How My Hero Academia Ends!

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finally after 10 years of serialization my here Academia is almost over and at this point haters aren't the only ones who want the story to wrap up the final battle between deu and shigaraki has been going on for more than a year now even longtime fans like us have been begging for a proper conclusion well luckily for you I got sick of waiting and decided to figure out exactly how my her Academia will end first off deu will kill shigaraki but not the way you might think shigaraki is the strongest villain in history and a danger to the entire world but we've been shown on multiple occasions that Deku is even stronger Deku has pretty much been fighting shigaraki with his hands tied behind his back contrary to almost everyone's advice deu walked into this conflict with no intention of killing his opponent there's also the fact that while they were fighting on the UA Flying Fortress Deku had to avoid hurting everyone else especially a dying bakugo who was in the middle of of open heart surgery after seeing how destructive shigaraki is although he doesn't have total faith in his friend kaminari was pretty sure that deu is currently the strongest guy in the world even when shigaraki entered his so-called Apex form the reason Deku first decided to use gearshift wasn't out of desperation or necessity he did it to pressure the villain because Murio said that the more he was pressured the more unstable and childish he became which was the version of shigaraki that Deku planed to reach out to to using gear shift that first time was really hard on deku's body but he was forced to use it yet again to help bakugo save all might's life and even in the midst of that severe fatigue when the simple Act of breathing was a difficult task shimana knew thatu could quote annihilate him in a single blow leaving nothing behind but Deku insisted on handling things his way understand that to do this deua sacrificed the many additional quirks he in herited from the previous users of one for all even if it means giving up the sacred treasure he received from his favorite hero deu will stop at nothing for an opportunity to reach the child within shigaraki because of course with such high stakes and tactical genius at play Deku must have a perfect plan to make things right only he doesn't inside shigaraki's mindscape whenu was asked if he had a plan his answer was a resounding no that might sound crazy but really that's just deu he has always been this way if someone needs his help he forego all thoughts of self-preservation and figures things out as he goes so no matter what happens it will not be the result of some wellth thought out plan Deku will follow his gut wherever it decides to lead him based on Shonen rules and the Direction the Story has taken thus far we can assume that the heroes will save the world however deu ends up defeating shigaraki will solidify him as an even greater hero than the symbol of peace all might technically all might fail to kill all for one so you could argue that killing shigaraki would earn deu that distinction it's also what the whole world is expecting so living up to that would no doubt make him a historic hero that's praised all over the world but that wouldn't do much to prevent something similar from happening again all for one would die with shigaraki what's left of one for all would likely die with deu since a population of quirkless people continues to SHRM but even without these two Powers successive generations of quirks are becoming more and more complex and difficult to control as per The Quirk Singularity doomsday Theory sanctioning and suppressing potentially dangerous quirks could be seen as a solution to this but that sort of approach may have the inverse effect of creating villains like toga toga tried her best to fit in and be normal but in the end this rejection of her true self only made it harder for her to control her blood lust none of the villains we've gotten to know well throughout the story were born evil dbby and shigaraki dreamed of becoming Heroes Dogo was a kind little girl with a lot of love to give binner was an avid gamer Weiss was orphaned by a villain attack universally what they lacked was acknowledgement and acceptance they were shunned avoided and ignored characters like twice and shigaraki turned to villain because the only ones who were willing to help them were villains themselves toga spinner and Dobby were inspired by the hero killer stain because he was the first person they ever saw reject the society that had so thoroughly rejected them despite being on opposing sides the heroes and villains are effectively fighting for the same thing societal chain shigaraki's path is one of complete and utter destruction everything that hurt him or hurt his friends deserves to be erased but Deku understands that in doing so shigaraki is rejecting those intense feelings rather than confronting or overcoming them shigaraki Toma is the mask that all for one gave to tenko and thanks to the intimate connection between their two quirks deu was able to perceive beyond the villainous mask Tuma and tenko are two different entities tomra's purpose and literary meaning is to mourn shigaraki told deu that the only thing that could bring him salvation would be the destruction of everything stemming from that house and that's because destruction is how shigaraki plans to save tenko if there's nothing left there's nothing to mourn and if there's nothing left to mourn then Toma has served his purpose for shigaraki Destruction is protection the one for-all vessages sacrifice themselves to pierce through the layers of shigaraki's mind and give deu an opening to invade we first see the construction of this dark complex when shigaraki truly accepts The Quirk all for one to further illustrate the notion of Destruction being protection everything that shigaraki has ever destroyed whether it be people buildings or whole cities has surrounded and protected tenko over the course of his journey through his own mindscape shigaraki is faced by his dead relatives at first the tomra Persona is able to dismiss things as fine and in the past but when his mother someone who reached out to him even in the midst of his Rampage reminded him of his early desire to become a hero there was a change Toma shifted to be more Teno like revealing the truth that tenko was still burdened by his past this swiftly changed yet again when the Visage of his father appeared tenko embodied traits more akin to Toma as a means of protecting himself once Deku finally made it to shigaraki's core he was met by dark deu in truth this was merely the current state of the Toma Consciousness the onslaught of one for all users reduced him to a minor obstacle one that had no trouble pushing away dark deu is how Toma sees isuku but it is not how tenko sees him tenko has actually called out to deu the reason Toma sees Deku in such a villainous way is because from his perspective he is the hero everything Toma has ever done has been all for one penko again the heroes and villains are fighting for the same things deu and shigaraki are both both fighting to save tenko in their own ways but on account of plot armor deu will be the winner here tenko lost his family due to the emergence of Decay someone like deu isn't able to perceive what he sees as just memories when he saw coturo raise a hand to hit his son he rushed into action and tried to prevent it when he was kept from doing so Deku desperately begged for shimana to help if Deku dies inside shigaraki's mind he will die in the real world but if he is Pres ented with the chance to save tenko's family he won't hesitate to do exactly that by doing so he will have effectively killed shigaraki Toma because if tenko is in mour toma no longer has a reason to exist but is that really enough is redemption even possible for a character who has committed such atrocities as shigaraki has well not really it's hardly reasonable to expect the whole world to forgive and forget everything he and the villains have done really it's why toa's death was inevitable even if we understand why they became villains at the end of the day they are still Mass murderers Hawk considered twice to be a pretty decent guy because of that we can feel sad about the nature of his death but I for one can't just ignore the fact that after dying one of twice's clones casually killed a hero to save toga and Mr compress from being arrested public acceptance can never be afforded to these major villains no matter how tragic their stories may be in Instead The Narrative seeks to fulfill their desires in a better light than never sort of way toga longed to be understood accepted and love in her own way ururaka gave her that and toga died giving instead of taking Dai was able to see and experience his family's Collective love and attention which he so desperately long for at last his existence had been acknowledged so what about shigaraki he Longs for tenko to be freed from that house and deep down tenko still longs to become a hero both of which deu will be able to facilitate deu will definitely save him he will also bring things back full circle by becoming an allight likee figure that tells not just a quirkless child but even a villain that he too can become a hero that's right tenko is deku's successor we've already seen deku's villainous reform in action both gentle criminal and Lady nagon were able to shift the trajectory of their lives and help others but to be fair in both those cases their crimes were intentionally written to be more acceptable gentle was more like an internet prankster who deserved the peace than a thief or an actual threat lady nagan was practically just a soldier following orders one who eventually couldn't accept the horrible thing she was forced to do for the sake of peace and ultimately killed the man who directed such violence for tenko to become a hero he will either need to live beyond Beyond this fight with deu or sacrifice himself for others in a final heroic act now if his master all for one was still alive and a threat or The Quirk Singularity suddenly becomes a kaguya like character I could see sacrifice being the direction here but since neither of those seem to be the case we are left to assume that he will survive deu sparing shigaraki could be very reminiscent of how Ang spares firo oai in avatar The Last Airbender but in Avatar whether the final villain dies or loses his power doesn't make much of a difference to the World At Large doing so is mostly for the sake of Ang adhering to his beliefs and traditions resolving the conflict not only as the Avatar but as the sole inheritor of his pacifistic culture in my here Academia Deku doesn't have a means of removing shigar rocki's Quirk and even if morality were to be disregarded and The Quirk destroying drug happen to be used on him shigaraki's body has been modified to have all might level strength without them Deku also isn't some heralded figure of the utmost importance he may be all might successor but the World At Large doesn't know that and in the end he's just a high schooler with no political or governmental power he and his friends can't just believe or say something and have it be accepted as the norm they still need to convince people and have them resonate with their Direction the best deu and his classmates can do is stand for something and become symbols we're often reminded of how similar de and shigaraki are the reality is that anyone can be a hero just as easily as anyone can be a villain oyama is a good kid he is also the UA Trader before that reveal a lot of fans debated who the traitor might be and had a ton of explanations for various students and although oyama was always intended to be the traitor narratively after hearing his story we are able to see just how easily it could have been anyone else a and his family were caught up in the demon Lord's game the same could have been the case for pretty much anyone in our story before overhaul was a villain with the Yakuza he was an orphan being prepared as one of all for one's pawns shirakumo became kuriri because all for one desired Eraserheads Quirk and his friend died instead the darkness can consume anyone Al foran's plan for shigar rocki was a very well orchestrated perversion of one for all's line of succession the villain said sights on Shimmer Nana's family as a means of getting his revenge this was nothing new for him he did the same thing to kudo's family ensuring that his enemy Left Behind no descendants during deku's final battle against shigaraki in the background we see a young tenko holding the hand of all for one before the death of his family many chapters before then we also saw a man in a suit we now know to be all for one bring tenko home to his family at that point tenko was 6 years old he was already beyond the age of manifestation and still didn't have a quirk like deu tenko was born quirkless his Quirk Decay was actually given to him during this walk by all for one we know this for sure because all for one accidentally killed his brother yoichi with it many years ago instead of blaming himself for this tragedy the villain blamed the second user Kudo as a man who stole his property aside from Desiring one for all as a means of power the Demon Lord was obsessed with reclaiming it due to the vesage of his brother it held within and in the process he would take everything from these thieves posing as Heroes tenko began itching uncontrollably because his pork Decay was not properly suited for his body just like how oyama's Naval laser which was given to him by All For One causes him to experience horrible stomach aches shigaraki's Origins are on full display through the vestage world but the people around the globe who are watching this fight unfold can't see any of this mental stuff at all most of them are actually pretty confused something very drastic and far more clear will need to happen for them to learn anything that can actionably lead to a better future and the way that happens is with the death of tomra shigaraki and the Revival of shimra tenko shigaraki's body is capable of altering its form to suit and reflect his mental state seeing everyone fight so hard to protect a broken bakugo thoroughly triggered tenko and pushed him closer to Toma because even when he wasn't broken no one was willing to help him strangers avoided him his sister blamed him to save herself his grandparents remained passive because his father provided for them his mother didn't stop his father and his dad became a villain by hurting him in response the memories of all these people were given form through his flesh jaraki is perpetually covering himself originally it was with the severed hands of others and even when that was no longer the case we now know that that coverage became internalized by way of the dark complex within shigaraki's body assumes different forms to better suit the threats it faces it perpetually Longs for its final form what is ultimately its original form Chima tenko shigaraki will mol one last time and in the end tomra will die and all that'll be left is a 6-year-old child it will be much harder for the world to rebuke a little kid any blame that could be pointed at tenko for creating shigaraki Toma may just as easily be directed at Society for the very same thing the first user yoichi shigaraki believed that all for one the power to give and take could have been the kindest power in the whole world and that is exactly how deu will lead tenko to use it in the end one for all and all for one we're always meant to be United as always I'm slice otaku thank you all so much for watching and have an awesome day I love you
Channel: Plot Armor
Views: 189,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my hero academia, plot armor, plot armor my hero academia, anime, manga, my hero academia manga, mha manga, deku, boku no hero academia, one for all, deku vs shigaraki, shigaraki, mha, how my hero academia ends, how my hero academia will end, how does my hero academia end, when will my hero academia end, my hero academia theory, my hero academia finale, my hero academia final chapter, my hero academia last chapter, is my hero academia ending
Id: kiKSqR_a44s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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