How should a company share it's values? | Q+A

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whether it was the Gettysburg Address or whether it was FDR's for freedom speech they're all basically pointing back to the declaration of dependence to remind us and reignite as to why what we're about to do go to World War two go to Civil War is important for us to make that sacrifice because we're upholding these values upon which our company was founded our country was founded so absolutely they should be written down because it makes us more accountable right because somebody can say we're not doing that and by the way please don't write honesty on the wall because if you have to write honesty on the wall you have much bigger problems right and we don't write what values should be written on the wall is verbs there are things we do values are things we do like that innovation is not a value right honesty is not a value right and they're because they're not actionable you can't walk into someone's up and say be more innovative I don't know what to do be more honest I didn't think I was dishonest right but if we write on the board always tell the truth look at the problem from a different angle give me something to do those are values because values have to be actionable they have to be doable but we write them as these staid nouns on walls and expect people to live our values I don't know how to live innovation I don't have to live value you know provide value is that a calculation I we spent less on partially hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup in our ingredients is that bad you write so but yes when well-conceived absolutely they should be written down I'm a great believer look at any great monotheistic and polytheistic religion there was usually a book and that book is used for reference so I'm a great believer in writing things down I think company should have manifestos that explain the vision they have for the future world in which we will exist which they will commit themselves to help advance that has nothing to do with their products or their services barry-wehmiller that makes manufacturing equipment says that our we exist to build great people to do extraordinary things we define success for how we touch the lives of humans of each other it's a manufacturing company because it's not about the what they make it's about using their company to build people to do extraordinary things and to value the success and measure the success by how well they do that no company you don't have a manifesto if you're the only ones who care about it and if it's based on your product your service you're the only ones who care about it right we're here to do the things you don't want to do so that you can do the things you wanted that's not that's not nobody cares to provide the best possible service and the lowest possible price well often no one cares like nobody reads that and goes I want to work there you know but if you say we exist to provide good clean family fun to provide people to escape from reality I want to work at Disney if you stand here to challenge the status quo and give the individuals the power to stand up to Big Brother if you're that mindset I want to work for Apple if you say were to help we're here to help people be more productive in their world I want to work for Microsoft these are causes that have nothing to do with their companies they've just used their companies to help advance those causes yes write it down yes write it down and then make sure that your people hold you accountable to the things you wrote it yes yes yes yes [Music] [Music]
Channel: Simon Sinek
Views: 142,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simon sinek, sinek simon, sinek, start with why, the why, inspiration, motivation, find purpose, find why, leader, leadership, job, career, how to, learn to lead
Id: 5yE541BY-1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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