How the Content Center Works | Autodesk Inventor

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[Music] [Applause] we simply open a few videos on the channel regarding frame generator and whatnot and it's kicked up a few comments from people regarding the content center like how do I headed it how do i how do I understand it I don't understand how it works and I'm a me sender how do you edit it really go to my channel go to the videos tab hit search search for content center and the first two videos our pop-up mate is getting started guide to edit in the content center it's been there for two years cards on the table I forgot myself that I'd done it but yeah you never do yes and then the second video is how to install and set up the desktop countenance end which is perfect because you can't do the video and I'll show you if you haven't done this bit how to install instead of desktop content center but the continence Center is installed within vendor when you install it in the first place so you should be fine but if you didn't install it just follow this I have no idea how I stretched it out for 15 minutes but that's the thing that's just how I do so if you want to edit the content center and to be fair I'll go into quite a bit of detail I've got a quick under through it I'm done - all right here actually is this client now these are what editing all the tables family properties file names are kind of stuff shenanigans and in this video here how to install a content center is taking you through the install process where you've got the tikki box for installing desktop content which is that one there you should have take that when you installed your inventor in the first place it normally is ticked you would have had two one ticket but nevertheless I digress let's get cracking so all I'm gonna do in this video is explain the mechanisms behind the content center where files come from and where they go cotton-eye Joe that's all its gonna be it's not a guide on how to use it it's not any kind of in-depth tutorial it's just the mechanisms behind it so first let's validate that you've got the content center working after the initial waffling is complete let's go to projects and I'm using the default project file you might be using a different one that's fine click this button down here configure content center libraries providing everything's tickety-boo you should see access option invent a desktop content and then you should see location of libraries with a blue I blink and then you should seal a bunch of black text and read text as long as most of the texts black you find you're golden I was in sweet to verify that everything's okay you want to click this hyperlink here and then that will take you into Windows Explorer and there are your inventor content center libraries that you installed within vendor these ID CL files invent a desktop content library files are where your nuts bolts washers all your content center parts come from but this is not one big massive zip file full of parts these are tables full of numbers that make parts when you ask for them that's the first element in the mechanism that makes the contents and a work libraries the second one is the files and the big question is where do the files go once you've made them that is also dictated by your project files we're heading back on over to inventor go to your project file expand folder options and you'll see a directory here contents enter files if that set is default when you place a washer at Boalt wherever from the content center inventor is going to automatically bung it into that directory there which is C uses documents you my documents folder inventor contents under files so just heading on over to that folder inventor continents enter files released 2018 as one of moves now en-us it'll put all the continents enter files into this directory in a drawing office non bueno not good you want to change that directory to be a network drive and to do that you can either edit this path or go to your application options you would do this and everybody's in vendor and then change this path here to be a network drive whenever you create a bubble washer whatever you want it to go to a network drive so do you just do you know just again and without going to get into too much detail and go into the far end over fart that's probably the best option to do so that's where it's going to put the files and well let's just fire fry that right that's where it's gonna put the files and then that's where the files come from but obviously a conscious you can't you know drag and drop files from there that's not gonna make you nuts and bolts and washers what happens is you go to an assembly you click place from the con ten center and then inventor gives you the continent Center the place from the contents and a dialogue you've given various filters here so this is little funnel button here is filters so if you're working in for example the UK you probably not interested in the dense stuff in the JIS stuff so if you've got it bolts that's going to socket head bolts see it's just gives you everything it's just sort of diary is everything all over you just like I don't know what any of this stuff is or I want to do is look at ISO FoxNews so you click the funnel click ISO and that's all it's going to show you the confusion lies because it looks like you're looking at parts here it looks like those thumbnails are parts that already exist but they don't this is just the thumbnail of a part that inventor can give you after it's built it from the numbers inside well this library here so ISO 476 two and ISO twelve or seven come from this library here but it doesn't make them until you double-click that thumbnail and tell it what size you want then it will look at the tables build the part and then it'll bung it into this directory here in your My Documents folder so let's test it let's test it shall we so currently the directory is empty just for verification is absolutely sweet FA in there so that's going to invented will double-click four seven six two I'll say right well here's all of the available sizes that you can have based off of the four seven six to screw so we'll say I want an M 10 by 40 click OK there second you press ok is the second file will be generated in here so we'll go okay let's go back over to here and there you go it's made the subfolder 4 7 62 and then there's your M 10 by 40 IPT which has just been generated from the numbers in this library and that's it that's how it works there's nothing more to it than that all you need to know is right clicking ok or not all you need to know is how to set up the continence Center and then to be honest you don't even really need a care about these after these are installed as long as invented can find them you don't need to worry about these you just got a place you go right now I want a 1207 want to change its size and I want and I'm six by 20 wok it in go overtly in My Documents folder there's your twelve or seven folder you just need to make sure that you look after these files that's all you need to care about when they're in your My Documents folder they're good for you they're not good for anyone else that you might be working with so if you send an assembly to Susan across the across the corridor who works in a different department well she opens up that assembly her PC ain't gonna be able to find the bolts in your content center My Documents folder and she won't have those bolts in her My Documents so you know that's why you need to redirect them to a network drive if you working with other people if you working by yourself you need to just make sure that you keep a close eye on these folders and yeah just something you've got to manage there's nothing really you can do bow it you can redirect them off onto a external hard drive maybe secondary drive if you spec to workstation you had a C in a D drives but send them off to the D Drive back them up it's not the end of the world if you do lose them it really isn't because you can recreate them so we'll save this assembly I'll save this into My Documents we'll call it it contains volts all right so that assembly just contains those two comments and the files will close the assembly down let's go over to the content center for that we'll delete those two out so they're gone so the next time I open up this contains bolts it's gonna go oh no bolts are missing a situation in it so they're gone because it can't find them in the My Documents folder but because they're standard parts generated from a table we can just recreate them it's not easy to do that but you can recreate them all you would have to do is go place from the content center go to four seven six to change size and we know we want an M 10 by 40 M 10 by 40 click OK and then save close reopen skip and it should find that file there and it's all done so for the second part would have to go place from the contents and a 12 or 7 or an m6 by 20 so I have to change size go to M say by 20 click okay if I don't even need a place it that's it place that's it done save closed reopen not another both back end so it's yeah I'd rather not have to do that if if you had thousands of contents and the files in your in your workspace so that's it that's how the content center works I don't really want to go into any more detail than that for a video that is just on how the mechanics work just as a recap you need to make sure invent there is pointing to the ID CL files these are updated every version so in their next year there'll be AI 2019 invented 2019 will point towards the 2019 libraries they tend to not change but you can't point invalid 2019 at the 2018 libraries but you can point invented 2019 at all the content center files which were created in an earlier version I don't agree with this I don't know why that's done that way I would when when 2019 comes out you'll get are 2019 and you can just sort of take that and cut and paste in the 2019 folder or you can just completely get rid of that ability 2018 folder completely and just paste that up there and then get rid of that that's another option I want some letters close downing delete that folder anyway I'm sore and enough but yeah that's the mechanics of how the contents and it works hopefully that makes sense that's where the first come from that's where the go cotton-eye Joe thank you very much guys I'll see in the next one [Music]
Channel: Tech3D
Views: 26,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Inventor, tutorial, tips, training, guide, modelling, 2018, content center, content centre, standard parts, library, files, nuts, screws, bolts, washers, pins, rivets, gears, shafts, generator, frames, pipes, tube pipe
Id: tYfEDZNc2Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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