How Ryan Garcia Lost His Entire Career in 1 Night

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just 45 days before his fight against Devin Haney the entire internet believed Ryan Garcia was in need of a psychiatric evaluation possibly an admission to rehab or at least restricted access to social media because his erratic Behavior was sending him into an allout downward spiral he was under no circumstances capable of fighting The Undefeated 31-0 champion and then he absolutely demolished his opponent becoming victorious in a fight that he was destined to lose he even bet $2 million on himself to win a wager that earned him $12 million Ryan trolled his opponent the world and everyone went from calling him crazy to a genius but Ryan was a ticking Time Bomb he has an ego the size of Mount Rushmore a clear alcohol addiction and an evil Darkness inside of him that finally revealed itself during a Twitter rant that got him banned from boxing forever however to understand how it got so bad we must go back to 105 days before his fight where Ryan announced that he was getting divorced from his wife Andrea Selena Ryan's wife Drea gave birth to their second child on December 23rd 2023 but they waited to post about it on social media until January 5th less than 1 hour after Ryan made the post he also made a formal statement that he would be getting a divorce from the same woman who just gave birth to his son The Narrative that Ryan divorced his wife within an hour of their son being born permeated throughout the internet Ryan said that this was not true and that he just decided to announce to the public both of these major life events at the same time people who despised Ryan looked at this as a cowardly move and that he was a dead be his fans speculated that maybe this woman cheated on him or maybe that this wasn't actually his child but the court documents say that they split due to irreconcilable differences which doesn't really help us understand the truth regardless going through a divorce is extremely stressful especially when there are children involved people began noticing a transformation in Ryan he seemed to have gained weight his face looked bloated his speech was slurred in interviews he was constantly twitching and moving around just look at the before and after differences in his speech Clarity and Body Language I think that's the most important thing in my life that's the thing that keeps me as uh productive and efficient as I could possibly be and calm because when I'm not fighting you know I don't know where to put all this energy I have so much energy I have so much thoughts and so much you know passion for everything I do if I don't have a fight you know I'm like what do I do I mean it was really the people like influencing me like damn that hurt I didn't really care at if I'm going deep down in my heart like I don't really care bro don't show up I don't care in an interview with Ariel helani fans suspected he may have been on substances you feel confident that you can hang you know he's not typically a ground fighter but obviously perfect wow do you have beef with him no I mean he'd been calling me out for a while you know he called me out first Ariel trying to have a discussion with a high teenager Coke weed and ego is a hell of a combo for this kid and at first this definitely seemed like a stretch these were probably just some of his haters trying to spread rumors but less than a week later his cryptic social media posts raised real concerns on March 3rd 2024 a video posted to Ryan's Twitter seemingly reported his death the caption read March 3rd Sunday 2024 we slit RG throw and threw him in a basket nobody will find him video is exactly 666 in time we told you we were coming the violent message is followed by a series of randomly pressed letters that closes with the sentence Satan is sitting at the top now 666 the same video was posted on Instagram with the caption this is why you don't mess with us at the top with even more gibberish also note that the satanic demon baffet is mentioned in the caption while some people immediately thought he was just trolling to sell the fight his ex-wife posted a message stating that she was concerned for him he may seem fine but he is not I know in my heart he is being heavily oppressed this is not a troll I'm genuinely concerned and so is all his family members we are not a part of any of this and we want him to get better but this is real pray for him Ryan tried to clear the air the next day with this video but it left people even more confused I personally wanted just to send out a video to the people that love me and my fans and family that's concerned that I'm okay I'm not dead I believe in Jesus all those are lies and you know I've they try to put me in jail they're blocking my cards I can't access my money nobody's hitting me back I don't know what's going on but um just know I'm okay who are they who tried to put him in jail who is controlling his money 2 days later Ryan Garcia took to Twitter to claim that he was kidnapped by the higher up Elites and forced to watch the most horrific crime known to man hey bro all right talk to us bro I don't give a bro they H me down and they made me watch little kids get I don't give a anymore I'm not joking bro I have proof who you know the higher Elites bro you already know who they are bro you have proof of this on your phone yes of course I do the you talking about of course if Alex could get a video from the Grove of course I could Ryan sounds distraught he's slurring his words his fans are even more concerned than ever he doubled down in a series of alarming tweets I won't read all of them but some of the more cryptic ones read before I go I want to release everything does no one care about the children shame on y'all for staying quiet you know who you are He also mentioned Bohemian Grove a few different times the Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre private Campground in monter Rio California it is home to an extreme extremely exclusive gentleman's club that hosts a two-e retreat every July where some of the most powerful men in the world attend during the first weekend of the summer encampment robed figures sacrifice an effigy as part of a ritual meant to banish all worries from the gathered members yes they make a sacrifice every year during the retreat but they ascertain that it is not a real living being the Grove has been the center of many conspiracies for decades claiming that human lives are sacrificed here children are trafficked here and the powerful Elites have dark secrets that are hidden here we do know that the Manhattan Project planning meeting took place here in September 1942 which led to the creation and the ultimate firing of the atomic bomb however you can also find hundreds of posts from people who worked at Bohemian Grove that say it's nothing more than a summer camp for Rich Boomers who just get drunk for 2 weeks straight they do admit that a weird energy permeates throughout the camp and the members have a strange love for urinating on the trees but nobody claims to have seen anything worth sharing with Alex Jones either way it's rare to see a celebrity as famous as Ryan speak about such conspiracies and we have seen other celebs speak out about similar powerful figures in the industry only to be blacklisted from the industry or labeled as crazy but the follow-up post that Ryan made after his Twitter rant did not ease conspiracy theorists Minds now over these past couple days you guys have seen some pretty intense things I understand what they are and I don't understand what they look like but I'm coming back to announce I'm not going to speak on any other topic other than boxing Sports and my fight that's the only thing I'm going to be talking about Ryan is seemingly sedated and reading off a script in a very robotic manner more theories took place in the comments about him being silenced by the elites or that this isn't actually him and he was replaced by a clone or this is some sort of humiliation ritual his opponent Devon Haney says otherwise he tweeted this is all an act y'all the fight is happening on April 20th he's just playing crazy to sell it which is weird because there are people out there who are actually crazy but he's just acting for attention there is no doubt that Ryan's Antics developed Mass interest in this fight it's not like Ryan and Devon had this long-standing real life beef which is usually the main reason why any fight gets a ton of hype because when you watch their faceoffs and Trash Talk moments they seem more like two people just having a mild disagreement I don't know how you won that bro it's three I beat the you mean did not bro I gave you a a count you did not give me a count remember that fight in Reno beat no you beat me though I'll give you that so how' I get a point take away I won because you won you beat me all three rounds duh you can still win think about it no but I got a point taken away it seemed like every day Ryan was an entirely different person and even though the conspiracy theories and obscure tweets slowed down his mental health and potential substance use was still in question I've been feeling a lot of hurt because I tried myself I tried my hardest to share all the the love that he gave me I try to help out the kids and I try my best and everybody try to break me down Rich poor sad happy mad I'm the same mother I'm the same dude that shows you I got big balls all you have in this life is your balls and your word and I hang that sh everybody straight up at the end of the day I'm like Scarface say hello to my big friend no little friend this is a big friend when I was on the KD Trail literally I was on the oh I'm drunk say less I was at on the KD TR and I told a women do you support pedoph she looked me in the eyes and says absolutely with a thumbs up that is crazy and yes and yes I'm running for president I'm not even kidding this one hey I'mma take a toast to all the haters empty drank it all myself but despite what the internet had to say Ryan was confident that he would win this fight had so much confidence that he did not seem to take his opponent seriously you might hear me singing one of my songs between the rounds and just like you want to hear one of my songs I could just make a new one ngq doing what I do all white looking nice okay come through he even showed up to the weigh-ins drinking a beer Ryan made a deal with Haney's team beforehand that he would pay them $500,000 for every pound overweight he was which ended up being a bad move because Ryan weighed in at 14 43 l meaning he owed them $1.5 million but he honored his deal and paid them the seven figures if a boxer comes in overweight they can technically disqualify him but Devon Haney insisted that he did not care and the fight should go on and at any point did you consider not taking the fight considering he missed weight by over three of course not it don't matter what weight he what weight he came in I'm a true champion and I will show it it was now just a couple of days before the bout and the boxing world was convinced that Ryan was crashing out and this would be one of the most devastatingly one-sided fights in history it's also important to understand that Devon Haney was undefeated so it seemed like a no-brainer that he would walk away with the w i mean that's for sure what the odds makers thought the odds for Devin Haney to win were overwhelmingly favoring him somewhere as high as -900 - 800 but the average seemed to be around -600 which means that you would have to bet $600 to make 100 the odds for Ryan to win were placed at plus5 50 meaning your bet would be multiplied by 5 A2 if Ryan won and a lot of people lost a lot of money that night because even though the score indicates Ryan won by Split Decision he dominated Haney in the ring knocking him down three times even though it should have been six because Haney managed to hang on to Ryan's waist for dear life Ryan looked as sharp as ever he was not playing games he was not dancing around or hugging he was there for a brawl and he came out Victorious Against All Odds Against All Insanity allegations and potential alcohol abuse Ryan gave Devon Haney his first loss and within 72 hours of the fight being over he sat down with Patrick Bet David and told the world that this was a master plan to convince everyone he was crazy so they doubted him I mean my my cameraman chance A's there um hey we have it pre-recorded months ago what did I say it was going to happen I said I'm about to make sure everybody thinks I'm going to go crazy I'm going to do this I'm going to do that why is this going to be the called The Great Escape like I have it all documented I was already it you know weeks and weeks and months behind and I was not going to budge for nobody I didn't matter if I went on his podcast anybody's podcast I was acting like sporadic like just like crazy I go your man I'll do this with my nose and like it's just a tick I had everything like I just like but then you make adjustments to what was real though is um at times I did drink a little bit during Camp because uh I like to drink Ryan claims that basically all of his pre-fight Antics were a lie besides the drinking which does explain his face being so bloated but he did tell Jake Paul on a FaceTime call that the beer he drank at the weigh-ins was fake yo do you have extra beer I could get you all right you said it was what it was apple juice and sparkling water oh what you like poured it out we like people going to go crazy this sh yeah I thought it was real and although faking multiple manic episodes is definitely a twisted way to get attention he did double down on his advocacy for crimes against children there's actually really people in the front lines of of all this you know I'm in contact with him um his name is Jacob I'm not going to say his last name but basically he's a big advocate he goes to Congress all the time to speak about child trafficking and he could confirm all these things the kids did you actually have videos of kids things that I actually do I do have videos you have vide yes we have videos who has seen him who have you shown him to uh the guy jaob he has them we're going to go to congress with it but the most shocking story that came from this was that Ryan wagered a $2 million bet on himself to win which yes is legal boxing is the only sport that allows athletes to bet on themselves however they cannot bet on themselves to lose obviously since Ryan's odds were at plus 550 that would mean his payout would be somewhere around $10 to 12 million there's a story of you bet $2 million on yourself yeah no no is that a true store a true store I you made 12 million bucks made $12 million sick yeah oh oh yeah yeah that was cool too but basically yeah um I gave everybody the word to place that bet I just felt like really disrespected by Vegas and in my head I said this is going to be the biggest loss Vegas ever had in a minute because uh they're like I just felt like it was disrespectful now we don't have any proof that Ryan made this bet he is the same guy who lied about literally everything leading up to this fight so at this point it's kind of hard to believe anything he says but the entire internet did a 180 overnight no more calling him crazy now they were calling him a genius but just before Ryan could walk away the genius Victor who played the world and got filthy rich breaking news hit just days after the fight that Ryan tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs ESPN reported starbox or Ryan Garcia tested positive for the performance-enhancing substance ostarine the day before and the day of his upset went over Devin Haney last month now there is a due process that people need to respect when it comes to a fighter testing positive they have an additional B sample test to essentially double check the results these trials take at least a few weeks sometimes even months to 100 % certifi that someone is guilty of doping however the very next day after the news broke Devon Haney went on ESPN to essentially declare Ryan as a cheater you know during the buildup we've seen a lot of interesting things from him you know we seen his character uh we seen the guy cheat we we we see the type of person that he is Ryan immediately proclaimed his innocence these dudes are weirdos bro they're trying to take a young Christian man down I would never ever take steroids in my life and we already know that I don't cheat bro this is God GI God I'm the Mexican strongest and when you see what was actually found in his system you will realize there's an extremely low chance that Ryan was intentionally using these peeds to gain an advantage ostarine is a research chemical not an FDA approved drug it is supposed to enhance lean muscle growth and strength Victor K who is an extremely controversial Sports Nutrition expert banned from every sport besides boxing tweeted fake news is being spewed about the New York State athletic commission's chart of allowable limits for peeds ostarine has A.1 nanog per milliliter allowable limit and Ryan Garcia had 6 nanog per milliliter reported for 419 which is 60 times over the limit although 60 times over sounds like an insane stat we are talking about micrograms minuscule amounts of the drug according to aerin's clinical trials 3 milligrams is where the Test shows to actually have an impact on performance in general what we see when we dig into the literature is that ostarine at a dose of about 3 milligrams is kind of where you start to get into the territory of increases in power something that could be chocked up to useful in sport anything below that you're not really getting especially as a male highly unlikely to be getting anything worth taking it to begin with if you're an athlete with even a room temperature IQ coach on your side would hopefully tell you this is not the compound you want to be using like there is no sane not completely idiotic person who would ever suggest using ostarine for as a peed in boxing not only did Ryan have a minuscule amount in his system but when you consider that he tested positive the day before and the day of the fight that would not be enough time for the drug to actually improve his performance he would have had to have been taking much larger doses weeks in advance this puts into question that Ryan may have taken the drug by accident which could be possible perhaps he took a supplement that he he thought was 100% legal but it wasn't he brought up numerous times that he took ashwagandha which is an evergreen shrub that contains chemicals that might help calm the brain and reduce stress which he thought might have something to do with the Positive test however his main reason as to why he is being falsely accused actually makes a lot of sense Victor K is connected to snack snack is who sponsors Devon Haney he was known to be a chemist and a biohacker that helped a bunch of Bas plers cheat he got banned from baseball stick with me here for a second cuz I got to give a little background Victor con is the founder of the Balco lab a business that supplied anabolic steroids to professional athletes and Olympians in the 80s and 99s K developed with the help of a chemist his own steroid that was undetectable in athlete testing after 14 years of doping the biggest athletes in the world including Barry Bonds Marian Jones Jason giomi Shane Mosley just to name a few con was tried and found guilty in 200 three for conspiring to distribute performance-enhancing drugs to more than 30 baseball football and track and field stars after serving Just 4 months in prison he proclaims his innocence to this day so from 84 all the way until 2000 everything that Bal and snack did was completely legal completely clean no athletes were ever given any sort of performance enhancing drug Victor wrode the paper thin line of what is illegal and what is simply a deep understanding and manipulation of the rules his whole career I know that the anti-doping rules that are in place are so easy for the athletes to beat it's like taking candy from a baby did I feel that I was doing something different than other athletes and coaches and trainers had done for throughout the entire history of the Olympic sport the answer is no I mean the the whole history of the Olympic Games is just full of corruption cover up performance enhancing drug use it's not what the world thinks it is it's a fraud it's a fraud despite Victor's crimes he got right back into the World of Sports Nutrition after being released from prison but this time around he was claiming to be an anti-doping advocate he started a new company that is basically the same as bco called snack which is his supplement company that they say has been pioneering the expansion of human potential by utilizing clinical science to drive athletic performance snack is a sponsor of Devin Haney who works one-on-one with Victor K additionally Victor has associations with Vada the voluntary anti-doping Association Vada is the company that performed the drug test on Ryan now Victor is not the owner nor founder of Vada and they claim he has no association with the company but he is very much an outspoken advocate for them and I became an an outspoken anti-doping advocate in 2005 so I Refirm my fighters to Vada that's the extent you know of my relationship did I introduce Margaret Goodman and flip hansy that that run Vada two people like dick pound who was the founding chairman of water the world anti-doping agency and others that that helped them be able to do the testing at Water accredited Labs yes I made some introductions but nothing more than that so is it suspicious that the guy who literally created steroids that don't show up on drug tests Works directly with Ryan's opponent and is a huge advocate with ties to the company that is doing the drug test on Ryan well that's up for you to decide Ryan Garcia has been served a one-year ban until April 20th 2025 his victory was removed from him and ruled as a no contest therefore Devon Haney technically retains his undefeated record Ryan also had to Forfeit his prize earnings of $1.2 million luckily he bet on himself unless the Vegas Pit Bosses are trying to track him down and get their refund as well at the end of the day it is Ryan's responsibility to know exactly what goes into his body he knows how serious drug testing is in this Sport and if the legal limit for a drug is zero then anything over that is cheating end of story even if it was an accident or a setup having specific drugs in your system on the day of the fight is against the rules and consider cheating however I do find it odd that Victor K said this let's for just a moment talk about Devon Haney my guy and how horrible this is for him that he has to deal with this stuff and and until we get a reasonable explanation from Ryan the burden of proof is on him to prove there was no intent to cheat because otherwise I don't care if somebody snuck into your room and spiked your toothpaste you're going to be responsible it seemed very specific that he mentioned someone sneaking drugs into their opponent's toothpaste as a setup I mean I didn't even know that was possible so kind of sounds like someone who is speaking from experience now with Ryan feeling like he was set up combined with his excessive alcohol consumption his life began crashing down his mother was diagnosed with cancer and he tweeted if my mom dies I'm going with her one week later he was arrested in Los Angeles for felony vandalism after a Beverly Hills Hotel accused him of causing an estimated $155,000 in damage then the next week he went viral again for his drunken Antics at a poker game alongside other celebrities like Jimmy Butler ninja and Dan bazarian cheers is he going to chug that whole thing all right all right a diamond would be insane [Music] [Applause] I'm I'm Different it feels great U I love Jesus and uh I'm feeling great are those pants just falling off even if you wanted to give Ryan the benefit of the doubt and see his perspective he would send out some ridiculous tweet or go on a drunken rant that made you realize no 25-year-old should be acting like this and on July 4th 2024 he would officially cross the the line Ryan joined a Twitter space in a drunken stuper and in less than 6 minutes managed to finally do irreversible damage are sending to the ER and y'all worried about other people saying the ER the heart R when are sending to the ER the fact that you're speaking on black onblack crime which doesn't get speak about enough you know what I mean cuz that is a real thing right hey guess what I bet y'all hate me George Floyd was a crackhead bro he died cuz he had fento in his system hey hey hey hey let's go bring George Floyd back to life and kill that okay relax hey hey okay now what you want to talk about what's going on in the world you don't even know no shut the you're not really like that bro you're a culture vulture you want to be a Muslim because Muslims support you you weird bro you're like a gay ass bro bro you and musim that little kids bro all you mother bro all you musim ass weird ass you're going to regret saying all this when you guess what guess what I will never be touched cuz I'm with God I'm with Jesus I I'm not regretting it I swear to God I'm not I've never been touched in my life Ryan if you want to be a representative of Christianity this is not the way shut is a I hate him hat yeah Ryan thought he could just go on the internet and speak without consequences because that's exactly what he has done for the past few months but this time he finally said too much and in less than 24 hours Ryan Garcia was officially expelled by the world boxing Council after the president tweeted I am hereby expelling Ryan Garcia from any activity with our organization we reject any form of discrimination I fear for Ryan's well-being as he has declined multiple attempts for our help with mental health and substance abuse use and if you thought Ryan woke up sober and had a Moment of clarity after realizing he let the darkest part of his mind spill out onto the internet you'd be wrong and guess what I'm not apologizing for nothing you ain't going to catch me apologize for nothing followed by more empty apology tweets like I take all responsibility for my words I misunderstood I just got a lot of trauma I struggle with substance abuse and it's hard for me with everything going on I actually love black people No Cap which is why I'm actually sad I offended all my black family and friends also to the Muslim Community and all my homies that are Muslims my bad nobody thought these apologies were sincere the damage had been done his own family was forced to make a statement denouncing everything he said Ryan has been open about his ongoing struggle with mental health over the years and as a family we are committed to ensuring and encouraging that he receives the necessary help to navigate this very challenging time his father is now even pleading for him to go to rehab I would love for him to get some type of therapy when when it comes to his drinking but as long as Ryan has access to social media he will continue to make posts that just dig a deeper hole for himself and reveal his true intentions if he does not change his behavior he will have thrown away his entire life's work and may never step into the ring again
Channel: Patrick Cc:
Views: 1,118,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patrickcc, patrickcctv, patrick cc, patrick Cc:, ryan garcia, ryan garcia vs devin haney, devin haney vs ryan garcia, ryan garcia racist rant, ryan garcia interview, ryan garcia suspended, ryan garcia poker, ryan garcia n word, ryan garcia racist, ryan garcia banned, ryan garcia news, ryan garcia podcast, ryan garcia ban, ryan garcia downfall, ryan garcia drugs, ryan garcia PEDs, ryan garcia twitter, ryan garcia suspension, ryan garcia lawsuit, fighthype, ryan garcia lost
Id: joY9VhsHxcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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