How Much Does it Cost to Build a Post Frame?

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hey what's up guys my name is kyle and i build custom post frame buildings here on youtube and i share with you guys that whole process you know a couple weeks ago i did a video where i talked about the top 10 things that i think you should consider when building your own project but we couldn't really get into price and that seems to be a very hot topic people want to know but how much does the building cost and and how are they supposed to know what it costs so i thought you know what let's go ahead and do a video let's break down one of my past projects one that you guys can go watch it was one of the most popular series here on youtube building a garage it's back in 2018 and i think i chose this building because it's it's basic enough it's simple enough and i feel like it's the type of building that really you know fits a lot of mold so it's it's the one building that i think i could see a lot of people you know a tackling themselves be having the room for and see you know being able to afford so what i figured we'd do is we would talk about how much it cost back then how much i bid the job for how much it's gonna cost today so i think that in the last three years we all know a lot has happened costs have been jacked up and but maybe you might be surprised from 2018 to the end of 2021 where pricing has gone let's go ahead and dive into the pricing of a post frame all right so the building that we're going to talk about we did a build series on like i said i'll go ahead and put that up here you can take a look at it it's a 30 by 40 garage and the use of it ended up being more of like a storage man cave just overall space for this client to house his drag car that he had work on it and then just hang out you know so it's just a cool little space 30 by 40 perfect size so some of the other specs that i'll share with you guys we've got seven windows they're all four by three sliders we've got one walk door it had half glass cross buck insulated you know it's a really nice door we had a garage door that was a 16 by 10. i did not install the garage door that was subcontracted and i didn't have anything to do with the pricing so i don't know what that pricing was exactly but i got some pricing here that we could talk about just to get you an idea what a 16 by 10 garage door cost the building had a one foot overhang we had gutters on both sides we had insulation in the walls which consisted of an r19 fiberglass bat we had an r38 blown in fiberglass in the ceiling we had a wayne's coat around the entire perimeter which also consisted of verseta stone wayne's coat across the front you know it's only about seven foot on each side of that 16 foot door and on the inside we had a three-quarter plywood wall up eight foot and then the other i guess i'd be about four feet was white liner panel steel and then a white liner panel steel ceiling did we have white on that you know what i don't remember if it was white or if it was a colored steel but regardless it was a steel liner panel and that kind of wraps up the specs now the things that i don't have cost for is it did get a radiant heat in the floor i did not do that i don't know what that cost exactly i did not do the electrical and i did not do any of the excavation or site prep work so what we're going to talk about is i'm going to assume that you have a pad you have something flat to build on and then we're going to take it from there and get to the point where your electrician your plumber i can give you some ideas on what the concrete's going to cost but you know mainly the plumber electrician i don't really know what they're going to cost it's going to be whatever your contractor charges which i don't do that work so i can't give you an exact price let's go ahead and break down this we're going to start at the beginning i'll tell you kind of what we did the price the cost and then what to expect today's price so this building bid was 36 000 so this was in 2018 like i said and that was my bid to the customer and it covered all of those things okay so what we're going to do is start at the beginning of the build which is let's say the post holes the foundation and then we're going to work through kind of like i'm building it and i'm going to talk about what i paid for my materials now the thing we're not going to necessarily cover is what you should expect specifically for labor my labor rate my overhead rate my machinery cost you know all those things that kind of encompass the total cost of the build that is going to be different for whatever builder you go with that is something that i can never give you an exact but i'll give you mine on this build all right so we're going to start at the foundation because that's kind of the first thing that we do when we build so we're just going to start at the beginning and work our way through this now this customer opted for a concrete pier you guys have probably seen us do the piers where we dig our hole we do a full ready mix foundation pier built up with a sonotube at the top to form it up into a nice circle and then we wet set our bracket into there now back when i built this building we were looking at about 75 dollars per pier to get them installed so that that involves about uh 33 34 in concrete 36 dollars in bracket and at the time i had a cost of 1264 dollars for all of my footings when i did the math today that's eighteen hundred and fifty five dollars so between the cost of the brackets and the cost of concrete we've gone up six hundred dollars pretty sure that's close to fifty percent a lot of that being the brackets price of steel across the board it seems like has doubled and there's no getting around that you really got to have a good bracket let's go one step further and talk about doing a full ready mix foundation footing wall which is what we've been doing a lot lately because it gives you the best protection you've got a full frost wall you know capability which sometimes people don't need that if you're down south but more importantly i think is it gives you a little bit better footing you've got a solid barrier between the inside and the outside you have no wood touching the ground anywhere no grade board and rodents aren't going to be able to burrow underneath your floor if it's just a thickened slab and in a cold climate you get the ability to put a nice insulation board on the wall before you pour your floor on the inside so there's definitely an advantage the problem is it is more costly so you're looking around 50 bucks a foot on the perimeter now if i were to do the math real quickly let's say my client would have went with a full ready mix foundation he would have been in at least seven thousand dollars to put the wall in before i even showed up i still have to buy the brackets and i still have to install them you know he's probably gonna be pushing closer to like the eight grand mark by time we get our our brackets installed ready to stand our walls the same as today's price of eighteen hundred and fifty dollars to do the peers so you know that's six thousand dollars right there off the top that you don't have to spend if you go the route of the piers but by all means i think that the wall is superior now we're gonna go on to the post when i bought my post three years ago i spent a thousand seventy five dollars i buy ohio timberland post these are three ply laminated columns they have a center notch so that we can set our trusses inside and we can add pull extensions for our end wall posts that have to go all the way up to the top of the truss these are not cheap you could make them cheaper yourself if you wanted to you could probably buy a 6x6 post cheaper we use a laminated column because i think they're straighter they are definitely stronger so i spent 1075 on my post that does include a 250 shipping cost and today you'd be looking at close to fifteen hundred dollars about fourteen hundred and fifty bucks so once again that's about a forty percent increase in cost in those three years let's move on to trusses my trusses are made by a manufacturer close to me called atlas trust and when i bought these trusses they were fifteen hundred and fifty two dollars now these are my invoices obviously they're gonna include sales tax some of them would include like shipping i'm pretty sure that the trusses that includes the shipping costs because those get shipped direct today those trusses would be about twenty one hundred dollars so that's about a five hundred dollar or thirty some percent increase in cost fifteen hundred and fifty now twenty one hundred dollars now let's talk about the lumber package because i think a lot of people have all heard on the news the the way the lumber has just gone crazy when i bought my lumber package for this build which consisted of all my wall framing my roof framing um door window framing my interior framing i was at and 4370 eight dollars today you're looking at fifty two hundred and thirty nine dollars really when i look at that that's about a twenty what is that twenty twenty to twenty five percent increase in cost not as bad as i thought it was going to be but i also i also know lumber has come back down now let's talk about steel okay because steel that is a different story so right now what we're looking at is i spent 6 243 on my steel package that does not include my interior steel so that's all my exterior steel my roof my walls my wainscot my trims all i know and i did not do a piece by piece comparison because i didn't have all the trim numbers in front of me but across the board the cost of steel is about fifty percent higher so we're looking at twelve thousand dollars roughly to get the same steel package today for the exterior of this building that we did in 2018 i think that's crazy that's really the biggest cost in this building windows have been a pretty sticky point lately windows have been hard to come by back in the day we were using i think we were using a crestline window i spent sixteen hundred and sixty one dollars for seven windows that's about two hundred and thirty seven dollars grills in the glass insulated low e argon all that good stuff today if i were to buy those same windows we're looking at twenty three hundred two dollars so once again that's like a 40 increase if i'm not mistaken 16.61 it's like a 40 increase um for the windows as well so i think you're seeing a trend here as to what the pricing differences are but let's keep going walk door so my walk doors i buy leico 92 series doors these are going to be thermally broken jammed which is the important thing because with a metal frame door you don't want that cold you know transferring through to the inside and then causing condensation issues and having ice build up on your door and then you can't open it so we use a thermally broken jam and slab for our door which is the 92 series back in 2018 i could get those for 628 today's about a thousand dollars so we're looking at about a thousand dollars per walk door you're gonna be walking in and out of that door every day don't buy a cheap wood frame door you might save 500 600 but you're going to be replacing it it's going to be garbage and it's not going to close as good as a steel door over time you guys know we love using verseta stone we didn't need a lot on this i think we had 24 pieces which cost 748 dollars today's price 918 dollars so definitely an increase not horrible i don't know what that is exactly that's like a 20 22 increase on the verseta stone uh gutters we were at 430 for our gutters that included two five inch troughs on each side nowadays you're looking at 525 bucks not bad that also includes the labor of my gutter guys let's talk about insulation so my insulation um like i said we use an r19 fiberglass bat in the wall and an r38 blown in fiberglass in the ceiling back when i did that in 2018 we were at seventeen hundred and seventy dollars currently my price would be around twenty two hundred dollars so that's about a twenty five percent increase on insulation and then let's talk about plywood so we did three quarter plywood on the interior wall kind of like my shed where i went up eight foot and then i transitioned to steel customers like that because it gives them a nice solid wall they can hang things on they can paint it it doesn't you know get dented and look as dirty as steel can over time so that's that's the big reason we like to use it but it is costly now when i bought this plywood is 725 around 22 or 23 bucks a sheet now we're looking at 40 bucks a sheet so not quite double but very close 1250 is what you would be spending today on that plywood to go around the perimeter and for the interior steel package it's about double what it was we spent about two thousand forty dollars for the the liner walls which is about four foot and then the ceiling and we are at four thousand dollars today if we were to buy it so that kind of that kind of encompasses all the building materials i bought now things like fasteners caulk maybe tapes i don't really have those because i i usually just buy those things in bulk and i just buy them as i need them i just figured with the fasteners if you gave yourself like a 500 allotment you could get all your nails your screws your caulk and your tapes to kind of cover this size of a build but that leads us to the concrete so i can help you with the concrete cost because at least i've done enough with contractors to know about what their square foot price is for a slab and you're looking around today's price you're looking in anywhere from five to 550 a square foot now this is going to be very regionally based so i don't know where you're going to be from when you're watching this but once again i don't do concrete work this is what my contractors charge me or my clients and this is what we're going off of back when i did this building you were looking around four four and a quarter per square foot for concrete which was about 4 800 now you'd be looking closer to 6 000 for this floor this did have a radiant heat system in it that is pretty costly i don't have the price right in front of me okay so that kind of wraps up all the costs that i had to incur in order to put this building up not my labor and definitely not the concrete or like i said any of the mechanical work inside now if i take this total what i came up with was twenty three thousand fourteen dollars that was in 2018 now if we were to do that job today and i would have to buy all this stuff i would be looking at 35 340 just to get my materials and in 2018 i bid that job for 36 000 so that is how i bid the job a lot of times when i'm bidding a job on and looking at the labor i look at a day's worth of work and say um put a cost on that if you're watching this video as a contractor and saying okay kyle great you gave me the material cost how am i supposed to figure out how long it's going to take me and what i should charge i can't help you with that that's where experience comes into play and i just told you i charged thirteen thousand dollars in quote unquote you know labor for my side but really i don't pocket that money that that goes towards overhead for the business it pays my um my workers at the time i had three guys i think i had three guys on that job so we got it done pretty darn quickly but you know it increased my overhead because i had more payroll to make back to if you're watching this as a contractor and you're trying to figure out how to price a building or what something should cost your labor should be determined on what your your needs are financially what your overhead costs are and just in general what do you want to make every day make an estimate as to how many days it's going to take you if it takes you more that's on you and that's for you to learn for the next one but the goal is always give yourself a little bit of room and figure in how much you need to make and then that's what you bid unfortunately things are just getting more expensive i don't know that they're gonna go down personally i was quite surprised at this i haven't gone back and looked at past jobs what they cost and what they would cost today to determine where i should be pricing my job so this has actually been a healthy exercise for me as a business owner to kind of reflect that i used to always think about okay i did that job last year i remember it it going smoothly and it cost this much money and i can look at my books and say i spent this much on all my materials and i can kind of say hey this is where i was and i can learn from that and adjust the bit accordingly but it's crazy to think that in three years of time and we know we're going through this crazy period right now but it's crazy to me to think that the cost of this building if my numbers are correct is almost 50 percent higher than it was just three years ago that far exceeds the cost of inflation that we hear about we are experiencing high levels of inflation cost of goods have gone up don't expect to get something today done for what your buddies or friends maybe did a couple years ago because uh because clearly i mean this is just straight off the books you're you're going to be a lot more money hopefully this doesn't scare people or future clients to come and call me or call other contractors to do work because i don't know that it's going down guys i don't know that this was helpful i don't know that anybody out there is looking at this saying i'm glad i just you know spent the time to watch this my goal is that i do read comments i read the feedback i hear what the people want and they want to know how much it's going to cost this was a building that i thought would be the most generic for somebody out there the people that are going to build their own or live in an area that is going to restrict the size you know obviously there's people out there that want to build behemoth barndominiums and you know epic shops and whatever but those numbers are few and far between there's a lot more people out there that are willing and wanting to put up a 30 by 40. so i figured let's just talk about the prices of it what it cost back then and what it's gonna cost today now if you're if you're a client or a potential client of mine and you're going to reach out to me about a 30 by 40 garage and you're going to say kyle you you just said it's going to be about i don't know under 50 000 for that 30 by 40. i'd like to think we can do it but every every situation is going to be unique i would love to get feedback if there's another way that you want this presented if there's more information i'm missing by all means let me know down in the comments and i'll do my best to think about that but my my goal is always to just see where people are really asking all the same questions and try to help somebody out and it seems like the financial side of a post frame was the biggest so there you go hopefully it helps somebody i'm gonna go ahead and get out of here guys i appreciate you i appreciate you hitting the thumbs up if this was a video that you did enjoy you got something out of and if you're looking for more and you want to see us build some buildings and you're not subscribed yet go ahead and hit that subscribe button greatly appreciate it and we'll catch you guys in the next video
Channel: RR Buildings
Views: 393,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how much does it cost, how much does a post frame cost, how much is a pole barn, how much does a garage cost, building a garage cost, rr buildings, budget post frame, budget garage, post frame cost, post frame, pole barn, building a garage, do it yourself, how much does it cost to build a post frame, how to
Id: 9aepbb5Wk2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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