How Much Does a Loft Conversion Cost in 2023

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I've just completed this Loft conversion in London and I'm going to show you exactly how much it cost I spent 995 pounds on a measured survey to get my planning drawings done I spent a thousand pounds on the architect 207 pounds on the planning application 1 351 pounds on building control 450 pounds on a structural engineer that brings the total of the design element to four thousand and three pounds I paid three thousand pounds for the scaffold including that tin lid Windows 445 pounds that was one in the bedroom one in the bathroom there are two veloxes which were 332 pounds for two the Skylight was 320 pounds and the roof itself included all the materials and labor was 4 100 pounds my externals were 5 197 pounds now the builders portion of the labor was 19 820 pounds about two grand of that was in the strip out the materials were pretty much exactly the same cost as the labor it was 9940 pounds included the insulation the timber the plasterboards uh the cabling and the wiring Plumbing everything that goes into kind of Builder supplied element of the construction I bought the actual sockets and switches that was 180 pounds my two fancy pendants they were from John Lewis they were 60 pounds each so 120 pounds two doors they're 100 pounds total 50 pounds each and I bought them at auction in the dado rail with 325 pounds now if we look in the ensuite my pink tiles were 230 pounds they were 46 Pounds a meter squared the white tiles on the other hand only five pounds a meter squared May cost me 100 pounds if I had to employ the Tyler to install them with a bit of material so the grout a bit of edging it was another 720 pounds to finish off the ensuite that brings my grand total for the tiling to 1030 pounds spent some big money on the sanitary wear that was 1460 pounds that includes the mirror cabinet the toilet the shower enclosure the shower tray uh the Taps the shower the mixer valves everything radiators I bought two radiators and one one black electric towel round they came to 321 pounds giving me a grand total for the sanctuary where 1781 pounds lovely Timber floor that was 31 Pounds a meter squared 858 pounds for the lot the carpenter to install it was 360 pounds the stair runner the carpet was 820 pounds brings the total for the flooring to 2038 pounds decorating the mastic and the repair work that was another 860 pounds there's a couple of miscellaneous costs that I couldn't really put my finger on one of it was the fire alarm which was interconnected through the whole flat and a couple of costs that were kind of across the whole thing not just the Loft so I've apportioned 500 pounds to that on top of that I had skips and I would say about two and a half of those skips were attributable to The Loft that's another 1015 pounds in waste a total between the miscellaneous and the waste of 1515 pounds that brings us to a grand total of 59 000. 929 pounds 40 Pence for the Loft the most important from that is to work out what our pound per square footage is so the Loft space is 281 square feet so my cost per square foot is 213 pounds per square foot so whatever Loft size you want to build you can multiply this out new build apartments are built at about 240 pounds a square foot so I've done all right at 213 considering that it's all kind of new build I would say the specification level is definitely upper tier and I definitely spent more on the sanctuary and the flooring than maybe I needed to overall I'm really happy with the results also check out my other video on this project it shows you exactly how much money I have invested and how much it makes me drop time
Channel: Charlie Van den Berg
Views: 6,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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