How rough were medieval weapons?

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this is a modern reconstruction of a bill hook and you may notice that it's quite crude the blacksmith put this together very quickly and was able therefore to sell it to me quite cheaply now did these exist because if you go to a museum all the pole arms there look so fancy they're beautifully finished with lots of scrolly decorations but those of course are the ones that people bothered to keep they thought oh no don't throw that out that out it's too nice we'll preserve it then someone later thought oh let's put that in the museum we can get people to pay to see that but presumably back in the day if you just wanted to get a tool that will kill Frenchman you would just put it together in a functional way and maybe these were actually what most medieval weapons looked like but then again perhaps people took great pride in owning something really nice I mean most people's cars for instance on the street today are not all bashed and scratched they're in quite pristine condition because people take pride in their appearance and so maybe they only made very nice build hooks we just don't know it could be that the rubbish stuff just didn't survive
Channel: Lindybeige
Views: 1,490,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QdZybEq1PyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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