How Sindri Lost Everything & Became Badass Scene - God of War 5 Ragnarok Ps5 (4K 60FPS)

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but a treehouse Lord's here you're really alive am I I wonder okay he's just tired I promised him some food and a room to rest in ah of course you did well let's see what we can do please come inside uh we'll be right in see sleep tight here I'm gonna turn in big day tomorrow so tear sounds like promises were made let's see about getting it settled shall we if you'll follow me hey to bring it up but are we telling your dad about this since you've come clean and all no way he'd kill you right well speaking of coming clean I need your opinion on something I've kept from my brother for a long time I'll tell you on the way back okay back to our fun Tower you were saying long before you were born there was an accident at the forge Rock died I couldn't accept it I went to the lake of Souls and alfheim to steal him back Legions of souls tried to stop me I can still feel them crawling all over my skin thing is I could only get three of his four Soul Parts back Sandra Brock just thought he got knocked out I've been lying to him ever since it's been eating at me lately you have to tell him he has the right to know when the time is right as should you with your father that's not the same thing anyway you did a good thing you saved Brock's life I cause trouble no I made a choice one that wasn't mine to make what do you mean a choice I I couldn't be alone the other dwarves when they saw them they shunned us so we left made our own home well you can't change the past but it doesn't have to be who you are let's go home before father wakes up that might be the best idea you've had all night Trey Trey it's an shut up you're back they're back simmer down I see him I have news oh did the norns tell you how to get a trace back do we have a plan the know and say atreus will be killed by Hein doll the plan is to kill Heimdall first oh wow okay time doll let's see never loses sees everything coming unpopular at parties this won't be easy whatever his advantages I will overwhelm him with my own that's the idea you gotta over populate his senses see and I got just the thing in mind to help you do it century go get drop near drop near but we need it our supplies oh we got plans and despair even if we did drop nears no weapon why would a oh you mean we combine it with that's right and then when he it'll go damn you that's brilliant very well I suppose there's nothing to do but go fetch drop near drop me ah buddy knew these two and oh didn't blame me for it disappearing they stole drop near we didn't steal nothing we just Ungifted what never should have been gifted in the first place I will help me kill hot and all never your mind all that it's a [ __ ] surprise we're artists but to even store drop near you need you were saying so now you intend to kill Heimdall violence cannot prevent violence Kratos I truly thought you understood that whoever the sun is in danger foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] got it I think enough heimdall's a threat not only to atreus to everyone is Odin's left hand and he carries The Horde that begins right now if we have the chance to eliminate which is just as likely a trap because the bastard knows your intentions Kratos I've never seen anyone so much as lay a finger on him not one well I gathered what's fit for Gathering how long will it take we'll have to go to spartal fine to get the rest of the materials not to mention we'll have to visit the lady oh that's a relief Kratos whatever you're ready ah time to go see the lady I'll take it from here no no this whole thing were my ideas I'll speak to the lady I never get to speak to speak there are reasons for that Brock will go what no no no you heard him quit your friend I ain't gonna mess nothing up what the no you pimp shrimps what was all that then don't just send you trying to hog all the glory Samos not that the gate what's wrong with a bloody gate locals up ahead as civilized and hopefully nobody Springs an alarm no quit your nattering with your protective gear ain't you never seen a legend in the flesh before brother did you notice the dwarves of a camp were twice as alarmed to see blocked then they were out to see you they did seem prized all right [Music] foreign [Music] hello hello the [ __ ] was that she acts like I weren't even here mermaids don't speak to our corporeal bodies speak to a part of our soul cops specifically you might be missing [ __ ] game exchanger you Lions catch brother I knew it I died I [ __ ] died the [ __ ] you want needs a blessing yeah well the one to give us a blessing just [ __ ] off into the two blessing of a quiet no no I can't bless [ __ ] I don't have all my soul [ __ ] the blessing wouldn't mean squat it is the nature of a thing that matters not its fault [Music] all right [Music] may this weapon strike true may it be wielding with wisdom may it be put down when its job is done [Music] Let Us return home yeah guess we're doing this one boy style listen I appreciate what you said back there good to have friends when you find out your brother's a rack stabbing liar no doubt he only wished to protect you word his call to me this guy guys he's got the right to know about it stay hot Brooke we all die sometime many of us more than once no never mind might have to get creative up ahead but got one last favorite ask of the both of you and we can call a square what happened down there in the Forge with the lady that's my story to tell all right agreed well for a period of time perhaps mamia oh very well so you're sure nothing unusual happened with the lady nothing at all nothing whatever smooth as snail [ __ ] like I said why there's some reason you expected it to flip sideways what no no of course not I'm delighted to hear everything proceeded as planned well they did and it was a proper adventure to boot I taught him all about the nature of the thing and the form of the things become a whole multi you're making up words again I said it was a motif and it was beautiful you are impossible I'm the most possible one around here I know you've questioned why you even pulled me out of that hole I have to but it's clear now this is what I'm needed for this is my purpose one last time I will pick up my Spear and I will lead us to Asgard with me a way to Asgard where's that that idea been this whole [ __ ] while that's a fair question brother you you would have gotten us all killed and we needed to give Loki time to find his destiny here it is it's all led to this if we can get inside I'm going after Odin I will not stop you we can do both spot on brother if the Mask doesn't give us an out we'll still have that drop on him works for me let's do it then and quickly before he sees us coming he does hate surprises slow down you damn spruce I still want to hear the details on this uh new way to Asgard you got spill it it's an ancient path we can't reach it from here where then let me collect my themes and I'll show you you ain't got no things and where are you going with that mask rock that belongs to the kid he earned it all you've done was make passable dirt soup Brock it's okay no it ain't this ain't right all the pieces ain't welding together true like what's with him calling you Loki anyway you know that ain't his name hey I'm talking to you you never shut up [Music] all the things pulled in let go of the boy and face me tell your brother to throw me the mask and you've got a deal if he dies down now it wasn't part of the plan but if he dies we are square for Heimdall and honestly you got a bargain I will kill you plan on that so nice spending time with you again Freya please can't be in two places at once Fred good hey I don't move you don't move don't do anything you want crap I regret many things killing you will not be one of them hi I'm in control here throw me the mask now too bad son looks like war after all please you have to save him you have to you can't maybe if I go back to the lake yeah ah I know what you've done and I forgive you she had his job bro [Music] foreign [Music] I'm so sorry no [Music] no I don't want to hear it you don't know what sorry means [Music] we're not letting Odin get away with this would that be the Odin you invited into my home some of us were bigger fools than others aren't we I gave you everything my skills my friendship my home my secrets my treasures and you just kept taking and now what have I got not even my family you weren't sorry I what can we do we foreign there is no way there's only you no matter what the cost so what you can do is get the [ __ ] out of my sight could be more than how you wish foreign I thought we were his family too and we were back in Spotify looking for tear this isn't what I wanted this wasn't what I meant not if it meant losing Brock we know what it is we know we really took everything from century don't take too hot where I'm setting grievances no matter how spot-on they feel [Music] my bloody type he showed up [Music] [Applause] more or less what you wanted didn't want this Century be careful and stay behind me you be careful I'm here to fight [Music] Victory can't let it control me all right [Music] what you want to thank you no I just want I don't care what you want ah you really had me believing you that we didn't have to be enemies dude you're okay my mom was right about you all along you're a killer just like your father and you're here to kill us all no just Odin get your dope she's a friend you have to stop you can choose to be better no I can't I have to know what happens next I will never stop why'd you have to say that soft knife his son [Music] [Music] foreign I swore I would never Rob from you the choice between life and death I have waited so long for this moment and now that I'm here I'm here I don't need this to make me whole we stopped his Madness that's all that matters [Music] that's what comes next [Music] you made it I couldn't begin [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] country breakfast [Music] a hole [Music] what gets bigger the more you take away thank you [Music]
Channel: Zanar Aesthetics
Views: 483,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: god of war ragnarok, god of war, god of war ragnarok ending, sindri, brok, sindri and brok, brok death, zanar
Id: Mrk9kIRdCag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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