Comparing $10,000 to $250 3D printers using Fiverr!

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we went on fiverr to get five miniatures 3d printed by professional 3d printers they're made with tools that costs up to 10 thousand dollars and then comparing them with my own prints made on a 250 dollar printer [Music] hey everyone you're watching squid more miniatures i'm amin so i gotta be honest with you i actually plan on making this video all the way back in april may this year but covet happened and shipping got messed up stuff disappeared and here we are six months later and i'm finally able to finish this video and this is actually part of a bigger video series that i've made it's actually a three-parter where we made miniature busts using only services on fiverr we started off with illustrations and then we have these 3d sculpted into 3d miniatures and this third one is to 3d print them and get them master printed ready for production so we're pretty much making a product from nothing to a physical released product only using services on fiverr a lot of you might recognize these miniatures from the kickstarter that i did a few months back and some of you from the previous videos and if you're completely new welcome i will put the link to the other two videos in the show notes and if you click this icon up on this corner here you can find them so we got five miniatures from the previous videos that we had sculpted and illustrated and we printed them using three different printing services i found on fiverr obviously it would have been hilarious to do five different ones and have some really cheap ones but i wanted to make sure that we could use these for production later so we've only used the ones that i felt comfortable with to do a really professional job using professional printers the miniatures that we're using are the female elf the necromancer the orc the female warrior and a little bonus one this is elon from the kickstarter as well we use one of these master printers to print out the master copy of him the prices that i'm gonna show here is for the real production quality copies and all of these three printers they do cheaper versions as well so the printing probably starts at 20 30 somewhere while these ones are quite a lot more expensive because it requires them to do reprints and tests and change angles of them to make sure that they are flawless i hope let's find out and for the comparison copies that i'm doing i'm going to print them with my own home printers and i'm gonna do it the same way that i do when i print stuff for myself pretty much just gonna be auto supports and then i put on some extras to make sure that there's no overhangs and just print it once because otherwise this video is gonna take me another two three weeks to make sure that i get perfect prints and it's been six months already so let's just do this quickly to get some comparisons to show you kind of the quality difference so the first minis we got is from gecko painter and i'm really hyped about these so gecko painter is actually kind of a well-known name i used him for one of my other fiverr videos but that time he painted one figure uh this time he 3d printed them so it's cool to have him back he prints his stuff on a printer brand called solus it's one of these like high-end printers the cheaper ones the older ones they had used to go for around four thousand dollars and then fewer ones cost around ten thousand dollars i'm not sure exactly which one of these he's using but either way it's gonna be amazing to look at the first one we got is obviously elon and this one i had the printed copy already six months ago so it wasn't this one we had to wait for but this one i remember going back six months ago and getting the first copy of this one and just looking at the detail seriously take a look at just the face and the eyes the details on the shoulder pads on the knife as well we have some printed patterns that are just phenomenal i have yet to find a piece on this one where i can see a visible printing line just everything is just top notch here this is really world class detail just look at how well printed all the details are with like the earrings and everything ah this quality is just so good and then we compare this to to my printed copy which i think looks quite okay but when comparing this we can see especially around like the leather areas where we have textures a lot of textures from the the professional printed one and there is none on mine also when i change the angle on it i see some clear visible printing lines on the the stomach area the chest area on mine on the back it's even worse wow but like the edge of the leather strap it's so much thicker it's not at all as detailed as on the one from gekko painter let's look at the face okay so from the front this one looks actually quite okay but when i start moving it around i have so many visible printing lines you have these like newton rings kind of the hair looks really good the ears look okay one of the earrings is kind of missing on this one but overall for being like a 250 dollar printer this is crazy good too i've gotten the 4k i haven't had time to test it yet but the 4k frozen sonic mini this is printed with the old one i'm really looking forward to trying that one out because i feel like maybe it won't match it especially with like my skill but i'm pretty sure it will be really really close so yeah that's really cool and then we take a look at the other package he sent me i gotta get it out wow okay first of all this one is huge wow okay one thing to keep in mind like this sculpt isn't quite as detailed detailed sculpted but in terms of the print quality this is really good i same thing here i don't see any printing lines it's very very very fine so i'm really looking forward to painting this one up this one is really new so they really did manage to print this one well so gekko painter grade i would say probably 10 out of 10 really really nice quality so it's time for the second one and this is the necromancer and this lovely necromancer is printed by sethiret i don't know if i put that wrong but his stuff starts at around 25 but this one cost me a whopping 200 to get printed again to make sure that he could provide the best quality doing reprints if something was wrong and just making sure that the fit was perfect and no warping and that price included everything shipping all the fees and all the taxes and things like that and this is printed with a printer called asiga uv max this is a printer that's originally made for dental stuff medical stuff in general and jewelry and stuff like that so it's really high detail prints but i know that he's a miniature fan himself and prints a lot of minis so i was quite confident that he could deliver a good quality print for me and the sega printer is probably even more expensive than the solas i think it goes for around 999 or something like that so it's a ten thousand dollar printer and we're going to compare that to my 250 dollar printer yeah let's just take it up and see how the detail is and wow okay wow this is crazy good again the post work on this i don't see pretty much any any printing support stuff left behind the detail is so good look at the sharpness around the necklace here like that stuff is crazy and the eye and the forehead like i'm gonna bring up this and compare i might have to spray this one black before i film the detail stuff for you but when i compare the face detail i look at the upper lip for example that's a huge difference in sharpness look at the ears huge difference eyes everything is just so like it feels like a miniature should feel like the plastic stuff from games workshop that's that's the type of level on this so so you might wonder why i didn't include this in the kickstarter i chose the most popular ones and a lot of people had this one as a favorite so i got some plans for it it might be released sometime in the future but i don't want to promise anything but we got enough after the kickstarter to deliver but it's too good to not be painted and released so i think at some point i'm probably gonna do it and like this cast just makes me so excited to paint it and again whenever i compare like to my own stuff especially around the back you can see the biggest difference uh for one i had problems with warping so the parts didn't fit nearly as well all his parts are like flush they fit perfectly my parts are nuts i can look at like the shoulder here for example i got like a big gap on the back of the other one i got some parts that failed in the print and yeah if i had more time maybe i could reprint the arm and make it better but still we have the warping on all of the areas none of the stuff is flush like his stuff is just like a perfect fit so also the newton rings and the support parts here like just makes everything look soft did not end up looking nearly as good i feel like with this print it was probably the most difficult one for me to print myself you can see the necklace as well does not have the the right shape it was a difficult minute to print if you're not a professional and i feel like with this one the difference was huge like really really huge so yeah i can definitely recommend 10 out of 10. let's jump to number three i guess so it's time for the last printer and the two last ones are printed by panda printer so i got two of my favorite figures from the whole project again this is cast it's the cast copy of the master but these are pretty much exactly the same as the the master copies and just like gecko painter he's using the asiga printers again it's the super cheap ones for around eight nine thousand dollars very cheap and including all of the different fees i paid 420 for this one and 360 i think for this master copy and that included everything with shipping with taxes and they also got like the fee that fiverr charges for them so it's gonna be really cool to see this one and show you how high quality it is wow wow wow wow the quality on this one all i have to say is just wow so they printed all the different bits separately and then cast them so i can paint directly on this one and not ruin the master copy and wow like seriously it almost looks like it's sculpted because there is no printing lines on this you can see all of the textures that the 3d sculptor added and making the skin look a bit worn because obviously he's a fighter and the post processing on this one again is really good there's like a few different spots where you can see that there might have been like a support uh but it's the kind of thing that's almost unavoidable so i can see like up here in the corner for example i have a small dot so i'm gonna remove that with a knife but that's so small things uh wow and the details it just has everything on there the ring on the teeth and for me like the the biggest takeaway on this is like the weapons the access details on the axis is crazy good and the fingernails super detailed i don't know about you but i'm really hyped about painting this one and then we have the female elf and this one as well so smooth wow look at the textures and everything like these textures in the digital files are so small i didn't think that the details would be visible in the print but they really are all of the tiniest details are visible like i really like this again for me this is a it's a clear 10 out of 10. like i know it probably sounds like a joke it feels like i'm i'm pushing these guys but i guess for what i paid it's quite expensive it's an it's a professional service and these guys definitely delivered all of these three guys did amazing job uh so if you're in the least interested in seeing what they do like check out their five links in the video description uh if you want to have something professionally printed uh like i can recommend all three of these uh like don't be ashamed to reach out to them to see if they can help you with what you want to have and when comparing this to to my printed copy of this one uh i'm gonna i'm gonna do some detail shots here so you can see look at the detail difference you can see how mine has these rings you have visible layer lines the one from panda printer has none of that the detail is top-notch so friends i hope you had a little bit of fun with me today for me this was a really fun comparison to see sort of like the high-end printers and what the quality they put out is compared to my cheap home ones with my next to no skill and the reason why maybe i still enjoy purchasing miniatures over printing them myself and painting the purchased miniatures none of these are still available to buy but they are available for pre-order it's a few months in the future so i will put that link in the video description but i want you to focus more maybe on if you're interested in getting professional prints or maybe you don't have a printer at home and want a really cool 3d file printed like reach out to these guys the quality is just ace it's bonkers good and the comparison for me was a clear indication that i either need to a work up my skill or you get a more expensive printer which is not gonna happen until i get more skill but if you had a little bit of fun smash the like button subscribe if you want to see more videos every week and a massive shout out to all of my top patreon supporters who just keep pledging month in month out to make sure i can make these videos and make sure that they are available for free to everyone else you guys are the real mvp special thanks to my top patrons mark richard jonas brandon nicholas christopher jonah and guy i seriously love you guys you're amazing if you want to support this channel you can either do like them pledge a few dollars or you can pick up any of the stuff that you use when you hobby through my amazon affiliate links i have those in the video description and on my website and have explanations on all of the stuff that i use and why i use them so feel free to check that out and with that said have a great day bye
Channel: Squidmar Miniatures
Views: 935,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, miniature painting, painting warhammer, age of sigmar, squidmar, warhammer 40k, dungeons & dragons, d&d, how to paint warhammer, space marines, squidmar miniatures, emil nyström, airbrush, vallejo, citadel color, 3d printing, fiverr, fiverr warhammer, miniature busts, solus 3d printers, asiga 3d printer
Id: jYPJI1Xib0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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