How Powerful Is Red Hood?

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[Music] what's up my comic comrad with the red hood making his live action debut in season three of titans you know we had to give him some spotlight and what better way to do that than to see how powerful he is in the comic books so let's do just that let's start with his strength we all know jason todd aka red hood doesn't have any superpowers but as far as humans go he's at the peak of physical strength point in case red had once kicked bane off of him with his legs to put that in perspective bane weighs around 300 pounds and possesses enormous physical strength yet hood just tossed them off like he was nothing but let's take things up a notch red hood also flipped or body slammed suzy sue who was previously pinning him and susie sue weighs around 600 pounds that's more than a quarter ton but let's keep going like the time you kick the door off of an airplane to get to the joker's daughter now as we all know deathstroke possesses superhuman strength nothing like superman but super strength nonetheless while red hood on the other hand does not and yet he was still able to kick that stroke so hard he flew backwards and crashed into wooden crates i also have to mention that in the new 52 during the robin war part 5 red hood was the first and only one for a while out of all the robins to defeat a talon all by himself he straight up snapped one's neck and as just the feet of sheer strength he was able to hold up a collapsing roof that was on fire while innocence got to safety now also in the new 52 jason had access to a version of the venom serum similar to baines but it makes the user much stronger without turning the person into a big mindless brew and when jason uses it he was able to do stuff like break supergirl's grip that's right he was able to rival a kryptonian in strength he was even able to solo a huge alien all by himself an alien that was able to give supergirl a hard time but now let's move on to speed much like his strength his speed isn't super but it's at the peak of human capability much like an olympic athlete or greater more impressive than that is when he was able to dodge deathstroke's gunfire because as we all know taking down people with gunfire is basically what deathstroke does jason even outran a dude who was chasing him on a four-wheeler how do you even do that without being superhuman comics that's how comics he can even do things like dodge gunfire from point blank range as demonstrated against joker's daughter dude even speed blitz a member of the iron rule who has super speed if you don't know who the iron rule are they're a group of mercenaries founded by roy harper point is for not having super speed red hood moves really fast but now let's move on to red hood's fighting skill off the bat he once beat batman in a fist fight now let's not get it twisted this isn't a normal occurrence and bruce was more than likely holding back but either way this is an extremely impressive win for red hood on another occasion when fighting batman again batman told him you know you can't win this red hood answers in a fair fight probably not but cheating i've got that down as he uses an electrical charge to beat batman it was cheating as he said but a win is a win he's willing to go that extra mile while batman isn't redhead was also about to destroy orphan aka cassandra kane but dick stopped him to put that into perspective when dick grayson was up against cassandra kane he got his butt handed to him he also single-handedly took on and beat several of lady shiva's man bats all at once saying come on is that all you got i only spent six weeks training under shiva you've probably been a student for years learn how to land a damn punch now obviously since jason todd can do stuff like take out cassandra kane and shiva's man bats he literally makes the gcpd swat team look like toddlers red hood also defeated a talon and mr freeze at the same exact time i mean he has his foot on the talon's throat while holding freeze at gunpoint it was pretty badass and here's a really impressive one he beat deathstroke in a fight and i'm talking about a good fight it lasted for like five pages with the two trading blows back and forth they were slicing each other up throwing each other through walls until ultimately deathstroke says time to finish this to which red hood replies whatever you say while he lights slade up with gunfire taking him out for the count with deathstroke even saying well what are you waiting for why don't you finish me off but red hood replies i wasn't hired to kill you i was hired to hurt you but let's keep going red hood once beat a godly powered raz agul or rachael ghoul however you want to pronounce it beating raza ghoul is impressive on a normal day but beating him up when he's powered by the well is insane but this next one i think is even better now you all know who lady shiva is right if not she's the deadliest assassin in the dc universe so much so she trained batman and a ton of other characters in the dc universe including red hood and when the two eventually come at odds with one another he tells shiva i remember you telling me that it would be impossible for me to take someone of your caliber down in hand to hand combat as he sweeps her leg he continues to say you taught me a few shortcuts so i can keep the upper hand when i needed it literally as he karate chops her to the back of the neck once he does this he says that should keep you paralyzed for just under 30 minutes or forever i have to admit i'm a bit rusty so not only has red hood defeated lady shiva in battle he temporarily paralyzed her at that but now that we know reddit is powerful enough to take down the likes of batman deathstroke lady shiva and more let's move on to his durability first up we have his helmet it's so durable it was able to withstand a direct hit from a talon bringing down its blade straight into it it's also bulletproof to small caliber rounds what i'm saying is it will stop some bullets but a 50 cal is still gonna go through that sucker his armor and suit is also bulletproof in the same manner and thanks to his helmet and armor he survived the multiple nukes that went off in the water right next to him that man even survived getting hit straight on by a bazooka i don't even know how that's a thing but apparently it is as for stealth and intelligence red hood is up there with the best i mean he was able to break into the blackhawks organization jason was even able to get into tim drake's base which tim said was impossible but apparently it's not because jason did it he's also hacked into the order of saint dumas and somehow he was also able to sneak away from supergirl who has super senses and was using them to look for him with all that said red hood is essentially a don't give two craps willing to kill version of batman being an expert in stealth martial arts marksmanship tech espionage and almost anything a human can master but i will leave you all with this red hood once said that he holds back when he fights batman while him and arsenal are fighting the gcpd batman jason says to himself all that time bruce and i spend fighting trying to kill each other okay me trying to kill him i guess i'd have to admit i was holding back because you know he was bruce but i don't have to pull punches on this batman so what this tells us is that red hood and batman have never truly fought each other all out as we knew batman would hold back but now we know so did red hood which is super interesting because both have defeated each other in different fights over the years for different reasons but have they ever truly tried to hurt each other well from this it seems like no so i wonder what kind of damage red hood could do to batman if he didn't hold back especially since he's willing to use tactics that's not part of batman's code so because of that does that mean red hood would be the last man standing in a true all-out fight just maybe or at least it's something really fun to think about but with that said that brings today's episode to a close i hope this gave you all a better understanding of just how powerful the red hood is so let us know what you think of red hood down in the comment section and that's going to bring today's episode of ant to a close but if you liked today's episode be sure to check out this one right here and if you like all of our content be sure to subscribe like and comment it always helps the channel out but other than that i'll see you guys next time when i talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 173,682
Rating: 4.9762521 out of 5
Keywords: How Powerful, Red Hood, Powers and abilities, dc, dc comics, jason todd, batman, lady shiva, comics, comic books, variant, variant comics, titans, justice league, dc universe, anti-hero, superhero, villain, origin, robin
Id: ITAwr9um49g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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