How The Narcissist Handles Being Blocked

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good morning thanks for tuning in to narcology unscripted this is dave today's subject is going to be how does a narcissist handle being blocked guys take a quick second like and subscribe and then comment down below if you agree with this take or you don't go ahead and grab your coffee or tea good evening around the world thanks for sitting in to the narcology morning show cheers well it's no mystery that we chased this evil influence rabbit down the hall we bought into going back to the first date we bought into this this connection that they wanted us to believe this that they were kindred spirits waiting for us our whole lives they're good at this when there's mutual attraction they put the pedal to the metal on this they want to tear down the fortress you have around your heart they really do and they use words and phrases to get this done and i don't need to go over all the words and phrases but comment down below if you know all the words and phrases some some some of them are hilarious some they use at different times but most of all these top two things that they use you're my person and you're my soul mate they love these two because it really gets those walls down they they're able to set your battlements absolutely ablaze with this and so if you're attracted to them they want to maintain that attraction by doing stuff like this locking you down quickly making you feel like this exists true love first meeting i don't care where you met this person guys if you if you met someone if you're dating you met someone out of left field who friended you on facebook i wouldn't follow that you're not going to meet your person on social media this is good against evil and the devil you're low hanging fruit when you do that just let you know back to blocking them let's talk about what blocking does because little do you know guys after you follow these burnt tire tracks down your driveway saw something in the gutter picked it up it's the soulmate mask you're shaking your head you're trying to figure out what the heck just hit you they were wearing this mask the whole time they're with someone else now they're wearing a different mask guys don't pick up that mask don't go into the harem garage because they're just gonna drive by pick up the mask from the gutter and place it back on with fake apologies fake epiphanies and don't let them laughing with the new supply move you that laugh is still a facade they're miserable because they can't feel love therefore they can't give love they are miserable empty shells you can love take the season of this heartbreak embrace it and learn from it block the narcissist block your soulmate block your spouse this is the hardest thing for us to do but you need to do it you need to start the healing process and on to the new chapter of your life because it was all fake the smiling narcissists that you see in the pictures on your phone where it were the devil using these empty meat suits to entice you into this swine rodeo and you think they they won this rodeo this game that you didn't even know you were a part of they didn't win anything they can't love they can't even attach to anything you're like they don't even seem uh uh sad that they're away from me they're not gonna seem sad they're that they're away from anybody that's why the devil uses these people but like-minded individuals do exist you need to block the narcissist across your cell phone and you need to block the narcissists across social media and stop accepting friend requests from strangers because that's your soulmate catfishing you spying on you this is what they do guys what if i what if i meet someone i can't have a close facebook what if my soulmate there is no such thing as a soulmate and that's what i'm trying to get across to you there is going to be a new chapter to your life if you would do these two things erase the pictures your soulmate pictures and block the soulmate across social media you're going to go through a season of healing and learning and then god is going to start the new chapter in your life bringing you someone like-minded not your soul mate bringing you someone like-minded who puts god first so you can navigate this world the right way with a companion a partner this is what he wants so let's talk about how the narcissist handles it because it it is an atrocious feeling blocking someone you deemed your soulmate you just followed them down this rabbit hole because this is what they're good at when they know there is that attraction they say follow me follow me i know how to rip these walls that took you a lifetime to put up they rip it down in a day and those of you that are ready to date realize this because they're going to negotiate around your land mines to get to you again you're going to be following the same tracks down to the curb picking up a different mask keep in mind they're wearing a different mask guys for the new supply friends they're not doing better they're miserable people don't be moved by it block them so you don't witness them how do they handle being blocked well the devil has narrated a movie in their head and that goes against their movie because they thought they can just snap your fingers and mrs b from the harem garage is going to come running you got to shut that movie down for your own healing and to shut get the devil off your path because they only go after low-hanging naive fruit remember this the devil's going to go out to the stay on the new supply and the the low-hanging fruit after the new supply doesn't stop but it stops with you by going to the throne getting jesus in your heart with holy fire is what he wants he's going to make up for all of this with with beauty from ashes he he told me to go to the throne for healing and he did he healed me quickly and that's what he wants to do with you but you got to do those two things first and i say block your soul mate block your spouse you you need to do it it was all fake it was all of assad if you don't do it you get your mrs b and they're gonna snap their finger and finish you off the reason why they laugh is the devil wants them to laugh the devil knows that they have no empathy the devil knows they can't feel or give love that's why he uses cluster b individuals to get you off your game to destroy you get the devil off your path right now guys block them across social media erase their pictures it's going to shut the devil down it's going to shut the narcissist down turn into mrs a mrs a is the way start the new chapter in your life if you don't do this your new chapter doesn't start if you don't do this you're not going to see the anointed purpose to your life and what god has in store for you those of you that want holy fire and to know what i'm talking about except jesus just say jesus come into my heart i know you died for my sins i repent of my sins i confess you my lord and savior and then say jesus give me the holy ghost give me the holy spirit give me the holy fire with the nine gifts so i can navigate this world for heaven's purpose that you have for me and you can send me someone like-minded a companion who puts you first don't accept friend requests from social media it's not going to occur that way it's not going to happen i'm talking to somebody here this is this message really truly is for somebody you guys like and subscribe comment down below of what you know to be in the playbook on the first date this really is going to help the newbies with the key power words that the devil uses to get your walls down like you're my person you're my soul mate but there's tons of other words and phrases comment down below if you know these join the seal team if you want to be a part of a community with holy fire the holy fire friday is happening at three o'clock mountain time two day you don't want to miss it join the seal team guys it's an amazing place like and share this video and of course subscribe let's let's multiply this channel guys be blessed we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Narc ology unscripted
Views: 106,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Narcissist, Narcissism, Narcissists, Narcissist channels, narcissism, narcissism channels, narcissists channels, NPD, covert narcissist, narcissisticpersonalitydisorder, narcissistic abuse, The Jezebel Spirit, Church, How The Narcissist Handles Being Blocked
Id: i1IvJVXJgy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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