How THE Protestant Who Made Me Catholic Became a Catholic

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hey everybody in this video in this episode my wife is going to share with you why she became a catholic [Music] hey everybody welcome back to another episode of cold brews and catholic cruise it's so good to be with you today today i have my beautiful wife paige here with me today as as my guest i promise i don't set this close to all of my guests if you're watching on youtube if you are just listening on the podcast app maybe i don't know if you can feel in in the audio how close we are um but we are close our shoulders are touched our shoulders are touching i try not to be i honestly try not to be this close to my guests but i think it's fitting to to sit close to my wife it makes it a little more informal a little more natural to our relationship um but anyway in today's episode we're gonna i'm gonna interview paige a little bit i'm gonna really give her a chance to share her own story with you and and tell you why she became a catholic so before i i i kind of give her the the stage i give her the floor a little bit i just want to say thank you so much to all of my patrons uh anyone all the folks who are over at supporting me even for just as little as five dollars a month um you know this is not my full-time job uh i work full-time for the church actually so this is something that i do on the side but it takes a lot of time and it really does and all this equipment costs a lot of money and it really wouldn't be possible without the support of those of those patrons so if you if this ministry has been a blessing for you and you would like for it to be a blessing for other folks as well i would just invite you to consider becoming a patron patreon dot com forward slash sean hussey for just as little as five dollars a month uh thanks once again to all of my patrons i'm so grateful for all of you i pray for you guys every day all right let's get to the episode um so my wife is is is going to share really her story if you've seen the video like my most popular video on youtube it's called how a protestant made me catholic and in that video i really share that of course i was i actually was i was baptized in a catholic home so i did i was i grew up in the catholic faith but it was through paige's witness uh her relationship with jesus that really caused me to think about why i was catholic in fact paige asked me why are you catholic you know because she loved jesus christ and she was striving to follow him her you know she's got great great parents uh and and awesome siblings and grandparents just a great family and and she also really encountered the lord i think in a deeper way in high school maybe she'll tell you a little bit about that um through a youth group but anyway when i when i was getting to know her when we started to date it was so evident to me that paige was just in love with with the lord and her life intrigued me i thought she looked pretty good but but also the way she lived her life and the joy that she had intrigued me and intrigued me that she prayed every day and read scripture every day and i talk about all about all this in my testimony but because of because she loved the lord so much she really did want to know why i was why i was catholic at all and you can check out that video i'll put a card in and a link in the description below if you haven't seen it but basically what i go on to say is that um through paige's witness i really was led to a real deep encounter for the first time with with our lord but it also led me to consider the questions of of of these different branches of christianity and so through my own study of sacred scripture of history i became convinced in the truth of catholicism that jesus really did establish a church that church has continued for 2000 years and that church today is is the catholic church it's continued to exist through the succession of bishops going all the way back to the 12 apostles and to jesus himself instituting the church so page's witness though as a protestant christian really is what ultimately led me to be convinced of catholicism and to be a disciple of jesus as a catholic um and so of course paige and i continue to date and this is what we're going to talk about today and and i'll just give you the spoiler alert because i say it in the video page is now actually a catholic we're practicing we're roman catholics we're in the we're in the latin right um but we're yeah we're we're both catholic to this day we're raising our our children uh one child another child on the way uh we're raising our children catholic as well and we we just love uh we love our lord and we we love his church that he gave us and so there's a there's a verse from scripture first peter chapter 3 verse 15 peter says in your hearts reverence christ is lord and always be prepared to give a defense or give a reason for the hope that's within you but when you do so do it with gentleness and reverence and i think a great way for us to share at least with you the reason for our hope for paige to share with you today the reason for her hope um is is by sharing our her testimony by sharing our own story so for anyone who's listening especially for those who maybe maybe not non-catholic christian or protestant brothers and sisters listening and i know that there are protestant protestants who listen this is by no means meant to be an attack on you but quite simply to share our own story and where we feel the lord has led us and we do believe that god desires for uh for unity among among christians and that unity is is in its fullness in the catholic faith and so again it's not attack an attack on any of our protestant brothers and sisters and quite quite the contrary i think you're going to see that we have great love for all of our our protestant brothers and sisters in christ so this is just an opportunity to share our own story with you and why among all of christianity why specifically why paige has decided to become catholic to leave behind a protestant background and enter into full communion with the catholic church to receive all the gifts that god longs to give each of us so with that page let's chat about your story it's funny interviewing my wife but it's it's going to be good i'll i'll put the mic a little bit closer to you thank you so you're not the shout i know i'm a shouter so why don't you just start pages just share with the the listeners and the viewers um a little bit about your life like growing up what was your faith life like what was your experience with christianity with religion like yeah so yeah like sean said i grew up in a christian home we went to a methodist church wesley united methodist church my mom was just always a great example of prayer to me i remember from a very young age walking downstairs and seeing her in her rocking chair sitting by the fire praying with her bible and her journal open and um she just always uh taught us that you know the start of your day should start with the lord and it's pretty cool because even now we go when we go home to see my family my mom's still sitting in that rocking chair it just squeaks a little bit more i cannot get up early enough to beat her to prayer she's always just praying she's like just don't have enough time to pray in the day and so that was a great gift just like jesus christ it really rising very early before dawn yeah goes off to dessert he's up at like 3 30. it's amazing so i just i grew up with that as a role model for a mother and that was just the greatest gift that god could have given me um and also grandmother and great-grandmother that all just there's really a legacy of faith yeah like in my family especially on my mom's side so um i grew up with that and then always went to youth group going growing up always went to church and um then in high school i started going to a youth group at a non-denominational church and with a couple of friends and i had a small group leader there named becca jakitis and she pretty much just transformed my life because she really just showed me how you could love jesus and be cool at the same time like we had we had so much fun and like just did she she was a college student hanging out with all of us high school students and really just loved us well loved us like god loved us but also just showed us how to live as christians in the world but have fun at the same time and so um that was a great gift as well because it really didn't seem like like being a christian wasn't ever boring she taught us how to love god and how to live in the world at the same time that those two are actually compatible and so that was she she was very transformative in my in my faith journey too yeah that's awesome yeah i was because i i mean i think i had the same experience like of my perception of like all in christians growing up too as you know was like um it was just kind of like yeah it was a little bit odd a little bit weird like you should you should it should be important to you but if you're like all in it's like a little bit weird it's going to suppress who you are you're going to have to like act a certain way be a certain way and while there may be some truth of that i think yeah what becca witnessed for you really well which is awesome is that yeah it yeah i mean it does it does call us to a greater a higher calling i guess to become a christian but it actually helps us to be who we are called to be helps us to be individuals which uh which makes life more joyful not less yeah you don't have a faith life in a real life they're just combined that's right and it's just actually more joyful that's right yeah so she was my small group leader when i was a sophomore in high school and then um she moved away and then i had another great small group leader at that same youth group tiffany kelly who's now tiffany swalls and then another great small group leader amber lowers and so i was really blessed in that youth group just to constantly um have great women as role models for the faith um women that i could go to that i could trust with my problems and they could just really help me in my walk with the lord and so that was yeah growing up that's yeah and they encouraged you to read scripture yeah yeah i think whenever i was a sophomore there was um a big push to get like the teen life bible um i think it's sitting right there actually yeah i'm gonna grab it okay and that was and becca really taught us like how to read through that yeah that book changed my life thing it loves your face it likes to focus on you there it is look at that yeah you can see all of my old sticky notes and everything but if you're watching on youtube yeah we're showing the the teen life bible if you're i mean if you're listening that's what we're showing but yeah i saw this bible i remember when we first like i started to get to know you i'm like wow she actually reads her bible yeah i'm like that's amazing yeah i don't do that i do now yeah you do but yeah so i think i i had a bible for sure before and read the bible but it was definitely more um becca really taught me how to read the bible um daily and like how to have takeaways and that bible had always had like little excerpts um like with stories with like real life application and that was always really helpful so i think that bible is really what like right where i learned to read the scriptures and study them so through these girls in your life in high school these these mentors really through youth group is really how you you learn to follow christ and to be a disciple which is awesome and then and and so okay take me from there you get into the end of high school i know that i'm i meet you you know kind of in the midst of that at least in the middle i guess in the middle of your high school career we kind of get to know each other we start dating and then now you're all of a sudden you're dating this catholic guy yeah um what was yeah what was your tell me about your experience with the catholicism um like growing up and then like meeting me and your perception of catholicism and the fact that i was a catholic yeah i would say i didn't have a great perception of catholicism growing up it really was just a lack of knowledge um of what the catholic church really taught and believed in i had a few negative experiences with people who were catholic in my life and so then that kind of just led me to think that there was something wrong with catholic people but that obviously wasn't the case um so yeah i just grew up not really ever even considering like why someone would be catholic um i didn't i don't think i fully understood all of the differences especially when i was younger but then yeah so i just didn't really have a concept of the truth of catholicism by any means or i don't feel like i really had a great encounter with anyone who was like truly truly practicing and showed me like why people are catholic you know and so then whenever yeah whenever i met you because you wanted to know why i was catholic yeah and so what like what what made you want to ask that question yeah i think two things in particular that i remember are that you always prayed before your meals the blesses oh lord yes you by yourself like when we would go on dates and then when we were with your family you guys always prayed that prayer no matter what and and if someone started eating before megan was sure to make sure that someone prayed that prayer you know and so um huge shout out to my family yeah parents megan megan oh she's on that great examples yeah they are yeah and so that and then you guys never miss sunday mass and although i didn't i wouldn't say we we rarely missed church growing up we always were there i have memories of bringing towels in and sitting on them in a dirty softball uniform you know but there were times you know that we would we would miss because of sports or because something you know life and so or if we were traveling on a weekend but i i remember noticing that about your family that no matter where you guys were alabama texas california miami seriously anywhere you guys always found a church and went to mass and so i think those two things in particular were really intriguing to me that praying before meals and never missing a sunday were like two very important parts of your guys's life yeah because i mean when you asked like at least that my memory of it wasn't like you were asking like with any hostility at all but actual just sign of like curiosity i mean maybe you had interesting experiences with other catholics growing up yeah and it not that you were necessarily like jumping to become a catholic or anything by any means but you you seemed genuinely opened yeah to why i was catholic and and while you didn't necessarily think there was anything wrong with it yeah i don't think that i ever thought there was anything wrong with it really especially because since i went to a methodist church but was at went to a non-denominational youth group you know and led a small group at the non-denominational youth group even though i went to church at the methodist church and so i don't feel like it was ever i really ever had an issue with you being catholic or anyone being catholic i think i really just was genuinely interested and wanted to know why you chose to be catholic of all the things that you could be why that and especially after you went to mass for the first time and after i went to mass first i'm like why would anyone ever begin this is boring yeah i did not understand this i knew for a fact that i would never be catholic that day so not funny yeah now you love them yeah yeah yeah it is funny because you have a priest saint in heaven yeah praying for you and seen your ketchum yeah that was my first mask yeah other than like wedding masses or funeral masses for friends or family but yeah i might have gone you know when i was younger with a friend on a sunday morning but yeah so let's talk then about paige just about tell tell folks what led you i mean this is a long story but but maybe like what led you to catholicism from there i mean you're just you're not like anti-catholic or still towards catholicism but you're still like very sure you're not catholic yeah and that was that was evident to me and especially as i started to grow in my own faith and and i started to really study catholicism and christianity in general and study scripture i know i was coming to you all the time with like gotta read the scripture because you love scripture and and i think that that the catholic church is extremely biblical and makes great evidence and and you knew that i thought that right and so because i always shared with you um and so but there was a clear i know for like a lot of our relationship there was we had this great love for the lord together which was awesome but yet there was like some essential aspects of our faith where we disagreed fundamentally on on theology yeah so i mean what what ultimately or what are some of the things along the way that led you to to decide you actually wanted to become catholic yeah that's yeah that's a really really long story but a few of the highlights yeah i think your search for um truth you were just like actually in that interview earlier today i said you were in a constant pursuit for truth like you just always needed to know more what was right why it was right with all scripture and all teaching everything and i think that was really intriguing to me and inspiring and i think that helped me become more solidified in the things i already knew i believed and didn't really want to change them yeah and so um i knew i didn't want to become catholic initially double down on some of the things you grew up believing yeah because it just that's that's what i knew and that's what i knew to be true at that time and so um yeah i think your search really made me convicted and more convicted of my own but then yeah just over the years there were different things that um just started becoming less of a stumbling block you know like um in particular mary's role um in the catholic church you know in our salvation i always felt and it's funny i even like remember growing up thinking like why don't we talk about mary more we talk about her one day here she gets like a little verse like we don't we just don't as protestants she's so underappreciated and um i remember always thinking that and i think probably just out of the desire to become a mother someday you know just really resonated with her and so i think the catholic church's um teaching and stance on mary was really interesting to me and um i was really open to that immediately i i really liked it she excited me yeah you did like yeah i really liked it and so i think she's probably the reason that she just brought me on home to the church but yeah but yeah so she was something that wasn't really ever stumbling block but more of just kind of like an entry point probably yeah you know which is that was the first thing for you to kind of accept yeah which i mean i know a lot of other you know other folks who've been in protestant backgrounds and become catholic like that's one of the last ones yeah um but as you said for whatever reason you were drawn to mary and especially her maternal role and that made sense in the life of the church yeah you know of course you saw pretty clearly right away that the catholic church doesn't worship mary obviously he doesn't place any kind of equal level of deity between her and the trinity and all that she has we know is from god even all of her titles actually point to christ not herself right even and yeah i even gave a talk on that whenever i was a protestant at the catholic campus right how i met your mother yeah you titled it yeah yeah so what were so what were a couple of the doctrines that really troubled you the catholic doctrines that troubled you and then maybe what convinced you otherwise yeah so um i think like the three main doctrines that i struggled with would be um confession um to a priest to a priest yeah confession to a priest reconciliate sacrament of reconciliation yeah sacrament as a whole was really a big stumbling block um purgatory and the eucharist of course that was the biggest one that is the one that took years and years to yeah the eucharist was the toughest one yeah that i would say i was okay with everything about catholicism confession reconciliation you know everything right except for the eucharist for like years probably but yeah so i think um yeah talking with father john oh we we met with a priest in our hometown a lot and yeah i remember talking with him about confession and and that really see hearing it from the side of a priest really helped me in that um and then just reading more and more scripture if you if you just read the scriptures the catholic church really comes alive and so just reading the scriptures and what it what the scriptures teach on the sacraments that that really helped me um in a lot of those stumbling blocks to me the eucharist definitely was the biggest one i listened to every talk in the world and read every book you possibly could and i just it was still a huge stumbling block i had like there's three moments in my life where i feel like jesus revealed himself to me in the eucharist yeah different adoration mass adoration mass and when we were at the papal trip whenever the world meeting of families and he came to america and we went there and so there were a few different encounters in my life um that are more a story for uh in person another time probably in person with someone but um that i felt like god began revealing himself to me because all of the other things that i had learned about the catholic faith were more like intellectually learning about them and then feeling like okay yeah i can get on board with that but the eucharist was the one that's the one that though it's the the longest journey is from the head to the heart right yeah that's the same thing it's a long journey from the head to the heart yeah that's and for the eucharist that was absolutely true i because i you know read so much scott han listened to so many talks and and nothing could really convince me if you some church fathers church fathers yeah if you open up that bible john 6 is highlighted and question marked and sticky noted and and nothing ever really convinced me until i had those multiple encounters with the lord um in the eucharist in the eucharist yeah and that's a i have often compared my testimony to the walk to emmaus you know yeah more about that yeah you yeah yeah i love that yeah yeah okay um yeah i so i often compare my testimony if i when i'm given my testimony especially just about my conversion to catholicism um in comparison to the walk to amaze the road to mace if you know that story you know the disciples are walking with jesus um and yet they are blind jerusalem to emmaus yeah and yet they're blinded from fully seeing him they're talking with him like i talked with god all the time you know they're opening the scriptures with him like i did all the time you know it really i just read this and i just see my story and it wasn't until the breaking of the bread at the eucharistic feast that is when their eyes were opened to him and that's how i feel that is really where i truly and more fully know god is now by being catholic and believing in the eucharist and um just understanding that as truth for me but it really it really yeah it really was brent petry's book jesus and the jewish jewish roots of the eucharist that helped me to see that yes that was a big one along with those three different you know encounters i had which were over the course of years you know but that book coupled with that last like final experience with the lord really is like what opened my eyes to him yeah and and so like i think as we've talked about before paige what you're saying is essentially for the eucharist let's use that one as a as an example you actually like through reading scripture through reading different like books on the eucharist and arguments from scripture and history and even like the church fathers that it seemed to you intellectually that this actually at the very least made sense yeah yeah and even made maybe even the best argument for what the lord intended the holy communion to be yeah or what the holy thursday to become for us but even though intellectually you could see the logic there and the consistency it was difficult for you to kind of assent to that to make a yes to that because of course you although maybe there's a reason there's logic there and you believe god can of course do amazing things as he always does it's hard to kind of change and i don't think i want to take that for like for granted for anybody who would be interested anybody listening or anybody watching who is who is considering catholicism i understand that like it's a difficult thing to shift your perspective when you believe something for your entire life right with your whole heart then it is really it's a drastic change but i think what's beautiful about your story page is like especially in the walk to emmaus is that the lord wants to reveal himself to us and so if we're struggling with something we're not sure of something if we ask the lord with an honest heart he will reveal what i think the desires of our heart he'll reveal his truth to us i think that's what we did for you in the eucharist is that you almost wanted to believe you wanted to believe what was true i know that yeah but even even you had this intellectual understanding of the eucharist but you really needed god to tell you like yeah i see that this could be true i need you to show me lord if this is true this is truly you present oh yeah and he did that yeah in in different experiences at mass and adoration but i think he was able to do that he was able to really reveal himself because you were open to oh and asking or asking and asking for asking you shall receive yeah yeah i was very that was my prayer all the time anytime we'd go to mass together it was just that the lord would yeah reveal that to me if it were true and i mean what it took my conversion over the course of like four or five four years i think and yeah i mean that was that was that was the tipping point and then i finally could you know there's probably a good you know six months to a year there where i probably felt like everything else was definitely true right but the i couldn't get over the eucharist so i couldn't become catholic and that was the last one that was the last one but then once i realized the eucharist was true then it would i could not i could not delay that call in my life you know delaying god became denying him and i needed i knew then that i like needed to become catholic because if i believed that the catholic church was the only place that truly offers that you know yeah and so i couldn't be anywhere else and so then yeah a few months later is when i entered rcia yes lord to whom shall we go you have the words of everlasting life i think that's another good thought just that at that point you would reach the point where you to delay obedience any longer although it's going to be difficult and you had to have some difficult conversations and you knew in a certain sense there would be this this this division with your family even which is which is tough um that you had to because you you felt like the lord had actually yeah he was calling you to that so you had to be obedient to him well before we kind of maybe conclude i actually maybe let's do the let's say something about purgatory just because that's the other one you mentioned purgatory um what was an obstacle about that for you and then was there anything that helped um helped you to kind of overcome that yeah i don't know that one i feel like must have come fairly easy because i don't have any like major memories of like that in particular but i just remember feeling like how could god just not save someone who's been you know living there living their life for him you know i don't know i feel i didn't i felt like like obviously also i didn't understand it because if you were in purgatory then you were in heaven and so but i felt like how could god not just do that you just bring you there or without going to an extra place but i think that was just like that was your oh i see i see that's that was the obstacle you had to it where you were just like why would god allow somebody to go to this intermediary after we lived this whole life why would we have to go to another place and then go to him you know that just didn't make sense to me but i think it truly was just a lack of understanding of the fact that when you go to purgatory it's not an option there heaven or hell you're already in heaven you know right you've already been judged and that's your destination right next stop in heaven yeah yeah yeah and so it's that yeah just that process again that process of purification as as pope benedict described even as you know in first corinthians three it's the the fire or the purification we experience purgatory is christ himself who purifies us and makes and brings us into perfect communion with god so we can experience the beatific vision so it's not in spite of the cross right it's because of the cross that purgatory exists the love of god purifying us so that we can be with him yeah yeah that's good stuff so let me ask you this because i know people i know people will think this and and and and you can maybe set the story straight oh did i become catholic for you yeah didn't you just become but really though didn't you just become catholic because we're obviously we weren't married yet but we were probably gonna get married and if we hadn't got married he probably wouldn't have become catholic even though he became catholic before we got married but still it was close enough it was during our engagement yeah so did you just become catholic for me like if we you know if something were to happen would you leave the catholic faith someone asked me that earlier today actually yeah um no i did not become catholic for you sean um no the lord i came for it came for the lord yeah i uh there was a time in our relationship where we were gonna be long distance for a while and we weren't gonna be talking really ever and um it was just very busy season of life yeah for a few months and um i knew that we'd already been dating a couple years and i had already learned a lot about catholicism and i was already kind of probably on that journey of there were a few things that i was on board with but i just wasn't quite there definitely wasn't fully there um but i never ever wanted to become catholic or become any religion for anyone besides god and myself that it should only be to increase my love for god in my relationship with him and so um i just said to myself i didn't tell sean this before he left but that if i was ever going to seriously consider becoming catholic it would be while he was gone um so that he his face wouldn't be incredible yeah that i wouldn't be just you know swayed by our relationship because in some aspects it could be easier just to both be catholic if we're getting married and then you know just kind of whatever we've got some disagreements but just kind of ascent to that and so um yeah it was during that time that i just seriously sat down and listened to more podcasts and catholic lighthouse media cds which were definitely a thing now podcast yeah that's right and read so many books prayed the rosary a lot which is so funny now to think about me being so protestant and praying that rosary so much but um yeah i prayed that during that season of being a part in in after that season is when i realized i i could become catholic someday i really felt that um all of those things that i had struggled with i was had come to not come to terms with that's probably not the right word but i did believe in the catholic church yeah come to accept them uh just the eucharist was that was still the main stumbling block and so i at that point i just felt like that i had made a good clear discernment that um if i ever did it wouldn't be for sean that i had made that search for myself and for god and um that yeah if and then that's when i started that prayer that if god wanted me to become catholic he would make it obvious to me and that he would reveal himself to me in the eucharist because i felt that i had the knowledge there of his teachings in his church um that i could yeah say yes to that if that's where he was calling me and then but then that was still a few years before i did and yeah we my that final encounter with the lord in the eucharist that led me to start rcaa was even before we were engaged and i became catholic during our engagement but yes i definitely at that time before i mean we had definitely talked about becoming getting engaged and getting married for a very long time but um i knew that even if we weren't going to get married if we broke up that next day that i i definitely wanted to become catholic for the rest of my life and so um that was a tough decision to make breaking away from the faith of my family and i knew a lot of people would probably think it was for that because it was the timing just did happen to be shortly before we got married but i'm so thankful that that was the timing that the lord provided so that we could both get married as catholics that was a great gift that was a great sacrament and so um so yeah no i did not become catholic for you all right but yeah because our lord led you there yeah yeah and so as we close here i just want to call back to mine as paige mentioned that walk to emmaus i believe that's luke chapter 24. and just encourage if you're listening or watching maybe to read through that passage again and see how the lord makes himself present to those disciples in the breaking of the bread and the eucharist and to this day the lord longs to oh he is present but he longs for you to see him see that he is present in the breaking of the bread and the eucharist if you're a catholic if you're struggling with your faith um i encourage you just to to look to the eucharist the source and some of our faith because it is christ himself and and just to ask him to walk with you and to make himself known to you in the breaking of the bread and if you're a if you're especially a protestant christian listening and you are open to catholicism um and you're considering catholicism maybe i would encourage you just to ask this page that ask the lord to especially if you go to mass go to eucharistic adoration and look at the eucharist and ask the lord if that's really you tell me that's really you lord reveal yourself to me because if jesus is truly present in the eucharist body blood soul and divinity as the catholic church teaches this is a big deal this is a big really really big deal it's an important question to consider because christ we believe is fully present to us at every mass in the eucharist and he longs to um to to make himself one with us too right to abide in us and us in him yeah in the partaking of the eucharist yeah and ask asking it might take four or five years for an answer but just wait on the lord yeah be open to that yeah yeah there's a prayer from we grab my journal actually finished maybe we can close up that prayer from rome sweet home by scott han um and kimberly hahn they there's a prayer in there i can't remember if it's kimberly's prayer or if it's scott's prayer but it's basically god i will go wherever you want me to go and i think we should pray that together to finish yeah this would be a great way to finish yeah you can close out i gotta find it yeah but thanks so much everybody for joining us for today's episode we're gonna finish with this final prayer here i'm gonna let my wife kind of conclude us with this prayer but i hope you enjoyed the story i was gonna i'm thinking about titling this episode how the protestant who made me catholic became a catholic just to make it extremely confusing and so nobody i mean i don't know maybe people want to click on it because they're kind of confused what yeah or maybe just how my wife became a catholic might make more sense yeah but thanks so much everybody uh thanks for joining us for another episode of cold brews and catholic truths uh it's so good to be with you um you're in our prayers thanks so much and god bless we'll finish with this prayer in the name of the father son holy spirit lord i'll go wherever you want me to go say whatever you want me to say do whatever you want me to do and give whatever you want me to give amen name of the father and the holy spirit amen and may the lord bless us protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life amen amen all right have a good day everybody god bless
Channel: Sean Hussey
Views: 117,717
Rating: 4.9412985 out of 5
Id: keKF2SBVg-M
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Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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