he said he made him them male female no hybrid ain't no hybrid male 1 female makes it wrong because it's opposite some hybrid what makes hybrid wrong is opposite the law of god now not the way the thing was designed to work and god made them male and female first of all to multiply and replenish the earth and even though i read last week or so i read where somebody called people birthing people certain burden burping people and then said that some men can somehow have a baby first of all i can read the bible first of all i know that ain't so second of all amen i don't have the same equipment pastor deborah has i don't have it i'm glad i don't but i like hers yes sir [Applause] yeah baby [Applause] they are different and they are made to match her equipment matches mine things work perfectly praise the lord hallelujah jesus amen that's where god made things now when things are outside the word of god god always makes power available that if it's outside there is power available to bring it back into the law of god i don't care whatever subject it is if you are outside the word of god if you come to god and believe god for it he'll help you fix it and get it right back the way it's supposed to be but when you have a woke society going on walkness will make you close your eyes to stuff that you know and has been the way as long as man been on the earth no man has ever had a baby and ain't gonna have one birthing people my god and make you deny and have a phd degree and will teach kids this and tell kids you decide what you want to be what you don't decide what you want to be when you came here you was either male or female you don't know check the equipment i had to tell my son he was a male they pulled the pants down boy i see that you're a male right i remember when my dogs were born the first thing i was looking to see if i saw something i didn't see no i got a daughter oh come on y'all come on cut me some slack i'm using that example praise god now we're not the only society of the dead there's this society you can go back in the old testament and see that they did the same thing in the old testament and you saw what happened but there's the law of action and reaction i guess what about the law of acts and reaction or galatians chapter 6 law of seedtime and harvest it cuts both positive and negative the same law will produce good results or bad depending on what decision everybody say decision say it again decision what decision you make that's why i said a minister gets up there and the minister says where's all god's fallen on him or the other hand well it's just like a pie in the sky either way it is a disservice to you because it doesn't work like that you have decided everything that happened in your life it happened because of some decision you made now you may not have you may not have enough information yet and i'm gonna do this with the series to help you get it but you may not have enough information to be able to link this result here to this over here and what happens sometimes because the seed time harvest this can happen here and it can be a long time that seed was planted way over here and you have forgotten about this and you can't put two and two together why did this happen praise god but i'm here to tell you there are no accidents in the earth now turn to james chapter one there are no accidents in the earth it's decisions you make good or bad now i also will tell you about god and that is god always with his word and with the holy spirit will speak to you amen about making the right decision so you can have what you need now i'll tell you about a wrong decision that i made i've been riding motorcycles for years when i was setting up several churches in in texas i got angry at a motorcycle dealership that lied to me about a thing they lied to me they took my money and i said i ain't ever gonna buy this product again so i'm angry i mean you know angry is not good i mean no angry makes you not be able to follow god the way you're supposed to so i'm angry about the thing right so i said i'm gonna go buy the i'm gonna buy another bike but i'm gonna buy from this over here with this dealership now let me tell you what i didn't do i didn't ask god it was all right for me to buy that bike the bible told you in proverbs 3 3 5 acknowledge them all that way and he shall what among many other verses so i i didn't i didn't ask him about it i did it i did it out of anger me and her went over there praise god we saw this beautiful it was beautiful i mean the bike was slamming it was beautiful beautiful bike so i bought the bike and soon as i drove out of the dealership with the bike and the holy ghost said to me this is a bad bike get rid of it i went oh no no no no no no you know how much money i just spent i just spent because i loaded the bike up you know i put all the bells and whistles everything like that okay i said you know how much money do you know what happened to your car since you drove it off the lot about its value you know it had a third gone right okay bam so here it is i'm on the street and i'm like oh so then i decided everybody say decision said again decision i decided all right i know i know what the lord said about this i tell i don't want to lose so much money so this is what i'll do i'll just drive it for a year because i keep bikes for years but i don't know i'll just drive it for a year and i'll get rid of it he said it's bad so i'll get rid of it okay a week later okay her and i on that bike she's on she's on the back of the bike it's my decision i said it was my decision now the lord warren warned her too and me she just didn't say nothing to me to afterward she should have said something of course on the other hand she might say but you might never listen i don't know maybe i wouldn't but but maybe i would or maybe i wouldn't i don't know i'll never find out because she didn't tell me so so sure enough man that bike was bad that bike that breaks the brakes stopped working on the move no brakes so we were in a crash and so the lord was the lord was gracious and merciful praise god and i saw a spot i know i'm going to have to roll the bike and so i know she's on the back and i'm trying to find a grassy place where i can roll and she can land on the grass i knew i was in big trouble because there's no way i can get off the bike but now i can roll her so i did i turned the bike so she could hit the grass and she did hit the grass and she was fine me and the concrete had a meeting okay okay and it tore up my hoes all that ambulance had to come i looked so bad and i looked so bad when i brought me in the ambulance i looked so bad that when one of the nurses when they brought me in she started crying that's bad nurses see stuff every day right she started crying right the doctor came in first thing he said to me you know how old you are you ain't got no fingers right now i'm sitting up here all toe up raps in there there's blood everywhere you know you shouldn't be he just tore into me right i'm sitting up there you know praising god so i wound up having to get an operation on the shoulder now that operation happened because that operation happened because of my decision every command of god's law i chose to do it in my speed take my time to obey some of y'all need to hear what i'm saying i've never been in the hospital accepted minister the people then or not that was the one time i was in it but i had to i had to have surgery i got a scar like that long on this shoulder right now amen thank god amen now i might as well finish the story since i'm here so so so after all that was over okay and i didn't continue and by the way that that that happened by the way and that wednesday night service was that wednesday night i was back sitting there in the pulpit in the dallas church sitting there in uh with the stuff in the sling and all that and i'm still preaching i never stopped preaching i still preached every service after that amen look bad but i preached still preached every service hallelujah and so then after that amen and so forth and so on so then i went i asked the lord i said no all right so can i have another bite i asked this time come on and i'm not going to buy one unless the holy ghost gives me clearance amen and he didn't for a while but then then the lord gave me clearance on the bike this bike's fine amen see when you fall off the horse you got to get back on it you cannot allow fear to govern your life [Applause] amen you fall down get back up right i said why are you going around aren't you afraid to ask i ain't afraid of nothing i ain't afraid of nobody or nothing i'm not afraid but i got sense now there's two ways to learn you can learn from instruction or you can learn from the school of two by four i like the instructions that time it was a two by four upside the head okay so when i got clearance so that bike's been great amen if it wasn't sunday morning i'd probably be riding it right now i mean it's just great it's just fine praise the lord got total peace no problem at all amen she been on the back with it with it praise the lord now turn to james chapter one i'm just introducing this amen but what i've said already there are a number of things you should have paid attention to right james chapter 1 let's read verse 21 wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity which means abundance of badness received with meekness the implanted or in engrafted words what are we talking about the word and that word is able to save the word save sozo means heal deliver praise god make whole free your souls verse 22 be doers of the what word what's he talking about the word and now here is only deceiving your own selves so you can hear the word but not do it and you think everything's okay and what you have done is deceive yourself thinking everything's okay and then when something bad happens why did god loved it well you just deceived yourself you heard it but you didn't do it amen for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer hears it but doesn't act on it he is like a man beholding his natural face in the mirror before he beholds himself goes this way and straight or straight away forget it with man or man he was and what that means is you know i mean uh if i were to ask you some serious details in your face if i was seriously to ask you how many freckles do you have exactly how many exactly i know you got a few over here how many exactly do you have you're talking about exactness here right the man walks away and he
Channel: WordoffaithCC
Views: 6,405
Rating: 4.9266057 out of 5
Keywords: WOFICC, Word of Faith, Bishop Keith Butler, minister, Word of God, church, church online, bible teaching, Holy Bible, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord’s power, power, Southfield, Detroit, michigan, metro Detroit, God, Christ, Sermon, prayer, pray
Id: d8SiqY0JCag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 18sec (2358 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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