How Strong is YOUR Commander Deck? | The Nitpicking Nerds Power Level Scale (1-10)

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how strong is your commander deck find out in this episode of the nitpicking nerds because we're going over the power levels 1 through 10 right now i'm your host joe cherries i'm your host beezy and that makes us the nitpicking nerds check out the discord if you like our stuff because when you're in the discord you just get to hang out with us and play actual commander games with other people there's also the patreon if you're really feeling it but let's just get into the video what are we doing today joe cherries we are going over the power scale how we define it and how we view the power scale one through ten and what we did with this scale is we made sure no decks will be excluded so a deck that you make that is just a hundred islands will fit into this scale well 99 islands and a monoblue commander that is legal will fit into this scale your super cdh deck fits into the scale so you can take your decks plug them in and then i'm actually curious where they would place based on our skill yeah exactly so there i need that we'll fit on the scale we wanted to make sure of that we don't want anything to be excluded yes the only thing we have to do right now before we get in is to find three terms that we're going to use later i'm going to just read them off and then joking get into the first power level first one deck building principles that means filling out your mana base your ramp your spot removal and your card draw just the most basic stuff you can put in a deck then casual staple these are cards that fit into most non-high power decks your cultivates your counter spells we have chromatic lantern else beth sun champion grave titan goes in here and then like phorexian arena it's all those like middle of the road staples but they're not the high power stuff and then the critical mass combo that is a combo involving multiple different cards that usually doesn't come together without a sizeable board state decks can potentially contain multiple okay and now that we have all those defined let's hop right into it we're doing power level number one so it's as low as it gets there is no zero at all these are usually made by newer edh players new to magic basically if you take 100 cards and you put in the deck and it is a legal commander deck it's a one automatically you can't go lower than that but these are usually decks they're going to have like a lot of uncommons and comments that aren't staples or anything they're just going to be thrown in standard players are going to do this they're going to throw in their standard bulk their draft chaff and just make something yeah it's not going to be cohesive it's not necessarily built around anything at all uh you know you said to obtain like standard bulk rares that people are just going to have there's no discernible win condition or ability to even ko players it's just it's a playable deck as in you can draw an opening hand and then resolve mullikens past that you're probably not doing much yeah there's also there's probably very specifically there's a big there's a big range of decks that fit here but not a lot of them exist right um so the reason that this includes so many different types of decks like from like unplayable to like barely playable are is because these don't really exist that much you really you have to catch a player who just started playing a couple weeks ago and threw together his first commander deck super quick without even watching youtube if you watch a youtube video you're already making fours that's what i was gonna say if you're watching this video and you care at all or you're looking into improving it all you're probably not gonna build a one or two or three but at the same time we're not going to ever build a scale that every deck can't fit on why would i build a scale that starts at a precon one's like well what about everybody else this is a valid commander deck i wouldn't make fun of anyone from making this commander deck but it is a one yeah it is a one it's the weakest it can be and uh that's all it is and something about a one some of the ones can't compete even with twos yes that's something that can happen because ones are so variable and how they can be they can be so weak that they won't even compete with twos well there's ones that cannot win right if it's just 99 islands technically you can't win exactly so what's power level two well me from the past i'll tell you it is gonna be barely cohesive instead of not remotely cohesive there's not really much evidence of a theme we haven't really gotten uh picked a path and gone with it it's still gonna be a pile of cards for the most part it's going to contain very like minimal almost accidental amounts of ramp card draw on removal yeah it's going to it's going to function it's going to do some things it has a potential in that kind of player with some combat stops right it's never going to do it fast if it's going to kill a player these decks it's going to take them a while yeah if you have a couple big mythic rares and you get to play them back to back maybe you can take somebody out but i would say your chances of winning are very low yeah these decks are going to be inconsistent at best um they're not going to be doing very much you're you'll win sometimes especially if you sit down with decks around your power level but again this is another power level in two we're just not going to see it often um we're not even these decks that we're talking about here are more kitchen table-esque ducks right see um where these people they don't watch online videos they just say hey we want to play together and then the rules and they know the rules yeah those are where these kind of decks come from yeah exactly uh so we can move on right to i think power level three so on power level three your basic themes are present uh you start going in a direction for your doc if you picked your gruel commander at stompy you start putting some big stopping cards in there actually you start to follow these themes you really see the beginnings of the basic principles maybe you're not playing like cultivates but you found like a rampant growth well you have mana dorks yeah you're mandatory you found these and you're doing the things you're ramping you have removal you're not quite there yet you could potentially win with these through combat alone one player at a time though uh you're not gonna knock out multiple players uh in these type of decks you're just gonna go hey i have one good i opened this apex devastator oh yeah and i just beat everyone up with it and they all died yeah nobody can answer it with a board wipe or anything so i just attacked somebody twice and they died and then attacked that person twice and they died and then the other person was mana screwed and i got there it's like yeah you could this is the earliest deck where i'd say yeah you could win yeah exactly these are yeah these have the potential to win again these are i don't think anybody who's watching this video is gonna build a three or lower i don't think you not that you couldn't right but with your basic unders like the worst players watching this video can build a four yeah it's just not understanding the format or yeah i guess you could also just refuse to put your ramp in your car draw on your removal and that's fine but that's gonna put you at three two or one not that it's it's literally not a big deal what you play and i'll play at any level although i guess i'm just not gonna build decks that are like four or lower four is the lowest i would ever build a deck for fact you have a four oh yeah let's get to it so this is power level four and at the end of this we're going to talk about you know for each power level we're going to mention the decks that we own that are within that power level and that wasn't going to come up for the first three but it is going to come up for i think the next the rest of them so from here the basic deck building principles are met they're followed we're going to have ramp card draw removal that's going to be met so from here on out just a picture of that's done yeah it's done now the mana bases are going to be fine in these decks the cards are all going to be within where you want to be and it's just much these i feel like there's a huge jump here when you hit four these are these are the decks you're going to see this is the lowest power level you're really probably gonna see if you go to your lts anyone who's attending a commander event most likely is probably playing at least a four yes uh decks are gonna start including even board wipes now we've we started introduced things like board wipes and like heavy card advantage whether through that's like card draw or just other ways to get an advantage like removing other things uh staples starting to appear we're starting to it's like evolution like and these staples have now appeared and they're but they're sparse it's not like your whole deck is soul ringing and smothering tithe and risk study it's like well maybe pick up a soul right yeah i think yeah in power level 4 you're going to see your soul rings you're going to see maybe a ristic study or two showing up because people are going to start putting in these staples they're going to see if they're going to watch a video a lot of people watch a video and they go oh i have like 50 rustic stuff because i played in 1994. get in there let's go also that person is rich so you can more reliably now win through combat damage potentially killing multiple players at once where your deck you kind of have a plan your mana is at least decent not perfect but decent so you can fill out all this stuff and actually get to ko people yeah and for win cons though besides combat damage which still all decks are doing combat damage but this these can do it more consistently critical mass combos are potential in the deck we're talking four plus carriage we're not talking like your camera guide revlocs or like kikijiki sponge that'll be later but this is like oh i have these three creatures which enable this and then there's like two cost reducers so now i can do this it's almost like accidental uh when we explain what critical mass combos is you can potentially pull those off this think of for a perfect reference this is your typical pre-con or pre-con that people are starting to switch like four or five cards into yes totally exactly where this four is exactly yeah pre-cons are we they fit right at the four they're about when you actually follow the deck building principles of commander this is like the weakest decks you're gonna make but they're still functionable they're good and they're gonna do the thing yeah think of the pre-cons they all do a thing but then you look at some other stuff like oh why is this card in here why is the mana base 30 basic lands we can start improving that stuff later exactly and i actually have a deck that is a four my poopy charador deck is i like to call it i have a competitive character deck which we'll get to and the restriction that i put myself is no two cards can be the same in both decks so obviously my stuff my restriction is like huge so this deck is just all my favorite cards and the only synergy is like i'm playing corridor and it's a graveyard deck yeah exactly so yeah we have one deck there we don't have any other decks really in this power level so let's move on to power level five all right now that we're in power level five our deck is functional but then we're going to add some stuff we're adding staples they're more prevalent we're starting to like figure out how to use the computer and maybe netdeck a little bit decks they're going to start becoming heavily thematic i have my snow deck everything that i can make snow is snow yeah um i think one of the things about the word heavily thematic here is that a lot of times these decks will be thematic over powerful so you'll be including cards that are worse in order to make it more powerful this happens a lot at five you're just gonna be like i really want to do a thing like okay well for example i have a volky god of life i really want to play people's cards yes so i went all in on playing people's cards and for that the deck fell all the way to a five for power level it suffered power level wise but not fun wise this is only a power level scale yeah so any of these decks can be the most fun you've ever had my stupid character deck is tons of fun i love playing it uh more reliable win conditions now via combat or critical mass combos just think what we have and we're just building on it it's getting ever so slightly faster ever so slightly more consistent maybe the number of cards required to combo is now seven or five instead of ten yeah exactly we're building on what we've we've already got we're the staples are coming in more prevalently here again i think the heavily thematic thing is something you're really going to see at five like the ducks are really focused in what they want to do speaking of which my deck that's at a five is literally just trying to get imperial archangel from my deck into play and then put a bunch of auras on it we did a deck tech on it but it's my tuvasa the sunlit deck that deck is probably actually pretty good if i'm not trying to do this one stupid thing every time which i am yeah so the deck power goes exactly these things there's um you can build like really focused decks to do a really silly thing and those things and those are gonna usually fall in your fives because you're like i'm just gonna i don't know let's say i'm gonna try and kill my people with an animated blood moon you can make even if you put all the staples in the world and build that tech as powerful as possible you're still trying to kill people with a blood moon which is really hard yeah it's not easy so power level six now over half while we're over the halfway mark power level six we are now actively playing the casual staples you're going to see soldering and smothering tie there's six study all of it in the same you know wherever they can go all those each direct top hundreds that people love to play they're in uh decks becoming more consistent we're actually getting like uh evidence uh consistency yeah um not just but what you just did is you you said casual and not casual staples like actual really good staples too but we're seeing a lot of the casual staples a lot of them like we're gonna see our grave titans and all that kind of stuff all like all that big splashy stuff that people love playing right yeah yeah sorry yeah the casuals you know the six we listed in the beginning yeah that type of stuff yeah exactly you're gonna see all that kind of stuff but you're also gonna see some of the the bigger better stuff too makes them with it like the rustic studies like the smothering time sprinkle them in a little bit uh combos critical mass or otherwise are now easier to execute maybe you have some kind of like three-card combo rocking and rolling i think if this parallel six is when you're really starting to see two card combos and you're they're still gonna start getting executed more often you're not gonna really see those below this and not that they can't exist obviously you can have a two-car combo in your power five deck that that can exist yeah we're not split splicing it by a number of cards yeah we're not gonna yeah we're not gonna splice it like down right in the middle it doesn't work like that but around six is when i would say hey you're gonna consistently start seeing those two card combos for for ducks yeah and it's not like we're not to the point of every game ends with a two card combo they're just in the deck if you happen to draw them that's cool decks can have can and probably will have high variance tons of different stuff is going on we're not in to the point yet where we're can tripping and doing all this stuff to get the same seven cards every time it's like i drew these 33 cards for this game next game i'm gonna draw 17 unique cards that we haven't seen before yeah exactly um as we're going up in power level something we haven't mentioned yet but at six you start playing more of them as tutors tutors tend to you tend to um when you want to keep the variants up something that keeps variants up is not playing tutors yes and the best cards in your deck dictate how good a tutor is anyway so if the best card on your deck is imperial archangel all your tutors don't actually do that much yeah it's like yeah but um one of my decks for this power level is on that focus of creation if i i the only thing i tutored up is lands and i get fueled with that i mean it's good but there's still a bunch of tutus it's still really hard to kill people with those yeah it's high variance if you get pyroclasm you can just say well i did everything right and i lost i can't be i like the deck struggles against an alice jordan often mm-hmm yep uh so mine you have online i have a god eternal catcher deck it's model white so your power can only go so high i tried to make it as strong as i could i feel like six is right where we ended up i mean this deck has manic crypt and we're trying to tutor up skull clamp and stuff but you kind of have to go gotta turn on ketchum play a bunch of one drops make a bunch of four fours kill you with combat or my fallback is there's some critical mass combos yeah i think something really interesting here is um sometimes it's gonna like my on effect i think is a six and i think is okay is a six these decks feel way different uh sometimes i'mness i'll feel like super uber powerful because omneth himself is super powerful sometimes you just go play him and then play a fetchland fetch oh my god he has 10 mana yeah then that doesn't happen like you know ketchup nearly as much there there's there's turns like that and they can go off but because of the difference in the power level of commanders these decks are going to feel different but they're going to perform in the same areas yeah about the same sometimes you get the 10 mana oh my god and then sometimes it's like well here's foraxian altar and some creatures that make tokens and we're going off exactly my other one is brutal clad telcor engineer which the goal is just to pick something silly make like 20 of them we had a game where i copied your knicks bloom agent and i made seven of them and we were like how much does that how much does a land tab for it's like 2 000. it was 2100 something mana it's complete nonsense but that's the main win condition so it's gonna pull the deck down yeah it was it was really silly it was really fun on to power level seven what do we got here we're going to begin to trim those casual staples for more powerful and synergies to carry so something that we talk about a lot is how we don't like to play cultivates because well we're talking about building for seven and above um you're gonna cut that cultivate for what else because you're playing a creature deck and in your creature deck you get much more value out of a wood else yeah cut fraction arena because your games are shorter and you don't want to draw it on turn six and then wait for your first card back you just want to play maybe nights whisper and just get cards right now grave titan i don't even know where that card is anymore it's gone not in seven and above yeah you're not going to see grave titans too often you can there can be believe me you can if you build a seven and then just throw a grave titan in it it's not gonna change it to a six yeah but if your par is grave titan you're probably not a seven you know like that's the average to high power card in your deck like that's just a random beater you know we don't like grave type exactly uh deck builders may decline to include competitive staples like we're talking about the demonic tutors the vampiric tutors the ristic studies the really high stuff you're going to start declining at this point because you're getting to a point where you're going to be crawling into those really competitive decks and if you keep going you're going to be playing a lot of those so you might want to know in order to draw back to a seven uh which actually to mention it right now this is our middle ground this is where we feel like players meet this is where players a lot of players build up to this and a lot of players build down to this this is like the middle ground in a really happy place to be with your decks i've built up to it and i've built down from it and nipple and they both feel pretty sweet um they got reliable win conditions uh and i my personal deck is queen marchessa it's just completely fair mid-range generate value slowly eventually i'm just going to win because i always have stuff you're going to eventually not have stuff that's yeah it's a value deck um it goes it does a lot of one form moving while drawing cards to replace itself and then just win with whatever it has yeah it makes tokens it can win with like fell at a retreat but the deck has tutors in it to find what i need but what i need isn't a two-card combo it's to just play for magic yes power level eight these are optimized decks explain what that means busy well optimized means you're really you're laying out your deck and you're just taking out your mana curve and your spot removal and you're making sure all the numbers line up just right and your metabase you're trying to make it flawless at this point you're just taking all of all of the gears and turning them to make the best deck you can yeah exactly so you want to make this deck function really really well um you play a little and no casual staples you're cutting you're cutting out those forex arenas and those characters because you just don't need them you're going to be playing more powerful stuff at this point seven and eight is like people watching seriously people watching nitpicking nerds videos and like if you listen to all our advice this is kind of would obviously fall in with the power level weed side that you know what we're talking about when it comes to edh this is what we're doing we're the the taking out cultivate for what else for example is the optimizing that's what's happening yeah um and the decks are going to contain restrictions based on personal profits whatever you set it's it's going to be like a set thing see like i'm playing liza and why it's in that like higher is i've cut um tutors and that's what that's what brings it down to an eight here is i've completely caught twitch from deck other than like one and the ones that find like little creatures but like if i put the monitor vamp tutor uh grim and grim tutor and four other tutors suddenly this deck just combos off and wins it's a nine it becomes this weird boss of citadel combo deck instead of oh i drew bulla's acidity that's really good for me oh i usually flex reservoir separately in a separate game that's really good for me instead of just like all right combo assembled and we're going to get you it's like all right let's gain let's focus on gaining life so this deck kind of started out high and then you brought down a level yeah no i never put the tutors in um so from what we would like normally do we were like okay here's the best version of it like well no i don't want to play those so like move it down yeah exactly yeah if you put if you start putting the tutors in this deck has a my liza deck has a bunch of two card combos um and that's fine because they barely ever happen i i win games with this duck but it's barely ever from that because i simply don't have ways to find the combo i have to naturally draw into those combos and because edh is so naturally variant because of the 100 nature of it singleton you don't you just don't drop that often yeah and a lot of time your your deck is winning consistently but it's through different means including combat damage is still on the table here i mean you just beat somebody to death with lisa and um sarah send it yeah lisa and sarah send it yeah i've done that a million times yeah at the same level i've got an emory lurker of lockdeck uh it's got a restriction on it the restriction is i want to self-mill myself and win the game by taking infinite turns with nexus of fate but the way we get there is pretty darn consistent and it's annoying yeah exactly so these again these decks are very uh they're optimized to do what they want to do very well but they're not there's like there's like a few screws that you can start turning to really like just be like put those tutors in my liza deck or cut that like little theme of your of self milling yourself from your memory deck and all of a sudden you've got this like amazing deck you can tune these decks very easily to b9s but they're not quite there we're optimized for an objective but then we start to be as we go higher optimized to win exactly i think that's perfect yeah up we're optimizing for an objective or like my objective of lies is play a life game duck a good life game deck i'm optimized for that not to just win the game yeah you're trying to hit 60 life i'm trying to get zero cards in my deck yeah exactly what's next okay power level nine we're almost there this is highly optimized this is the highest point before we'll get to the next level but it's the highest point of regular adh yes uh these are the high highly optimized as good as you're going to get in regular edh and we'll explain what that means exactly especially when we go into the next one it'll really help it'll really help to distinguish this these decks are playing tons of tutors they're looking to win quickly they're looking to win almost as quickly as possible consistently and quickly yeah we're like okay i got you know plants a b and c and let's try to get there and at this point at power level nine uh if you're if you think your neck is a nine it's not when you were combat damage except for maybe the only thing i could think of as an example is an elf ball that's winning with crater hoof but that's different that's about the only time that you're winning more combat damage other than that this is all combos there's some like infinite combos that involve combat obviously that's really more of a combo if you can make infinite combat steps i'm just going to go ahead and call that a combo and besides anything i'm still going to call the combo when you i mean kratos not technically a combo but it does such a ridiculous amount of damage that we can put i'm going to list krita into the combo part close enough close enough it's only technically uh combat you attack for 200 thousand yeah exactly right if there is a theme it is maximally built around this is we're doing this thing but i'm trying to win my only restriction is x it's like yeah so for example bz's corridor deck he's playing corridor so it's a great fairy deck but so what's the best way to win the graveyard deck well reanimating protein hulk and killing it and then winning because when that thing dies you win the literal only restriction of that deck is i love karador that's my commander everything else i'm tuning as highly as possible so i guess you could say it's like 99 tuned or something but it's all built to be the strongest character deck i can make we got hermit druid in there we got the gate plan a is protein hulk we're gonna win with that almost every time yes um exactly yeah the the neck winds are protein hulk these ducks also i think power of the lion they start getting a little same z uh your the games are gonna feel if you play um a lot of power level 9 games with the same deck you're going to win the same way a lot of times and those are going to i'm not saying that's fun i'm not saying that's not fun doesn't matter it's just a thing it's just it's true it's just yeah it is it is a symptom of playing power level 9 yes i have another power level nine it's dargo casket kind of the only restriction there is the commanders but then again i guess you could say casket is the only real restriction on the deck because it's trying to go infinite by casting dargo infinite number of times just churning through the library over and over and over and trying to find these critical it's just all critical mass combos there's like 20 different ones but then there's also just two card i win right now compost yeah i mean uh dargo goes infinite with anything so much yeah for examples yeah for example all you need to do is add a payoff and it's it's over yes and there's there's plenty of those so the both of those kind of following nines and the characters a little bit better there are caskets still the lower end of the nine because it meets all these criteria okay so i wanna jumping right into the number power level ten this is basically i consider it and i think i've discovered something i know what people we call cdh a different format okay i've discovered that there's a weird formality in the word format that people don't like that it's not a different format because it follows the same rules so whatever word you want to use to separate these two uh i don't care i we consider a different format basically but cdh sexies are these are fully optimized decks 100 there is nothing holding you back you are there's not a budget holding you back there is um there's it's everything you're going to play the most expensive cut you're going to play the best card you're going to try and do a combo on turn one if you can well to be clear you're only playing the most expensive cards if they're the best cards so you look at i'm going i want to win right objective one is win now you can choose your deck right like we decide to it's like all right i want to play character well now i want to win with it it's like no this is i want to win what are the 20 best you know decks there that kind of exist there's almost like archetypes and then the decks are the same and then what do you want what commander do you want to supplement it with and switch out five or six or seven cards so if there's no like i want to do this really cute thing it's like no i'm gonna try to win and there's a meta game for this there's there is no meta game for lower power nine one through nine there's no metagame there's just impossible there never will be a metagame and it doesn't exist um but when you're fully optimizing your decks you're playing you're putting winning first winning ghost first in these games um that's when you just get to the point where like okay now we're meta gaming for each other you're going to start seeing things you're going to see mental misstops you just mental messed up in nine and lower is awful boss spell pierce spell pierce these codes aren't good in low in in parallels that aren't ten but in ten those cards are great yeah once you agree that the goal when deck building is to win uh everyone's having a fun time because all the action is now restricted like the first five turns and someone's gonna aggressively go crazy everyone's gonna try to stop them and then someone else is gonna go aggressively crazy and it just rotates until somebody can get to win i will say there's a really amusing rock paper scissors aspect to like the power levels at least how we're listing them where we've played sixes against a 10 fully optimized like nut deck cdhd and we just like crush them because they're just not equipped to play against the lower power decks which is one of the reasons we also say it's just a different format it's not like ha ha my six deck beat your 10. it's like who cares on that it's just a game of commander but they're really they're so optimized they're not even ready to take on a grave titan or something yeah exactly there's so something that happens so that happens here is some of your cards just don't do nearly enough you're so let's just say you you come to the table you're playing something like a rest in piece a card that's gonna like it it belongs in somebody eh you put in something like if you're in 10 ducks you shouldn't see a lot more often and then you sit down at the table and no one's playing a graveyard deck it's like you're like oh everyone uses the graveyard in cdh yeah you're just going to use it in some way because that's that that's being fully optimized right and if you go maybe you go for your aggressive combo and two people happen to have interaction it's like well okay i'm just gonna wait here but then it's like there's a six-six over there ah yeah exactly i don't know what to do they don't miss mix and match is what i was trying to say they don't they don't mix and match 10 and everything else uh everything else does mix and match in a way as long as as long as players know and want to play uh different power levels as long as you discuss it you'll be fine um but 10 can't and i don't think they fit in um another thing we were just saying like sometimes we question but like there's the other there's the other side of that coin yeah the other side of that coin is they sit down and they come off on turn three and you lose and no one has fun no one has a chance so just talk to your play group we're not gonna get into like the discrepancies of you know you're going to have to pick some level some metric agree upon it and then figure out your your four guys's power levels you can talk about what cards you play you can talk about how you win you know who your commander is just whatever's gonna help you agree and get to a point where you can all play game of commander because that's the fun part you know this is just kind of like a necessary thing all right let's find out where we're at and this could be a fun thing for you we're i'm kind of curious what what decks where your decks fall on our power scale so something i think i want to do here um i want to for everybody at home uh we're uh it'll be a little work for me i'm busy today but a while i guess yesterday but we're recording this is live someday live uh we're gonna i'm gonna create the power we're to create the power scale i'm going to put a 1 and then we're going to list some things that go with it maybe we'll put a deck to link to just so everybody has these i want people to like have a scale to look at i'm not saying her scale's perfect it's not obviously it's not perfect you can never to make these metrics would be almost impossible for everyone to ground but i want to make a scale for people to look at and see and be like where do i find then they're picking nerd scale this isn't this isn't the end i'll be all well we never that's something we never claim here is our word is not the final word on anything but we have to talk about things yeah and this is how we're talking about yeah we have opinions we're go this is how we feel about the format and what we think about power level yeah people listen to us and agree with us and want to you know adhere to some of our challenges and ideas so hey this is the perfect video if you're trying to do exactly and you're going to i'm going to find a we're going to make a visual powers we'll make a visual scale to share with you that can we can put a link to in the comments probably put it in like google docs where we can link to it google uh a sheet yeah a google sheet something yeah where they can look and you can actually see what where your deck falls by reading it and finding it i think that would be cool and we'll send we'll link to either a deck of ours or a deck somebody submits yeah we'll put yeah we'll put a deck in each one of these so you can see the differences so heavy incentive for you to link your deck in the comments because especially if you have one two or three because we don't have those or ten so we're looking for those four because we got the rest covered yeah make us make some suggestions if put a link of your deck in the comments we'll put your name next we'll put blanks blanks duck uh with a link they can click on it boom you're there yeah i'm really not interested in arguing too much with people about what power level your deck is if you're like what i don't know if it's confrontational or something and also maybe we you think we got something wrong i'm not too interested in arguing i mean this is pretty expensive it covers every deck and i don't think i think each one is distinct enough so i'm just not gonna yeah and there are there's blurred lines there's there's always i don't think there's a way to really make this a so definitive and perfect that no deck will i think even when we were talking about our decks there's a we were falling in between here and we're like well which one is this and that's going to happen every time there's just you can never set these definitive standards it's impossible yeah because like i said my liza deck which is it sometimes just feels like i'm playing big length linkers and it's like but it's still really good it's weird and grading decks is hard and it's always going to be hard yes so if you want to do a 0.5 if you're like i don't know if i'm seven or eight well i guess then you're 7.5 sure so that's enough i don't really want to talk about this any more than that because we're probably going to end up repeating ourselves but that was the video joe do you have shout outs uh yes special shout outs to all of our patrons we love you all as much we can that make you uncomfortable thank you guys so much um i'm not gonna say the goal that we have but we just hit a goal that me and busy have had for patreon thank every single one of you that has either supported us in the past or the present thank you all we hit a goal on patreon for us um and we truly truly appreciate it um you guys are making this become a full-time job for us this is our goal is to make this full time so we can be here talk about magic all the time with shorts i feel like that is rapidly approaching shorts are like helping us out big time i'm glad you guys like the shorts they're so much fun to make honestly uh and i just want to keep putting out content and just making some crazy good stuff you can also support us if you were like i love all of that but i don't have any money you do have money for magic cards everybody has money for magic cards so when you're buying them you can use the tcg player link to what buy the cards as normal now at checkout pcg player says through magical stuff oh the nipping nerd sent you here we're gonna give them money yeah they use magic to do that actually it's incredible they showed us the magic trick we can't reveal the secret i didn't even know how it was done yeah it's insane i can't believe i can't believe they do it that way no they pulled they pulled a that's a cat that's my cat she wants to get in uh do we got a tidbit is it my turn yes got one this time don't worry immediately so tip it i just wanted to point out the joke uh when we're talking about power level of like everybody thinks their deck is a seven because it's kind of true people don't necessarily want to say that their deck is like a five if they tried to make it a seven and they didn't get there you know with the other whatever the scale whatever scale the other person is using i just think it's really amusing yeah it's really interesting and it's a it's a funny thing everyone's deck is a seven is a is a running gig within oh and there's a cat uh everyone's deck is a savage is something that people say because that's where you put your own deck you don't want to think but i even when i was looking at this my temple deck is just a fight it doesn't bother me that my deck is a lower power level it's it's what i built i have a lot of fun with it it can win so if you meet all those things don't worry about where your deck falls it doesn't matter it doesn't matter where your deck is on the scale what matters is discussing it and knowing where you stand and what your deck's gonna be able to do and making sure we're not accidentally pub stumping people yes don't pops now people that's the worst but we gotta go amber my cat says goodbye does she yeah she does don't she's not going to like whatever you're doing so she loved it she didn't hate it [Music] go
Channel: Nitpicking Nerds
Views: 253,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How Strong is your Commander Deck?, how strong is my commander deck?, The Nitpicking Nerds Power Level Scale (1-10), power level commander, power level edh, power scale edh, power scale commander, 1-10 power edh, 1-10 power commander, mtg, edh, commander, nitpicking nerds, how to determine your decks power level
Id: nRZxpGDS1zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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