How Professional Are Special Forces Soldiers? "They Were Wizards Man"

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but they were Wizards man they were Special Forces Soldiers by with and through and like they could mobilize a battalion at their whim you I'm in this new kind of Brotherhood thing so then I get my team and seventh group I went to seventh group you know Central and South America again man I won the Super Bowl again you know what I mean like championship and it's all pre-war I mean it's all no war time frame you know what I mean so Central South America pretty dicey you know drug on war you know I mean it was at least dangerous place to go you know uh super happy love the culture love the people uh you know it was dangerous as at a lot of times and uh and it was a lot of good times and yet that the the pool of quality of men that were around me was even better you know I mean there was I you know there was guys that I was trying to be like you know what I mean it was like holy crap and again the first team that I roll into like the the team Sergeant is an ex unit guy you know what I mean so there's that you know who's in Grenada and all kinds of stuff and then there's couple other guys on the team that were Veterans of the El Sal Wars you know what I mean El Salvador and all that so here I am again on this new team now being instructed or being gifted with this is how you do it boy you know like yeah like learn and you know at that time I was 26 years old Unbroken I was a beast physically you know and a little bit cocky you know and uh and some of the older guys you know were a little out of shape but I didn't know what they had gone through because I didn't know what it was like to be on a team for six years you know what happens to your body in Special Operations you know and uh I was a little judgy internally thank God it never came out of my mouth man but I I just was like man I really need to learn this job like don't be judgmental like learn man and um and I just watched how these guys work down range you know what I mean uh I mean in non-combat time you know we would go and we were just doing foreign internal defense and you know teaching pois and and and working but they were Wizards man you know I mean they you want to talk about if somebody that can create they were Special Forces Soldiers by with and through and like they could mobilize a battalion at their whim you know what I mean like wizard you know I haven't made it I've just made it through selection which you know I mean through Buzz that just gets your foot in the door man you haven't really done in those guys Minds that are working in those units they like they don't give a man like you've just got your good job you got your foot in the door now you're going when you get in there especially with the guys that are putting you through I mean the Mogadishu guys Tom satle and his boys and we've interviewed Tom yeah and uh I mean what was and then knowing they know yeah they know more than any body else what you're about to walk into yeah and so you know I would think that they that had to be tough yeah man I mean those had to be some some hard men to please and I would imagine that [Music] they I mean did did it seem like they just despise you like there's no way that you could ever rise to their expectation to be able to work along side with them wasn't that at all no yeah man I mean they were super they were super tough at upholding the standard so there wasn't any extra uh like the standard was so hard number one uh but now the intensity level has gone up maybe it's always been that way you know I mean I don't I don't know I only know my class and the classes after that that I was Cadre on but it was like that level of intensity of the focus on the standard of doing it right man was off the charts and we had a really small group how many there was no I mean there was probably 10 to 12 guys in in in my little group you know so there was almost a onetoone instructor like you weren't getting away with nothing and they were not going to send a product to like all of those guys had already obviously they're instructor status now they had spent you know years on the teams like they're not sending by any bag back to their friends so there's that aspect of it too like because there's a good chance that they'll be working with them you know because after they fin finish that time as being instructor they're going right back you know so that that's what capes it so fresh so yeah it was super intense man and then the so it was the normal press and then the self-imposed pressure cuz here I am now another Super Bowl win right like uh now I'm going through the gate of this compound that I've been around for 11 years and I'm actually going through the gate so for a little while the you know and the intensity so had and every week they made a decision where you were staying or not I mean that was common knowledge they had a little meeting and with the instructors it was where you were whether you were staying or not and there was gu getting getting chipped off you know what I mean and then I mean just cuz you made it through that so if you had to make it through the last board at the end you know what I mean it was intense but I loved it you know what I mean and again it was during that time so that was just amazing right and so back to month two you know basically of a January time frame and my son was born in the middle of January right so uh and during that time in the training course you know it was a lot of basic stuff that we were they're doing at the time cuz they're getting the the whole group up to speed cuz you know they're pulling from guys with all different backgrounds you know what I mean so they're getting everybody setting everybody up for Success along the way so there was a lot of stuff Marksmanship wise that I was already good at and a lot of things so uh my son was born and um so awesome you know what I mean uh 2-year-old infant you know newborn uh and wife everything's good um you know have a little bit of time to take care of that and family coming in to help take care of you know obviously very planned for cuz I got to be in this course you know I mean so it was all good everything was good and then some complications occur with my wife she has very hard hard time with pregnancies uh and so but it was that was mostly during pregnancy this was post so usually no problems after that well I don't know that there's a problem I'm on the Range black Suburban pulls up you know with the the S major of the training you know what I mean who was a team leader in Mishu by the way so that whole crew you know what I mean so so he shows up and he's like yeah where Spooner yeah I'm fired you know what I mean like the S major doesn't come yeah you know I mean at the ring and ask for like for only one reason you're out of here so I get in the and he don't say he's like yeah get in and uh get we get in and I'm like I'm fired you know what I mean he's like hey uh your wife's okay but she's in the hospital there's been some complications she's stable but you know there's a lot going on he's like so you're going to take this Suburban you're going to take this cell phone cuz 2001 time frame right so we don't have iPhones and all that you know you're going to take this cell phone uh go take care of business go take care of your family keep me updated out of here and uh so I do you know what I mean Roger that thanks you know what I mean and I go but in my mind I'm like what where am I you know I mean like what who does this like I mean of course that you can't miss any time man I haven't even made it you know I mean through the first month and now this is going on whatever so go through and uh you know his life uh a lot of complications we got septic there was U you know different different things that had happened and um took a few days to get Sable so I mean I missed a couple of days you know I mean cuz I got a newborn a 2-year-old you know mean there's a lot going on and uh so I was like hey whatever I know my priorities are straight you know what I mean the family is first in this scenario you know what I mean versus the school and um we're just taking care of it I'm heading so we get it all settled in again and after a couple of days and I go back to work you know I keep star major updated everything's good back to work uh and then it was after work this time she ended up having to go again to the hospital you know I mean so it's another little stamp and um so there's a lot lot going on right and um and so I know I'm like man I'm going to get at best recycled no matter where you're watching Shan Ryan Show from if you get anything out of this please like comment subscribe and most importantly share this everywhere you possibly can and if you're feeling extra generous please leave us review on Apple and Spotify podcasts
Channel: Shawn Ryan Clips
Views: 102,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vigilance elite, shawn ryan, shawn ryan show, the shawn ryan show, shawn ryan podcast, navy seal, talk show, podcast, podcast show, shawn ryan interview, shawn ryan clips, shawn ryan show shorts, Tom Spooner, delta force, military, operator, us army, special forces, spec ops, war, combat
Id: wb6hlrUKd0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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