How Much for a Gambrel Garage in 2021 ?

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how much does a gambrel garage two-car 24 by 24 cost in the year 2021 36 500 if you want to watch the whole video you can see what that includes so it starts out where we're pouring or we'll set up the forms we use in this particular one we did two inches of foam insulation so that meant we needed thicker or taller form boards so we went with two by eights we lined it all with uh the foam insulation then we went put rebar down tied it all off in a two foot mat two feet going both ways then we build it up with uh typically we break up a cinder block or something and we put that under the rebar to get it up spaced up so it's in the middle of the concrete that's where the most strength would be so then after that we will pour concrete typically a 3000 pound mix on a slab like this it's going to have about 11 yards of concrete 11 and a half sometimes there's variation in the ground so we have to add a little bit extra then we'll take a bull float power screed power trowel this is what we're using now is the power trowel to get that all smoothed up nice and smooth then we move on to the next step you can see here this is a little bit different installation that has a four foot frost wall all the way down because we're dealing with potential water coming off the bank uh up there on their lawn it's not really a bank but um we went with the frost wall that way we know that it's uh well secured in that way so here we're putting up the walls uh two by six walls there that was an extra option that we'll add on i'll be showing a video on that later on as far as how much certain options cost might be two by six walls or dormers or something like that so i'll go over that in another video after all the walls are up then we plumb everything and then we'll snap lines uh but basically we build it on the principle of square if we know the concrete is flat all the way around which it is we've checked that and it's square the building is square if you when we use the osb wall sheathing we square it with that but we we verify it with a level you can see this stud is really tipping that way we'll straighten that all up when we get to it and we're still putting walls up again so these this particular garage has some really big picture windows that'll work great for an art studio so they can sit right up and have natural lighting there garage door header this particular garage only had one door it's going to have an art studio downstairs which would be really cool the osb we use two inch ring shanked galvanized nails here we go wall scene on all of the sheathing um that works really well it doesn't rust so that works good i think we'll listen to ken again for a minute give me another sheet put these rim boards up the eye joists are 14 inches high and the top and bottom web is three and a half inches wide that ladder hoist really saves a lot of effort in putting those up one at a time be on this side of the joint we're putting uh the walls up upstairs now it's a full eight foot wall we'll do that all the way down both sides it's fun this really goes up pretty quickly so this vertical wall we set in four feet to the outside of this wall so that uh when we put the rafter up it gives us a 67 and a half degree slope on the rafter which is kind of the opposite of what the upper roof will be at 22 and a half so we nail into each rafter [Music] he's going to hand those up to you joe not just lean them now we'll put the rafter up we'll do the the one down on that end then we'll come and do the one on this end then we'll plumb this wall in or out as needed so in the middle here we just want to have an inch and a half because that's what it is on each end with a string so i'm just measuring the string it helps if you keep your arm off the string right there i'll just make a mark so i know right where it is there perfect okay so now we have both ends and the middle straight the string is an inch and a half all the way down through so we'll lay down we'll put the rest of the rafters on we won't put much pressure on them until they are actually ready to be secured so that we don't bow this wall at all so now we need rafters all right okay we'll go and nail off the tops then that side is done and ready for plywood more walls going up and then you can see uh the gable end wall on the back uh those are pretty heavy to pull up onto the from uh down on the trailer we we had to muscle this one around quite a bit but we got it uh just strength and so we get those up and then we're going to go yeah we get those up all braced off we decided to sheath this from the outside it was just easier to do that um that guy's so fast nailing that's incredible we're really hoping this year that we won't be waiting on materials as much i think we're going at least initially the first part of the season we have enough pretty much enough prospective jobs where i can get the materials ordered well in advance and not end up waiting we ended up like at three different jobs through the year we'd start this and then we're waiting so we go start another job or finish another aspect of a job and then go back to the other one it's really counterproductive a lot of the time so we're hoping for a better year this year [Music] so um all right so we're getting ready to finalize the dry it in we'll get the the roof wrap on they're getting ready to put osb on the backside to finish that all up then we've got it closed in and it's such a beautiful day today nice fall day all right this is the final uh episode on this particular garage 24x24 you can see that's one car and then on the other side is nice windows both sides that's a lot of light in there we didn't quite get all of our garages done before snow flies but that's all right hopefully it warms up just it's uh i think it's 30 degrees right now hopefully it warms up a little bit a little bit we'll have a snowball fight a little later so we've been waiting on siding for 10 weeks it finally came that's two and a half months but it's here we're going to put it on it should look beautiful it looks right on that's french for i'm all done so check this out right here is like the thickest part of the snow when that snow comes off it hits that flare out and it shoots out here so that you don't get any as much eventually you'll get snow coming back when it gets mid winter or early winter depends depends on when winter hits turned out to be such a beautiful fall day i love it we are done it's a again a 24 by 24. one car garage it with a art studio on the left those windows are positioned so at a at a nice work table they can sit there and do art i am not an artist by any means let's take a walk around there we go let's go inside all right so we are ready to go take a look inside it'll just be a quick walk through downstairs and upstairs let's go knock on the door hey anybody there hello hey good to see you here we are 24 by 24. these are 14 inch ni 80 floor joists they're clear span they're rate that's what it's rated for 84 foot span if you go larger than that you get a bigger deeper eye joist i love these windows 9x7 insulated steel door this is where the uh workbench will be for the art studio so you can sit here i don't know i guess i'll be on a stool or something if it was me i'd be doing stick figures because that's all i can do so let's go upstairs 36 inch wide stairway the homeowner is going to put a deck on out here so we've just left it as is we have 16 feet in width it's a 8 foot ceiling 24 feet deep and again those nice windows i think they're talking about doing a sewing room up here they're going to insulate it finish it all off at their speed and we're going to get out of their hair and leave them alone thanks for watching please subscribe thank you
Channel: Kens Karpentry
Views: 267,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alaskan, apartment, blessed, box, build, building, cape, car, carport, carriage, cement, concrete, christian, construct, excavator, floating, foundation, gable, gambrel, garage, house, home, Jesus, paint, pine, plywood, pray, rafter, ranch, rebar, roof, salt, sheathing, shed, shingle, siding, slab, stairs, storage, style, truck, trusses, vinyl, green, screen, cost, how, much, 2021
Id: dB_A0Nm5UMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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