How Cold Is Kratos' Leviathan Axe?

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just how cold is cray doses Leviathan acts when you spend your entire life fighting the gods themselves you better bring along with you the weaponry to match your might in God of War for your character Kratos brings along with him an awesome new bats that cannot only fly around like Thor's hammer it can freeze your enemies instantaneously but just how crippling li cold would this axe need to be in order to do that [Music] God of War 4 is a fantastic new entry in the God of War franchise from Santa Monica Studios in it they decided to give up Kratos a signature blades of chaos for the Leviathan acts a bone-chilling weapon imbued with the screams of twenty count'em 20 frost trolls in the game you use the axe to freeze objects and enemies in fractions of a second but freezing is a complicated physical process how is the ex so cold and how long would it really take to turn enemies into troll sickles first setting aside all magic for just a moment how can the axe make itself so cold seemingly at will well specifically the axe head might be getting colder and therefore creating a temperature gradient inside of the axe itself a difference in temperature between one part of the axe and another and like how pressure always goes from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure as it moves heat always flows from areas of high temperature to areas of low temperature drag arm jeez heads up next time kid generally speaking when faster and therefore hotter particles bump into slower and colder particles boy the hotter particles lose kinetic energy in that exchange and the colder particles gain kinetic energy which brings everything closer to a temperature equilibrium and because colder particles never lose energy in these little collisions heat always flows from high to low good job boy no it shouldn't engineers in our realm use temperature gradients in order to precisely cool down things with science for example imagine that you had a tube of cold fluid moving through some volume of hotter stuff because of the direction that heat flows more the heat from this hotter volume will start to make its way into the colder fluid and that fluid as it moves will take some of that heat away now if you can find a way to get rid of this heat you have just effectively created a heat sink and the same basic principles operate air conditioners and our refrigerators I said heat sink not snake the human dander it's something else for a bit so thinking about how heat flows how could the Leviathan acts make itself so cold well what if that brilliant blue glow that the axe head gets denotes some kind of interior liquid cooling going on like it actually uses the air from those frost rolls screams then set up internally like a heat sink and powered by the thermal energy of I don't know Cray doses spot enraged then the Leviathan axe could act just like a refrigerator in Cray doses hands acting to constantly pull heat energy out of the blade head until it reaches ice cold temperatures but how the axe gets cold isn't as important as how cold the axe needs to get so what temperature do we need to freeze a flank of flesh fast do that you'll need something colder than the winds of hell brother yeah but yes yes you would let's set up the battlefield there's a dragger in our way and we want to use our axe to freeze this entire body in a blink just like we see in the game now I'm going to assume that even though the drug er is a gross dead boy he has an internal flesh temp roughly similar to ours about 37 degrees Celsius I'm also going to assume a flesh density like ours that's kind of like water a thousand kilograms per cubic metre now to fight our drug ER we have our axe okay I hate it when that happens which has a surface area per blade head side from prop replicas that I could find of 0.043 square meters now if that druggers flesh was in contact at that temperature with this amount of surface area of blade we can use some other thermodynamics to figure out how quickly his flesh might freeze given some temperature so let's be generous and say that if we can find some temperature that freezes his entire body in less than 5 seconds we'll be happy fartole I'm that thing's fast to start checking temperatures we're gonna use the concept of thermal conduction a measure of how quickly and easily heat flows through materials thermal conductivity can make a big difference for example if you took two identical ice cubes and put them on two surfaces one wood and one steel you would find that the ice cube on the steel surface melted much much faster and that's because heat moves through steel a lot better than it does through wood even though both of these surfaces are exactly the same temperature thermal conductivity is the same reason why your tongue on a cold day can get stuck to metal like that this lava is moving closer to so fast that it can freeze a little oh great oh that's why even that hurt thermal conduction is governed by smart boys on bob cheese toast before his law of thermal thermal conduction and we can use this equation to stop plugging in temperature differences to find freezing times ah for ears law here states that the amount of heat flow through some material is equivalent to the thermal conductivity of that material multiplied by the area across which the heat is flowing multiplied by the temperature gradient which is the difference in temperature between two distances the length L here all that multiplied by time week soon values for all of these variables including temperature to see how cold cray doses acts would really need to be to freeze flesh fast the numbers that I'm gonna start out with include an ice cold axe at zero degrees Celsius and the heat flow necessary to freeze just 1 centimeters worth of watery flesh around the axe that is touching just one side of the X it would be the same for the other side so now we can solve for time math time setting the heat flow equal to the amount of heat that would have to flow out of one centimeter worth of flesh on the other side of the axe to freeze it and dividing it by some averaged out values here because we are simplifying a lot we get the time that it would take Kray doses axe if it was zero degrees Celsius and ice cold to freeze just one centimeter of draugur flesh and that time is two thousand and two hundred and thirty seconds or over 30 minutes for just one centimeter of flesh not good enough we have to go colder much colder to freeze our enemies faster we have to get so much colder in fact that Crais doses axe would be the coldest object in the universe yes really let's start messing with the only variable that we really can the temperature gradient if cray doses axe gets colder then more heat is going to flow into it per unit time so let's go colder than zero degrees Celsius how about we make the blade as cold as planet hoth a frigid negative sixty degrees Celsius if you do that the time to freeze indeed goes down but it is still way too long eight hundred and fifty seconds over 14 minutes to freeze just one centimeter of draugar flesh on one side of the axe keep in mind that to do what we see it do in the game the axe is gonna need to freeze like neater a hundred times more than our value on either side of its blade so we have to go colder we have to go right colder how about absolute zero at zero degrees Kelvin fundamental particles that make up matter have the least amount of movement that is physically possible in this universe absolute zero as this state is called is impossible for us to achieve thermodynamically as far as we know but scientists have gotten pretty close in 2014 Italian and American scientists cooled down one cubic metre of space to just six Mille Kelvin that made that one cubic metre the coldest part of the universe who really and other scientists have gotten even closer to absolute zero to nano and even pico Kelvin but let's just plug in absolute zero for kratos as acts and see what happens if the blade of Kratos is Leviathan ax was at absolute zero temperature then the time it would take to pull enough heat out of one centimeter of trogir bod to freeze it would be 266 seconds almost 5 minutes still not cold enough dad yes it is disappointing that absolute zero is not cold enough for our purposes but if you think about it it makes sense liquid nitrogen is just 77 Kelvin above absolute zero and we free stuff all the way through with it all the time if you've ever tried to do so you know that it's not instantaneous it takes a while the food industry freezes things with liquid nitrogen all the way through all the time on an industrial scale and they always find minutes not moments I've even found papers it looked at freezing burger patties all the way through with liquid nitrogen of the same thickness that we were talking about with draugar flesh and they found medics just like we did so not cold enough but this is still pretty darn cool cradle says axe would have to be colder than absolute zero to do what we see it do so cold that cold doesn't really have any meaning anymore sounds that big enough for a gun to me it's hard on the courts so how cold would Kratos is Leviathan axe really need to be in order to freeze enemies all the way through almost instantaneously well if the mechanism at play here is a cold axe blade as it looks in the game then it would have to be colder than absolute zero that doesn't make a whole lot of sense in our world but I know why the games developers made it make sense in theirs it's awesome and nobody wants to wait around for some corpse boy to freeze all the way through when they're playing the game and science says you need some kind of magic in this situation so it's fine it even makes a weird kind of sense in a world with giant talking snakes living severed heads and actual gods because science whoops science yeah [Music] keep in mind that this is a very simple approximation of what's going on in reality the time for something to freeze around something really cold like an axe head would be so complicated by the different layers that would form right at the axe head you'd have ice and then you'd have kind of frozen flesh and then you'd have watery flesh and you'd have to calculate how these all these layers move out over time at different temperature ranges and differences and it's compounded by the fact that they're different materials like your refrigerator if it gets frost on it can reduce its freezing potential by like hundreds of times so this is a very simple approximation but I think this is the fastest it could possibly happen because anything more complicated would extend the time back boy put that down kids thanks so much for watching Jeremy and thanks to matter beam for their help on this episode if you liked this video like it if you're on Facebook and if you are on YouTube like it and subscribe it and hit that notification bell because we do a lot of nerdy stuff on this channel you can follow because science and me at these handles here and if you've got a project alpha at project alpha comm and sign up for a free trial you can get this show two days earlier than everyone else and you can check out my new show a debate show called natural selection thanks [Music]
Channel: Because Science
Views: 1,085,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerdist, Fvid, Because Science, Kyle Hill, god of war, kratos, leviathan, axe, sony playstation, ps4, cold, freeze, refrigeration, thermal dynamics, video games
Id: tzEe5qU12Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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