How She Got into MIT | Most Inspiring BITS Pilani to MIT Journey! #college
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Channel: Ishan Sharma
Views: 71,744
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Keywords: how to get into mit for undergraduate, indians in mit, most inspiring mit journey, sat scores, act, 9th class to 12th mit journey, what to do in school for mit, bits pilani, juhi singh mit, masters at MIT, college, harvard, princeton, yale, mit, massachusetts institute of technology, ishan sharma, masters in mit, how indians got into mit, is mit better than iit, masters in usa, ms in us, how she got into mit, bits pilani to mit, benefits of studying at mit, bits goa
Id: jSq7uMEYQeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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