How Powerful Was the Black Order?

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the black order also known as the children of thanos often downplayed and always overlooked these four characters are very underappreciated within the context of the marvel cinematic universe but i have a lot of love for them and i think they were some of the coolest villains that we've had in the series and a perfect compliment to the mad titan thanos now a lot of people write these characters off as underdeveloped and weak and while yeah they were underdeveloped they were not weak by any stretch of the imagination you have to consider that each one of the black order were fighting the strongest versions of the avengers that we had ever seen and if thanos had decided to you know send these four to destroy earth instead of loki it would have been a walk in the park another thing to consider is that none of the black order were really defeated in a fair 1v1 fight and in most cases they were fighting 1v2 or in some instances 1v3 or more not including their end game deaths ebony maw was defeated by a combination of spider-man and iron man who had hit him with a sneak attack proxima midnight was defeated by a sneak attack from scarlet witch who was on par with thanos in terms of strength corvus glaive was killed by vision in a sneak attack as well and uh all right so call obsidian did straight up lose to bruce banner so three sneak attacks and lopsided fights and one straight up l to begin let's talk about call obsidian the close to mid-range tank of the group under the order of thanos call went to earth to retrieve the time stone from dr strange and during the ensuing battle call is tasked with fighting 1v2 against iron man and spider-man and then fighting another 1v2 against iron man and wong during this fight call is consistently keeping up with spider-man and iron man at the same time while putting both of them on their heels consistently using his chain hammer which can change form at calls command to fit the circumstances he can use it as a side a hammer a shield and a claw that can stun enemies with an electric charge the versatility of this weapon and calls mastery of it allowed him to nearly kill iron man twice before he was saved by spider-man and later wong during the battle of wakanda khal is the frontline tank decimating the wakandan forces until black panther was forced to attack him with a fully charged punch from his new vibranium suit he later goes to assist corvus with the retrieval of the mind stone before being interrupted by bruce banner and the hulkbuster version 2. a lot of people give call a hard time for this battle but he was winning decisively before banner who knows the stark tech much more than coal does was able to block the killing blow and send call flying now it's obvious to me that banner did not plan for call to be killed in this attack and he just got really lucky that it dragged him through the shield surrounding wakanda as for his performance and end game again he was about to kill iron man after tanking multiple attacks from his repulsors before being dragged backward by spider-man and then stomped to death by ant-man who at this point could casually one-shot leviathan so again another very unfair fight for call obsidian next i'd like to talk about another member of the black order who does not get much respect if any corvus glaive corvus is by far the most skilled member of the black order when it comes to stealth missions more akin to an assassin than a straight up fighter he was tasked with proxima midnight to assassinate vision and retrieve the mind stone for thanos he was easily able to surprise vision and pierce through his vibranium body like butter with his glaive which prevented vision from phasing and damaged him so much that he could barely stand keep in mind that if this were any other avenger they would have died from this attack corvus just got super unlucky that vision was you know a robot after stabbing vision a fight breaks out as scarlet witch tries to retreat but corvus goes on the offensive taking on vision himself in a 1v1 which corvus easily wins by deflecting vision's own mind stone blast back at him unfortunately wanda arrives to provide a vision with much needed backup corvus along with proxima are able to corner the couple yet again until they are ambushed by falcon captain america and black widow despite being forced into a 2v4 corvus is able to block all of falcon's attacks before eventually being stabbed by black widow forcing corvus and proxima to retreat and like i said before corvus is not meant to engage in prolonged combat situations this is shown yet again when they use his previous wound as a way to account for his absence at the battle of wakanda instead of being on the front lines corvus is sent to assassinate the wakandan guard and claim the mind stone this may imply that he has advanced regeneration as well as he showed no signs of being weakened at all when he infiltrated the wakandan base he was able to assassinate two of the royal guard and then defeat shuri in a 1v2 blocking every attack sent his way until he was knocked out of the window by vision now on the ground corvus makes short work of vision and is about to claim his prize when captain america intervenes from here corvus tanks multiple attacks from cap and actually ends up winning the fight and you know what happens next his brief appearance in endgame showed how trusted he was as thanos called to him to make sure that the order to bomb the battlefield was executed and during this battle corvus was yet again out of his element and was ultimately taken down by akoye as for proxima midnight she may be the most underrated member of the black order and she's definitely the most well-rounded of the group she can participate in stealth missions alongside corvus or fight in the thick of things alongside call obsidian not only is she very versatile but she is easily the most skilled in hand-to-hand combat of the entire black order during her fight with scarlet witch he was constantly putting pressure on her not allowing wanda to use her full power as she was always on the defensive when wanda retreats to save vision from corvus proxima is able to use her three-pronged spear to blast them both from the sky after reinforcements show up proxima fights captain america and black widow at the same time two avengers who should be considered the most skilled of the entire marvel cinematic universe and is handling them both pretty easily until falcon kicks her away while she wasn't looking being able to not only hold off two of the most skilled fighters in the mcu but actually put pressure on them in hand-to-hand combat cannot be overstated it's a super impressive feat all of this while she was worrying about corvus who was injured previously and before we get to her final fight let's talk about her spear a little bit more this weapon is stupid overpowered not only can it fire incredible blasts of energy but it is a double-sided weapon acting as a blade on one side and the other acting as a three-pronged spear not only does she use this weapon to its full potential but she can also call it back to herself like mjolnir essentially allowing her to never become disarmed in battle so during the battle of wakanda midnight was able to embarrass black widow and okoye in a 1v2 and would have killed them both had scarlet witch not intervened in time to save them unfortunately for proximate midnight scarlet witch's raw power was just too much to overcome in avengers end game we don't get to see her fight but let's just all assume she was kicking everyone's ass which to be honest is pretty likely as we see her die to the snap along with her partner corvus so we know that she was not killed before iron man ultimately killed everyone now it's time to talk about granddaddy magic ebony maw the herald of thanos and the leader of the black order who is definitely my favorite of the team for his non-stop trash talk and it's very casual fighting style ebony mall is a very cerebral fighter able to deduce weaknesses quickly and initiate countermeasures almost instantly in his very first scene amma shows off his incredible telekinetic abilities as he restrained thor preventing him from attacking thanos now this is a very weakened four so not super impressive but i mean thor is still a god capable of staggering thanos even while in a weakened state after arriving on earth he engages in battle with iron man wong and doctor strange simultaneously very casually countering every attack they throw at him without moving from his singular position he redirects call obsidian who was launched toward him by iron man then slices a car in two like it's nothing then sends the sidewalk at iron man who attempts to rush him still unfazed by this he moves his head in time to dodge call obsidian's chain hammer which crushes iron man sending him flying multiple city blocks after iron man is removed from the fight he turns his focus to doctor strange and wong who are able to redirect his attack back at him it's at this point ma becomes very angry and starts fighting seriously taking out wong with no issue and then going head to head with the source of her supreme doctor strange sends an eldritch whip at ma which lands and as strange as pulling ebony towards him mod uses this to his advantage grabbing strange and embedding him into the brick wall of a building behind them before strange could even react after becoming frustrated with strange and the spell put on the eye of agamotto moth throws him to the ground and as strange prepares to use his ultimate trump card the time stone ebony restrains his arms and chokes him out preventing strange from activating the spell after just a couple minutes witnessing strange's spells maul was able to figure out that strange needed to weave signs before activating spells and was able to force strange into using the time stone which he countered beautifully luckily for strange his cloak goes on the defensive forcing ebony maw to give chase on a whirlwind of flying debris that allows him to fly at incredible speeds iron man then sends spider-man after them but ma doesn't give peter a second glance treating him as an afterthought after successfully capturing doctor strange ebony ma begins to torture him with micro surgery needles capable of killing him at any instant while torturing strange ebony ma claims that he has never failed thanos and after hearing of maw's death thanos tells us just how much he cared for his loyal herald to be given such a high place within thanos's regime you know that ebony ma was damn good at his job the dude defeated doctor strange with no difficulty keep in mind that thanos had to use four infinity stones to accomplish the same feat and during the battle for earth in avengers end game it was ebri ma who figured out the avengers plan to return the stones to their original timelines and he was easily able to restrain black panther and nearly took the gauntlet from him before spider-man intervened so that's all i've got for you guys today can we finally put some respect on the black order's name these four characters fought against the most powerful versions of the avengers that we had ever seen and none of them got a fair fight they all fought at a disadvantage and still held their own despite ultimately losing i think these characters are very powerful and in 1v1 fights are almost unbeatable but what do you guys think let me know down in the comments also be sure to like and subscribe it does really help us out if you'd like to support the channel the best way to do that is to become a member which you can do by clicking the join button down in the description be sure to follow us on all the social media that you see on screen follow the key issues podcast on itunes and soundcloud be sure to join the discord that link is also down below and remember the motto it's black order over everything and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Key Issues
Views: 2,318,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cull obsidian, cull obsidian death, ebony maw, proxima midnight, corvus glaive, corvus glaive endgame, endgame, avengers endgame, avengers, avengers infinity war, key issues, how powerful is the black order, how strong, how powerful, the black order, black order, how strong was the black order, mcu, marvel cinematic universe, children of thanos, the children of thanos, mcoc, marvel contest of champions, marvel
Id: ErGAEoaU9o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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