Is There A Gap Between Genesis 1:1 & 1:2 Where an Ancient Earth Can Fit?

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if you open in your Bibles this is fascinating and if you go to the very first verse of the Bible in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and then you get to verse 2 the question was is there a gap right here between 1 1 which is the gap of perfection you know that God made everything in perfection and then here it almost looks like that somewhere between there there was chaos and destruction or something and a long time and then this is like and ruin I think is the word that gap theory people use ruin and chaos and destruction and then this is a re-creation a kind of reforming and and so what they say is that there is this gap that leaves for an ancient earth and so what it is is it's it's a way to believe in complete creationism and believe in literal six days but you have an ancient earth that it works in and so it's kind of the best of both worlds it's kind of like the Mormon book win-win what was his name the guy that wrote the seven somethings what's it called yeah yeah the seven habits of successful people and one of them is win win and another one is sharpen your saw I mean they're all I mean they're great principles but in Christendom it our goal is not always win-win by compromising if that's what it takes and so that's what the question was is it possible to believe in a gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 where an ancient earth can fit without compromising truth well real quickly I just took you know this is the normal Wikipedia kind of overview of the view now there are actually about eight or nine or ten and I just lumped all of them under the gap theory I put with the progressive creationists in the day age Theory people this would be you know Carl Sagan right here and everybody else that that our total naturalistic evolutionists which no God no divine in fact there was a fir roar over a recent science paper that was put in that had I think the word Creator was in there and it's just I mean there was a meltdown in the academic scientific community because that's like swearing to get God anywhere to do with science over here so to solve that there there are Christian Scientists and I don't mean the the followers of you know the the Christian Science denomination that follow Ellen White or no it's a Mary globe or Patterson Frye Eddie Mary Baker Eddy but she was made about seven times Mary Baker globe or Patterson Frye Eddie Baker globe herb medicine Frey Eddie five times she was married but I'm not talking about that I'm talking about Christians who are sigh in the scientific community and right here is theistic which means that God initiated but using evolutionary means and so you know thirteen billion year old universe thirteen billion year old universe and the gap theory people also have a thirteen billion year old universe and the earth is four and a half four and a half four and a half so what's interesting is this whole side the old earth creationists who are also called day age theorists who are also called progressive creationists now there are slight distinctions that's like lumping together pre-wrath and mid-trib they don't like you to lump them together because there's distinctives but I'm saying just general the gap theory the progressive creationists the de-age theory in the old earth creationist with the theistic and the naturalistic all believe in 13.7 4.5 life showed up three billion years ago I know you can't read those but I'm under lying just to show you what it is and what's interesting is pre-human hominoids or humma hominids they all believe in and what these are are the cavemen the the predecessors to to modern humans now if you follow the news at all in the last ten days because of the the genetic studies and because of the spectro microscope and finding ways to analyze things at levels that we never were able to do they have discovered that these pre the pre human hominids intermarried with the modern humans fourth a long time that was the headlines this week that they cohabited and mixed and merged the pre humans the cavemen more monkey than man group were intermarried with the modern Homo sapiens for a long time they don't even know how long I mean it's gone from ten to thirty thousand to now it could be ten to a hundred thousand and it's just it's just getting very interesting and so like like here it's ten two hundred thousand here it's fifty to two hundred thousand modern humans and fifty to two hundred thousand but believe it or not the gap theory people our friends and relatives of ours they're all Christians Scofield Bible the largest selling Bible in history until modern times it was the Study Bible the english-speaking world John Piper believes in this Tim Keller Hugh Ross like the friend of James Dobson Clarence Larkin the the draftsman from Philadelphia that did all those pictures that everybody in prophecy loves his pictures he was an Old Earth creation day age progressive gap theory and Donald ray Barnhouse one of my heroes aw pink one of the most prolific reform writers it was really popularized by the Brethren movement of all things the Brethren movement G H Pember down here in 1877 was a a brethren that's a Christian denomination of bible teaching churches that really believe in the inspiration of the Bible but G H Pember at the onset of you know the trip of the Beagle and Darwin and all that said he wrote a book and by the way he in the 1870s lived off his book sales which says he was a phenomenal writer back then but what he said is that there was a period of time between verse 1 and verse 2 and that period of time involves Lucifer having this huge angel war that spilled over into the earth and I mean it just became this I mean it's better than Frank Ferretti if you want to read something if you've ever read you know this present darkness and piercing the darkness and all the other Peretti novels pembers book in 1877 just went through edition after edition because all of a sudden Christians almost were into science fiction and there were ancient civilizations and there were these pre-human hominids that that were they didn't have a soul they don't have us or a spirit or I mean they didn't have what we have they were alive but they didn't have an immortal soul they were more like animals more animal than human but they looked human but they didn't have human and they fought and did all this stuff and the angels were fighting and it was almost like Mormonism with a whole civilization that this guy see rather and Bible verse by verse teacher wrote many other books and in a incredible part of an incredible denomination but he was only following what Chalmers Thomas Chalmers wrote about in the Napoleonic times which was just when the the whole beginning of what we would call the evolutionary scientific thought was starting predecessor you know with geological studies but all of this these are I would say every one of those are our relatives of ours they're all in the same family they're all born again all of them they all believe in the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ is death on the cross the justifying work of Christ some of them were heavily than others but all of them basically they're pretty much all reformed except for Scofield and Larkin I don't know about Pember but I mean they're all solid by the way you know who else is in here Wayne Grudem you know as in the systematic theologian right here I mean this is just huge in fact when Scofield Bible got done it was hard to find a Christian that didn't somehow think there was a gap in there and it just solved everything because when you go to school and universe is 13 billion years old you say of course it is in the Earth's it's 4 and 1/2 of course I agree with all that and there's been life you know here all along I believe they would say I believe in the literal 6 days but it was a literal 6 days of God coming back and reforming the mess that Satan made and kind of starting over again and Adam showed up about 10,000 years ago and this is what if you ever watched the Answers in Genesis Ken Ham presentation it shows God in the Garden of Eden creating Adam and Eve and underneath them is this pyramid of bones and clubs and cavemen and everything and death and destruction so that's the gap Theory progressive creationist day age Theory old earth creationism however before right here Chalmers almost universally Martin Luther was a young earth creationist John Calvin almost universally all all Jewish commentators from the time of the first century up through the 19th century almost universally they believed in a literal six-day recent creation dead interesting up until they started finding dinosaurs these monster things dug up in Britain and it just shook the world because England influenced the whole world so of course Henry Morris from Virginia Blacksburg Polytech wherever it is hydraulic engineer John Whitcomb of course one of the most you know prolific modern expository presenters is is John MacArthur with his battle for the beginning of course he's always held it but he just went through Genesis and of course the most notable in the news is Ken Ham although Henry Morris and company were granddaddy's of this modern creationism but what the modern creations would say is the whole universe is six to ten thousand years old and the reason I mean it's very simple to understand if you think about this look at the creation account I'll just explain to and then I'll interleave it with how the the gap theory people come up with theirs but let's just look at day three and it says verse nine let the waters under the heaven be gathered together and ten the dry land I'm in Genesis one by the way verse ten the dry land so on day three before day three there were no waters under and above and there was an dry land so all of a sudden an observer watching if they could have would see nothing and all of a sudden water above water below dry land shows up and then verse 11 on the same day let the earth bring forth grass and herb that yields seeds and fruit trees that yield fruit if you'd have been observing that all of a sudden you'd have seen trees with apples on them and and grasses they'd have seed in them and what it is is it's what creationists call created history if you think about it the Lord did not in his account and in in Genesis 2 it says this is the verse for two forces this is the history of the heavens in the earth this is the genealogy this is God's explanation of how everything came and how God said it is that if you would have been able to have watched day three you would have seen all of a sudden if you were a scientist you would have sworn by doing core samples of those trees that they had age but they appeared on the spot instantly look what it says in verse 11 it it had grass and herbs the yield seeds and fruit trees that yield fruit and the earth look at verse 12 brought forth grass the herb that yields seed and the tree that yields fruit it just came into being like his in front of us right here the Lord did not scatter bulbs he put full-blown everything we see is a fully mature species or plant or whatever just showing up spontaneously and and see that I mean hardly anybody would disagree with this I mean I mean it says it you know and if you if you go on to verse 14 in day four and God said let there be lights in the firmament in the heavens to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and seasons and days and years and let them be for lights in the firmament if you would have been also a guest at creation if I would have been there and and we were walking around only being able to see the flowers by the glow of God because there isn't any Sun or moon or stars yet it's just totally dark out there as far as the the lights to rule by day and night but all of a sudden in day four it says verse 16 God made two great lights and boom the Sun showed up and you could see it and it's 93 million miles away but you it was there it just was there and the moon and that's not hard but also it says in verse 16 at the end he made the stars also all of them and that meant that at that moment on that day if you two looked up you would have seen stars even though they're all different distances away you understand see God created sometimes they call it with maturity mature plants trees mature species of animals and fish and birds but or you could say it was created with history with with built in not starting from you know baby or tiny but fully mature and so the stars all were showing and so I mean I could go on and on but if you think about it after a while it's not hard to to say that come on where's my button I moved it too far there it is it's not hard and I got to go back to here if the universe is only this old of course we believe that those stars really are a long ways away but God created them in the scriptures when you read the descriptions that God makes outside of Genesis Exodus for example or eyes there or joke God speaks of them as radiating out from where the center of his creative activity was where was the center of all creative activity the earth and so from the earth he hurled out Isaiah records he unrolled and hurled and threw into space the Stars and they were all as freshmen in 15 says of different magnitudes I mean even before we had any of the modern astronomy we we had Astrophysical terms that that Paul uses of the the different magnitudes of the stars and those were all placed out there from here and so it it's fine to have relatives of ours that have chosen by the way I was noticing mr. Ross here Hugh Ross he he was an astronomer and in the 90s Hugh Ross began a reasons to believe or some kind of ministry and he left a secular field went into the ministry every time he redoes his materials if if they changed their dates he changes his dates if they say that the humanoids married into the modern people whatever he changes his date step because he is going to make the Bible fit at all costs with whatever the secular scientists find which is very interesting to think about the implications of that even though he's a brother in Christ it kind of goes with Cal's question what are the the danger science and we'll talk about that just at the very end but just to compare the gap theory or the rune restoration or the de-age or the you know progressive creationists they believe that perfection was how it began that they of course it's and and he's the creator but he made everything perfect a chaotic situation and they differ on what the chaotic situation was Pember got more into the science fiction Hugh Ross has entire you can you can buy his book he's a magnificent scientist in fact his book on the anthropic principle anthropic means that that there is built into the universe such such a scientifically measurable human friendliness in everything I mean I mean I mean he has like 32 anthropic Astrophysical signs that God made the universe just for us like for instance the tilt of the axis of the earth if it was tilt and tilted any other way it would just fry or bake or freeze the the the speed of our rotation the distance from the Sun the color of our Sun the the proportion of our atmosphere the proportion of water to land I mean everything about everything about the earth is fine-tuned I believe he has 27 exactly fine-tuned elements distance rotation revolution speed color of our Sun luminosity of our Sun I mean the age of the Sun the history God created I mean because you know stars go through cycles and we would just be either fried or frozen or gamut you know if those huge if the Sun did any of those big flares toward us it would just like we're reading about now the huge effect it would have on the earth but but he says that there are 27 finely-tuned anthropic you know on thrust man anthropic calibrations that that point to that point to the perfection that God built into the universe especially our little piece of it the solar system but some chaotic thing went between it Hugh Ross is great all these pre-adamic spirit lists animal people that that are unsavable and are we're being excavated all over the place and then the reconstruction starts in genesis verse two so they have a literal six days with an Old Earth that you can change the date as much you want every time they find something else we say we agree with you yep it is it fits because it all happened there and the Old Earth they believe and and remember I told you there are like five or four or five different I'm running them all together but they have a pre-adamic humanoids they have Lucifer falling they have this angelic war and the heavens and great destruction that lops over into the earth and cause catastrophism or catastrophism there we go catastrophism that there's this catastrophic event here as opposed to young Earth Creationism that and look at Genesis 2 verses 3 & 4 then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because he rested from all his work which God had created and made all of his work it's kinda like he lumps it together and then verse four he does it again this is the history history that word is repeated all the way through the book of Genesis and what it's saying is this is the it actually is translated in other places the genealogy kind of like this is a family tree of Abraham of you know whatever but this is the family tree of the universe and it says it this is the history of the heavens and of the earth when they were created in the day that the Lord made the in the heavens it kind of points back to that that God did this all as a package not this chaos thing is very hard to substantiate from the Bible although you can from Jeremiah 4 if you try real hard in another passage there are these little passages here and there that in the prophets either are talking about a total desolation of the Holy Land or it's the universe and Lucifer and Angel battles but the context is that it's the holy way but you can possibly you know if if you talk long enough make it sound like this is going on but really the idea of two creations is not ever anywhere else in the Bible if you don't wedge it between there between 1:1 and 1:2 it's not anywhere else in the Bible and I'll show you in just a minute that Jesus implies that it wasn't there either so in a proposition to this young Earth Creationism says that that God gives a comprehensive account of creation and then now look at this this is where I say jesus in matthew 19:4 it's the classic passage on jesus answering questions about divorce and remarriage and the you know what are the reasons that someone can be divorced and Jesus talks about that but look what he says right in the middle of it in verse 4 but he answered and said to them have you not read that he who made them at the beginning so Jesus is calling this the beginning see that's how they have to interpret see the interesting thing is if you read the additions of the Scofield Bible the Scofield Bible was so committed to this view that that they started changing the the order of creation to make it fit with science and with the ancient system what they said is that there two words for creation you know bara and I saw and that God actually created the the creatures from the fifth day and the fourth day but but he recreated him in the fifth day but he created them with one word but then he recreated them after and it's just when you're so committed but if you commit to something that really is not clearly in a Bible then you have to make all the rest of that I will fit with it and and that's just glaring in the new Scofield you know the old Scofield said one thing in the new Scofield altered the order of the creation just to fit their presupposition of the gap right there in the reconstruction but Jesus in nineteen four and the reason I bring this up and how did these questions always get so long that it takes up all the time but it's so big I mean I almost said who asked this question but why did you ask such a big question they emailed it to me but what this is getting into is right here and I think this is the most important thing that every time we get the New Testament to shine light on how we should understand Genesis every time the New Testament interprets Genesis it interprets it not cryptically there's no cryptic meaning that there's some kind of humanoids and angel wars and civilizations that are all destroyed and and this global Cataclysm that's not mentioned in the Bible in fact these people downplayed they don't really believe in the flood of Noah why would they not believe in the flood of Noah because science doesn't see as soon as you start as soon as you start adapting every edition of your book to match what the secular world is coming up with then if they don't see evidence of flood you don't see it either isn't it amazing that that for this group the flood becomes local there was something with Noah but it certainly wasn't global and it certainly didn't cover the highest mountains and it certainly didn't involve volcanism you know the fountains of the deeper volcanoes did you read what they said this week about Yellowstone they said Yellowstone has erupted far more recently on a massive scale I mean that was the New York Times they said they said it's like the the what twinkling of an eye in the duration of the universe's history that recently within 600,000 years there was a catastrophic eruption of the of the caldera of Yellowstone National Park and they said that erupted the New York Times I wonder if they had a reporter there you know watching it but they said it went all the way to the state of Washington it went all the way into I don't know where the Dakotas and it went all the way down to I don't know where and he said and it's really recent I thought yeah just lop a couple of zeros off of that you know and and a few other years and you've you're almost right fitting into the flood when it did erupt and when it it it is The Fountains of the deep but we're getting off off track here so matthew 19:4 jesus said this in the beginning at the beginning verse 4 he who made them made them male and female and so he Jesus doesn't say when God tried over again he fixed it and and launched what he says is at the beginning you notice what it says in verse 1 of Genesis in the beginning and Jesus says at the beginning and you would think since he was the one doing it here that when he's here he would know what he's talking about because he was the creator Colossians 1 says so that's really interesting so you know it's a literal 6 days which we both agree with but Jesus seems to think that the literal 6 days were not recent I mean that they were recent not ancient like the ruin restoration gap 3 people but now real quick let's just go to Romans 5 and I want to show you just a it would be a quick study that we would do in the theology of interpretation or hermeneutics how does the how did the New Testament writers interpret the book of Genesis and the first one is Romans 5:12 and let's look at Romans 5:12 and you know all these verses it says therefore just as through one man sin entered into the world wait a minute through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin what was the make up of the church Paul was addressing here if you read the end of Romans there were a couple noble people that are mentioned in that list at the end and most of the rest of the early church were common people any probably half were slaves so how would a not very educated manual worker that was purchased in a slave market understand this teacher of the Bible when he said through one man sin and in the world and death through sin and death spread to all men because all sinned they would think he's talking about Adam and that's how sin entered into the world Paul interprets Genesis like sin doesn't enter the world until Genesis 3 when man fell into sin now look at chapter 8 because this is fascinating this is his Astrophysical view we have an astrophysicist in fact in the audience tonight and so I'ma be very careful what I say but but look what it says in verses 20 to 22 of Romans 8 it says for the creation was subject to futility not willingly but because of him who subjected it in hope because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God he's talking about that sin not only impacted that first man sin entering because of that that first man it didn't just affect the world spiritually in humans and wreck the humans bodies it it wrecked the universe the whole universe it says it's going to be delivered verse 21 from the bondage of corruption which is talking about all the laws of thermodynamics that are talking about the ones that talk about the the downward spiral the death spiral the universe is in those were triggered by the fall in fact it's really interesting God made up all the rules he's probably gonna have different rules well he already does have different rules because Jesus seems to show us what the universe after the recreation is like because Jesus was able to walk through what we consider to be solid objects but he was solid remember they grabbed him and touched him he was solid he wasn't of he wasn't a spirit that's which we have seen which we have heard which we have handled with our hands John talks about in combating Gnosticism talking about Jesus as a as a spirit a phantasm not not a bodily God man and so verse 22 we know the whole Romans 8:22 the whole creation groans and Labor's with birth pangs together until now and not only that but we also have the first through the spirits we eagerly wait and groan within ourselves waiting for the adoption the redemption of our body what he's saying is that the universe the universe has been impacted by sin it isn't humanity and all the wickedness here it's the the wearing out the universe and then look at first Corinthians 15:21 and and I have many more of these but I just didn't want to wear you out but 15 21 is another and it says and let me get to that for since by man came death by man also came the resurrection of the dead for as in now who caused the death in the sin to come in he's named Adam shall all die even so in Christ shall all be made alive and what happens is and in here are the rest of them if I can get to it 19 for Jesus believed in the beginning Romans 5:12 2:20 Paul builds all of his theology of sin and the the justifying work of Christ and right here he mentions Adam if you back up to chapter 11 look at this his whole view of the order within the home and the church says verse 8 for man is not from woman first corinthians 11:8 but women from man you ever heard which came first the chicken or the egg well we know that the chicken came first God made them with history and man was first and whoa man Ishod ish in hebrew he shot from man came woman and that that is how instead of trying to fit the bible into science actually true science the bible fits because sciences is knowledge that's that's observable and that that you see and that you and the only one that observed the only true scientist of creation is God because he did it and watched it and recorded it and put all the rules in but look at this 9 for man nor was man created for the woman but the women for the man for this reason the women ought to have the symbol of authority and the whole order that God says that God is over Christ as Christ is over the church the husband should be the loving head of the wife all of that is an interpretation of Genesis literally every time the New Testament addresses Genesis it's literal it isn't cryptic it is an allegorical it isn't mystical it isn't you know that it doesn't mean what it says it means something else God says through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of so that so that things were just seeing were not made of things which do appear what he's saying is that God created everything from nothing we call that divine Fiat that God made everything initiated made created and and did everything not from visible means not from some big bang stuff that he started reforming unless you call him his Fiat creation a bang and it probably was but this is the basis of faith unless you believe that God is a God before his creation there was nothing but him and after his creation he made everything he said you can't please him and then here's the last one Paul bases in 1st Timothy 2 his whole argument explaining to the church and Ephesus the order that is to be in the family in the church in 1st Timothy 2 he says let a woman learn in silence without submission I don't permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man but to be in silence why by the way it doesn't mean mute silence it's talking about the teaching office of the church does it mean praying and it doesn't mean saying and it doesn't mean sharing it doesn't mean serving because women were highly active in the early church highly active they equally went and shared the gospel they equally went and shared shared shared it isn't muzzling or muting it was they their position was not of authority of the teaching and leading of the church or the home but certainly ministering their gifts and everything else but how does he support that I'm sure that there was just people were holding their breath to see how he'd support that and he says this verse 13 for Adam was formed first then Eve so he verifies as literal Genesis 1 and 2 he doesn't stay like my previous chart would have been oh did science just determine that woman was first okay we're gonna change our edition of our you know in the order of creation because if science said that we're going to change our addition so we agree with them because we want to agree with them no the literal order comes from the scripture Paul said that's what I believe literally Genesis has it and then he says in verse 14 Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived and transgression and on and on he goes he he and and every time the New Testament addresses Genesis it takes it as the standard the revelation and and what we should trust and so beware of reinterpreting the infallible Word of God to fit any current naturalistic which is godless opinions any time someone has a religion that God like the FIR or over creator being in a scientific paper you can't have a scientific paper with creator in it it's swearing to the naturalist to the evolutionists to the atheist but Christians we should beware of reinterpreting the the scriptures that we already know how we're supposed to interpret them because the New Testament interprets the Old Testament and interprets it in a certain way look what has happened did you know replacement theology tried to erase Israel from God's plan way back in the fourth century was st. Augustine and Luther and Calvin continued it why because they were trying to accommodate the Roman Empire and they said hey the Roman Empire doesn't like this pie in the sky stuff and so we're gonna teach that room Byzantine Rome has become the the people of God on earth in the church is Israel and they're gonna conquer and rule the world and they replaced Israel with the church and tried to erase in from being in Biblical prophecy in the future that was an accommodation to current thought replacement theology didn't start you know in in modern day institutions it's st. Augustine did it with his City of God book and it just flourished through the Reformation creationism I already said that was updated by science in 1814 onward and and and so what they started doing is accommodating whatever the latest thing was that's gonna fit in the Bible the whole role of women I mean the Bible said the same thing but we I mean the F post-world War two and prior to that of course but all of the social movements we could not allow this antiquated view of the biblical role of women so the church began to say well it might be what it says but it's not what it means and what it means is this and then look at the whole you know word in Diskin ception I mean the Bible has always said the same thing that God grants conception and and David was knitted together in his mother's womb he was a person he was alive and God was designing him and so was Jeremiah God had a relationship with Jeremiah before he was born in the physical world he says I knew you and on and on God says that that life begins at conception but in the sixties the church the the more liberal branch the church started accommodating and now look I mean that's all old hat homosexuality look what's going on the reinterpretation of Scripture the infallible Word of God to fit whatever the current godless naturalistic opinions are I don't know what the next one's gonna be it's probably being genetic whatever you know in the in the mixing humans and animals genetically and everything else but you know we just it's and I'm just putting glaring ones there has been a constant problem within the church that every time something confronts them that that that is a social issue the church often takes a step back and and doesn't cling to a consistent hermeneutic if you consistently interpreted the scripture you would not be a replacement theologian but the accommodation in the fourth century has rippled through 16th centuries if you kept the historic view that the New Testament writer said you couldn't be one of these accommodating and altering the order of the days of creation and the same with all the rest of these and so but we did get to questions tonight we have four minutes does anybody want to keep us here four more minutes and run to a microphone let's see I got to see who asked that question did I answer it enough where are you did I answer your question enough I don't even see you out there the one that wrote that to me they're anonymous tonight okay if there's no questions let's all stay up okay and and basically the last thing that I want to say is I would be careful with forgetting the fact that these people are brothers and sisters in Christ CI Scofield Piper Keller Ross Larkin Bao now it's pink Pemberton Chalmers as much as ham and MacArthur and Morris and Whitcomb and Luther and Calvin even though their views do damage to other parts of the Bible if you're not careful they still believe as Cal was talking about those fundamentals of the the deity of Christ and a substitutionary atonement and the virgin birth of Christ and it that it's by faith in his sacrifice alone even though they differ on this and so I I would say it's going to become very interesting the implications of this if they keep moving especially with this merging of the cro-magnon or whatever with the new ones
Channel: DTBM
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Keywords: john barnett, dtbm, genesis, genesis 1:1, genesis 1:2, gap theory, creation, evolution, origins, old, earth, millions, years, creationists, bible, biblical, belief, beginning, god, 7 days, create, rest, world, planet, gap, theory, lessons, sermon, sermons, learn, teach, john, barnett, truth, lies, questions, answers, really
Id: c7nAPvJpDlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 40sec (2800 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2016
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