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in today's video we are going to discuss how much leaving your life at sea costs breaking it all down with the logistics with the one and only super mario make sure you didn't miss episode 1 of season 2 where we discussed how to plan your life at sea if you're new to my channel my name is Alanna and I'm all about cruising Disney and weekend getaways so make sure you give this video a big thumbs up and subscribe for more let's get started so all the preparation was a really great segue into the money how do we afford the lifestyle how do we prepare and stretch our money as far as possible to make this a lifestyle so let's dive into the logistics of money ok so we go back to the original decision which you selected a cruise line right no normally I looked at I look at the market as basically two sided one is the luxury segment of the market like whose lines like crystal or silver seas or Oceana Seabourn and then I could all others like you know Carnival and royal and NCL and Princess and all America those are pretty much what I call the contemporary segment of the market so assuming you chose let's say the luxury segment you want to go on Krista you want to live on crystal well now the money becomes critical because you're gonna be paying a lot more to live on on a luxury line than you will on a contemporary line and I mean a lot more like probably at least twice as much or more so let's say you chose crystal but then you come and you do your budget and you say no I can't afford it then you got to loop back to step 1 say crystal ain't gonna cut it right so now I have to choose something more more reasonable and then yeah I may have to go at it again sample some more and choose another line that's within your budget like the ones that I call contemporary Cruise Lines which are pretty much priced the same the same way you know alright so now you're ready to start budgeting what what's gonna be your budget now the next decision is what type of cabin are live on another critical decision because when you're gonna do the budget the inside cabin versus a junior suite are dramatically different budgets dramatically different and I'm gonna give you some numbers to illustrate that you wanna you want to select again when you do your sampling your testing you have to pretty much make that decision we're trying to Kevin you're gonna you're gonna pick I know people that that cannot live in an inside cabin right they have to have a balcony in fresh air some Sun in the morning exactly and and the other decision is are you gonna cruise solo right or are you gonna bring a spouse or a significant other or a partner to live with you on a cruise ship another critical decision because then you're talking about different budgets and you're talking about you both have to agree on just about everything and that is not easy so alright so having chosen a lot of the cruise line class of ship type of cabin okay now you're ready to get into the numbers alright the nitty-gritty here we go into the numbers and what I've done is you always have to make assumptions when you do a budget and what I've done Alana is I've used my budget as a take-off point perfect and use my actual live numbers okay and then from there you can pretty much do what ifs what if this had changes as I've changed here we go yeah the real numbers what does it cost to live on a cruise ship full-time yes breaking it down breaking it down so we assumed that the key assumption here is I'm gonna use solo okay because I cruise solo so my budget is only for one person okay and then I can gross it up and do it for two people at the very end okay so for example for me my average cruise fare per day is a hundred dollars now you're saying well what were what's behind the hundred dollars well my mix of cruises is like 80% Caribbeans and then the other 20% are transatlantic crossings Panama Canal crossings and a few Mediterraneans so that is my mix of cruises obviously your individual mix is going to pretty much determine your budget okay and if I were to say instead of 80% Caribbean 80% let's say Alaska Mediterranean Baltics I would come up with a completely different budget much higher budget then if 80% Caribbean so keeping that in mind $100 fair cruise fare per day average for one person is is is what I'm paying basically $100 per day average now that average is based on the seasons some seasons are lower than 100 summer is higher than a hundred and then let's say the months of October November are lower than a hundred so it is an annual average when I say a hundred it's not gonna be a hundred every cruise correct you have to take that $100 per day and say how much would it cost for me to book a cabin well it wouldn't cost me a hundred because they price it on a double occupancy basis now royal offers a perk that if you are in the top row of the loyalty program you will pay a hundred and fifty percent of the of the fare now if you're not at the top of the loyalty program you have to pay two hundred percent but if you start cruising a lot you'll get two you'll get there put it pretty quickly so I'm using again I pay a hundred and fifty percent so that means 100 times 1.5 equals 150 so now I'm up to 150 per day for me that's the fair now what you got add is the tax so let's say the average tax for a let's say a seven-day cruise is about a hundred and thirty one hundred and forty dollars a week that comes out to about maybe twenty dollars a day so take that up the 150 that you got right and another twenty dollars a day now you're up to 170 okay okay so we're building up the budget here so 170 per day and there's one more thing you got to add and that is tips the tips are pretty much set at $14.50 per day so you take 1450 and add it to the 170 170 and now you're up to 185 or something like that per day and that's the basic package I'm not adding any shore excursions or any liquor or specialty restaurants or spa or internet or Casino I'm just keeping it at the basic package because the rest of the things are discretionary right and I can come up with a number for any for everybody so you're talking one where up to one is a 180 summer day dollars a day and then you multiply that times now you can multiply it by 365 days okay and if you do the math in my case it comes out to and I choose an interior cabin by the way okay so I'm really cruising on the cheap okay my my budget is seventy two thousand and ninety three dollars for this year and that excludes like I said the rest of the perks you know the rest of the add-ons so the minimum the minimum is 72 thousand dollars for an inside cabin now I did the same exercise and did it for a balcony okay same mixer proves the same everything same everything the balcony comes out to a hundred and one thousand two fifty eight that's seventy two thousand for an inside a hundred and two thousand four hundred one thousand for about knie and if you want to know what the junior suite would be you're talking a hundred and thirty six thousand dollars Wow that's one person for one year in an inside cabin so yeah so it's important to keep in mind that you know you're working off of a solo cruising budget to get to a double occupancy budget you take these numbers and multiply it by one point three three three you can take notes you know I try to and take notes because you may forget these numbers and I looked up the average cost of assisted living in the United States oh here we go assisted living yeah assisted living not nursing home ok people people talk about nursing home and I say you know wait combine them together and think it's the same yeah it's different nursing home is a false choice if you if you are gonna live in a nursing home because you need a nursing home I'm sorry you cannot live on a cruise ship okay because they're not gonna let you stay right you're not gonna get nursing home care on a cruise ship right all right so let's uneven consider nursing home as an option but let's talk about assisted living or independent living or senior living however you want to do you want to call it and and in other words you're paying for a living facility that is where you're not needing medical care every to every day and the average cost of that per year I looked this up is a hundred thousand three hundred and eighty so it's interesting yeah it's about a eight thousand plus dollars a month that's out that's the national average if you go to like places like New York it's gonna be a lot higher than that places like Florida probably about the average and places like maybe I don't know Arizona or you know New Mexico probably lower than the national average probably but the average is 100 say I call it a hundred thousand dollars now how does that fit in to the numbers I gave you before for the cost of cruising well you can see that you can eat if you do an inside cabin you can it's cheaper to live on a cruise ship right with 72,000 yeah right it's cheaper than a hundred thousand I don't think people realize that it would be cheaper if you do the inside Kevin right absolutely which is doable maybe maybe maybe maybe it's maybe it's still but maybe it's not okay yeah so yeah you think if you can get away with an inside cabin you can beat assisted living now once you get to balcony you're a break-even right it makes a lot of sense to me these numbers make a lot of sense you live in a balcony Kevin you're gonna pay exactly the same as you were paying assisted living you want to go over a little bit luxuriously to a junior suite you're gonna pay a more that's incredible thank you so much for doing the math and breaking it down so we all can see segment by segment of how you want to live on a cruise ship and comparing contrasting that is fascinating numbers to hear absolutely now if you want to compare these numbers these cost of cruising numbers to let's say not a system living but living in your own home you're wrong hope I say you have an apartment you have a home or you gonna and you're gonna convert it to a home base right okay you're gonna keep it you paid the mortgage off probably or close to paying it off yeah okay you've only got the property taxes and whatever the maintenance if you have a condo and you want to compare how would it cost versus living in your own home well I can tell you right there there's no comparison living in your own home is gonna be a lot cheaper a lot cheaper than living on a cruise ship and you know intuitively it makes sense because what is a cruise ship it's a hotel it's just like living in the Hilton Hotel or Marriott hotel or in a Vegas hotel okay where you have its you have everything that a hotel has the only difference that it floats it's a floating hotel it's a flow tell yeah okay so you take a Las Vegas hotel and you've got entertainment you've got food you got casino you've got all the amenities that a cruise ship has so what is it cheaper to live in a Vegas hotel than it is in your home no no way not even close okay so that's there's a misconception about oh it's cheaper to live on a cruise ship well it's not easy you have to define first of all the type of cabin the type of cruise line and then you have to define what is living in our land look like it's a living in your home living in assisted living so it the answer is it depends that's really the bottom line answer Wow yeah all right Mario now that we have some hard numbers some hard facts I think it's great calculations thank you so much for you or for crunching the numbers for us so we can see that insight but what does it include so the numbers I gave you plus for an inside cabin right about goony and a junior suite you could do a budget also for a big suite like a grand suite or an owner's suite if he can afford it you can do a budget and come up with a whole different number now this one lady that we knows that that lives on a cruise ship she has a lot of money she pays like 180 thousand dollars Wow for a big suite and you know I wouldn't pay that but she's got money and she could do it so you take your basic budget which is I call the basic package that includes lodging because we're in a hotel yeah we're living in a hotel floating but in a hotel the most food I mean not all the food because you can't go to a specialty restaurant for free all right unless your travel agent gives you the perk or something like that but basically it doesn't include specialty dining so all the basic food breakfast lunch dinner and includes very basic beverages like ice tea coffee you know things like that but not sodas and not obviously liquor you got to pay for for sodas you got to pay for that it includes all your all your entertainment LD entertainment pretty much is free it's all free with some some exceptions okay it includes the use of the facilities you know the pools the gym there's a fabulous gym on the ships and that's it that's pretty much the the package the basic package so the only other thing that you might want to add into a little bit of budget for your extra what's not included is your spa especially restaurants when I eat out an especially restaurant with your loved one maybe you want to drink a little bit and yep you either buy drinks individually or you can get the drink package which saves you money if you drink let's say six or seven drinks a day saves you money internet package nowadays people need to be connected sure so you're gonna buy the internet package that's gonna cost you I don't know $15 a day yeah okay then you're gonna probably do some shore excursions you're gonna visit ports a call you want to get to know them so you may want to do an excursion Island visit or you want to go snorkeling or you want to go you know to do something interesting that's gonna cost you money okay shore excursions are like sixty seventy dollars a hundred dollars whatever then you got casino oh yeah you know people you know you know if you're lucky you make money if you don't love money most people lose money in the casino okay and then you've got the on board the whole retail space that you got on board I mean these people have figured out a way how to pick your pockets they really have you know the you're gonna spend money trust me you know and you're gonna shop you're gonna buy some stuff that you like plus all the rest of the stuff we've talked about yeah so just thinking about adding those on onto those numbers that we gave you and it gives you a really great idea of the cost so perfect this will lead us into our next segment which is some specific ship questions within the Royal Caribbean fleet and adjusting to life at sea so if you're interested in that segment as well come join us in the next one thanks to it thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please do give it a big thumbs up subscribe for more and check out for now
Channel: Alanna Zingano
Views: 1,046,576
Rating: 4.7189031 out of 5
Keywords: alanna zingano, how much does it cost to live on a cruise ship, living on a cruise ship, living on a cruise ship full time, living on a cruise ship permanently, living on a cruise ship cost, living on a cruise ship in retirement, what does it cost to live on a cruise ship full time, what it is like to live on a cruise ship, navigator of the seas, navigator of the seas 2019, independence of the seas, mario salcedo
Id: T9YjwOKKabI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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