How Things Are Actually Made

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love friends it's me and today we're gonna be checking out how things are made y'all ever wondered how they make a loofah i thought these just spawn at a bin in your local walmart no there is somebody hand making these like they take the material put it on a rod and then like tie it up and then wait there's this whole like back and forth motion to like put it all together and well bam somebody really out here making these for everybody whoa no way this is how they do the neapolitan ice cream it basically just comes out of a floating box and this dude just scoops it up with the tub yeah that was a good scoop what if you like turn around for two seconds and then drop on the floor what if it keeps going think of how long you can make this where does broccoli come from a broccoli tree that you see what he's cutting right now you see the broccoli the head of broccoli right there wa-bam shazam i don't know what i was expecting but it was not this y'all thought they grew like mini trees a broccoli bush if you will when i was a kid these are super popular for like every holiday birthday whatever i would get chocolate coins see i just feel so fancy i felt rich eating them they were just so satisfying to peel too but how do they make them oh those are some big thicky bars of chocolate that's huge massive what a job my guy takes the chocolate building bricks of life and then into the can you go ah whoa there the fountain of chart ejects the chocolate into a pool can we add sound effects to that stop and then once it is nice and melted no more chunks we don't want no chunky monkey chocolate oh it's real smooth now okay but we have to make it smoother even smoother oh is that what they make the little coins with oh once they got a nice even sheet we got this stamper it like stamps into the chocolate and then picks up the little chocolate coins wow and all the excess chocolate goes into the trash i'm just kidding it gets tossed back into the melted chocolate hopefully it will have its turn next time to be a chocolate coin look at all the excess y'all ever go ham with a hole puncher that's what it'll look like so basically it's like cookie cutters for chocolate this is the printer that puts the foil on it and then basically they stamp it oh watch out before the government copy strikes you for using the penny abraham lincoln not gonna be too happy when he hears about this so everything gets stamped and now we know how chocolate coins are made they don't even put any effort into their chocolate it's all in the packaging no we don't care how it tastes we just care how it looks like all they have to do is melt the chocolate put it in another shape the chocolate gets no credit oh they even make like gambling tokens what pennies i have not seen the penny ones i only got the gold ones they make me feel like a pirate this is how they make rubber gloves basically dip these hand molds into the silicone or whatever they're made of and then they keep like rotating until it's dry oh and then it pulls them off they kind of just like dangle there until they're ready to go and then snatch your machine just pulls them off that's mine hands off the merchandise you ever wondered how drinks always look perfect in movies and tv shows well they use fake ice this is a fake ice prop it may look like a big block of ice but it's actually made of rubber it breaks apart so easily and then when you put it in a drink it looks like ice except it doesn't melt how cool is that and then you can spray water on it make it look like it's wet they also use something similar to do broken glass all this eyes fake what if you accidentally take a sip they look so perfect and the whole point is that they stay perfect throughout the whole entire scene so if there are multiple takes of one scene they don't have to keep remaking the drinks it just stays the same throughout the whole shot because you know when you're on set there's like lights it could get really hot the ice can melt the viewer will notice and they will leave a terrible review this fake ice prevents that i saw this on my tick tock the other day and this is the future of vegan meat they are literally 3d printing meat out of plant-based fibers for a meat alternative oh my goodness the texture it's like spot-on that looks like ground beef ground turkey i don't know how i feel about 3d printed food does it taste good though it's crazy how it like prints all of the fibers basically mimicking the texture of real meat you know i would try it this guy is making a street sign i'm very excited because i've never seen anybody make a street sign you know like the stop sign the crossing sign what we got going on today take out sheeda metal put the color on it then trim off the color and then here comes the decal like a temporary tattoo you put it under the water and then you like slap it on your hand and then hold it there for a bit but instead of holding it where there's like this giant go through this giant rolling machine and there we go we got a man and a woman ahead watch out for them they walk in don't accidentally drive your car over them this is a warning so does this guy work for the government or does the government work for him or can you just make signs people not slowing down in your neighborhood literally buy a stop sign and pop it in the dirt that'll show them you know when you get a sunburn you put some aloe vera lotion on it this is how they make it just straight up aloe vera oh why is the water red do they bleed wash them make sure they're squeaky clean and then skim them alive no they're dead that's all the good stuff on the inside squeeze it make a smoothie out of it and wham bam you got aloe vera lotion ma'am that's a lot of eggs where are they going to be cracked ah there's a lot of eggs you could go swimming in there swimming in a sea of omelette oh but it's not omelette oh what is that it's cheesecake might as well call an egg cake with how much eggs y'all use the machine slices them individually they're all so perfect just the right amount of crust so you tell me cheesecake starts out long as a blanket and then they like cut strips through the blanket and then finally chop it up into little pieces they all used to be part of one whole entire big cheesecake you ever go to home depot or costco and they got a wooden pallet with a bunch of bags on it and it's wrapped up in plastic if you don't know what i'm talking about look there's this machine that basically like wraps it up in plastic so the goods are secure that's enough that's enough wrapping i don't think they're going nowhere so it makes it easy to transport it without losing a bag or two milk's favorite cookie we can't legally call them oreos the oreo factory would never allow anybody to visit this is how they make boreal or rikrio or even cacao chocolate you know it's really all the same process oh that must be fun pour in all the ingredients for the sandwich cookie into the dumpster that is not a dumpster that is an industrial mixer mind you that was a lot of oil i get it cocoa flour sugar and 10 boatloads of oil we doing ingredients by the bucket full that was cornstarch oh and don't forget the flour it's like the big bags of dirt from the home depot but with flour ah when when it's done you got the big ole oreo crumble or dirt it could be either if i didn't know what video we were watching i would have been like that is soil for planting it's dirt you could not convince me otherwise so this machine basically stamps every single cookie look how many cookies there are that's a lot of cookies you know this is actually a love story they all start out as a single cookie look at them millions of single cookie sandwiches all stamped looking their best they're good to go look at all these fans blowing all the cookies dry look at them go like guppy's in a sea of opportunity the opportunity is being dumped into milk by some snot-nosed kid with a crusty ipad that's the dream they shovel in the oreos i get some dang cards oh here comes the cream oh this machine does it this machine is the creamer and i guess you can adjust it to put as much cream as you'd like so basically like pop pop pop the cream on each individual cookie it's like locked and loaded but with cookies oh and then they put the bottoms on it they finally found their other half and the cream in between yay now they're all getting packaged and then they go to the store where i pick them up and eat them whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there i gotta put the what newman oh what the hell are these new men all's got oreos no no no no no stick to your fig bars i don't like this one bit you know forget the whole process i don't trust them i didn't even know these existed watch me make eggs for hotel breakfast oh they come in a bag y'all don't have a chef on site cook them fresh who's stilling and fake scrambled eggs at a hotel after this me because they're actually delicious why are they so good if they come in a bag ah i'm sorry unpopular opinion but the texture is so good i love hotel breakfast like you got hard-boiled eggs you got the scrambled egg you got the froot loops out of the dispenser that's probably never been cleaned i wake up at six in the morning to get my hotel breakfast i eat it and then i go back to bed okay it is kind of nasty if you're making it and the fact that they just like mushed it all up okay but things taste ten times better when they're in one of these heater things this is how gyros are made if you're saying gyro you're saying it wrong it's gyros basically it's a bunch of meat on a stick that's like roasted and it like spins while it gets roasted sometimes a person will shave the meat but now you've got this little device that just like slices the meat strips a nice toasty part off pop it in a pita sandwich delicious okay but have y'all ever wondered how they make lottery tickets is there a whole entire factory for it yes there is i'm surprised the factory workers aren't like which is the winning one trying to like rig it it starts out with a graphic designer you know gotta make it pretty colorful they want people to buy it even if they don't win it's like wow ooh pretty color at least i got my money's worth in ink i would say they put as much effort into printing lottery tickets as they do money it's a lot of work i mean you gotta make it legit you can't make it so people can like copy it printing machine go brrrr as it prints all of the lottery cards so this all goes through a printer and the computer randomly generates all of the numbers on every single lottery ticket it goes so fast like extremely fast so the workers can't get a sneak peek there will be no funny business here i wonder if when they select the winning numbers it's just like random numbers like we don't even know if such a card exists but because we printed out so many lottery cards this combination has to exist right i don't know basically the same sheet of paper goes through various printers for every different layer but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the comment below which one was the coolest and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolfpack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 18,553,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, how its made, how things are actually made
Id: CaQA2paqZTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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