How to Build your Commander Mana Base | Guide to Building a Mana Base in any Color Combination

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welcome to the netpicking news today we're going over how to build a mana base we're going to show you how to work with one two three four or five color mana bases what about zero [Music] no i'm your host joe cherries i'm your host beezy and that makes us the nitpicking nerds you probably already knew that because you know we're kind of a big deal if you don't know who we are and you're curious how big of a deal we are go check out our discord where you can play games with commander with like-minded individuals or go to the patreon and just blindly support us with uh dollars yes so what are we doing today beezy well we're going to talk about how to build mana bases this is every mana base you could really build the only one we're not talking about is colorless but we're talking about one two three four or five colors we're going to get into how many lands would you play how many tap lands should you play how many liters at each section we're going to kind of run through our our guide which you can more or less take as this is pretty much how we build decks yes exactly so the first question we're gonna ask is how many lands should you play well to answer that question we play between 34 and 38 on the high end there are some outliers here uh it's just easy if you're playing a landfall's deck where your lands start to be spells then you can go up to like 40 or something like that yeah we we'll talk about that a little bit later at the end of the video but basically 34 to 38 is where your head should be at i tend to go 34 i think that's usually where i'm at and something else that changes a lot of the math in this is mdfcs yeah they count as lands so if you're playing 32 lands but four mdfcs i'm counting that as 36. yes you can you can count them as one land or if you're looking to have a speedier deck you can count them as half half land each because then you can be like okay these are tap lands so these will slow down the deck so i want to have more untapped lands yeah exactly so now we're talking about the other big question is well how many tap plans should you play are you what are we aiming for and this is just a reasonable power level deck we're not talking about you know power level 10 or power level 9 it's just the middle of the group generally when building a deck what do you want to aim for uh five or less in general but i think this number tends to be a little higher nowadays depending on how you're building because you go for those mdfcs yeah the mdfcs they're all tacklings except for some of them yeah so you might you might play like six or seven with mdfcs but five or lower that's i'd say that's the safest way to go you just you look you say if i'm five i probably don't want to add another one unless it's specifically an mdfc because those are i feel like those are just special exceptions yeah we can just say five lands right nbfs are not lands they're just spells that can also be lands we're talking like straight up 100 lands i would go five or less for sure yeah i think i think it's a great way to put it actually yeah and then the rest is you know add as you see fit because they're amazing yep so jumping in actually i though we didn't write down a zero mana uh zero color zero color mana base we'll mention it right now for one second you get like three basics yeah four three or four wastes and then it's all you totally land that's it there's nothing else to talk about there there kind of is the one thing uh just play the best utility lands don't necessarily just play your favorite some of them are some i've seen plenty of colorless decks um i'm even thinking of like years ago even before the eldrazi were out you just see color sex and like i like this land it's like well yeah but i'm gonna it's not gonna do anything yeah i mean well you should play cards you enjoy um there are a lot of good utility lands and when you start digging into it you'll realize you can't play all of them yeah i think when you build a colorless deck you you're bummed out a little by how few cool utility lanes you can play because there's so many like get in the deck untapped colorless land cards that might bum you out but that was it now we get to move on to mono color yes so mono colored the first thing is zero to four fetch lands four is the max you can play but zero to four and the fetch landslide though you can get those fabled passes those prismatic vistas which actually strive a little more in the mono color decks because you only need one color anyway so just thinning your deck getting you extra landfall triggers all of that good stuff yeah we know fetchlands are just completely insane they're completely insane yes they're some of the best lands you can place i would say around 18 basic lands it's where you want to be you're going to end up on the high amounts of basics not even necessarily because you need that many basics but because the number of utility lands isn't huge that are worth playing yes um and the number you totally want to actually tap for your colors isn't high enough yeah and for as far as utility lands go we're like 10 plus almost as many as you can squeeze in that fit the game plan and are good yeah until you start um basically the 10 plus thing is like one you if you're gonna once you start feeling it and you're not getting your colors that's when you stop um you want to you literally want to squeeze every inch drop of like utility you can get out of those landslides because your biggest fault when you play monocolor is you're playing mono color um because you only get spells from one of the colors of magic whereas even a two color deck gets what twenty percent more than you that's that's so much more so you really want to take that mana base and squeeze as much out of it as you can yeah the fact you're gonna mitigate the difference between a let's say a monoclonal deck and a three color deck by the fact that your lands have way more attacks than the average deck they're they're stuck having to play duels and trilands and fetches and whatever else and their lands are gonna fix their mana but they don't say anything all of your lands are gonna try to do something and then you're gonna get valid out of the landslide of to the degree of like a couple spells per game yes exactly but exactly i be the only thing like i just want to stress this one more time be careful don't go over the top with this you really do want to get utility you want to use those lands but be careful not to go to the point where it's like i'm feeling this i drew five colorless lines in my opening hand there's something weird like that you don't want those situations to come up you want to avoid them when you can yes and as far as mdfcs go we're talking about mdfcs for all these because they're important part of deck building nowadays we're only the zendikar rising ones and we're not going to retread too much of what we said but you want three to four uh your model colors so you can only play six at most three to four i think is where you kind of want to be there's three good ones and then there might be a fourth that synergizes or you can go two to three i wouldn't play less than two yes i agree with that completely and that's your amount of code mana base it's not too crazy it's the outline yep yeah that's that's the outline for it um things to consider these are like these are lands like uh for your utility slots and otherwise nick those strives in your mono colored decks you're going to be looking to get if you're playing mono colored and you're not a spell slinger deck you're pretty much going to want this every single time yeah do you have four permanents in play okay you're going to add this is going to produce positive manner it's also a colorless land that then makes colored bananas i've very often taken a ghost quarter and a nyx in like a some other colorless land and just filtered into like five red yep ancient tomb really thrives in a deck like this it's mono colored so though making two colorless mana isn't going to hurt you too much again as you go up like the ladder here they get a little worse but still pretty good ancient tune was busted it's a dumb card it's one of the best lands in commander if your deck can afford it you should play ancient tomb basically all the time there's other cool stuff you get at one color and then we'll talk later but that you don't get in three four five color these are some of the lands that are gonna give you spell-like effects there's high market buried ruin to get back artifacts tectonic edge and ghost quarter as like land destruction in the landslide rogue's passage from blockability if you want that kind of thing and then one cycle that we like a lot is the kamigawa legendary lands they're all legendary lands are untapped produce one of the five colors and then they have an activated ability that's like kind of okay slash relevant and what you can do is just swap out a basic for them even the effects not that good it's just an untapped white source or an untapped blue source exactly i think if these are if um you're not stuck on a budget these are free rolls absolutely free rolls because you're losing a basic i think in one and we're gonna talk about them in two color two um it's just it's just they're free um you're going you you're already playing 18 so say you're you've built the whole deck and you have those 18 basics okay you're playing 17 basics now yeah especially the red and black ones the red one gives legend first strike and that works super well if your commander happens to like death touch or something and the black one just gives fear it could just be rogue's passage but it's an untapped black source okay yeah it's it's super good um other other things to consider in these inventors fair free artifact decks mirror landscape for any deck because we love that card honestly i think we i think that this is one of those cards that as we have the opposite of the fact something i think there's characters on this channel we talk about because people hype them up so much and we bring them down and then we bring them down too much this is the opposite for us uh we bring this card a little too high sometimes i think beery landscape isn't like a power eight or nine card really yeah sometimes we kind of just put them in our decks like because it's it's been so good in the the mid-tier powers mirror landscape is awesome in a mono color deck it's just ramp especially in like blue uh white and red yeah i absolutely love mirror landscape i'm just saying this if you if you're a long watcher of this channel maybe a card we've hyped up a little too much though the last in the past so we maybe gave it a little pet treatment we still love it we're on we're on a completely objective footing with it now and then the single single color cycling lands this is uh specifically tranquil thicket barren more that cycle not the not the two mana colorless ones get those out of there the single color ones you can totally play it's a land and there's tapped you know it's kind of slow but then it's not a land if you don't need a land yeah uh castles i think that all the castles and singapore docks are good especially if you if you have that nice high base account they're gonna come in untapped all the time yeah i didn't notice this and this has nothing to do with the ndh mana base but they had started phasing out legendary lands with these yeah they did and i didn't even realize yeah no one really thought about it uh pajukobog totally gonna strive in your black decks i think it would even thrive too thrive in your black death strife yes you keep saying strive sorry okay okay two color mana base time just gonna run down the outline here there's a lot of lands you can play now because you go from basics and free rolls to every duel that's ever existed so here's kind of where we recommend you can cut a few of these as you see fit but we're on one to seven fetch lands seven is the max you can play out of the 10 cycle 7 to 12 utility lands you still can play a lot of those duels with types basically every single one yes um yeah you're going to play all your duels with types the one exception that you might not play is if you're in allied colors you might not want the snow one yeah the snow we are including the snow duel uh the enemy colors i think are so hurting for fetchable targets that for now i'm i'm playing the enemy snow duels i mean i even threw it i even threw it in my deck because i didn't i didn't have the cycling land i couldn't like we just didn't have one available a shelter thicket so i threw it in there to replace it for now the highland i mean it's it's a simple replacement if you need a fetch target yeah uh command tower obviously command tower doesn't really do anything in one color but two and up it's a complete staple the crowd lands the filter lands skyland if you want it is a tap land pathways pathways are slam dunk in two color i think they're an auto include but then after you leave two color we almost don't play them i think the skrylands the pathways and the filter lands are all really good in these two color decks and we're not going to play them as much later because you just get more lands but in these decks specifically i'm playing pathways 100 of the time i'm playing skylines 100 at a time i'm if i have the filter length i'm playing 100 of the time yeah when you move from two color to three color the number of dual ends you can play triples so we don't need the worst ones like skylands and the pathways the ones that are on the bottom we just don't need to play them not even close canopy lands buddy lands pain lands those three you're pretty much gonna stick with for a while especially a two color and three colors you're still gonna play them fast land i put maybe you might want the fast land for these colors uh fastlanes i'm on the same boat as i was before where's what but i said in their dual lens video two colors i'm probably always playing it after that get it out of here yeah three to six mdfcs now we got two colors of mdfc so there's at least three good ones of each color your two mythics are slam dunks those are auto includes so now you can pick your favorite two to three other ones yeah exactly whatever ones you fit your deck basically that's what you're gonna do if the fight one fits your deck because you play big creatures play that if you've got a plus one plus one counter scene play the possible some kind of one maybe a fling whatever ones you can get yeah i don't want to say that some of them are like staples but if you're in green you probably have algae recovery if you're in white probably have kabir take down if you're black you probably have malachor rebirth just stuff like that i think the one that's the one i'm willing to say is an absolute staple if you're in green just play baller that card is a staple that card is just a staple i i if you're in up to three color green it's hard for me to not want to include that it feels like such a free roll yeah and as far as basics go for two color you're around 13. you get to cut it down quite a bit usually like a 7 6 split if you're fairly even or it could be like a 10 uh a 10 um three if you're really not even i think if you get to the point i think 13 basics is where you're going to be at when you're starting but as you really tighten up the mana bases like me and bz have a lot of these lands we just we have a large number of them my uh gruel duck that i just built it's on seven basics yeah we we we're tuning up things and you know we count the mdfcs and then we have we're gonna we have the seven fetch lands so they just go in and that's gonna like really shrink the amount of things and we got the on color utility lands and then the colorless utility lands and you just run out of room for basics which isn't a big deal yeah but even so we were talking about you i'm only playing one fetch in that deck and that's the on color fetch yeah and i still have only seven basics that's how my lanes are getting like every year we get three to four new types of lands especially ally colors yes especially like colors so you just you get to the point where it's like okay your basics are slowly getting phased out even if you're two color decks i'm until there's a problem unless there's a problem in your meta with blood moons i wouldn't worry too much about needing those basics they're just they're only important for like a few situations you want one for like getting path assassin's trophy you want to have a few in your deck at least for that but other than that i haven't broken it down on these i'm going to sort of disagree how about ramp ramp fetches basics if you have basic ramp you want to have some number of basics in your deck i don't care at all about path or assassin's trophy i just want to have plans to find for me i think uh it depends it just depends on your build like uh most of the ramp i play doesn't get basics too much i usually play the nature slow the three visits the skyshards claim those are all getting those lanes that are coming in but if you're if you're going into other colors like uh if you believe that if you leave the green then yeah you mainly what i'm talking about then you need more basics yeah burnished heart some samology landscape that type of stuff absolutely the things to consider you got to get to port over everything from what we said about the mono color except just less so if you had 10 maybe pick your favorite eight because you're not going to get to play as many utility lands yeah exactly pretty much the exact same thing you get um any number of those you totally as you want um just until you start feeling it in your manner base that's exactly i think it's the best way to look at it if you if you want to test how far you can push it maybe we haven't pushed it further enough for some of your decks but you can test it and then as soon as you feel like you're feeling it be like okay now i can draw back a little bit yeah it's hard because you need a huge sample size to even have any remote accurate information and you're not going to have it just from playing five games and getting screwed three times but we're kind of on seven to twelve seven i think you can definitely afford and twelve starts to be like hey make sure your deck can actually produce its colors as long as you can cast your spells jam as many utility lands as you can yes exactly now on to three color mana bases you can play three to nine fetches depending on your build again you might not have any fetches but they're not necessary but if you have them you should play them exactly three shotguns now we can now play three shot glands three pain lands three crowd lands three body lands this is already just a bulk of your lands we're already halfway done yes you're gonna play you you are gonna play three shots you are gonna play three paint if you have them you're gonna play three crowd and you're gonna play the but body lanes i could see maybe cutting one or two of uh depending on if what your primary colors are but you're the other ones like 100 that's nine slots right there oh yeah and then you are going to play all available copies of the canopy lands you can but you don't necessarily get three absent is the only color combination that gets to play all three because the rest don't exist yet every enemy color every enemy combination gets to play one and then there's a green white so do with that what you will play all those you can the wedges get to play a trial yes they get to play one triome they there's also absent has a random extra triangle that's a triumph abstaining absence killing it in the three color uh route you get one to five rainbow lands this is man tower path to ancestry uh you know tribal lands or artifact producing uh any color type things you know if you have more if you have mana confluence city of brass that kind of stuff gentlemen one to five is it's pretty good you really start to care about them in three color because they're amazing yes i think another thing worth mentioning if you're very much trying to tune a two color deck the rainbow lands go in you're putting in your mana conferences and your city of brasses that's r you really got to be tightening the bolts you got to be going up to that 9 10 level to really want those or just say you know i have i want to make this deck as good as possible oh yeah if you have let's do it yeah also yeah if they're if you have 20 city abrasives and 20 mana conferences throw them in all your at least two colored that's that's a party uh you want about 10 basics now we're really lowering the number of basics i'm only going to errata that to like six to ten i'll change it to six to ten basics like four three three or you know you can adjust it like three two two whatever your main color is you have one more with these basics and the number of bases you're gonna be playing i think it depends on a what you have or just what your budget is that's what it comes down to i think you can go as low as potentially even playing four basics in this type of like if you have the money for the fetches and the shocks but if you don't obviously this goes up higher you go to around 10 maybe even like 15 and you're if you don't have the budget or the available cards to you yeah i think if you've got all of the rock solid like best of the best you could go 2-1-1 it's still and they're kind of just there to be alternate fetch targets like if you're a mardu deck i mean you don't need a ton of like burnished heart some some molecule effects those cards aren't even that good in higher power anyway and if you're green you know like you said you have the the fetches in sorcery form that don't need basics yeah exactly yeah you can just go the low the stronger you get the lower you can go on this basic account in your three color decks oh yeah and then there's the uh as far as mythic or as far as mdfcs we're not really playing single color ones anymore we're still playing the mythic mdfcs that are on color or on theme so like if you're gonna have three to choose from you might wanna play one or two if they synergize i'm also going to play belgae recovery in any green deck in three colors also yeah but past that the rest of the mdfcs unless they have crazy synergy and kind of fall off yeah it's just it's it's mythics and bellaga recovery which is like on somehow in at least in my head maybe it's not true is on the level of those mythics because its effect is just so perfect it's yeah it's like the perfect the perfect one so mdfc's falling off a little yes last thing to mention with three color mana bases utility lands we're really running out of spots for utility lands yes you got like up to five at most be really careful because when you start putting colorless lands in these decks you'll really start struggling in colors really quickly there's a huge difference between a mana confluence which is red blue or green you know at any given moment and then there's like ghost quarter which just gums up your opening hand and now you can't play your spells yeah exactly so be careful there next round to the four colors we're up to 10 fetches if you can again we've run over this you don't have them don't play them but if you you can play all 10 fetches in these decks i mean if you're a landfall deck you probably want to play all 10 fetches you desperately want to play all 10 fetches you get up to six of each duel and of a cycle now the only ones you can't play are the four that involve the one color you don't have so if you're red blue white green you can't play the four of any given cycle that have black in them so you have six shot glands six dual ends if you have the the original dual lands one to five utility were like one to five you know you might have a nick those if you're base green you might have an ancient tomb just because it's still busted but you don't want to have like 17 utility lands running around yes you're gonna play six to eight rainbow lands as many rainbow lands as you can really fit in your deck because you want to be sure that you're making your colors and you're not screwed on colors you got four colors to make you don't want to mess around you want to go like you want to play temple garden steam vents and you could be like okay i'm good for for now yes uh one to two canopy lands or actually one to three canopy lands this just depends on base colors go to your base colors say if most of your four color decks are gonna be big screen that's just the way you really i mean obviously there's some non-green four color decks but you're gonna base green because that's where ramp is that's where fixing is and that's gonna help you a lot so go to your base colors go to your green ones for your canopy lands yep if you play them some decks don't have room for them you might want seven and we'll just say or less could go all the way to zero depending on what you do some decks don't care at all and just maybe you want one of each to fetch for in a pinch or maybe you want to go like two two two one yes uh trioms you're to play the two that fit in your deck whichever two that is take them yeah there are two trioms that fit in your four color deck and then we got zero to three alternate fetch targets sometimes like you know we didn't mention the all the lands with uh basic land types if you don't have shock glands and maybe you don't have the original duals so let's say you've got four or five shotguns in your deck which we'll talk about in a second well you're gonna run out of fetch targets pretty quick if you draw eight fetch lands so if you don't have a lot of basics you can throw in like um canopy vista and like cinder glade and those battle for zendikar type ones and then there's the amonkhet enters tapped cycling and then maybe the snow duels if you have a snow theme or something it really depends on what you're doing so i have a four color on that deck it's landfall it has all 10 fetches it has shock lands and has alternative fetch targets there's not room for much else i when i first built the dock i put in a couple of the um battle lands and i realized oh these aren't fetchable and i need more fetch targets i know that's bond better the crowd the crowd lands yes sorry the crowd lens and i realized they weren't fetchable so i went i can't play these i need fresh targets it's way more important for this deck but that all comes down to how many fetches you're playing i think you want to maximize them for four color decks because they're fixing the rainbow lens they are just rainbow lands it's every color it's every it can get you any color yes that's exactly how they work and it's kind of silly to think about that if in my on that fact it doesn't play black i play verdant catacombs which is has green black it can give me any other it can give me green in any other color why is that true i don't it feels a little icky when you get to four and above but it doesn't matter we're still going to do it the one thing to consider that i see happen all the time when you build a four color mana base this is true of this and five and not the other three so this is new don't just say okay i want to play fetches shocks duel lands and the buddy lands and then just put six of each that doesn't that's not how your deck's gonna work realistically no deck is built like that you have to look at the color distribution of your deck and cut lands that are of the weakest two so you're not just playing all six shotguns you're probably playing four or five if you're every color but black maybe you don't want the blue red shock land i think another thing is if you're going to the cdh type levels once you start hitting all the dual lands you're not going to need all the shot glances no it's just not going to be true if you have you're only going to need your primary colors um but that's only that's i think it's a rare situation i think it's a situation that will come up more in the upcoming years of magic as we get more fetchable lands um but right now it's just it's just a problem with duels and shocks if you own duels but i don't think that problem comes up too much yeah don't just get lazy and throw together your mana bases you know 18 of these like you really want extra copies of like a green white dual of green white of your base colors don't don't skimp on it don't make it even even if it's like more appealing that way your deck's gonna end up better when you build towards your biggest most most used colors yes and moving on to the last one now we're into five colors these are something else these are 100 percent about making sure you have your colors and that's that is what your manta base is there for in five colors four you might be able to squeeze in a utility lander too like i play field of the dead am i on that deck when we say one maybe two and five colors do not go above that because you're really going to be taking a risk yeah you totally feel it you can play three dual ends and turn one two and three and still not have all five colors yes which is crazy to think about as many fetches as you can fit in it obviously that's obvious you play as many you're probably gonna play eight to ten shots there might be a couple you can leave out like you might not want your boros one in your base soul tie deck yeah exactly you're playing a progenitous text like you probably don't need the boros shock land all right we can just almost get rid of all boros duels every duel is not necessary you can just have if your main color is green and a five color deck probably is you can take the all right temple garden overgrown tomb those five and then maybe just double them so that you always have a green duel to get with whatever other color you're gonna play every single rainbow land you're gonna play your exotic orchard you're gonna play i can't what's the one that gives them one one spirits maybe forbidden orchard yeah you're gonna start playing those because you just want to be very very sure that you have those colors yeah a lot of times if you build your deck so that you don't have a thousand pips in each card one rainbow land fixes you you're good for a lot of your spells it will it will help a lot triumphs you're probably just gonna put most of the charms in your deck especially if you're playing fetch lands the fact of the matter is when you play a fetchland turbine and you can get three colors of your choice that's used i probably just gonna play all five of these it's gonna um i know it's we're gonna suffer from taplands but hey i'm gonna i want to be safe i want my mana base to work i want to be able to cast spells i feel like that's the toughest part of a fire code deck is making sure i can cast everything well in your truck but in your five color deck we still fit our less than five tap plans if we just play you know four trioms or three three five triumphs and those are only tap lands okay we kind of still did it we still got there none of these other lands entertaped we don't want them to one thing we we actually excluded that i know we're getting a bunch of comments about for three four and five color decks we're not going to play these unless we're on a budget it's the ender's temp tri-lands with no types yes um they're fine on a budget on a budget absolutely playable don't don't think that we're saying don't ever touch these cards they're awful they're not awful at all yes i don't i don't know how you could ever say that especially since i just said on a budget not on a budget we don't play them and then you just reiterated it yeah now if someone says it really you look very very silly yeah exactly um and for basic lands i want to play like five at the most honestly one of each that's how i feel about it there's a six or less you might want two of your main color to fetch more often or sometimes you want to fetch two and then the rest one or maybe zero yeah exactly you might even play i mean you can go as low as zero in these decks and not even feel too bad depending on your build yeah just make sure you have enough fetch targets that you won't ever crack a fetchland and just wasteland yourself exactly yeah yes build your mana bases with fetches in mind if you have fetches yes fetches are good all right now just two other things you want to touch on before we wrap things up we have our basic outlines in general mana counts and what we are going to do for every color but what would make you want to lower your land count well tons of fast mana we're talking about your solar range your mana crypts your mox diamonds your uh chrome moxes any anything that can make mana early can just basically be a land and i'm not saying go one for one of these don't don't don't don't go one for one with your souling for land just know that you can maybe play less lands because you have so much early stuff uh so if you have built a deck obviously it's gonna have soaring in it let's say you pick up a mana crypt i'm fine cutting a land for manu crypt one for one that's fair the cost is the same same is true for like chromos and mox diamond they don't cost anything you'll never not be able to play them and produce mana so you can trim lands for like the super good fast mana stuff but not for like grim monolith you know i would maybe trade a rock for it or don't cut a lamp for your max time you're going to have a weird that's that's weird cases you can i mean just if your deck is built to take advantage of the land you're gay very sure but be you know otherwise you can you just can yeah i mean if you're lowering your mana curve and everything you can just do that sometimes i mean that card's insane mock simon is very good now lots of early ramp also can lead to this but not on a one for one basis like fast mana sometimes if i got six signets or you know like six two man amen rocks i can think about maybe trimming the land yeah there's there's some people have um like a two to one thing where they they basically start with like 41 lands and then for each two ram spells they cut out land there's you can do stuff like that we don't have any specific thing like that no rules we kind of just throw the deck together and i think we know that we're gonna play a lot of ramp and we understand that ramp is very important and because we know that our land accounts just start lower yeah we go like what eight to fifteen depending like eight in the higher power decks where you just don't care and then the 15 and then like i'm going to ramp forever it just depends on the deck um i mean my omni attack plays a bajillion types of ram spells whereas like i'm also playing this in the green deck my stompy gruel duck is not playing nearly as many because i don't what am i why am i going to play a 5-minute ramp spell in my rule deck yeah and i want to play a big stompy dude okay well yeah even outside of that i mean i have a dargo keska deck this is like i'm just trying to assemble one mana and zero mana artifacts to make some critical mass combo how many i need like six lands no ramp spells there's like three or four man rocks yep so the opposite thing uh going when you want to raise your land count high mana curve obviously if you're i mean if you're building a fun janky deck where you're just going to be casting huge giant creatures all the time you're going to want extra land you're going to you never want to miss a landfill probably up to like your eighth because that's what you built and that's fine we just need to be aware of it and compensate in the landslide yeah be disciplined don't take your competitive deck like your competitive deck you can have 30 lands in a deck and have it function totally fine like the ones we just talked about these decks don't get don't get like super greedy and go i want to play a 10 mana spell but also i'm gonna put 34 lands in my decks like well maybe you should up it to like 38 39 even yeah exactly uh and the other one is land-based x your uh landfall decks you're going to want to play sometimes 40 lands i mean i play 40 on my omni attack it never feels like too many because one there's like feel that i like feel the dead in a four color deck i just put it in a spell slot oh i haven't mentioned field of dead play this is my philosophy and joe can talk about his i say play field of the dead in every single deck you can support it in mono color and then after that it's just amazing joe just has the same idea but not mono color no i mean i play i don't play the mono color i don't really play it in two color decks once you hit three colors 100 uh you can go fill the dead four color uh it has to take up four or five colors it just needs to be on the spell slot and there you go let me just add it to build your mana base and then just kind of add it in there or if it's a pivotal plays a pivotal role in your deck work accordingly for it i just love deal with that and i was going to mention it i definitely played and wanted to call her attacks yes i do not play the one and two colors i have no issue if if i was a two color token deck i would and maybe a one color token deck but if i'm not a token deck in one and two color no thank you to be fair the one and two color decks i put it in are token decks so that's a little bit of a pass there but yeah if you've got giant curve land-based decks if your lands trigger abilities that make them spells play more of them play 45 lands if every land's gonna draw you a card or every land's gonna kill something or deal damage it's like they're gonna be better than spells they'll cost any mana exactly though the four color on that we're we have tatiova we have ac we have a horn of greed there's a million out your lane drops are drawing you cards so it's like okay i drew a land oh i actually drew another card yeah i'm gonna rip through my deck so fast and just assemble whatever win condition i have going on but that's that's the video we've talked about every type of mana base even zero color which we didn't script yes yeah we did which we didn't script uh special shout outs to every single one of our patrons love you all as much we can without making you uncomfortable you guys are making this channel grow you're making it possible subscriber count is growing has grown more in the past month than any other month i think uh no almost the other only exception was when we published our best card from each step okay yeah so it's we're growing quite fast and we are very grateful to every single one of you thank you yes we love it and if you love us and you want to support but you can't quite do patreon for whatever reason doesn't matter to us i'm not going to intrude your life and make you give specific reasonings go to the link in the description where when you buy cards from our tcg player link you just give us money without spending your own money buy cards like you normally would for the same price exactly you're going to buy you're going to buy magic cards you're a magic player if you use the link especially if you're already going to use tcg player oh my goodness free roll you're literally just going to support the nerds yeah if if your choices support us on patreon or buy cards please buy cards but you can also support us while buying cards exactly um what so where are we in the tidbit i think we are in it a bit and i know what i wanted to do we could almost just do a double tidbit go ahead you start with yours no you start with yours because it's way less it's way stupider it is way stupider so i was driving back over to busy say and i realized there was a taekwondo place like on the way and i remember there's like another taekwondo place down the street from that one and the bz me we were talking there's like three more so it's like how one who who does taekwondo i mean you're allowed to you're allowed to enjoy it that's fine i'm not i'm not hating i don't know basically anyone does taekwondo and usually when someone says i do taekwondo i roll my eyes and say no you know but um regardless all the people so all the people that have rolled my eyes out they must actually do taekwondo they're not lying yeah because they have to because there's four taekwondo places in our little town that we live in what's the minimum number of clients a taekwondo establishment can support without collapsing it's got to be like dozens and they're not doubling up uh it's like i go to this taekwondo place on tuesdays and thursdays but on saturday we're over to this place with us mr burritos that's not even in this area i don't think it is in this area it is it's not in north town london specifically where we live but it is it's over on it's on the boulevard okay anyway so there's a lot more people do taekwondo i think you should make yourselves known yeah uh apparently taekwondo is way more popular than i ever gave her credit for yes we just did the math and it is it is still popular and the second tidbit bonus tidbit for me we just did our if you haven't seen it i highly recommend you go to our grave titan short that we just published the other day it's about 10 situations where grave titan is good and i'm going to wait for you to go watch that video right now okay spoiler alert at the end by the end of the video we've completely destroyed a grave titan now gravesite is worth 10 or 11 maybe even 16 if you're getting ripped off uh people take issue with us destroying a magic card and this came up back when we did our underwater box opening which i also had a ton of fun with it's like yeah all the cards are ruined but people got mad at us i don't understand we it's our card we own it we've spent our money on it we can do whatever we want with it we get so people getting german out of playing magic cards cool people get enjoyment out of collecting magic cards cool people can get enjoyment out of destroying a magic card and we certainly did yes i can't disrespect something that's inanimate that has no feelings or anything uh it is my property i could take this chair that i'm sitting in and just smash it that's weird maybe do you maybe some people don't get why i just smashed it but if i enjoy smashing this chair this doesn't matter the thing is i it's a weird it's this weird um i would say connection people's head because if we took this chair and smashed it and put it in a video nobody would care nobody with bad and i think it's because people have sentimental connections to magic cards and they're like they might supplant their favorite card in the spots like well don't destroy magic cards i would never do that same we don't destroy magic cards either but this one was funny so we did it was a joke it was for a video it was enjoyable it's not like we just it's not like we're just taking magic cards and destroying them and we're destroying and besides anything it's our card it's not like we took it from somebody robbed them and then ripped it up in front of them no we just got a grave titan and destroyed it yes thank you whiskey for sending us that grave titan yes it was patron submitted yes a patron sent us that group titan to destroy knowing it was going to be destroyed he was told and he agreed that yeah i'm fine with you guys destroying that if he wants uh we can mail him back it actually i said yeah i thought we could do a giveaway but if he wants it back we can send it back he'll get priority if he wants the ashy like charred two-thirds of it it smells like burnt card oh my god so uh after we recorded i put it just next to uh where i do my editing and stuff every once in a while you just smell it's like grave titan yeah we put sharpie and pancakes and we burned it so it probably smells like those my dog licked it peanut butter was on it yeah so yeah that's how we got the dog to chase it we put i put a little peanut butter on it and then threw it behind the scenes yeah it's funny because i didn't even think about it it did land face up for him to lick it because if it landed face down i wonder what he would have done hmm i don't know we got lucky we got lucky someone's looking out for us somebody somebody wants this grape titan to be destroyed yeah well i mean if they got eaten that would have been even better yeah cause then we had to get another one and destroyed that one way more hate all right well that's our video peace out trap scouts [Music] right
Channel: Nitpicking Nerds
Views: 82,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Build your Commander Mana Base, Guide to Building a Mana Base in any Color Combination, mtg, edh, commander, nitpicking nerds, mana base edh, mana base commander, how to build a commander mana base, how many lands to play in commander
Id: gOEnIFsmjV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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