How the Attack on Titan Anime Fixed the Manga's Ending

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[Music] everyone was a slave to something is it hyperbole to say that for the better part of a decade the anime Community has been a slave to discourse around Attack on Titan no matter what titles come and go Attack on Titan inevitably breaks the community and crunch your servers with every release it seemed like there was a change in the air for this final episode of Attack on Titan that maybe the hype would fade because of the more than mixed review the ending of the MOG received over 2 years ago instead it has gone on to be as popular as ever ending to mass praise from the entire Community I'm a firm believer that the hate to the mongus ending was overblown my initial and extremely positive reaction video to the Final Chapter serves as proof enough but I think that the anime was able to capture a few elements of the story that the manga slightly misses on firstly the pacing an atmosphere of the anime sets it apart from the source material the rumbling is a horrifying event in the manga but the production of the anime goes above and beyond to sear into the viewer's mind the scale of the atrocities being committed take the scene with the baby being held in front of the rumbling the manga has a painter like quality as if it would be set up for a canvas to hang in a museum whereas the anime hones in on the reality of the people falling to their death trying to pass a baby forward so it can live the anime brings a heightened sense of realism to this scene that the manga is missing the rumbling has been a particular bright spot for mappa production but they also really pulled through on the action sequences at the start of the final season maa's action was clearly missing the flare of wits and it has been a real joy to see the team at mappa improves so much to the point where the anime vastly improves on the stakes of this fin fin set piece from the manga every moment of this final episode either feels dire as our characters have to fight their way out of an impossible situation or thrilling with the odm gear sequences the final push by Levi and Mikasa standing next to anything wit had done in those first three seasons this episode raises the stakes so much compared to the manga and improves the story in a similar way that the female Titan Arc is elevated by such Stellar work from the animation team in the first season while the naming decision for the final season part 3 part two is atrocious ending this final battle in an hour and a half special really paid off when it comes to the big fake out at the end of the episode manga readers had to stew with the death of Jean and Connie for a month so when they turned back to humans it felt like a copout for a series that kills anyone who is in the wrong place at the wrong time as a special this this issue is pretty much mitigated as you were so swept up by the final conversation and final push where you feel extreme relief at Jean and Connie being okay instead of disappointment that you've been lied to this leads to the second aspect that is improved Loose Ends the ending of the manga was announced so abruptly that it felt like many plot lines went unanswered how could Historia actually just sleep with a random farmer what is this giant warm of life and could it really have been love all along the pacing of the anime fixes these issues Historia having a child separate from the main Bloodshed feels purposeful as she represents a new generation of people who can Embrace who they are it was also so obvious that Historia and Aaron could have never been together because his mind was almost completely destroyed just by kissing her hand but I digress the worm becomes a clear metaphor for life itself a creature that will will always be there as long as someone wills it the ambiguity in the anime makes it even more fascinating and terrifying at the end the question of love from yamir's side is lessened in the anime but still leaves a little bit to be desired in terms of explanation however mik's love for Aaron plays out perfectly Aaron sought Freedom so purely that he was willing to kill everyone to get it in his mind the purest idea of freedom would mean he's the only person in the world world he asks Mikasa to forget about him to be free of this burden to protect him but Mikasa rejects that idea of freedom and Embraces the person that she loves knowing that she will not forget him and in many ways that makes her more free than Aaron ever was lastly and most obviously the anime makes changes to the conversation between Aaron and Armen the anime removes the notorious line where Armen thanks Aaron for becoming a mass murderer the context of that line became widely ignored and used as fuel for the anti-attack on Titan Brigade although it is understandable why the line was changed even with the original context so many readers misinterpreting this line showed how weak a piece of dialogue it really is especially for one of the most important conversations in the series The anime now has Armen tell Aaron that he will see him in hell that armen's hands are not washed of the evil committed he has killed people as well the horror Armen feels at what his friend has done is plain to see but so is the feeling that all Aaron needed was a little more guidance on how to channel his dedication and so he would have done something different than violence the final conversation now serves its thematic purpose even more as the crescendo to the series showing that you can't solve the Cy CLE of violence with violence this Mega episode shows how medium structure and pacing can mean everything for how a story is interpreted I'm glad that the ending to attack on Titan has been received with glowing reviews in the way that the manga should have Attack on Titan will always remain within the pantheon of anime a show that's thematic depth will be explored for years to come and whose hype had the entire community enthralled for a decade as a community we now have to find a new series to be latched onto a new series to ensure we break the Crunchyroll servers and a new series that will demand discourse now it's time to say goodbye to attack on Titan goodbye to the boy who sought freedom and goodbye and thank you to one of the greatest Stories the medium of anime has ever produced thank you so much for watching this video I know it's been a little bit while since my last video now we've had two Attack on Titan videos in a row but it just seems so fitting I can't believe that this story is actually over so if you're still interested in following me on Twitter check me out at any essays to see more of my takes as they come out also make sure to check out all of the shorts that I've been doing and expect more video essays to come thank you and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AniEssays
Views: 26,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WJsCdq3cBts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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