How Not to Do The Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim

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daddy borrowed his dad's van so I just don't know how it couldn't be awesome the best part about the van is all the hidden treats you can find in cupholders the floor like for example here's some waffle fries from chick-fil-a that have an age today but we certainly didn't buy them yesterday okay we're here at the rim of the Grand Canyon we're about to do the rim to rim to rim which is 42 miles long and 11,000 vertical feet of climbing our plan today is to start at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon then go up right angel wander around the South Rim then head down south kaibab back to the Colorado and then back up to the North Rim I was thinking last night that if we could average 4 miles an hour which is that's probably possible we could be done in 10 hours just shade over 10 hours we're sure it will be 15 but at least there's a hope [Music] [Music] I think we've kind of made it to the bottom of the canyon probably to the flat part now it only took us an hour to descend for seven miles which is pretty great except that that's the easiest part of this whole trip every step we took down is the step we have to take up later you can see what we came down behind me I don't know if you can see Blake peeing hopefully I've got him out of the frame the blizzard I both feel great only 36 more miles to go [Music] run like a champ all right we're at the Colorado River and we just walked through Phantom Ranch what we've decided to do after about ten seconds of you know consultation with each other is we're gonna go up Bright Angel and then we're gonna come down the South kabob I know it's not called kabob but I'm calling it the kabob it's easier to remember we were told that this Bright Angel Trail is a little bit longer if it has water and is more gradual and the South Kaibab trail is steeper and shorter we probably have about what we 26 miles left so it's just a little marathon my knee injury that's kind of hampered me all summer feels a little bit better but it's making me run funny so I'm getting a really big blister on my right toe [Music] [Music] it looks like this is where blink and I part ways I guess that's just in keeping with our motto that leave any man who ain't conveniences you behind Blake's gonna go back the way we came and I'm gonna continue on up to the South Rim so he's gonna go down I'm gonna continue up and hopefully I'll catch up to him right about the time I start puking I've had a knee injury for about a month they kind of thought that I could struggle through it but it's causing me to run a little funny and after 20 miles I I can't step on that right leg and some walking funny getting a legal blister so I mean even though we're really close to the top probably like four or five miles from the top I think I'm gonna turn around now and get a head start going back but I just feel like it's the right call for me to turn turn back now [Music] now that you can travel over to the south come on because I am out walking I asphalt [Music] I've taken one shuttle to this at location have to take another shuttle to get to the trailhead that goes back down it's so sick but I think going up Bright Angel was a mistake because I am lost trying to find the stupid south kebab trail down I've got to take another show I took the orange shuttle as you said where am I so lost called the South Rim of the Grand Canyon so Danny hates cold water he is always in such a hurry so we the benefits of splitting off from them as I can jump in not have him rushing me that's awesome I'm almost to the South Kaibab trail head you think that I could go down it's four miles of downhill supposedly and then I've got something like 20 miles to get to Blake already gone 27 miles overall I do not expect today cotton mountain biking about of how much I dream it's not enough I'm just kind of hobbling along lower back you sir [Music] this guy on the sign he reminds me of a young me after about an hour of delay riding shuttle buses not riding shuttle buses getting lost trying to find trail heads I finally headed down south kaibab definitely feeling 30 miles away legs [Music] back down to the Colorado this is the other bridge now I just have to run so I feel like you're gradual 18 miles back up to the car I just got back to the van I was worried the whole time I was coming up here that Danny would have passed me up somewhere and he'd be here just sitting waiting it was as good as I hoped getting back here I kept thinking the whole time for the last couple hours with the way my legs are just on fire I couldn't wait to sit down and drink that kickstart and then lay down on this pad and sleeping bag behind me so I hope that Danny is okay so I'm hoping he shows up here any minute and that he's okay well hold that back for a couple hours 'm like puke so much [Music] lizard just sleep dude bro kill me dude I'm so happy to see you after that first puke I didn't really record anything cuz I felt so horrible that to even take out my phone to record my subsequent vomitings just seemed like a lot of work I think in total I probably threw up ten times everything I had every time I took a drink I threw up and then near the end I was just dry heaving but same bee was I'm bumped into somebody you could see that I was not doing well he actually offered me an entire Nalgene bottle with Gatorade so Thank You stranger you are a rare gem now we're trying to find a gas station it's 1253 we're trying to find it all by gas station so play can't get a microwave burrito because he said he's eaten only 300 calories all day today the Phil I feel lighter 10 pounds at least right now the dr. pepper that I had in the cooler though was the greatest thing in the world at the end of the day I had 52 miles and about 12,000 feet of climbing I don't know why it was that which is really hard it was it really hard 52 miles people do it all the time people less fit and more fit than fit that me do it all the time and have no problems so I don't know what happened today is that what beanie dreams are made of yeah pretty good scalded lips now hurt by your own greed
Channel: Mediocre Amateur
Views: 93,108
Rating: 4.8295531 out of 5
Keywords: the grand canyon, Grand Canyon, rim to rim to rim, Bright angel trail, north rim of grand canyon, grand canyon national park, north kaibab trail, south kaibab trail, trail running, national park, adventure vlog, adventure blog, running vlog, 100 miles from nowhere, steep, moab, hiking, vlog, travel vlog, motivation, inspiration, running
Id: y3AopkxqcFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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