How Not To Make A Dump Truck Do A Flip - Poly Bridge 2

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I already know some of you are gonna think I'm an idiot for this one but how about instead of adding more support we instead to remove some I'm thinking those two metal beams are ripping the loop apart so maybe this way it'll be more elastic yeah I want to sound like I know what I'm talking about it hasn't pulled itself apart yet yes no you were there it was good oh man these stunt doubles are really gonna earn their money today what's up guys welcome back to poly bridge to where that game were believe it or not success is entirely achievable I'm willing to bet some of you guys thought this wobbly little bridge in the wind was gonna fail spectacularly like all of my other intros but no just like these levels I am unpredictable so we last left off we were trying to help the monopoly man here get back his repossessed car and I know we were failing but I can't quite remember what was wrong with this bridge right it's that it's difficult to swim in a top hat and monocle I don't suppose one little tiny piece of metal could make the difference between wet and dry penny loafers could it but I don't expect this to work but at the same time it's always worth a try because you never know if you're gonna end up being surprised all right well that's pretty cool it's not a great follow up so the right half of the bridge is fine the left half needs tweaking except we don't have any more budget we're already using metal and reinforced roads so we might as well just scrap the entire bridge thank you at least now we won't need to hire a demolition team just search and rescue oh well I see what they want from me now every now and then you need to actually take the context clues from the level rather than just try to build the simplest thing possible to get out of here as quickly as you can but it seems pretty obvious now that I'm supposed to support the bridge in the middle and then push up the half right if we do something like this and break it here ish then it might be okay I'm not using any metal but I am saving $12,000 let's run it like this first you never know how close to 99.9% you're gonna get using woods I tend to surprise even myself it was definitely close now you gotta do is push it up high enough that's got to be high enough come on monopoly man for the love of Christ just pull up the front wheels a little bit it's so close seriously that that has to get ya alright how close did we get ninety nine point two percent and that was the end of the world we finished the glowing gorge everything under budget everything held together not bad Bryan Lee I have been waiting for a level like this ever since we started playing this game but yeah Criss Angel is back in his dune buggy that's nothing new and we've got an oncoming plane we've seen that before but you'll notice there is no turnaround point on the other side of the river it's just an elephant whatever reason but that means to get back up and around flag a we're gonna have to do some kind of loop-de-loop backflip over an aircraft which is wicked only problem now is loop-de-loop is easier said than done I don't think this thing is gonna help me all that much like best-case scenario we get a 90 degree angle he's she's gonna fire straight up in the air anything less than this and he's gonna go to the right anything more than this and sure he would shoot back if he ever got to the end he wouldn't cuz he would hit the lip and probably drive right through the loop so I don't think that's actually gonna help me all that much I can't really I ball it oh maybe we can do something like this drives straight out first and then loop around don't know about this I mean technically it's pretty smooth right yeah that might work knowing my bridges is an equal chance that it's gonna commit seppuku but I guess it's worth a try right you gotta start somewhere might as well starts by not having it get hit by the plane or fall apart under its own weight that was close I think the issue was that it broke and then he drove into the bridge as it was falling so if it doesn't break he might be goods I already know some of you are gonna think I'm an idiot for this one but how about instead of adding more support we instead do remove some I'm thinking those two metal beams are ripping the loop apart so maybe this way it'll be more elastic yeah I want to sound like I know what I'm talking about it hasn't pulled itself apart yet yes no you're gonna you were there it was good ah man these stunt doubles are really gonna earn their money today technically this should be an easy enough fix right we just got to change the ejection angle ever so slightly I assume he actually did make it to the end I'm not really oh no yeah you did and there you have it and he's still crashed but that's perfectly fine as long as we get the flag and 96.6% stress if I finish any level today under 90 I would be shocked yeah that does not look like the kind of vehicle that wants to be live in the 80% stress life especially considering he wants to go down into the gorge to excavate that star and then come back up you know for tractor reasons I'm thinking we're gonna have to do a dip and we're gonna want it to be real smooth I just don't really know how we could possibly support this like we don't have any other anchor points so this is gonna be a disaster maybe instead of using little wooden triangles we could try using big metal we gotta have triangles and we could even support the extra bits from them using cable is this a little too cheap this might be a little bit too cheap but you know it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make in the name of smuggling budgets so I should be able to flip this because it's symmetrical I can put that other failure over there shore up the middle and not only does it look like it's gonna fall apart it looks like it's in the process of falling apart I haven't even started the simulation yet can't imagine this is going to end well didn't even get four tires on the bridge all right well we're learning you're really gonna make me try aren't you mr. tractor well how about this I'll use proper triangles I'll buttress up against the side of the canyon again it should be completely symmetrical which means I can place that over there is it not completely symmetrical what happened to all of this that's slightly concerning I'm sure it'll be fine no it's constantly under like 60 something percent load without the vehicle I'm willing to go up to 99 percent I feel like that was close I've replaced the regular road with reinforced road which cost twice as much but the problem is that it should weigh more doesn't it which means if the bridge should be under greater loads to begin with or not why okay no I'm perfectly okay with this if you can go down one side you have to be able to go up the other side because it's symmetrical those are the rules I don't make them I just follow them thank you so I guess reinforced road isn't heavier or the amount that it reinforces is stronger than the amount of waste that it adds either way we're at ninety two point seven percent so the street continues I don't think I've ever seen a level like this one before but if I'm reading this correctly then both vehicles need to get the star except they're both going to go at the same time so it's some weird game of chicken over a river except everyone loses including me so how exactly am I gonna make this work I'm thinking we might need to make it so that you go through like half the stir maybe just like a little tiny tip of it big bet that probably counts right and then you could go up a little tiny bit I'm gonna measure you and everything we go one two three four five six in a bit don't wanna hit the bottom of this bridge one two three four five six and a bit like that's fingers crossed I get the feeling this truck is just gonna fall through and crush the other guy I'm starting to think I might be addicted to failure because I can already tell that this is gonna be one of those bridges that looks fancy except it's gonna fall apart the minute that I press play I just can't help myself like string is not a structural material I shouldn't be using it and yet I just don't learn my lesson there's a very real possibility that I'm supposed to be using Springs right now cuz they gave them to me but maybe we're supposed to have the bridges suspended like this no have them be able to flex somehow that way one can lower down to get the star and one can raise up to get the star but I don't really want to screw around with that I think wood should be able to get the job done I have complete and total faith in wood okay not gonna lie I did not have complete and total faith I thought for sure that was gonna screw up 19.5 presents who were still well within margins of success it really is starting to look like the monopoly man's money problems are worse than we thought but first he was having his car repossessed and we had to help him steal it back now he's trying to get t-boned by a submarine I'm guessing subs have really good insurance he's trying to run some kind of scam he's got a totally impartial witness in the taxi who wants nothing to do with the sub steer clear of it I guess I can help you man you know a friend in need is a friend who wants a drop rich freak you're lucky I like you do it I'll tell you that much maybe this'll end up being easy but would you just do a little something like this flip it over put it there and then draw bridge in the middle seems simple enough maybe we can keep that monocle dry after all yeah it doesn't look like a bridge it would fall apart it would get struck by a submarine though common problem among bridges I'm sure so we're probably gonna have to do something like this and disconnect here put a hydraulic you're maybe I get the feeling that structural engineers don't say maybe and nearly as much as I do or we'll see how it goes you saw one way of finding out hope for the best most of what I say in these video hosts it's looking pretty good so far as long as that hydraulic doesn't rip it apart that I'm gonna say we are in the clear it just shot up into the 90s did you see that oh oh yeah oh yeah you just get out of here Yellow Submarine be on your little beetles away now just set it down a little bit gentler than it was picked up all right not bad I mean you should be lighter we're also faster slow slow down I hate it when he goes Full Tilt into the bumps that's good 94.7% I swear like I'm not trying of what I'm also kinda trying because I am skipping out on materials I'm trying to make these bridges as cheap as possible I just can't believe that I'm constantly up near the breaking point every time I sit down to play this game I've run into a level that makes me think to myself it can't be that easy but I always stop myself from saying it now because it is never that easy this time around we've got an oil truck that probably weighs a ton and it just wants to drive a slope that's it race it should just be a straight line we'll fill it up with road support it's and it should be good to go question is how are we gonna go about supporting it but clearly as it is right now it's gonna fold like a chair immediately I don't need to see you take a swim but we've got a whole bunch of points that I can use it's not really sure how do we want to spider it out like this you could even do the same thing over here it's something like that and then the same kind of thing down here I guess yeah is that all it would take I mean it didn't fall down on its own that's always the best kind of starts yeah soon as we get the tenth wheel on there she goes kaput might be putting a little bit too much faith in the regular old road again so how about we try some a reinforced road see if that makes any difference did I miss any of these connections really wouldn't want to do that then again I'm not exactly the type to take my time if it falls apart it falls apart and if it succeeds then I would be happy but I can never be happy it's not even one little part of the bridge it just explodes it's gone I guess it does make sense that there's one beam down here at the bottom would be the first to break because the entire bridge is slighted so the whole weight of the bridge is pushing down on this one beam and then the truck pushes it over the edge so maybe we can support this a little bit more spiderweb a little bit of metal in here habitat we've effectively doubled the amount of support there I don't suppose that's gonna make a difference you're still looking a little yellow off the stars but maybe that's fine we're getting like a foot further every time which is really no favor to this truck driver I'm really gonna have to put on my smarty pants hat now aren't I I'm thinking if it's always going to be this one piece of metal that's under stress then we might want to make something like a diamond that way you can kind of compress on itself it's two triangles so that should help and in the middle support I've tilted so now it's gonna be perpendicular to the bridge rather than to the force I think again not something you want to hear an interest in your say before he hit trifle for his bridge I think that's a little better oh oh that's that is quite a bit better it shot up to ninety percent before he hit the middle but now he's in the clear okay that was more than a couple of feet we got to the second half of the bridge that's progress you know I make another support Diamond here no it's so close though okay hold on I refuse to believe that what if I turn off the grid and then try it again I'm telling you man the grid it always cuts off just a scooch just as Simha Jai and a smidge makes a real big difference like that looks like a notable improvement great now we've got multiple points supported from the middle I think that's gonna work it goes so far as to say that's gonna work unless the beginning fails again because I've added more weight keeps shooting up into the 90s come on don't screw with me I know you've got an entire truck full of Lube what I'm not open for business 90 or even eight we received Mystery Continues Wow why was that so difficult I feel like every now and then to give you a level that's just so overly abstract that you can't really pick out what's happening in greyscale you get to just kind of take a swim to see what it is you're looking at okay so we've got three little spots in the middle of the river well we need to get to the other side it's simple enough except they only gave me 12 pieces of Road and that's definitely not gonna be enough to get across we could make a heck in sweet ramp but I don't know if he'd be able to jump that entire distance though maybe I need to make three individual ramps this is the dumbest idea or the sweetest idea I've ever had in poly board there is no in-between and of course these three points aren't the same so I can't have the same bridge copy and paste into all three places they're all a little bit different so any of them could fail or all of them to be perfectly honest it wouldn't be surprised if you just hit them and broke it right at the starting line guess who's about to make the dumb idea even dumber I know slinkys are not meant as structural support but at the same time maybe if the dunebuggy hits it now a little kind of act like a shock absorber rather than just exploding under the shear force it's worth the try you see what I mean they go limp too easily oh oh that's that's really close yes a hundred percent stress I mean I kind of want to beat it again unbreaking but I'm dumbfounded that that worked so what would happen if we replaced all of this medal with slinkys would it just be infinitely better I don't think it would be and this thing can it doesn't want to fall over does it should I be screwing with that I mean technically it worked anyway okay it's it's good everything is good you can't break it it also can't make the jump lost a little bit too much momentum there at the end oh no so I do want them to be mad at a medal I just don't want them to break but that's the case then maybe we'll just make of this contact point out of slinkys that's the one that broke last time so now it should technically not break then again this might be what made you lose your momentum unless I don't know what I'm talking about it's smooth it's in the clear it's 98.6% that's a flawless episode I'm walking away you know I don't think that's gonna be it for this episode of poly bridge two guys and it's like I told you when I started playing this on the channel I wasn't sure if people were gonna want this to become a long-lasting series maybe people want to see the entire game or not or if I should just do one or two episodes and then leave it but you guys have been supporting each of these episodes they've been doing really well a lot of you were leaving likes a lot of you were leaving comments a lot of you were showing your support which is why I keep returning so be sure to keep it up and then maybe I'll return soon to continue my incredibly stressed streak I think so much watching this video I hope you enjoyed see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,225,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 2, poly bridge 2 loop, poly bridge 2 ramp, poly bridge 2 jump, poly bridge 2 game, poly bridge 2 gameplay, poly bridge 2 funny, poly bridge 2 funny moments, poly bridge 2 walkthrough, poly bridge 2 playthrough, poly bridge 2 under budget, poly bridge 2 full game, poly bridge 2 tranquil oasis, poly bridge 2 series, poly bridge 2 playlist, poly bridge 2 challenge, poly bridge 2 fails, captainsauce, captain sauce
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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