I Spent 12 Hours On NEOMUNA and Loved Every Second of It... | Destiny 2 Lightfall

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in today's video I'm going to be spending 12 hours straight on neomuna now you may be thinking to yourself toad what the hell are you gonna do on neomuna for 12 hours time to find out you may recall I did something similar for the dreaming City a few months ago that was from my witch Queen Nuzlocke series and believe it or not this time I'm actually doing this of my own volition the rules are simple I can do anything that keeps my guardian on neomuna including special missions I can invite friends and this must all be done in 12 consecutive hours if you've ever seen one of those hundred days Style videos this is kind of like that a lot of work and time went into this video I found a lot of things I didn't expect and I really hope you all enjoy [Music] we are silent not quiet silent no question hour one of course started with me loading into the Striders gate on Neptune I hope you like the view because we're gonna be here for a while at a glimpse I already see a lot we could do especially this time trial but we'll come back to that a bit later these are the neomuna people I didn't know that I did a public event to get some strand meditations and stumbled across this odd Scion with an antenna what is this carry into oh my God oh my God I don't know what's happening turns out you can place these antenna and storage crates to find hidden chests which is pretty cool I was getting my ass kicked by some Vex and noticed these strange Cipher qubits which I'm sure will be used for something later I also wanted to get my Quicksilver Catalyst we have a lot of time to kill so I might as well set some goals turns out these qubits are for the Exotic machine gun Quest I also want to do the Hall of Heroes and from zero quests I went searching for my first lost sector and completely missed it upon finding it I was taken to the thrillodrome which is basically a Vex arcade this is really cool bro bro is me well that's what I thought turns out these Vex were actually protecting the grid a digital Frontier which of course I got in dude this is a wild loss sector fortunately I wasn't the only user stuck in the Thriller drone this is crazy the gamer yo Donovan after returning to the real world we did another public event and set a rise on a Vex incursion Zone what what is a Vex incursion Zone let's go check that out I don't know and I don't know how to activate it Donovan then showed me these little divinity-esque Vex puzzles oh look at that that's cool we did a couple patrols puzzles and I continued work on my Quicksilver Catalyst also apparently these harpies were a high value Target which took me a while to figure out I'm only 26 done with Quicksilver bruh so the public event that's about to spawn isn't a normal one it's actually a very rare Vex Strike Force event that sometimes spawns and Vex incursion zones yeah there are holy [ __ ] I'm dead they're also not the easiest thing in the world there's a reason this is a 10 minute public event oh my God this dude there's six this is a 10 minute public event oh what the [ __ ] unfortunately just as the event was getting started Donovan got dc'd from the servers freeze diesel freeze oh [ __ ] oh game app error please no what happened it's kind of getting our asses kicked this event is 1810 by the way wait hey what are you doing you gotta chill this ain't good this ain't good oh what boyfriends oh get me out of here yeah this is GG this is GG boom Oh cry about it we tried our best but unfortunately these strike forces are just a bit out of our league right now after this I began searching for our first Regional chest which again I completely missed did I miss something after some help from our viewers I retraced my steps and found Regional chest number one oh there it is I went back to Nimbus to get some weapons and interacted with all the audio logs in the Hall of Heroes fun fact apparently the cloud Striders have emotional support pukas after grabbing another Quest I headed right back to Nimbus to receive some new Landing zones here we go unlock additional Landing zones hour two started with us trying out the new terminal overload activity and me losing this 1v1 to a Scion why are you running so far completing this activity rewards two chests although one of them needs a key oh yo I found the mystery box oh wait is that the veil oh [ __ ] that's a big ass Hydra after this Donovan showed me a way to get out of bounds that he found earlier oh wait here it is right here I think oh [ __ ] fit oh I made it oh this is so cool we looked around for a bit but didn't find much outside of the next Regional chest oh yeah dude there's a regional chest right here now the question is how do we get back we'll look around more out of bounds later but for now I wanted to go get that chest to get it you gotta jump through this broken glass and follow this vent system until you find it for some reason this kind of gives me Lego Star Wars Vibes just like it's just like Lego all right that's two Regional chests done I tried to hijack this Interceptor Halo style which I really don't know why I thought that would work too oh but then we did a public event and I actually managed to Grapple onto a thrasher oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I then found some signal that got stronger the closer I got to it receiving a slight pink okay I'm moving in the right direction after some trial and error I found the location of the signal and was awarded with a chest for my efforts in the same area we came across another lost sector which is absolutely a virtual weed farm I appreciate Bungie's new modified approach approach to difficulty it's refreshing to not bulldoze through lost sectors like we used to especially when there's clearly a lot of time put into them okay Legend is 18 30. oh [ __ ] no no we doing it we doing it we're doing it right now to start off hour three we decided to try this Legend lost sector even though we were like 45 levels too low oh my goodness oh they're skulls can we even damage we could damage okay we can damage that's all that matters oh you you can rest oh watch out okay okay hold up hold up I'm putting off a barrier good [ __ ] okay this might be possible oh watch out watch out for you oh watch out watch out there's a grenade right next to you I know I said this recently but God I love blade Fury it just feels so vicious let me let's abandon ship and try that again yeah let's go the grapple hook is basically useless here so I went ahead and swapped onto my shackle grenade and we tried again constantly pounding Martin oh wow yeah no I'm like hme's damn it the snipers are on the rule say hello Michelle keep your road down okay get suspended nerd man you can do some pretty cool things when you mix stasis and strand also I know I'm late to this but stasis is an absolute monster at stunning champions oh my God look at that I realized that while firing Quicksilver storm you can actually see the Nano Rockets forming on the side of the gun before they fire pretty cool detail all clear come out no oh Gladiator we lost a couple res tokens but managed to make it to the second room ready for grenade drops in front of me I'm [ __ ] you should disappear that works out till then I'm just gonna type something oh good angle on these guys though oh yeah we're making good progress so we can absolutely do this easy he's a club easy Club Michelle let me be clear it's three years don't get it twisted we can do it attempts five and six saw swipe in the first room attempt number seven however brought us to the boss room and again tell me this isn't a weed Garden careful this is New Territory for us it's okay it's okay unfortunately this one misuse of my shackle grenade may have actually costed us the Run nice nice that that might be oh no oh no what is that helmet what do you mean it's perfect attempt number eight saw no progress but finally on attempt number nine we made it back to the boss room um let's go left up here we might be able to get a good angle on the champion yeah so both of them right here hold up this might be a w a w disguise doesn't know careful careful careful careful oh wow this may have been a mistake oh [ __ ] I went down literally I'm supering kick his ass kick his ass doctor said coach was in 30 seconds that's all that means right now oh oh [ __ ] I'm gonna die it's okay oh [ __ ] when you're on your own we have no more rezas this is not good we took a bit of an L but fortunately this brings us to hour four I returned to Nimbus and unlocked this new Bounty this bounty rewards a terminal key which is what we need to open that other chest in terminal overload 58 oh you put on the cool armor yeah yeah I then decided to spend some time making my guardian look a bit more appealing yeah here we go oh or we could it could be Megatron at home with my newfound key we turned right around and headed back into terminal overload the fact that nothing you're wearing is from the same armor set is super impressive and it goes together like perfectly everything we need some Dome yeah we need some dome in our lives I can use some dome right I could use them as a side note I'm loving the enemy density here also this new heavy wave frame grenade launcher is pretty nice I turned into bounties and got challenged by a group of Gladiators [ __ ] this dude tricked My Flesh yeah that might be a good idea I just saw you could jump by like three we toppled the vax and upon opening the second chest I got a grenade launcher and made some Quest progress I restored another Cloud Strider Memorial and received some loot as well as another Quest from Quinn all of this is working towards the winner bite exotic heavy glaive which ripped my boy getting disabled one week before the new raid now this Quest has us hanging around Vex incursion zones which works out for us because we really wanted to find another Vex Strike Force after our defeat in our one while we waited I searched for some more Regional chests and once again completely missed it I checked on top of the fan tried checking in the fan inside the building and finally checked the fan again oh yeah it's literally right up there what is this Regional chest number three by the way is this a nod to Zanzibar from Halo 2 it probably isn't I don't know it just looked like it with three of the nine chests down I was making some really good progress on the from zero quest which I'll do in the background also all of these unique suspend animations are really cool my Quicksilver catalyst is at 65 percent and look how narrowly I missed this thresher with blade Fury anyway we did some patrols and got caught in a Vex cabal Turf War so this is around where I realized that Vex strike forces are really rare because we still haven't seen another one oh oh whoa that's a cool one look at that also Regional chess number four I had to go to the ESI terminal for my quest so I did that while Donovan waited for the Vex event I was a little confused but eventually found the guy I needed to kill Upon returning to Nimbus I got a really cool Fusion rifle and gained access to repeatable bounties which is nice and with that we're rolling right on into hour five officially hour five swagalicious burgalicious make the boys go Logan Fergalicious definition right then boys go local I search for the next Regional chest which really wasn't hard to find look at that where's this Regional chest number five I think and a few seconds later I found what is possibly another way to get outside the map I could totally see someone using mask of back risk or something like that to break out of bounds 72 [ __ ] I then began the search for regional chess number six which with the help of our live viewers we found pretty fast there it is regional chest number six and chest number seven was quick to follow somewhere here number seven let's go and we got a special Patrol sick let's do this next on the list was this lost sector on the side of kallus's ship what's going on in there oh it's Shadow Legion cabal fighting like I I don't know cabal red Legion cabal oh there we go that's the boss he's a man okay what do I do oh oh homie got crushed I once again returned to Nimbus for an upgrade a sniper and some more bounties I also quickly found Regional chess number eight and began my search for number nine you did that is this the last one this might be the last one literally oh yes it is that is all the regional chests now that we found all the regional chests I can further my deterministic chaos quest well on be like only 78. it's been like an hour as a part of the quest Osiris and Nimbus had a bit of a disagreement that aside I wanted to show my girlfriend the Thriller drone no hit me up I think I might they might not what the hell there are Hive arcade machines that's so cool I looted the chest and rolled right on into hour six with another public event I'm hoping for 85. E5 would be really cool 87 let's go huge I then went to go unlock some stuff for strand shackle grenade it's like Ebola and you throw it and it makes three more they like seek out and suspend enemies it's really really cool Bola these nuts while waiting for the Vex Strike Force someone nearby found a strand source which I also needed for one of my quests yup yup okay it just disappeared are you [ __ ] me what also Donovan was really tired so he went to take a nap but he'll be back later during terminal overload I noticed that the Vex Cranium charges your super really fast since it puts out so much damage I walked on into the typhus imperator to round off my hero Quest as well as my deterministic chaos quest loving this three oh we have to collect this [Music] nothing happens what do I do oh over over here we have to collect something else okay it's Essence that's the last time there we go oh a seat of Silver Wings I really appreciate that oh just thinking about you I returned to my favorite Cloud Strider by process of elimination who gave me a dope strand hand Cannon a piece to my exotic Quest and of course I grabbed some bounties that is a nice looking hand Cannon Lenny mobile hits turns your next shot into a what that's the origin trait that reload though wait a minute let me see what oh my God to start our seven I did some terminal overload and finally got to cross something off the list at least once yes let's [ __ ] go I don't care if we die yes it is a strand weapon oh yeah this thing kit it's a heavy hitter that's for sure let's see this reload wow that's slow oh you're doing the 12 hours yeah are you in my game yeah oh [ __ ] you're right here dude you can crack the old Throne creeper and it has a condescence on it I don't know how the [ __ ] that works but we did it in the legendary campaign last night there's a destiny active action figure back down here wait what I'm gonna see it's right here oh wow look at that all right action figure number one I chilled for five or ten minutes to eat since well we've now been here for over six hours and I was getting a little hungry one he's using kavasov that part what the hell is up with that number one had a moment to mute the live stream give everyone a second when we get to the end of the campaign right Elsie Zavala ikora and Mark have not moved they're still still they're in the same spot the Strand that could be Mission yes sorry throw that away uh Mission [ __ ] you stop texting me what the [ __ ] where can you find it holy [ __ ] in collections I see why it's called Vex caliber that is awesome this is a really random question mushrooms are no mushrooms on food one of my quests wanted me to do thrillodrome again so I obliged they Nerf within two days when when Titans had part of Mo's light for years Bungie released a new ornament for it and then people were like that [ __ ] kind of cool I'm gonna use it and they're like this [ __ ] kind of good every class feels that way they're like why is it it's like a video of the guy who's like who would I get flashback it's like symbolic black dude please okay the 3.0 came out to ask for radiance to come back no go touch grass I would like Radiance to come back because you were nice I feel like no I really do I think you can balance Radiance how do you feel about this warlocks back yes he's a warlock he's gonna say yes you guys want to try the legendary law sector imagine you say oh no I'm just gonna keep going and then just self-rez after the lightning can to be fair what if it used your res token oh oh he's been enlightened I would cons I would concede to that now that we had a full fire team we decided to try and Conquer this Legend lost sector even though we were all still 45 levels too low they will rock your [ __ ] oh I see that yeah okay also we are entering our eight oh damn I got Elvis Elvis is picking him over let's go uh I'll put a barrier he was Focus the Unstoppable there you go all right [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up there you go good [ __ ] all right let's go John watch out watch out watch out we should fall back we should fall oh [ __ ] all right all right all right come on come on come on oh my God okay I'll just drop him attack him okay I'm falling back you wanna take that famous on the left get him oh he's doing the thing he's doing things watch out watch out this [ __ ] Gladiator I know probably maybe I'm gonna hit him with 1K I have my super I'm [ __ ] going for it [Music] just before we did The Lost sector was the daily reset which also meant that now we had a different terminal overload to do get on your Sparrow or like an Interceptor or something and I'll come over here all right three two one oh [ __ ] this is so cool wait yeah you know you could [ __ ] do that that's cool I think another thing with strand is there's so much you can do with it as a team that like this solo experience and the multiplayer experience with strand it's just like so different John do you have your uh gravel already after beating this overload I got myself a cool New Strand SMG wait I'm gonna put my hand in your ass hold on hold on woo again man strand is awesome does anyone know can you strand onto the worm from parasite two one oh [ __ ] oh my God you're still going my daily bounties reset just in time for hour nine which began with us restoring one of our last memorials oh that's nice I grabbed my next quest which once again wanted me to do some overload here's what I want you to Grapple onto the back of my sparrow when I say say okay oh okay go so I waited for another Vex Strike Force for a while until one of our live viewers informed me that since this area was now the daily terminal overload region we can't actually get any public events here for the next 24 hours so unfortunately we're gonna have to put a pin in the strike force with all my memorials done it was time to do the partition activity and this mission is actually really cool needs for speed speeding around and diffusing bombs on the way to a boss fight bro can you not push me off the mountain son no and I'm gonna do real quick holy [ __ ] that was perfect okay okay oh my God [Music] I mended my last Memorial and decided to switch up my fashion for the final hours oh no we're doing that we're doing that that's beautiful I love it I also went ahead and bought my last strand fragment again I am amazed that I'm not bored I spent some time messing around with the new stasis Diamond Lance helmet which of course I absolutely love oh I'm getting on the back of the door oh I literally just like tripped him that was up on returning to I got the collectible locator which is perfect because as my First Act of hour 10 I want to go find all the action figures for this week we already found one in hour seven so we have one more we gotta go find I searched on my own for a bit until we realized that there was a riddle room near spawn that helps you find them okay I placed my existing figure and we set out to find the second we searched for a while and narrowed the location down to the veil after a while though some of our live viewers helped us find these black crystals you gotta shoot in the sky oh oh I see how the [ __ ] shoot all three crystals and you'll be rewarded with your action figure oh yeah look right there wow this guy's gonna do it that was that was cool now there are more action figures though my current understanding is that you're limited to two per week one of the only things I can think left to do unfortunately is solo this lost sector why is momento joining me tomato if he leaves I swear so I spent the next hour and 15 minutes trying to solo this lost sector this video is getting really long though so spoiler alert it didn't go well and I gave up we lost [ __ ] we just crossed the 10 hour mark we have two hours left let's get our ass oh holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I looked down for one second oh my God I mean oh my God this brings us to our last hour we decided to try and get our best possible time on the Strand time trial I tried it by myself first and got it just north of two minutes I then tried it with duck and we actually went a bit slower if we wanted a platinum score we needed to get a sub one minute and 30 second run we scored a minute in 49 then a minute and 37 a minute and 33. a minute and 31. until about 20 minutes later when we had this run the music is good good [ __ ] oh please bear bear here we go there we go there we go chicken [ __ ] all right I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready for the boss we got the [ __ ] we got this [ __ ] let him out played him I played him I'll kick his ass kick his ass kick his ass oh this is it this is it this is it give me that Platinum let's go dude I couldn't do the weekly Mission since it would take me off of Nia Muna and onto a cabal ship which technically counts as taking my guardian off of neomuna oh my God myself [Music] a duck found a seemingly useless nook under a rock tree and then I decided to go do the neomuna strike 14 minutes left in our last 15 minutes we explored a bit more of the out of bounds region from earlier to see if we could get anywhere interesting for this I'm not good with eager Edge so bear with me oh oh no wait wait no how'd you come up with the channel name I will talk about that if we ever hit a hundred thousand subscribers we'll talk about that Mom we have two minutes we gotta make we gotta make it over there in two minutes we can do this we can do this all right one oh did you make it yeah oh oh oh wait same hold up no oh I found something to stand on oh [ __ ] I fell oh wait oh [ __ ] hey I made it okay there has got to be oh no I respawned inside all right we have officially made it 12 hours actually was not that bad and there you go 12 hours straight on neomuna and you know what I'm sure we lost a minute of it I won't lie this made me appreciate this expansion a whole lot more it has its problems but there's a lot to love about lightfall and I can't wait to see what this next raid has to offer if you enjoyed the video a like would be greatly appreciated and if you're new around here consider subscribing for more fun Destiny content every week now for this channel members section we're gonna do something a little special normally I say the names of the latest channel members and whatnot but there have been so many new channel members lately that I decided to make a Star Wars style text crawl instead and hopefully this isn't disappointing to anyone I really cannot tell you how much I appreciate all the support lately later this week we got the root of nightmares raid launching I've never done a day one raid before so my team and I have been preparing and I'm super excited of course we'll be live streaming the whole thing if you want to watch us it on in the meantime if you made it to the end I really appreciate it I hope you're having a great day night or whatever it is and until next time Guardians goodbye thank you
Channel: Toadsmoothie
Views: 341,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Streaming, Destiny 2, Twitch, destiny 2, first person shooter, next-gen, steam, playstation, Video Games, Witch queen, PC, Lightfall, Destiny quest, Destiny exotic, Destiny season 17, Destiny future, Destiny roadmap, Solar 3.0, arc 3.0, Destiny Speculation, Halo, Forge Mode, Theater Mode, TWAB, This Week At Bungie, Trials of Osiris, Dungeon, Solo Dungeon, challenge, funny, guide, Raid, Oryx, Funny moments, Divinity, Sound challenge, meme, group content, fireteam, gameshow
Id: SNS7sM2bakw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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