Buckskin Gulch the Worlds Longest Slot Canyon

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the plan is we're gonna hike the 21 miles through buckskin and hopefully get here at a decent hour where we're stashing our bikes and we've walked these up here in the hopes that they'll still be here when we come out of the canyon at night and we can just hop on them and ride the 15 miles back to our car hopefully no one comes along with a chainsaw has a funny idea to like pull our tires or something like that or like poop on the handlebars I never thought of that I think people will think it's just a bag of McDonald's garbage but inside are like $200 biking shoes I don't know I think it's a great idea so I'm gonna go with it the trailhead to see buckskin Gulch we start off in on the arrive and eventually get into buckskin Gulch which is a slot canyon super-pumped the only thing that I'm worried about it all is how late we're gonna finish up we left our home this morning and this is like five six hours rug drive to get down here so it's 11:29 and we're just heading out we've got 21 miles to go from this point on through water narrows you know cold shadows no Sun stuff like that I anticipate us coming in I'll be stoked if we come in by 10:00 but I'm anticipating more closer to midnight so we'll probably end up cuddling naked somewhere joke I felt instantly I instantly regretted saying that you're wondering we do have another cameraman with us rock and lie about that we're just trying to be discreet because he's underage and we feel like we might possibly be violating some kind of child labor laws by having him do this anyways great news I just had 10,000 steps already on the Fitbit and it's only like you know nude that's 122 which means you haven't eaten in a while 10 is closing in everything's getting way cooler I think we're about I don't know what maybe a mile and a half two miles from the confluence this is the intersection we think just be completely lost and someone will find our bloated corpses floating half-naked and some turgid water we've come down the pariah hurry up pry out whatever Canyon and this is buckskin so we're gonna head back up this way it should narrow up there'll be less water kind of what we came here for is to see the slot canyon this part here that we just did was pretty cool but not near as cool as this narrow slot canyon apparently this is the longest slot canyon in the United States and it could be the longest slot canyon in the world but apparently nobody's tried to figure that out yet because there's differing reports on the interwebs anyways we're heading back up we've got 13 miles of hiking in this slot canyon before we can make it back to our bikes we've gone a long ways without being in water so my feet are completely dried out and I feel fantastic but we're back in the water it's cold and we anticipate it being deeper than it has been so here we go off into the Hepatitis water what would you say 15 seconds in that water and your lights you just know your legs are super I mean you could stab a pencil through my thigh and I wouldn't feel it get daddy remember when he said you thought we were at the end think that we are close to the end and it looks like we're going to get out before it gets dark what was that like maybe an hour ago this is pretty classic more often we're wrong about our estimated time of arrival than we are right so this is just like par for the course do you ever come across us in the mountains and you ask for time or distance just now that it's going to be completely wrong that we are absolutely horrible I've given and we've been asked to her three times a day for estimations and we've probably we've probably killed people with bad information like seriously there's probably people dying right now because we told them it was just around the corner right now we're closing you know 25 miles so it shouldn't surprise us cuz it happens every time but you know what do you do I'm excited to see my bike still here but now I've got to go get on this bike ride for 50 miles so we've been at this for eight and a half hours some people may say that we were foolish to start at 11:30 and those people would be mature and correct 15 miles in the dark with this headlamp on my helmet looking ridiculous I'm not worried about making it a truck and worried about other people seeing me all right I just rode 15 miles some on pavement someone dirt the most terrifying part of the entire day was riding on that highway at night and it's been nine almost ten hours we've been out 9:30 at night been almost 10 hours since we last saw the truck and now I'm on my way to pick up Blake and the cameraman camera guy is had a hard day he's really suffered I think that today turned out to be a little bit more difficult than he had imagined I think we did 27 miles of running and then 15 mile well I did 15 miles of biking but yeah I'm on my way to pick them up and then I'm gonna eat a ton of snacks it's 9:30 so I think at the beginning I said I'd be happy but if we're done by 10:00 yeah no I guess it turned out pretty good seems a lot later than 9:30 though seems really late that was an unwelcome bike ride at the end there thankfully Danny sped ahead he's got a faster bike and stronger legs so he went ahead picked up the truck and came back and got me and our lowly cameraman back there I woke up at 4 345 345 so I think it's time to go to bed Danny how do you feel I'm just glad to be in the in the car it was not fun riding my bike in the dark
Channel: Mediocre Amateur
Views: 57,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Buckskin Gulch, canyoneering, Utah hiking, Arizona hiking, slot canyons, paria river, kanab, adventure, adventure travel, white house campground, hiking, running, Paria Canyon Vermillion Cliffs Wilderness Area, arizona wilderness area, wilderness area, wilderness state park, Paria canyon, white pocket, paria canyon wilderness, steep, moab, planet earth, travel vlog, video blog, good life, steps to wander, ultra, walk, hike, dji mavic, maob
Id: 7IlXdHVul2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2016
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