How Much Python Do You Need for DevNet Associate - Chapter a Day Challenge!

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you build a house one brick at a time I am first and foremost a systems and networking engineer I have been working with networking components and systems components for a really really long time and it was only in the past year or two that I started to embrace code as a viable solution to well anything and it didn't start with the networking front either I really wanted to automate systems administration tasks so I learned PowerShell and PowerShell the way I learned PowerShell is I read a book by Don Jones called learn PowerShell in a month of lunches this is really kind of the key point that I'm driving at here when they say a month of lunches they wrote the book so that you could read one chapter a day during your lunch break the chapters were written so that they only took you 40 minutes to an hour including time for labbing and that was a really really impactful and powerful learning objective for me because that meant that I could not take a tremendous amount of time out of my my day in order to learn something new I was able to digest it over a 24-hour period try something with it and really learn it and I started to apply that mentality towards everything not just learning PowerShell but everything take things in small bits you know when I was watching CBT Nuggets videos I would be like okay I'll watch 20 or 30 minutes of CBT Nuggets videos let that sink in and digest it and then do it again the next day or any other book that I'm learning I could do with that the next day so what I really wanted to talk to you about today is kind of this this gist that I'm getting from the community and that's that a lot of people who are interested in dev net are actually network engineers not software developers I mean cisco has marketed this as a software development certification but the more and more I got into creating the course the actual core content of the course the more and more I found out that this was not a software development certification there is a huge component of software development because that's what you're doing you developing scripts and code to automate Network tasks but what we're talking about is we're combining software development principles and Python with the networking skills that we may already have or maybe not maybe you're coming from a completely green background and when we combine those together we have a very well-maintained scaleable solution for managing networks and this doesn't apply to just data center people we're talking Meraki for small mom-and-pop shops or ms peas we're talking DNA Center for the campus we're talking SD Wynn we're talking firepower for our security network engineers all of these people who are working in this environment today should be very very interested in the dev net associate exam because it's going to be all about making the tests that took you days hours or days and scaling that all the way down to minutes or even seconds and we can make it even proactive proactively monitoring our devices and alerting us on all kinds of different applications and platforms because automation is about integrating all of these platforms together an interface can go down on one of my switches and I could get a text message or a post in slack about it because of that ability to automate the monitoring and delivery of messages so this this begs the question though how good do you have to be in software development right like that's that's a very stressful thing for a network engineer who's not worked in code before how much Python do I really need to know well again pause think about the overall message of this video you build a house one brick at a time read one chapter a day automate the boring stuff with Python this is a book the preface of this book is there's Python for software developers and there's code and then there's the rest of us there's the rest of us who have not had traditional code traditional software development background this book is for y'all and how much of this book do I mean it's a 500 page book how much of this book do you need to read in order to be able to dive in a definite I venture to say that by the time you're in Chapter five you're good to go you you can then dive in to definite stuff but pause and taken a moment to our dev net course that we're designing on CBT Nuggets was designed with you in mind we're going to have Python skills and compiled on Basics in there Ben who is doing all of our software development section already has Python courses available on CBT Nuggets now so if you're not the book-reading type CBT Nuggets already has you covered and you can start getting a jump on Python right now python is the most human readable language one of the easiest ones to learn that's not to say that it's super easy because if you've never done object-oriented programming they're still going to be some foreign concepts but like I keep saying don't expect to be a Python expert in 24 hours you build this foundation one brick at a time and like I'm saying if you read one chapter a day by the end of chapter 5 you'll have a good foundation to get started indefinitely your five days away your five days away from having an okay enough foundation to where you can start learning how to make API requests and parse JSON data how nor at least reading a script and trying to decipher and understand what's going on so sure there is an additional core of foundations in order for the dev net associate exam there's software development there's Python that's now we've got to learn Python and software development and then there's networking so whether you're a network engineer who's trying to get into Python and software development or you're a software developer who's trying to get into network engineering you're not standing in front of this gigantic mountain that you'll have to climb over years it's something that you can pick up relatively quickly and ultimately when you grab your CCNA and you've learned how to really understand networking fundamentals like from getting your CCNA jumping to the dev net is a pretty solid move because now we've taken what we've learned in Cisco's CCNA we've learned the core functionalities of routing switching and even some basic security functionality now we can apply automation to these techniques on our definite associate course we covered nearly every single Cisco platform so whether you're dealing with cisco iOS devices nexus Meraki firepower see you cm st when you see s all of those are covered in the definite associate course here at CBT Nuggets so if you have any other questions if you want to start a dialogue on this hit me up in the comments or follow me on Twitter I'm very active in those places and I'm happy to start a conversation with you and see you in the course when it goes live very soon I'll catch you all on the next one
Channel: Data Knox
Views: 14,812
Rating: 4.9136071 out of 5
Keywords: Technology, IT, Systems, Networking, Cisco, Data, Database, SQL, Certification, Engineer, Network, Career, Cisco Devnet Associate, Python networking, network automation, CBT Nuggets DevNet, Learn Python DevNet, Python Cisco, how much python network, python cisco devnet, python, python programming
Id: gXBw_-K4vBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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