How Old is All Might?

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yes hello the quarantine has somehow managed to give me less time than usual so we're just doing something small this week don't worry we'll go back to Big Boy soon enough life is very messy right now I'm so sorry Oh also by the way spoiler alert for the special people who still think I make anime friendly videos something something my academia you know the drill amazing Shonen super over hated goat what have you let's not waste time on stuff that is obvious instead let's focus on something novel and interesting time you see time is one of harakas biggest weaknesses as many of the events and their timelines are a kind of messy we have a general idea of what happens when but the further you stray away from the moment-to-moment happenings the harder it gets to understand how events actually line up this is especially true when talking about the past but probably the biggest example of this confusion is a resident Goku homage himself all night aka Toshi nori yagi aka mr. smash you see this man's age is actually one of the bigger points of misunderstandings in a series that people already love to misunderstand some people think he's the same age as a never some people think he's the same age as ice our so I thought it would be fun to just kind of try and see if we can date this smiling Superman now where do we start common sense would dictate if we look at his appearance but yeah that's not gonna help the man switches between Hulk and Skeletor on the fly so it's not exactly very indicative we can still however try to get some info out of his appearance and the way he behaves he is obviously an adult and one of his very experienced plus your felt himself as an old man a few times so yeh we have determined that Oh mine is not a child as you can see this approach won't get us very far but while all might might be undated and mysterious we have other characters that do have confirmed ages and timelines that relate to all might and it's through those relations that we can get closer to the solution there are generally two characters that are commonly used for this the first one is endeavour this is because endeavour has both a confirmed age and a timeline that relates to all might he is currently 45 years old and when he was 20 he gave up on chasing all might and dedicated himself to creating stronger children this is pretty vague but it gives us a few pointers for endeavor to give up on all might at age 20 that means that all might would have had to have been a famous top 10 pro hero for quite some time before since there has to be a time frame in which endeavours obsession could grow and faster this doesn't just happen from one day to the next so then being the same age already looking pretty unlikely but oceans what if all might just became a top 10 hero at a crazy young age that would have made endeavor even angrier and could have put them at a similar age good theory random British voice but this is where the second character comes in Hawkes there's a throwaway line of description from Hawkes introduction that gives us a key piece of info on this Hawks is the youngest person to ever make it into top-10 hero rankings having reached it at age 18 this means that all might has to have been older than that when he got famous combine that with the fact that his fame has to have been around for a while so that never could become obsessed with him quite a time before he turned 20 and it just becomes very likely that all might is a decent bit older than endeavor so who is that it both Endeavour and hawks have given us clues and all we could gather from it is that all might is some age older than 45 well this is where most approaches unfortunately stop because the series really does not go out of its way to give us much direct indication of all meit's age however there is a third character that gives us some more concrete evidence and character many forget about no seriously I had forgotten about this person until I started writing the script the person question being Nana Shimura all mites master we know that Nana Shimura died when all might was 18 this is interestingly enough the only confirmed age point that almighty ever gets but why does this matter because Nana has descendants two of them both of which have confirmed ages Kota Russia Mora her son was 32 at the time of his death while we don't know exactly how old he was when he was abandoned by his mother he's able to remember her meaning that he was around maybe six years old that means that Khodro died 26 years after his mother abandoned him we'll assume that Nana abandoned Kotaro around the time she met all night since all might was wearing a middle school uniform when they met he was probably around 14 this is supported by the fact that all might states to have never even met her child that means that Cotto died around 22 years after his mother died so how does Quattro's age help us further well because of his killer tank oh she MOA a K shigaraki shigaraki has a confirmed age in the current manga 20 he's also briefly mentioned to be 5 years old on the day he murders his father so Kota Rose death happens 15 years before the events of hero haka so now we can just add things up all my tis 18 when Nana dies around 22 years later her son Kotaro is killed by a five-year-old shigaraki in the current events of the series suga Rocky is 20 years old so it's 15 years after he kills his dad and voila adding all this up we determined that all might is as of right now in the manga around 55 years old this number fluctuates depending on how old you think cultural was when he got abandoned but regardless all might as definitely in his mid to late 50s this makes him 10 years older than ever which works it also makes him 20 years older than Iowa which makes any and all oh maybe they were friends during school comparisons really really stupid then again this is really wishy-washy and I am really not good at math so if you have a different timeline to let me know I might read it but for right now there you have it all might is a Boomer goodbye you
Channel: Oceaniz
Views: 23,978
Rating: 4.9573107 out of 5
Keywords: My Hero Academia, Boku no Hero Academia, HeroAca, MHA, BNHA, Season 4, Anime, Manga, All Might, Endeavour, Hawks, Shigaraki, Age
Id: CYurecBzCzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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