How The War in ISRAEL Is Part of God's End-time Prophetic Plan For ISRAEL!

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in this video I'm going to share with you everything that you need to know about Israel its history and how God is going to use Israel in his Endtime prophetic plan and whether the recent events that are going on in Israel right now are a sign of the end times guys this is going to be an epic video for the ages you're going to want to watch all the way through I cannot wait let's dig in okay so there's been quite a bit of attention directed toward Israel as of late as it should be because the Bible is very very clear that Israel is the focal point of God's prophetic plan so in this video I'm going to give you seven things that you need to know about Israel as it relates to the role that Israel is going to play in the end times now give me a little bit of time promise that you'll stick with me because I got to build up and so the first thing that we need to look at as it relates to Israel is going to be its history and we're going to look at what's called the scattering of Israel a little bit of a history lesson here so God through the leadership of kings in the Old Testament had created the nation of Israel to be a United fortified nation under one king but because of all of the Disobedience because of the immorality because of the idolatry because of the oppression of the poor and all sorts of other things God warned them ahead of time that if you get involved in these things you can expect from me to scatter you across the face of the earth look all the way back in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 4 where God through the prophet Moses promised and warned the people not to disobey him it says here in the future when you have children and grandchild and have lived in the land a long time do not corrupt yourselves by by making Idols of any kind this is evil in the sight of the Lord your God and will arouse his anger today I call on Heaven and Earth as Witnesses against you if you break my Covenant you will quickly disappear from the land you are crossing the Jordan to occupy you will live there only a short time then you will be utterly destroyed now here it is pay attention to this for the Lord will scatter you among the Nations where only a few of You Will Survive well unfortunately the people did disobey God and God had to make good on this promise and he ended up scattering the nation of Israel across the face of the Earth and this is what is called the diaspora now without going into all of the history I'm going to just give you some of the highlights in 722 BC or so we have the Assyrian ex Exile or the Assyrian Invasion where God allowed an evil Wicked Nation called Assyria to come into the northern portion of the land of Israel and Scatter the people so that they were to be resettled in other portions of the world specifically in Assyria and then in 586 BC we have What's called the Babylonian exile and this is when God allowed the wicked nation of Babylonia to come into the southern portion of Israel specifically Jerusalem or Judah and he allowed them to take them captive or to kidnap them and take them all the way back to Babylon thus scattering them even further and then there was further scattering in the Persian period and during the helenistic period and then if you fast forward to 70 AD you have the destruction of the Jewish temple which led to more Jews being killed some of them being sold into slavery other were fleeing to other portions of the world so they could run for their lives thus resulting in more scattering more spreading and greater diaspora and then of course if you fast forward to the 20th century you have the Holocaust where there were 6 million Jews who had lost their lives to the Nazis thus destroying the Jewish nation and resulting in more scattering as well now this leads us to the second of seven stages in God's plan plan for Israel and if stage one was the scattering of Israel we will call this the physical restoration of Israel in other words there are scriptures sprinkled throughout the Old Testament where God promises that he is going to restore Israel to the land let's read about several of them Ezekiel 11:17 says I The Sovereign Lord will gather you back from the Nations where you have been scattered and I will give you the land of Israel once again Ezekiel 36 and 24 for I will gather you up from all the nations and bring you home again to your land here's another beautiful one in Amos 9: 14 and 15 I will bring my exiled people of Israel back from distant lands and they will rebuild their ruined cities and live in them again they will plant Vineyards and Gardens they will eat their crops and drink their wine I will firmly plant them there in their own land they will never again be uprooted from the land I have given them says the Lord your God let me pay attention and zoom in on that last phras they will never again be uprooted from the land I have given them which lets us know that this is something that has not yet happened yet now in light of all of the different scatterings that the nation of Israel had experienced including the devastation of the Holocaust it would seem insurmountable and almost impossible for God to reather his people and make them a nation again but this is exactly what we see happening on May 14th 1948 when the Jewish people were established as a nation again and my friend this is a very very important date in all of human history as it relates to Bible prophecy because before this date many of the Bible scholars were asking the question how is he going to be able to fulfill these promises to restore Israel as a nation back to their land if they are not a nation at all and so the fact that on May 14th 1948 that sets this in motion that now Israel is a fortified Nation now it's setting the stage for God to fulfill the promises that he's going to physically restore Israel and this brings us to stage number three where part of God's prophetic plan for the nation of Israel is that there was going to be Wars and persecution from the surrounding neighboring Nations and that brings us up to the modern day because there's so much conflict that the nation of Israel has experienced but God had already prophesied it beforehand notice Zechariah chap 12: 2 and 3 it says I will make Jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that makes the nearby Nations stagger when they send their armies to besiege Jerusalem and Judah but watch This Promise from God on that day I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock all the nations will gather against it to try to move it but they will only hurt themselves do you see what God is saying God is prophesying that yes Israel is going to experience persecution they are going to experience Wars they're going to experience these other nations trying to destroy them but because they are protected by God because they are ultimately God's chosen people God is saying that even though they may try to do this I'm going to make Israel so strong like an IM able rock that they're only going to end up hurting themselves now while we're here it's important for us not to interpret every single conflict that we see going on in Israel as a Surefire sign that the end is near because Jesus told us and warned us against doing this look at Matthew chapter 24 it says this Jesus told them don't let anyone mislead you for many will come in my name claiming I am the Messiah they will deceive many and you will hear of Wars plural and threats of Wars plural but don't panic yes these things must take place but the end won't follow immediately do you see what Jesus is saying is that there's going to be Wars and you're going to hear about these wars plural many of them and threats of Wars but don't panic as if to say oh the end is near Jesus is coming back because it says right here these things must take place but the end won't follow immediately and so the reason why we don't want to overreact to the conflict that's going on there right now is because since their Inception as a nation in 1948 there's been all kinds of wars that the Israelites have been involved in right after they got established as a nation you had the first Arab and Israeli War where they were fighting for the land and fighting for the independence and things of that nature and that was in 1948 and 1949 then in 1967 you had the famous Six Day War and then in 1970 you had the war of attrition followed by the war of yam kapor in 1973 where they were literally attacked on the day of yam kapor one of their Jewish holidays followed by the Lebanon Wars and then all the way up to 2021 the Israeli Gaza conflict and now ultimately in 2023 we see they're at War again so there are going to be Wars but once again this is part of God's prophetic plan for Israel and this leads us to the fourth stage of God's plan for Israel which will occur during the seven years of tribulation which is involving the Antichrist and their ability to offer sacrifices at a temple that is not yet built and so the first thing that's going to happen during this tribulation period as it relates to Israel is that there is going to be a charismatic figure who's going to be referred to as the Antichrist and he is going to make a peace treaty or a covenant with the nation of Israel assumingly to try to win their allegiance to try to get them to believe that he is for them but notice what's going to happen in Daniel 9: 27 it prophesies this and it says this the ruler will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven so this ruler if he says hey you know what I'm going to establish some laws where I'm going to guarantee that Israel is at peace for the next seven years of course Israelites were like you know what yeah I'm we're going to follow you right let's see what he says next but after half this time he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings so sacrifices and offerings what does that suggest it suggests that there has to be another Temple that is going to be built and the Antichrist is going to allow the Jewish people to rebuild the Temple so they can resume their offerings and their sacrifices and this is all going to be music to the ears of those in Israel that is until 3 and 1/2 years in where the Antichrist is going to turn and now he's going to actually focus on persecuting the nation of Israel let's continue and as a climax to all his terrible Deeds he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration until the Fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out on him so halfway through the tribulation period first three and A2 years we'll call the tribulation the last three and a half years we'll call the Great Tribulation this is when the bowls are going to be poured out it's going to be really crazy here on Earth but these final three and a half years in the midpoint of that this Antichrist figure is going to do something so sacrilegious so crazy that he's going to set up some sort of sacrilegious object in the very temple of God and we call this the abomination of desolation elsewhere in Daniel he talks about this in chapter 7:25 he will defy the most high and oppress the holy people of the most high he will try to change their sacred festivals and laws you remember where I said that he's going to try to change up some stuff see first he's going to say oh you can you can resume your sacrifices and your offerings at the at the temple but now he's going to change up their sacrifices and laws and they will be placed under his control for a time that's one year times that's two years 1 plus 2 is three and a half a time what does that add up to three and a half years which lets you know that the last three and a half years of this tribulation period now the nation of Israel is going to be under the control of the Antichrist but let's keep going the fifth stage of God's prophetic plan for Israel and how Israel is going to play a pivotal critical role and how Israel is the focal point of all Bible prophecy is what I'll call the persecution of Israel during the seven years of tribulation so we've looked before about how Israel is going to be persecuted before the tribulation period begins now we turn our attention to how the nation of Israel is going to be persecuted during the 7 years of tribulation when they are handed over to the control of the Antichrist now Jesus predicted this and prophesied that this was going to happen in his famous Olivet discourse in Matthew CH 24 why did he do this because if per chance anyone who is Al alive during the tribulation period gets their hands on the copy of the Gospel of Matthew they will be able to read Jesus's words and to be able to look at the signs and to be able to respond and take cover so they can hopefully avoid being persecuted even further notice what it says keep in mind that we just read about Daniel where he talks about this Antichrist is going to set up some sort of abomination of desolation in the temple now Jesus says this the day is coming when you will see what Daniel the proph Prophet spoke about the sacrilegious object that causes desecration standing in the Holy place now notice what Jesus says reader pay attention he is speaking into the future and Jesus is saying hey if you are reading this during the tribulation period pay attention because you're going to need what I'm getting ready to tell you so that you can survive then those in Judea must flee to the hills a person out on the deck of a roof must not go down into the house to pack a person out in the field must not return even to get a coat how terrible it will be for pregnant women and for nursing mothers in those days and pray that your flight would not be in Winter or on the Sabbath for there will be greater anguish than at any time since the world began and it will never be so great again do you see what Jesus is doing he's trying to help the future readers who are alive during this tribulation period to say you know what when you see and more than likely you'll be able to see it it'll be streamed it'll be on the internet something's going to happen where the Antichrist is going to set up something in the temple and Jesus saying when you see that that is the sign that things are going to get bad for you and you need to flee because you're going to be persecuted but the beautiful thing is that this is all part of God's plan because as a response to the extreme persecution that is going to be Unleashed on the nation of Israel during the seven years of tribulation many of the people in the nation of Israel are going to repent of their sins and turn to Christ and this is all part of God's plan to come full circle because why not only did God promise and prophesy in the Old Testament that he would physically restore Israel but more importantly and this leads me to number six that God has promised to spiritually restore the nation of Israel to where God always intended them to be let's read about it notice Zechariah 12:10 then I will pour out a spirit of Grace and prayer on the family of David and on the people of Jerusalem they will look on me whom they have pierced and mourn for him as for an only son they will grieve bitterly for him as for a firstborn son who has died this is a prophecy that blows my mind the fact that Zechariah could speak about the Savior hundreds of years before Jesus was ever born and talk about that that that he's going to be pierced we know that Jesus was pierced in the side but he goes even further down the line and he says the Jewish people the nation of Israel is going to one day look and say you know what we mourn over the one whom we have pierced in other words we got it wrong this is the Messiah that we have been expecting let's look at another passage of scripture Jeremiah 24:7 it says this I will give them hearts that recognize me as the Lord they will be my people and I will be their God for they will return to me wholeheartedly all of this is part of God's prophetic plan for the nation of Israel he said I'm going to woo them back I'm going to I'm going to attract them to me so that they will see me as their God they're going to recognize Jesus as Savior let's read another beautiful passage of scripture in Ezekiel 36 25-28 then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean your filth will be washed away and you will no longer worship idols and I will give you a new heart and I will put a new spirit in you Israel I will take out your Stony stubborn heart and give you a tender responsive heart and I will put my spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations and you will live in Israel the land I gave your ancestors long ago you will be my people and I will be your God oh my Saints how beautiful this picture is because of the national repentance and how they're going to turn to Jesus during these seven years of tribulation the Bible says that out of that God is going to primarily use the Jewish people as the primary evangelist to spread the word of God and to spread the message of Jesus during the seven years of tribulation so that way more people can turn to Jesus and be saved are you seeing how God is going to make this whole plan that he had for Israel at the beginning come full circle notice what Revelation 7 says and I heard how many were marked with the Seal of God 144,000 were sealed from all the tribes of Israel from Judah 12,000 from Ruben 12,000 from Gad 12,000 from Asher 12,000 from naftali 12,000 from Manasseh 12,000 from Simeon 12,000 from Levi 12,000 from issachar 12,000 from zebulun 12,000 from Joseph 12,000 from Benjamin 12,000 now what I did not read is that God is going to supernaturally protect and preserve these 144,000 Jewish evangelists because he needs them to be able to spread the gospel and tell people about Jesus let's look at the first three verses in Revelation 7 which says this then I saw four Angels standing at at the Four Corners of the Earth holding back the Four Winds so they did not blow on the Earth or the sea or even on any tree and I saw another angel coming up from the East carrying the Seal of the Living God and he shouted to those four Angels who had been given power to harm Land and Sea wait don't harm the land or the sea or the trees until we have placed the Seal of God on the foreheads of his servants so notice here God restricts any further judgment that is going to take place during the tribulation until he seals until he supernaturally protects and preserves these 144,000 Jewish evangelists and the seventh stage of God's prophetic plan for the nation of Israel is what I'll call God's protection of Israel because the persecution that is Unleashed against Israel and all those who turn towards Christ during the seven years of tribulation is going to reach its ultimate culmination in What's called the battle of Armageddon now the word Armageddon comes from the Hebrew word har magito which means mountain of mego and where is mego it's in the land of Israel do you see how Israel is the focal point of all Bible prophecy now let's read about it and the demonic spirits gathered all the rulers and their armies to a place with the Hebrew name r mageddon so at the second coming of Christ God is going to supernaturally protect and preserve his people and fight for them but it ain't going to be much of a fight because God is going to win that battle it's already spoken and prophesied in the Book of Revelation and that leads me to a bonus stage for God's prophetic plan for the of Israel and I will call this the Reign and Rule of Christ Where in Israel let's read about it you see when Jesus returns the Bible is very clear that he is going to step foot on the Mount of Olives which is in Israel notice what it says here on that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives east of Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives will split apart making a wide Valley running from east to west half the mountain will remove toward the North and half toward the South well you may say well brother Allan how do I know that Zechariah is really talking about the second coming of Christ I mean you know his feet touching down the Mount of oliv how do we tie that together ah if you look at the New Testament the book of Acts talks about Jesus is going to return the exact same way that he ascended notice what it says here after saying this he was taken up into a cloud while they were watching and they could no longer see him as they strained to see him Rising into heaven two white robed men suddenly stood among them men of Galilee they said why are you standing here staring into heaven Jesus has been taken from you into heaven but watch this very carefully Saints but someday he will return from heaven in the same way you saw him go then the apostles returned to Jerusalem from where the Mount of Olives a distance of half a mile do you see how the Bible can be used to interpret itself the Bible confirms itself so as Jesus sets up his Reign and rule on Earth this battle is going to occur once again it's not going to be much of a battle because at the end of this B battle two of the three members of the Unholy Trinity the Beast or the Antichrist and the false prophet are going to be eternally cast into the Lake of Fire now this leads us to the 1,000-year millennial reign of Christ and my friend this is where God's plan is going to all culminate because you remember where I talked earlier about how God is going to physically restore Israel to the land and God is going to restore their fortunes and God is going to bless them and God is going to restore them when is he going to do that he's going to do that during the 1,000-year millennial Reign where the Jewish people are going to take up residency in the land of Israel once again and God is going to Lavish His blessings and his favor upon the nation of Israel let's read about it in that day Jerusalem will be known as The Throne of the Lord All Nations will come there to honor the Lord they will no longer stubbornly follow their own desires do you see where Jesus is going to have his headquarters during the 1,000-year millennial Reign it's going to be none other than in Israel it's going to be in Jerusalem is from there the King of Kings is going to Reign and then once again in Zechariah 14 and the Lord will be king over all the Earth that's Jesus on that day there will be one Lord his name alone will be worshiped and Jerusalem will be filled safe at last never again to be cursed and destroyed in the end the enemies of Jerusalem who survive the plague will go up to Jerusalem each year to worship the king the Lord of Heaven's armies and to celebrate the Festival of shelters any nation in the world that refuses to come to Jerusalem to worship the king the Lord of Heaven's armies will have no reain I don't have time right now to dig into the fact that what's going on during the tribulation period and why are some worshiping and some are not that's a whole other video but listen the point is that Jesus is going to be reigning and ruling as king of kings from where Jerusalem Israel the focal point of all human history the focal point of all biblical prophecy so as you can see God has a special plan for this little sliver of land we call Israel and this little City Jerusalem that's just a blip on the map all of human history in Bible prophecy is going to culminate as Israel will be the central focus of Bible prophecy and end times now if you want to learn about what is going to happen after the 1,000 years Millennial Reign then you're going to want to watch this video right here where I talk about not Jerusalem the Earthly City but the New Jerusalem what God has in store for us throughout all eternity is this beautiful city that capital city of the new Heaven and the new Earth called New Jerusalem where you and I will reign and Rule with Christ throughout all eternity if you want to watch that video Simply click the card above or click the link in the description I hope you found this video helpful as it gave you an overview of several things that talk about God's prophetic plan for Israel and the specific ways in which Israel will play a unique role in all of Bible prophecy I'll see you in the next video bye for [Music] now
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 295,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: war in israel, israel palestine conflict, israel news, biblical prophecy, israel prophecy, israel war live, israel war news, israel war 2023, war in israel october 2023, war in israel explained, middle east conflict
Id: xUTmcP0qccU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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