How Strong is Kyojuro Rengoku? (Demon Slayer / Kimetsu no Yaiba Full Power Explained)

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what up space fam goes in here for anime uproar back at it again with another how strong is video thousands voted on our Instagram at anime out drawer and the results weren't even close this time we were heating things up with the brilliant star of the upcoming Demon Slayer movie the flame pillar Georgia row then Goku he is definitely one of the manliest characters in demon slayer and one of my favorites I said I'd get started on this one as soon as the GU video got over four thousand likes and in blue past that in the first day so let's make it a bit harder this time around as soon as this video hits five thousand likes that's right five thousand I'll get started on the next one ASAP and as usual you can vote for what the next video will be via Instagram stories link in the description and in the pin comment below make sure to follow us at anime uproar because we have Volt's like these on a regular basis if you haven't be sure to subscribe to their channel and ring that notification bell because you won't know when a new video comes out if you don't there will be manga spoilers in this video we have to look at all of the relevant evidence to determine how stronger than Goku is after all now without further ado let's jump into it Georgia roaring Goku with his glorious flaming lion looking hair is the son of Sheen draw an angle coup the former flame pillar so he definitely has some talent in his genes but this is also matched with some of the hardest work you'll see his father has a completely different view on things though then Kuro does the father is envious that he and his son do not possess the original and strongest breath the breath of the Sun he views all other breaths including the breath of the flames as inferior this inferiority complex along with the death of his wife led him to view things as pointless as he tells Kuro when he becomes a pillar we won't ever become great people anyways both you and me and quote imagine that imagine working so hard to accomplish something and instead of your dad being proud of you he tells you that all of your effort is pointless and that you'll never be great this is what Kyoto was dealing with and he was mentally strong enough to not get discouraged by his father's negativity in fact he tells his little brother that his father said it was all pointless but he ensures his brother that his passion won't die because of that the flames in his heart will never disappear he will never be the hearten and he tells his little brother that he has an older brother who believes in him no matter what and encourages him to do his best it almost brings me to tears how awesome this guy is so yes it's arguably true that Jojo had a limit to how strong he could get and that limit was below the first breath of the Sun user and strongest demon ser in history or Ichi but that doesn't mean he couldn't do his best to get as strong as possible rather than focusing on what he couldn't change then Goku focus on becoming as strong as he possibly could and he became pretty dang strong by the time the demon train ark rolls around then Goku has reached an extremely impressive level of power compared to ton zero and his friends at the time he's in a completely different ballpark while he's sleeping on the train a kid enters his dream and tries to find and destroy his spiritual core which lies in the unconsciousness area the idea is that people are in the center of their dreams and at the edge of the dream is the unconsciousness area the child immediately notices that in Goku has one weird unconsciousness area she starts sweating profusely because it's so hot there it's the first time the child ever saw red spiritual core according to the girl then Goku has a brittle core like glass that should be easy to destroy but before she can destroy it then Goku's real body moves and takes the girl by the neck under normal circumstances people can move their bodies when they fall under the techniques of a sleep demon but then Goku is clearly not a normal case then Goku's instinct is so sharp that he has sensed the presence of the girl even though she didn't give off a thirst for blood in fact that n Goku could kill the girl but he doesn't because he has no reason to kill humans because the girl is suffering in the real world she came moving to dream so to stay in a deadlock for a while eventually a tengoku does wake up and he's ashamed that as a pillar he fell under the demons technique but he doesn't dwell on this and quickly gets to work the demon trade is made up of eight cars with passengers in them then Goku tells ton zero that he will protect five on his own while sending to an ethical together protect the other three then Gokul gives himself the most difficult task and since none zero any no escape to kill the lower moon probably since they could not manage the five cars by the selves what I'm about the station I'd be taken too literally or seriously but it's fun to consider then Goku currently seems to be worth over threes any tools at least in this situation since then each who can cover roughly 1.5 cars by himself and then Goku can cover at least five by himself he's so quick that hunter is shocked when he witnesses the speed tension okay demon seed and Goku because he's moving so fast tonzura also can't help but be impressed by how quickly then Goku grasped the situation and came up with the best strategy possible when lower Moon 1 and mu is dying he can't help but blame it and Goku and the strength of the pillars despite the fact that the demon took 200 people as hostages then Goku was quick enough to save every person in his 5 cars despite the fact that in Goku arguably had the most impossible job he seems completely fine when the battle is over it doesn't even look like he broke a sweat it leaves me to believe that he could have handled much more but he wanted the others to get some valuable experience after the battle with n mu then goku seized on 0 and he can see through him this appears to be the see-through world that ton zero later gains access to and then goq was able to tell exactly what's happening in ton zeros body and is able to guide him through everything calmly when then goku notices that ton zero succeeded in stopping his blood he gives him more encouragement he says and I quote you can definitely get stronger compared to how you were the day before a truly awesome quote that we should all live by we really get to see what they're in Goku's got when upper Moon 3 occas unexpectedly shows up Icaza can see it in Goku strength just by looking at him he immediately knows he's a hashira aka a pillar according to a Quezada and Goku developed his fighting spirit to the edge of perfection akiza says that angle is power will never truly reach perfection because he's human as a result akiza wants him to become a demon so he can surpass that human limit akiza says that if he becomes a demon he can train for hundreds of years and keep getting stronger however then Goku argues that there's more to life than strength he says that I quote growing old and dying is what gives meaning and beauty to the fleeting span of a human life it's precisely because we age and die that our lives have value and nobility strength is not a word that means much in regards to the flesh quote those are some truly profound gems of wisdom from Anand Goku Icaza is frustrated though precisely because when goku is so strong he says that in goku worked so hard to build such magnificent talent that it's a shame to let it wither away he decides that he'll kill then goku while he's young and strong when then goku decides to close the distance between him and Icaza alcázar calls her and goku speed amazing then he comments on his wonderful sword technique hundred Oh Annie knows K would do nothing but get in the way if they got involved at this point you know Stephen says and I quote there's no opening I can't get in I can't keep up with their movements it's like they're in another dimension I feel it if I get too close there's only that I know that if I go into help I'll only get it away and quote keep in mind that enos K has amazing animal-like instincts and so this is especially accurate since it's coming from him despite their spider family adventured their recent training and their fight against lower moon one there's still nowhere close to a ten Goku's level and then goku manages to get a wonderful cut to use our castles words on the upper moon however since he's one of the most powerful demons in existence he regenerates pretty quickly and then Goku's wounds are different though since he's human his left eye broken ribs and internal bleeding won't heal so easily a Kasai explains that those serious wounds would be nothing but scratches to a demon and he would heal in the blink of an eye from them so what is Haq is saying here while he's suggesting that that n goku and him would arguably be able to fight on equal terms if they were both demons perhaps when goku would even be able to overwhelm him but since he's not he can't akasa says that no matter how hard they struggle humans cannot defeat demons remember that quote because we will be coming back to it later then goku despite his injuries is undaunted he says and i quote i will fulfill my duty I won't let anyone here die and quote thus that would be a victory for n Goku if he succeeds in protecting everyone present our causes surprised at n Goku's fighting spirit even with serious wounds then Goku is full of determination and spiritual fortitude his stance has no weakness again uh cuz I insist that he should become a demon so they could fight each other forever then then Goku rushes in with an attack and Acosta uses his move destructed death annihilation type to counter-attack when the smoke clears we see that akiza's arm penetrated straight through that in Goku's body doesn't in Goku give up because he got this mortal wound not a chance he remembers that his mother called him one of the chosen strong ones she taught him that as a strong person he has a duty to help people weaker than him in the flashback his dying mother tells him that she won't live long but she's happy that she gave birth to such a strong and kind child like it and Goku we then cut back to then Goku as he cuts in to act as a snack cuz I can't believe that in Goku still has enough power to swing a sword as in Goku thinks to himself that the honor was his to have been the child of such a great mother he continues to push his sword into our castles neck Icaza tries to punch it in Goku but the ring Goku stops his arm with his left hand akka says once against surprise he can't believe that angle was able to stop his fist he calls her and Goku's power unbelievable the flame pillar is able to muster this much power even though his guts have been pierced by a casus fist our cousin notices that dawn is coming he needs to hurry but he can't move his arm and then Goku won't let him go I don't think I need to point out how unbelievably impressive it is that in Goku has the strength to keep hold of al-qasas arms against his will then Goku gets about halfway through our kisses neck with his sword the Sun is just about out so it seems like rain Goku is going to defeat Icaza however Alcazar not being able to free himself through any other means rips his own arms off so that he can run away and survive sure our Casas survives that n goku dies eventually but our cause is the one that ran away furthermore and then goku succeeded in protecting everyone there from a kazan so in a way a human did manage to beat the demon here or at the very least it was not a clear win for the demon after all Alcazar ran away before then goku was dead he ran water and goku was still trying to fight sure you can argue the arkansas won the war although that depends on how far into the story you look but it seems like when goku definitely won this battle as tangible points out Icaza is a coward who runs away even though demon Slayers are always brave enough to fight demons on their terr ie in the nighttime according to Tanja dough then Goku is stronger much stronger than a casa because he saw the fight through to the end and protected everyone tonzura says the defeat is a causes and the victory belongs to then Goku and then Goku smiles at this even though he's dying he decides to focus on helping tan judo he tells him to visit house when Goku where he might be able to learn more about the dance of the fire-god Pancho asks him if there's any way for an Goku to stop the bleeding and he says no he matter-of-factly says that he's going to die soon then he just keeps talking his final thoughts are for others he asks ton zero to tell his little brother Sandro to follow his heart and his bad to take care of himself finally he tells ton zero that he believes in his little sister and considers her to be a member of the demon slayer core he tells them all to stand tall and be proud he says and I quote no matter how weak or unworthy you feel keep your heart burning grit your teeth and move forward if you just curl up in a ball and hide time will pass you by it won't stop for you while you wallow in grief and quote he tells them not to worry about his death and it's normal for a pillar to protect his juniors and that he believes in them he sees his mother who tells her and Goku that he fulfilled his duty and used his gift splendidly and he dies with a big smile on his face after his death decided to reveals that n Goku used a bunch of techniques when the train went off the tracks in order to minimize the damage to the train cars he did that on top of everything else when the sound pillar hears the news I'm gonna go lose debt he thinks that even then Goku lost to an upper moon suggesting that he is strong even among the pillars the snake pillar straight up can't believe he lost which further illustrates how highly people viewed him it is normal for upper moons who live for centuries to kill pillars when the missed pillar mu Ichiro later beats up her moon five we are told that this is an unnatural situation so the fact that someone can't believe that n Goku lost to upper moon three means that he had to be extremely strong even among pillars when a much stronger tunnel ng you fight aqus eye again later odd kazar remarks and he's glad and goku died that day he says and I quote he might not have been able to grow any stronger because worthless values made him want to stay human and quote so it is strongly suggested by akka Saad Eddin Goku reached his peak of power as a human this is the beta Belov course especially since his demon slayer mark hadn't manifested yet but regardless let's compare what we know about that and goku to the peak of use power in the gear video I set out compared to in this video and I can do that because they both fought the same opponent so let's take a look at how G you fared when compared to a 10 Goku for a moment Icaza is interested in gives technique that call make a law because he's never seen it before you also made just to cut off those arms off while he's fighting taunted off but they quickly reconnect he caused us or technique developed and wonderful and he asks for G's name then he sends GU blasting off like Team Rocket with a kick something he did not manage to do with it and Goku the fact that akiza managed to do this while he was balancing fighting GU and hundred oh definitely suggests that and Goku was more powerful than this Q however this version of GU quickly gets a power upgrade in the form of a demon slayer mark as he says senses that were closed off to him awoke because he finally has an opponent's strong enough to push him to the limit so how would this upgraded you fare when compared to it and Goku EU speed increases but Alcazar quickly adapts to a speed the fact is that Alcazar compliments key much less overall than he complimented on Goku and he doesn't obsessively ask you to become a demon something he seems to like doing with strong opponents furthermore he remarks how he can barely cut Icaza and how when he does cut Akasa it's too shallow keep in mind Q also has a strong pungent off helping him during the fight while attained Goku had no help and arguably still managed to do better than you ah cos a punches gu sword breaking it it then seems like he is about to kill him before tangelo comes to the rescue with his new ope non self state and cuts off a causes arm do you even admits that punch will save him then Icaza uses a move that tension can dodge but Ghia cannot and his dead calm ability doesn't work against it either what's more åkesson ever used the move that gave it an Goku a mortal wound against GU and tan zero rather he used it on himself in an attempt to kill himself after regains his human memories thus to me all of this suggests that n Goku with no mark was stronger than GU with a demon slayer mark Mingo ku had no help and he was able to put up a better fight yes he had the help of the Sun coming up which helped free karakasa but even if we take that into account he still did impressively well how cuz I never broke his sword by punching it and he couldn't just finish him off as he was about to do with you I cuz I truly struggled with it and Goku and the truth is he did not really struggle with you despite the fact that you had conjured us help Tundra is the one who arguably reached a power stronger than in Goku's for a brief period of time he couldn't maintain it for long but while he was in that non-self state he was able to cut off axis head even after warning him that he was coming Octus I was looking at him he knew he was coming and he still couldn't stop dodging those attack so it's not like tensioner just got a lucky hit because he had no fighting spirit he was also too fast for Arkansas to dodge and strong enough to cut through his tough neck in one go something gu and then goku couldn't do therefore I would put non self state on or above and Goku in strength but it is important to keep in mind that n Goku didn't have a demon slayer mark yet so there's no telling how much that would have boosted his power Yomi is acknowledged to be the strongest pillar so he has to be stronger than than Goku was when he died but as far as the rest go I'd say it in Goku was close to second along with Muccino and sana me the trouble is that we never get to see him fight with a mark and because of that we can't comfortably put him above mark Muccino and mark sana me still though I would no doubt put him in the top half of the pillars it is made clear that even among pillars he was extremely strong what he accomplished against akazawa stata mark was nothing short of miraculous however as oft as i pointed out he probably was close to his limit as a human while people like kanji doll arguably a breath of the sun' user still have a long way to go then Goku's father might have been right that the breath of the flame users can get as strong as the breath of the Sun users some people are more talented than others even so that doesn't mean that in Goku should have given up then Goku strive to live up to his own full potential according to a casa he got ridiculously close to that and in the process he ended up becoming one of the strongest pillars because he didn't give up and committed to doing his best he was able to save tons IDO who is arguably more talented but was weaker at the time due to his lack of experience thus it's thanks to Dan Goku that hunter lived long enough to eventually surpass his strength then Goku's efforts weren't a waste he saved hundred or in us case and two and a Zuko and they will no doubt be instrumental for eventually defeating Mouzon then Goku's legacy lives on as long as the people he saved and influenced do and that is it for this video I am blown away by how awesome didn't go who is yeah he's strong but more importantly his character is absolutely amazing he's such a great guy and he died in the most manly way possible I seriously believe that then Goku will continue to inspire me for the rest of my life that is how much this firebender impressed me if you enjoyed this video make sure to smash that like button to let me know remember if we can get 5,000 likes I'll get started on the next how strong is video ASAP as usual you can vote for what the next video will be via Instagram stories link in the description and in the pin comment below make sure you are following us at anime uproar because we have these votes on a regular basis if you haven't be sure to subscribe to this channel and ring that notification bell because you won't know when the next video comes out if you don't a big thank you goes to our patrons over on patreon who help make videos like this one possible I especially want to thank our pro here to your patrons the one and only gilgamesh nothing but a fan Jason Wilson King Cyrus angel Cruz Steelers poet Pablo atropos Wraith fit edala beat a Karachi and Anatoly Cassatt's ki DJ Nathaniel and alpha do and are the one tier patrons the ones who stay on top all clans Stephen and Radha Aloha I am Maddy Mac 239 makoto-kun and ya boy Seth if you enjoy our work you can support more by going over to patreon calm an Emir or and becoming a patron today for as little as $1 if you do so you'll get your name featured in future videos alongside these amazing people right here and you'll even get access to our private patron only discord so check out patreon and we are dror link in the description if you're interested you can also join the YouTube channel and support more content that way if you prefer no matter what way you choose to support us you'll get the same great benefits thanks again for everything and until next time see you space Cowboys [Music] you [Music]
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 1,245,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how, strong, is, kyojuro, rengoku, how strong is rengoku, how strong is rengoku?, kyojuro rengoku, rengoku power, rengoku power level, rengoku full power, rengoku explained, rengoku demon slayer, demon slayer, demon slayer explained, kyojuro rengoku explained, kimetsu no yaiba, kimetsu no yaiba explained, strongest demon slayer, who is the strongest demon slayer, every hashira, every hashira explained, animeuproar, tanjiro, nezuko, zenitsu, inosuke, strongest pillar
Id: S_f1nzu07ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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