How Psychopaths Think and Behave - Part 1| FULL DOCUMENTARY

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[Music] who wants to face a guy like that would you want to face a guy like that that's what it'll be like when he's on the streets he has no feelings that's what I retain from everything I've seen he's numb I wouldn't want to be in front of him and I wouldn't wish it on anyone else maybe it's tedious but there are too many still hanging out on the streets he is accused of first-degree murder of 12 other women pleas talk to my lawyer and please leave me alone suspected of a double murder nine charges of murder have been laid against William [Music] [Music] 5 [Music] everyone is fascinated by psychopathy and by Psychopaths everyone is fascinated by this overflow of the human psyche that results in repulsive Acts [Music] it is sometimes said accurately I believe that around 60 or 70% of our problems are caused by 1% of the population meaning 1% is made up of psychopaths whether on an economic level a sexual level or a societal level there's always a Psy at work somewhere in the background this one% is made up mostly of males some writers even talk of nine men to one woman [Applause] [Music] in well pretty much all Psychopaths have in common is that they will always seek power you can tell when someone is looking for power looking to gain influence over you to control you manipulate you to feed a need maybe they take advantage of you financially or on a sexual level we feel we're a sexual object for them when they don't get what they want they put us down they humiliate [Music] us the psychopaths are among us and the more knowledge we have and the more we uh wake up and smell the coffee as it comes to the psychopath we will we will be able to protect ourselves and our family when you understand that this is a person who has emotion a lot of people say oh a psychopath has no emotion that's wrong they have a lot of emotion just not for you emotion is all about about me [Music] right for all Psychopaths there is this absence of emotional empathy and uh but they have cognitive empathy which means they know what you're thinking they don't feel what you're thinking what You' say as a good person would use that knowledge to help you I understand your problem and now I'm going to help you solve that problem and I can but I'm not crying listening to your story and people with personality disorders that are dangerous narcissistic personality disorder uh also has this this lack of emotional empathy that with other traits then becomes pernicious and and [Music] predatory we yes obviously the psychopath is grappling with a strange psychological condition he's not a Madman he doesn't talk gibberish he's not raving his causality is completely intact has both feet on the ground he just doesn't care about anyone else much more than that he exploits others either for profit or more likely for pleasure while William F now stands accused in the serial killing of three women investigation continues into a haunting string of others in Quebec and [Music] Ontario this man is is considered one of Canada's worst serial killers I couldn't believe it not [Music] Bill he was someone who was such a nice quiet guy I hung out with the guy he really didn't let on as to what he [Music] was among the so-called narcissistic pathologies the psychopath path is certainly the most dangerous because of his propensity to act because of the pleasure he derives from hurting [Music] others after 48 Hours on the Run police finally catch the janitor of a Montreal building suspected of carrying out a double murder it All Began in this house Monday morning in the janitor's lodgings police found the bodies of two men who had been strangled one was the owner Jean Pierre M 37 and the other a friend of the janitor Michelle Mansfield 24 prime suspect Paul Shaker 31 a habitual offender was arrested in estri on Wednesday after taking a Windsor Family [Music] hostage he was our little brother the youngest my mother's baby for me then for his wife it was the same I could talk about my mother who had heart attack after heart attack and was then mortgage to the hilt took a very long time to get [Music] [Applause] over public records on Paul Shaker say that he was previously diagnosed as a psychopath in criminality terms we do notice a diversity of offenses that seem to have been committed in a relatively insensitive manner as well as the cruelties shown in the homicides [Music] committed he took away someone dear to me which made me feel truly angry it's an experience I wouldn't wish on anybody it stays with you your whole life long Jones was a well-liked financial adviser in Montreal's West End some estimate he was handling up to $50 million belonging to close friends and family is he a narcissist certainly yes is the gentleman a pathological liar pathologic certainly I can't but I need to go over L did he manipulate every situation yes clearly is there any empathy not in my [Music] opinion is there an absence of remorse certainly I never saw any remorse from this gentleman I want to cooperate I tell you the truth the idea of of violence of psychopaths you know everybody has a a different sort of sense of this there's physical violence and sexual violence but a lot of psychopathy is not that at all there are psychopaths that are sadistic and there are psychopaths that are violent but it's not a [Music] trait the public easily confuses the psychopath with the madman a great many crimes often very serious are perpetrated by someone who has lost the plot psychologically that is who is schizophrenic with attended delusions and hallucinations mark leine That's the name of the man who yesterday killed 14 women at the E po technique it can result in lots of crimes mass murder for example or incomprehensible crimes with lots of blood and knives and children killed etcc Etc often the public thinks that's too much it's the work of a psychopath not at all in fact because very often those crimes are gratuitous the psychopath doesn't do senseless or incomprehensible murders we understand these murders all too well because their causality is intact Inta pikon was charged with killing 26 women all former sex trade workers drug addicts from Vancouver's downtown east side pton was a psychopath pton was a collector of prostitutes he would take his pleasure take their lives and feed their flesh to his pigs and he counted them he knew he'd reached exactly 49 and was very proud of that he told his pal in prison it was a shame he did not reach a round number [Music] 50 I've heard people say uh well I knew he was a psychopath instantly and I'm going right no no it doesn't work that way or I had somebody say to me you know I looked in I looked in his eyes and I saw the psychopath and I said no no I said what did you see in that person's eyes well it was that kind of dead look like I could just bore a hole right through you I said well that's not the psychopath when when I meet a psychopath when I'm interviewing a psychopath for an assessment man their eyes are alive they're dancing they're trying to con me they're not sitting there trying to bore a hole through me they're trying to con me they want me to like them these people are chameleons and they're good at con and they will try to con you so so to say that you can look in their eyes and see evil ah not buying it not buying [Music] it it's important to wonder what psychopathy is how you'd conceptualize it and the best conceptualization of psychopathy to date with the best consensus is the hair psychopathy checklist 20 characteristics are assessed from 0 to two giving a maximum total score of 40 a subject who scores 30 or more out of 40 is diagnosed as a psychopath in Europe it's 25 in North America [Music] 30 psychopathy a lot of people's say well you're either a psychopath or you're not so we're going to score you and if you score a 30 out of a possible 40 you're a psychopath if you score less you're not a psychopath that's not true this is a Continuum from 0 to [Music] 40 and the higher you are up to Continuum the more Psychopathic traits you have the more chances that you're going to act like a psychopath Factor one is the personality Factor two is the lifestyle and so some of the pieces of the factor one personality would be glib and superficial charm grandio sense of [Music] self-worth and then you go over to the lifestyle and you're looking at poor behavioral controls uh irresponsibility [Music] most people of general public most people would score you know somewhere maybe between six and 10 I remember scoring myself back when I first started and let me just say this I was over 10 um but I certainly wasn't near the cut off [Music] you can probably find Psychopaths everywhere but you mainly find them among criminals that is people who have made crime and the exploitation of others their stock in trade but you also risk finding psychopaths in other far more respectable areas I would say they're probably Psychopaths who have managed to their quest for power and their Quest For Pleasure a much more socially acceptable [Music] form I'm thinking of lawyers I'm thinking of police officers I'm thinking of big business I'm thinking of the media especially those with lots of visibility you see these are the jobs where a psychopath can be successful he is often number one where he advances a lot but in his own Furrow and he's used to using his elbows to progress so you may find a lot of broken shells in his wake where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters okay it's like incredible obviously when as public figures we can't afford to diagnose just any public figure we need to do a formal assessment but it's certain that as several people have surely noticed Donald Trump can present certain traits associated with psychopathy I'm not saying he's a psychopath but some psychologists in the United States psychiatrist too have advanced this argument to explain his personality many have dubbed him a narcissist some have gone so far as to mention psychopathy Donal when you watch Donald Trump at work lots of his behavior is characteristic it's a pure theft in American history everybody knows it that election our election was over at 10:00 in the evening so if we're talking pathological Liars I think everyone is noticed that he is someone who lies repeatedly he's one of the best examples of a public figure lying but that's typical of psychopaths when they're caught lying there's no shame no guilt it's like nothing happened said I think Donal Trump is an Artful liar I think he is a greedy vicious and arrogant man well I don't know is that supposed to be a compliment or not I'm I'm not sure several times we saw the lack of empathy there were allegations of sexual offenses by at least 25 women I have no idea who these women are I have no idea believe me she would not be my first choice that I can tell [Music] you [Applause] in about 2005 I've gone through about 16 years of looking at the brain scans of murderers serial killers here is a patron emission tomography scan of two normal people compared to a psychopath yellow is kind of normal red is kind of higher activity uh anything in blue or darker is very low this is a visual uh stimuli used for the pet pet scan and they're evocative they're you know emotional scans so they really turn on this whole visual system uh and they're normally things that get people's attention but they might also get upset about and here is a psychopath where all of here up in the frontal lobe and what's called the interior singular it um is turned off if you showed somebody being cut open or violently attacked most people that would have that part of their brain emotional brain turned on but a psychopath it's like they're looking at nothing it's like oh that's you know they're looking at a flower you know 2005 I get a whole load of these a lot of these scans of different murders we were also doing a study on Alzheimer's completely separate but any rate uh we had run out we didn't have enough controls of normal people in the experiments so I brought my family in including myself some of our kids my brothers and the pet scans were brought to me by two technicians but when I got to the end of this pile there was one there uh one scan and I just and I looked at these technicians I said this this is hysterical guys you got one of the Psychopathic Killers I said this scan is obvious this guy can't be walking around an open Society is a very dangerous person probably and uh they go no no no this is one of your family and it was ridiculous so when I knew that I had to peel back the tape over the name of who it was and it was my name I'll kind of paraphrase what one uh psychiatrist said who who knows a lot about me after analyzing it said look here's somebody who has completely psychopathic thoughts and dreams and urges all the time and it's not like the average person they're really bad you know they're really se he just never acts them out he's able to inhibit them but certainly bubbling beneath there is this you know a cold Predator if you [Music] will William 5 showed up randomly at his victim's homes offering to do our jobs between mid October and mid December 1999 five murdered with unheard of Fury four women who lived alone they were stabbed beaten to death and strangled a number of psychopaths managed to lead a double life William F is probably the most famous serial killer in Quebec's history Between 1979 and 99 he committed nine homicides on women some of these involving sexual assault William F was diagnosed as a psychopath the diagnosis was made in Saskatchewan [Music] five hounded his victims who fought back with the energy of despare William F's modus operandi of Serial murders with sexual offenses is relatively typical of what we find in sexual asants in sadistic [Music] rapists they'll have deviant fantasies that they need to indulge they'll experience sexual arousal by making their victims suffer then they'll reproduce the behavior over and [Music] over William F seemed to have this side where he had a double life he had quite a normal social life so he had a wife children a proper job went to family reunions no one suspected that this person let a double life they don't want to get caught so they'll successfully project that image then at the same time have the delinquent [Music] lives I didn't tell my wife what I was doing and I started to carefully monitor uh my interactions with her every day and I would try to do what I thought empathic really good Fathers uh would do and and husbands and so I tried to do that I tried to mimic that poured wine for her before me simple things uh and then I I also mixed it in with things like going to going to funerals I didn't want to go to or going to events that she wanted you know that were important to her because I could blow these off easily and then after a couple of months she said to me without knowing this I mean what I was doing and she goes God you're such a nice guy what the hell happened you know and I said but don't take it seriously because I'm just you know I'm mimicking it and I'm just trying to test it out and the best part of this is that she goes I don't care she says I like what you're doing she I said you don't care that it's insincere she goes absolutely not I just want you to treat me better H and I always thought that you had to be sincere sincere about you know treating people better as opposed to mimicking it it turns out that most people just want to be treated better and they don't care why the hell you're doing [Music] it they use the Expression snakes in suits about people who have Psychopathic Tendencies so a lack of empathy manipulation for their own ends that need to control to climb the ranks in an unhealthy toxic way they exist and they do a lot of [Music] damage it can hurt a lot to realize after several years that you've invested in a relationship with someone who has Psychopathic Tendencies psychopath it's a rude awakening the corporate psychopath or the snakes and Suits if you will those are people who are able to Fain interest in other people in order to get what they want I would say that um the psychopath has has a limited capacity and and a very limited capacity to feel empathy for another person they care about self and they can Fain interest in somebody else and they can actually show a a nurturing self to somebody if it fits within the plan for themselves the the white collar psychopath will be able to to hold what we call a a come of success both in their own personal life and in their public [Music] life typically what we see in organizational Psychopaths is they have a veneer they have a shell they have a great first impression but if they stay in a place long enough somebody's going to see behind the shell and so they move a lot once hired it's divide and conquer self-promotion taking down the more threatening people around them even sabotaging their work so they make their way but follow a fairly toxic path they leave a trail of collateral damage and what they want is always more power and they're ready to destroy everything to get where they want to go disgraced financial adviser Earl Jones pleaded guilty today to defrauding more than 150 clients to the tune of more than 50 million I started by meeting his wife who had picked up our landscaping business card for the maintenance of their Garden here in l i met Maxine Jones first they were both absolutely lovely people always very friendly very quiet he was quite Charming a very kind courteous interesting gentleman a good [Music] conversationalist we looked after his garden for a year or two but in between I spoke to my mother who explained to me who he was how she had known him Etc and that she still had Investments with him he offered me his advice on investing and and that's how the meeting went one Friday evening after doing a new landscaping job on the property he owned in L it' been a few weeks we found that odd because he usually called back real quick and in a week we'd be paid then for three or 4 weeks we left messages and he didn't call me back but he owed us a lot of money several thousand dollars for the work so Friday night I'm having supper my son who lives upstairs calls in and says you see that Mom Earl what about Earl Earl he's a crook what what are you on about turn on the TV news so I turn off the stove turn on the news and see that ear jones cheated his victims and spent their money lavishly for 27 years Jones imitated signatures and withdrew Millions from the account without being troubled by the bank I would never ever have believed it he cheated his own brother who would have known none of us will ever be the same no matter how you say we'll forget about it uh it's not going to [Music] happen in the case of Earl Jones I can't put my name to a diagnosis I didn't assess him I didn't observe him I didn't speak to him of course it's easy to hypothesize a psychopathic tendency when you see a pattern a history where there's been manipulation and lies spread over several years and what's more with an absence of remorse or regret Mr Jones at one point worked for the Montreal Trust Company and worked in inheritance he left Montreal trust and set up his own business he began with certain Estates [Music] then he began to make investments for people privately and mix the money from all these Estates and investments in one pot he began using the money for his own ends did I did it I did it because of my cash flow the necessity of paying what I had to pay it's called the Ponzi scheme all it does is take new money from new Estates or new Investments to supposedly pay a return on Old [Music] Investments even though he knows what is right and what is wrong what is criminal and what is not criminal there has never been anything in his brain that said stop you can't cross that [Music] line El Jones was sentenced to 11 years in prison for his fraud he pleaded guilty of fraud to the tune of $50 million and for the 158 victims the sentence is disappointing their troubles aren't over working all your life and and doing everything right then all of a sudden you have nothing and that's what we have absolutely abolutely nothing for 35 years he did that he never invested his clients money never I didn't take clients money and invest it into stocks bonds um real estate he came to cheat me then my mother he convinced elderly people who had their big houses paid off to take out a mortgage on it to invest better to leave their children a better inheritance and all that for 35 years the merry-go round continued what really gave people confidence was that you had interest checks from Royal Bank that stated the account was Earl Jones in trust and what we found out later was that these weren't trust accounts the bank printed that for him but it was an ordinary private account then he'd go there with his ATM card and pull out hundreds of thousands of dollars it was his card these people were abused they were robbed cleaned out their lives destroyed so that's a form of violence [Music] too when came out of the courthouse and everyone was there he was surrounded they walked him very fast to his lawyer's car because everyone was after him and I was raging mad I was in such a fury that I couldn't help myself I spat on him are I spat on him I have the right to my opinion I have the right to be upset so I spat he's a rat and that's what you do to rats you spit on them it's all I could find to express my anger after 48 Hours on the run the police finally picked up the janitor of a Montreal building suspected of being the perpetrator of a double [Music] murder my brother owned an income property so he was looking for a janitor Paul shaker showed up he hired him he himself didn't know Paul Shaker the guy he hired who didn't volunteer any information either because we found out later he was on a social reintegration program at first my brother was a bit naive but he wasn't aware of [Music] anything my brother and I spent the weekend together that morning my brother got a call from Paul Shaker saying there were problems in the building so he drove over to see what the problem was Paul Shaker had planned everything he was waiting for him with another person my brother never got out of there he was strangled with the cords from the vertical blinds you know those cords I followed the trial after that I went to every parole hearing that's where we learned he'd already been in jail that he' stolen he' raped he'd abducted he took drugs he sold drugs the works then he reached the stage of [Music] killing Paul Shaker began his criminal career very early he was a minor when he sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl for this first crime he was sentenced in 1979 to 22 months in prison it set the tone for a dozen years to come he started from that sexual assault and reached the double murder for which he's still incarcerated today PA Shak PA is a heavy drug user so he sets out to find money in drugs and steals drugs and money from his drug dealer he LS them to his home on the bouv San Joseph with Paul badar another guy from sherbrook who has minor mental health issues and is therefore easily manipulated one thing Sher likes to do is manipulate people he manages to involve badar in this plot and lures Michelle man to shake his home on Boulevard San [Music] Joseph together they tie Mansfield to a chair and then cut his throat later they put him in the closet then as he still needs money they lure Jean Pierre M Paul Shaker's landlord to the apartment and inflict on him the same fate as Mansfield in other words they kill him too I have a son who's disabled physically and also mentally so when I saw that he had used that person I was horrified because these are vulnerable people you don't touch these people that man had the IQ of a seven-year-old child but he was 6' tall where Paul Shaker's like 5' three so he used this person who's mentally disabled to kill but he was sentenced too he went to prison too but it wasn't his fault it was the other one who planned [Music] it he was sentenced to 25 years and that was 30 years ago the parole board made it clear to me that one day we'd have to deal with it they can't keep him forever even if he's considered a dangerous offender that's how it is I've always followed him I followed him because I'm one of the victims I'm one of the victims so the minute he asked for something they'd have to notify me so I'd show up so it was there that I quietly learned that he's a psychopath those people are ready to do anything to get something the last meeting I had he spoke to say that he was worried about my niece I was surprised because he was aware he'd taken the father from a young child it was as if it was all resurfacing and what effect did it have you think is he manipulating or is this the real deal I don't know I still don't know because I'm not in that area but he came back to it he came after [Music] me the psychopath is 2.5 times more likely to get parole and so what's that about well it's simply an artifact of I can con the national parole board I can con my parole officer I can call Con the probation I can con the the psychologist is doing my my assessment and uh they have shown themselves to be good at it and thus more likely to get uh to get [Music] Pearl he'll use almost any means to come because he wants to become credible so he can get out they know very well how to play with that he cares nothing of the fate of others it's his own fate that interests him and that's all he focuses on that seduction through manipulation that's what he does you know it's hard to admit that someone who understands psychopathy uh can be conned by a psychopath but I have been as a matter of fact I I lost a fair bit of money in in a fraud in what we call a an affiliation fraud where I was coaching hockey the person who was who was the the treasurer of the association that we had um they were dealing with the money and she she actually conned me out of a large amount of money on the private side and I I didn't wake up to the fact that she had a lot of psychopathic trades because we were close um we were friends uh it was it wasn't a context that I was looking for the psychopath in and so I got nailed so yeah anybody can get hit with these [Music] guys you know the one onone psychopath is the nicest person you can imagine he is talking to extraordinarily Charming he involves us as well he gives us the narcissistic food for us to love him and still One onone automatically we find him extraordinarily friendly and smart and we love [Music] him of course it's possible we have not understood because he gives us all this narcissistic food the better to manipulate us and to exploit [Music] us Jones abused the trust of 158 investors and robbed them out of $50 million I've known Earl for a long time Earl was a very good friend of the family a very good friend to my father and mother my mother saw Earl as a brother Earl to me he was Uncle Earl we weren't family but he was very close he was Godfather to my brother and we had lots of good times together and he was someone close we had lots of fun with Earl and the Jones family Earl was someone who loved to tell stories and made lots of jokes he was very funny charming and it was always nice when we were in the company of Earl Maxine and the two girls Earl [Music] Maxine after a time as a teenager our priorities were different his daughters were younger so we saw the family A Little Less a lot of time had gone by but when my daddy died Earl came to the funeral he was super kind super nice and at the funeral he said look can I help you settle your daddy's inheritance we had the impression Earl had our interests at heart he really took advantage of that moment to exploit our trust in [Music] him
Channel: SLICE Full Doc
Views: 347,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, free documentary, raw
Id: McYaZykBBfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 51sec (2631 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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